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In the present contribution, we characterise law determined convex risk measures that have convex level sets at the level of distributions. By relaxing the assumptions in Weber (Math. Finance 16:419–441, 2006), we show that these risk measures can be identified with a class of generalised shortfall risk measures. As a direct consequence, we are able to extend the results in Ziegel (Math. Finance, 2014, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mafi.12080/abstract) and Bellini and Bignozzi (Quant. Finance 15:725–733, 2014) on convex elicitable risk measures and confirm that expectiles are the only elicitable coherent risk measures. Further, we provide a simple characterisation of robustness for convex risk measures in terms of a weak notion of mixture continuity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study option pricing under a regime-switching exponential Lévy model. Assuming that the coefficients are time-dependent and modulated by a finite state Markov chain, we generalise the work in Momeya and Morales (Method Comput Appl Probab, 2014, doi: 10.1007/s11009-014-9399-2), and Siu and Yang (Acta Mathe Appl Sin 2:369–388, 2009), that is, we use a pricing method based on the Esscher transform conditional on the information available on the Markov chain. We also carry out numerical analysis, to show the impact of the risk induced by the underlying Markov chain on the price of the option.  相似文献   

K. Larsen, M. Soner and G. ?itkovi? kindly pointed out to us an error in our paper (Cvitani? et al. in Finance Stoch. 5:259–272, 2001) which appeared in 2001 in this journal. They also provide an explicit counterexample in Larsen et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.02087, 2017).In Theorem 3.1 of Cvitani? et al. (Finance Stoch. 5:259–272, 2001), it was incorrectly claimed (among several other correct assertions) that the value function \(u(x)\) is continuously differentiable. The erroneous argument for this assertion is contained in Remark 4.2 of Cvitani? et al. (Finance Stoch. 5:259–272, 2001), where it was claimed that the dual value function \(v(y)\) is strictly concave. As the functions \(u\) and \(v\) are mutually conjugate, the continuous differentiability of \(u\) is equivalent to the strict convexity of \(v\). By the same token, in Remark 4.3 of Cvitani? et al. (Finance Stoch. 5:259–272, 2001), the assertion on the uniqueness of the element \(\hat{y}\) in the supergradient of \(u(x)\) is also incorrect.Similarly, the assertion in Theorem 3.1(ii) that \(\hat{y}\) and \(x\) are related via \(\hat{y}=u'(x)\) is incorrect. It should be replaced by the relation \(x=-v'(\hat{y})\) or, equivalently, by requiring that \(\hat{y}\) is in the supergradient of \(u(x)\).To the best of our knowledge, all the other statements in Cvitani? et al. (Finance Stoch. 5:259–272, 2001) are correct.As we believe that the counterexample in Larsen et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.02087, 2017) is beautiful and instructive in its own right, we take the opportunity to present it in some detail.  相似文献   

Based on the time-varying regression model of Chow et al. (J Comp Econ 39(4):577–583, 2011. doi: 10.1016/j.jce.2011.06.001), this paper simultaneously analyzes the ebb and flow of change by China and the U.S. as leading players in relation to their comovement on various Asian stock markets. We include several important controls for worldwide economy performance, the stock market return rates of major importing nations, and linear/non-linear time trend fixed effects to stress the influence of China and U.S. on eight Asian economies. The empirical results indicate the increasing influence of the China stock market during the subprime mortgage crisis. Moreover, the U.S. market remains influential on the Chinese region, but loses/decreases its influence, especially on the Four Asian Tigers, significantly during/after the subprime mortgage crisis.  相似文献   

Motivated by two recent papers of Asness et al. (J Portf Manag Fall 40(5):75–92, 2014; J Portf Manag Fall 42(1):34–52, 2015), we investigate whether momentum and value strategies outperformed a buy-and-hold strategy in the three biggest German equity indices, DAX, MDAX, and SDAX from 1988 to 2015. Our findings show that a momentum premium was present only in the SDAX and that value strategies did not work in any of the three indices. Consequently, we conclude that at least the DAX and MDAX are efficient indices and that some supposedly abnormal returns could be illusionary, as limits to arbitrage obstruct any profitable exploitation in practice. Finally, we find a negative correlation between momentum and value in the DAX and show that mixing both strategies can substantially decrease a portfolio’s risk.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to provide a short summary of the study that obtained the ITAX Ph.D. Award in 2017 (Kishishita, in: Emergence of populism under risk and ambiguity, 2017. https://ssrn.com/abstract=3006550). This study is a game-theoretic analysis of populism using a dynamic elections model with information asymmetries. The main focus is the effect of uncertainty voters face about an elite’s degree of bias on the emergence of populism. Interestingly, its effect is different depending on the source of the uncertainty. In particular, an increase in risk and that in ambiguity (Knightian uncertainty) work in the opposite directions with higher ambiguity rather than risk being a significant source of populism.  相似文献   

Market capitalization relative to assets under management is often used to value asset management firms. Huberman’s (2004) dividend discount model implies that cross-sectional variations in this metric are explained by cross-sectional differences in operating margins, and yet we find no evidence of this in our data set. We show that a superior model—inspired by the work of Berk and Green (2004)—includes also the level of fees as an explanatory variable. This approach dramatically increases the fit of our valuation model and casts doubt on the relevance of the so-called Huberman puzzle.  相似文献   

Nie and Rutkowski (Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance 18:1550048, 2015; Math. Finance, 2016, to appear) examined fair bilateral pricing in models with funding costs and an exogenously given collateral. The main goal of this work is to extend results from Nie and Rutkowski (Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance 18:1550048, 2015; Math. Finance, 2016, to appear) to the case of an endogenous margin account depending on the contract’s value for the hedger and/or the counterparty. Comparison theorems for BSDEs from Nie and Rutkowski (Theory Probab. Appl., 2016, forthcoming) are used to derive bounds for unilateral prices and to study the range for fair bilateral prices in a general semimartingale model. The backward stochastic viability property, introduced by Buckdahn et al. (Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 116:485–504, 2000), is employed to examine the bounds for fair bilateral prices for European claims with a negotiated collateral in a diffusion-type model. We also generalize in several respects the option pricing results from Bergman (Rev. Financ. Stud. 8:475–500, 1995), Mercurio (Actuarial Sciences and Quantitative Finance, pp. 65–95, 2015) and Piterbarg (Risk 23(2):97–102, 2010) by considering contracts with cash-flow streams and allowing for idiosyncratic funding costs for risky assets.  相似文献   

This study examines how financial reporting quality affects corporate dividend policy. We find that higher quality reporting is associated with higher dividends. This positive association is more pronounced among firms with more severe free cash flow problems and among firms with higher ownership by monitoring-type institutional investors. Further analysis of the relation between reporting quality and under?/over-payment of dividends suggests that reporting quality largely mitigates underpayment of dividends. Additionally, both a granger causality test and a difference-in-difference analysis of dividend changes around a quasi-exogenous reporting event yield evidence consistent with the direction of causality going from financial reporting to dividends. Overall, these findings are consistent with financial reporting quality acting as a governance mechanism that induces managers to pay dividends by disciplining free cash flow problems. Our findings support the view that dividends are the result of enhanced monitoring (Jensen 1986; La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny 2000).  相似文献   

This paper evaluates and compares the performance of three-asset pricing models—the capital asset pricing model of Sharpe (J Finance 19:425–442, 1964), the three-factor model of Fama and French (J Financ Econ 33:3–56, 1993), and the five-factor model (Fama and French in J Financ Econ 123:1–22, 2015)—in the Shanghai A-share exchange market. Our results do not support the superiority of the five-factor model and show that the three-factor model outperforms the other models. We also verify the redundancy of the book-to-market factor and confirm the findings of Fama and French (2015).  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply change of numeraire techniques to the optimal transport approach for computing model-free prices of derivatives in a two-period setting. In particular, we consider the optimal transport plan constructed in Hobson and Klimmek (Finance Stoch. 19:189–214, 2015) as well as the one introduced in Beiglböck and Juillet (Ann. Probab. 44:42–106, 2016) and further studied in Henry-Labordère and Touzi (Finance Stoch. 20:635–668, 2016). We show that in the case of positive martingales, a suitable change of numeraire applied to Hobson and Klimmek (Finance Stoch. 19:189–214, 2015) exchanges forward start straddles of type I and type II, so that the optimal transport plan in the subhedging problems is the same for both types of options. Moreover, for Henry-Labordère and Touzi’s (Finance Stoch. 20:635–668, 2016) construction, the right-monotone transference plan can be viewed as a mirror coupling of its left counterpart under the change of numeraire.  相似文献   

We estimate the costs of equity capital for 117 industries from 16 European countries employing the CAPM and 8 multifactor asset pricing models as well as a variety of different econometric techniques. In doing so, we extend previous research on cost of equity estimation in mainly two ways. First, our study involves European instead of US or UK industries, which are investigated in previous research, and we find that cost of equity estimates obtained from the CAPM or multifactor asset pricing models are as imprecise for European industries as for US and UK industries. Second, in addition to the CAPM, the Fama and French [1993 Fama, Eugene F., and Kenneth R. French. 1993. “Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds.” Journal of Financial Economics 33: 356. doi: 10.1016/0304-405X(93)90023-5[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. “Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds.” Journal of Financial Economics 33: 3–56] three-factor model, and the Carhart [1997 Carhart, Mark M. 1997. “On Persistence in Mutual Fund Performance.” The Journal of Finance 52 (1): 5782. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.1997.tb03808.x[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. “On Persistence in Mutual Fund Performance.” The Journal of Finance 52 (1): 57–82] four-factor model, which are usually employed, our study includes six multifactor models that have not yet been examined on their ability to provide precise estimates of the costs of equity: the five-factor model of Fama and French [1993 Fama, Eugene F., and Kenneth R. French. 1993. “Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds.” Journal of Financial Economics 33: 356. doi: 10.1016/0304-405X(93)90023-5[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. “Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds.” Journal of Financial Economics 33: 3–56] as well as the multifactor models of Pástor and Stambaugh [2003 Pástor, Lubos, and Robert F. Stambaugh. 2003. “Liquidity Risk and Expected Stock Returns.” Journal of Political Economy 111 (3): 642685. doi: 10.1086/374184[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. “Liquidity Risk and Expected Stock Returns.” Journal of Political Economy 111 (3): 642–685]; Campbell and Vuolteenaho [2004 Campbell, John Y., and Tuomo Vuolteenaho. 2004. “Bad Beta, Good Beta.” American Economic Review 94 (5): 12491275. doi: 10.1257/0002828043052240[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. “Bad Beta, Good Beta.” American Economic Review 94 (5): 1249–1275]; Hahn and Lee [2006 Hahn, Jaehoon, and Hangyong Lee. 2006. “Yield Spreads as Alternative Risk Factors for Size and Book-To-Market.” Journal of Financial &; Quantitative Analysis 41 (2): 245269. doi: 10.1017/S0022109000002052[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. “Yield Spreads as Alternative Risk Factors for Size and Book-To-Market.” Journal of Financial &; Quantitative Analysis 41 (2): 245–269]; Petkova [2006 Petkova, Ralitsa. 2006. “Do the Fama–French Factors Proxy for Innovations in Predictive Variables?The Journal of Finance 61 (2): 581612. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.2006.00849.x[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. “Do the Fama–French Factors Proxy for Innovations in Predictive Variables?” The Journal of Finance 61 (2): 581–612]; and Koijen, Lustig, and van Nieuwerburgh [2010 Koijen, Ralph S., Hanno N. Lustig, and Stijn G. van Nieuwerburgh. 2010. “The Cross-Section and Time-Series of Stock and Bond Returns.” Working Paper, University of Chicago, University of California at Los Angeles, New York University. [Google Scholar]. “The Cross-Section and Time-Series of Stock and Bond Returns.” Working Paper, University of Chicago, University of California at Los Angeles, New York University]. Our results suggest that these models provide even more imprecise cost of equity estimates. One main reason for these inaccurate estimates is the large temporal variation of the risk loadings on the non-traded factors in these models.  相似文献   

The recent financial crisis exposed the inability of traditional theoretical and empirical models to parsimoniously capture the rich dynamics of the economic environment. This has stimulated the interest of both academics and practitioners in the development and application of more sophisticated models. By allowing for the presence of nonlinearities, complex dynamics, multiple equilibria, structural breaks and spurious trends, these latter models resemble more closely the properties of economic and financial time series. In this article, we illustrate the flexibility of a family of econometric models, namely the exponential smooth transition autoregressive (ESTAR), to encompass several of the above characteristics. We then re-assess the power of the ESTAR unit root test developed by Kapetanios, Shin and Snell ((2003) Kapetanios, G., Shin, Y. and Snell, A. 2003. Testing for a unit root in the nonlinear STAR framework. Journal of Econometrics, 112(2): 35979. (doi:10.1016/S0304-4076(02)00202-6)[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) in the presence of nuisance parameters typically encountered in the literature and compare its performance with that of the augmented Dickey-Fuller and the Enders and Granger ((1998) Enders, W. and Granger, C. W.J. 1998. Unit-root tests and asymmetric adjustment with an example using the term structure of interest rates. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 16(3): 30411. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) tests. Our results show the lack of dominance of any particular test and that the power is not independent to priors about the nuisance parameters. Finally, we examine several asset price deviations from fundamentals and one hyper-inflation series and find contradictory results between the nonlinear fitted models and unit root tests. The findings highlight that new testing procedures with higher power are desirable in order to shed light on the behavior of financial and economic series.  相似文献   

We consider optimal execution strategies for block market orders placed in a limit order book (LOB). We build on the resilience model proposed by Obizhaeva and Wang (2005 Obizhaeva, A and Wang, J. 2005. Optimal trading strategy and supply/demand dynamics, Preprint Available online at: http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/faculty/obizhaeva/OW060408.pdf (accessed 16 February 2009)[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) but allow for a general shape of the LOB defined via a given density function. Thus, we can allow for empirically observed LOB shapes and obtain a nonlinear price impact of market orders. We distinguish two possibilities for modelling the resilience of the LOB after a large market order: the exponential recovery of the number of limit orders, i.e. of the volume of the LOB, or the exponential recovery of the bid–ask spread. We consider both of these resilience modes and, in each case, derive explicit optimal execution strategies in discrete time. Applying our results to a block-shaped LOB, we obtain a new closed-form representation for the optimal strategy of a risk-neutral investor, which explicitly solves the recursive scheme given in Obizhaeva and Wang (2005 Obizhaeva, A and Wang, J. 2005. Optimal trading strategy and supply/demand dynamics, Preprint Available online at: http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/faculty/obizhaeva/OW060408.pdf (accessed 16 February 2009)[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). We also provide some evidence for the robustness of optimal strategies with respect to the choice of the shape function and the resilience-type.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to distinguish whether the forecast dispersion anomaly is due to Miller’s (J Finance 32(4):1151–1168, 1977) overpricing hypothesis or idiosyncratic risk, by conditioning the sample on “buy” and “sell” consensus recommendations. Observations on the long and short possibilities provided to the investors by the analyst stock recommendations can help us infer on the impact of short sale constraints even though they are not directly observed. This study provides strong evidence that the impact of analyst forecast dispersion is more pronounced in the group of stocks that receive the least favorable recommendations in a given period, even after controlling for the idiosyncratic risk, Fama–French factors (J Financ Econ 33(1):3–56, 1993; J Financ Econ 116(1):1–22, 2015) and even short-sale constraints. These results are consistent with Miller’s (1977) hypothesis, according to which if short-sale constraints bind, high opinion divergence stocks become overpriced and hence have low subsequent returns.  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of service quality in private banking theoretically and empirically and identifies factors which contribute to service quality. A multidimensional and hierarchical model is developed based on the work of Rust and Oliver (in Service Quality, pp. 1–20, 1994) and Brady and Cronin (in J. Mark. 65(3):34–49, 2001). The model is then empirically tested among private banking providers with the partial least squares method. Furthermore, the developed model is compared to other approaches, including Grönroos (in Eur. J. Mark. 18(4):36–44, 1984). Another model for comparison excludes the indirect effects of Grönroos (in Eur. J. Mark. 18(4):36–44, 1984) and focuses on the direct effects on service quality. We can conclude that the model based on Rust and Oliver (in Service Quality, pp. 1–20, 1994) and Brady and Cronin (in J. Mark. 65(3):34–49, 2001) produces the best results and can best explain service quality in private banking. Finally, an analysis of various provider groups is conducted in order to identify differences between private banking providers in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein and between providers with various minimum investment requirements.  相似文献   

Much bankruptcy research has relied on parametric models, such as multiple discriminant analysis and logit, which can only handle a finite number of predictors (Altman in The Journal of Finance 23 (4), 589–609, 1968; Ohlson in Journal of Accounting Research 18 (1), 109–131, 1980). The gradient boosting model is a statistical learning method that overcomes this limitation. The model accommodates very large numbers of predictors which can be rank ordered, from best to worst, based on their overall predictive power (Friedman in The Annals of Statistics 29 (5), 1189–1232, 2001; Hastie et al. 2009). Using a sample of 1115 US bankruptcy filings and 91 predictor variables, the study finds that non-traditional variables, such as ownership structure/concentration and CEO compensation are among the strongest predictors overall. The next best predictors are unscaled market and accounting variables that proxy for size effects. This is followed by market-price measures and financial ratios. The weakest predictors overall included macro-economic variables, analyst recommendations/forecasts and industry variables.  相似文献   

By investigating model-independent bounds for exotic options in financial mathematics, a martingale version of the Monge–Kantorovich mass transport problem was introduced in (Beiglböck et al. in Finance Stoch. 17:477–501, 2013; Galichon et al. in Ann. Appl. Probab. 24:312–336, 2014). Further, by suitable adaptation of the notion of cyclical monotonicity, Beiglböck and Juillet (Ann. Probab. 44:42–106, 2016) obtained an extension of the one-dimensional Brenier theorem to the present martingale version. In this paper, we complement the previous work by extending the so-called Spence–Mirrlees condition to the case of martingale optimal transport. Under some technical conditions on the starting and the target measures, we provide an explicit characterization of the corresponding optimal martingale transference plans both for the lower and upper bounds. These explicit extremal probability measures coincide with the unique left- and right-monotone martingale transference plans introduced in (Beiglböck and Juillet in Ann. Probab. 44:42–106, 2016). Our approach relies on the (weak) duality result stated in (Beiglböck et al. in Finance Stoch. 17:477–501, 2013), and provides as a by-product an explicit expression for the corresponding optimal semi-static hedging strategies. We finally provide an extension to the multiple marginals case.  相似文献   

Event studies typically use the methodology developed by Fama et al. [1969 Fama, E., Fisher, L., Jensen, M. and Roll, R. 1969. The adjustment of stock prices to new information. International Economic Review, 10(1): 121. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]. The adjustment of stock prices to new information. International Economic Review 10, no. 1: 1–21] to segregate a stock's return into expected and unexpected components. Moreover, conventional practice assumes that abnormal returns evolve in terms of a normal distribution. There is, however, an increasing tendency for event studies to employ non-parametric testing procedures due to the mounting empirical evidence which shows that stock returns are incompatible with the normal distribution. This paper focuses on the widely used non-parametric ranking procedure developed by Corrado [1989 Corrado, C. 1989. A nonparametric test for abnormal security price performance in event studies. Journal of Financial Economics, 23(2): 38595. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. A nonparametric test for abnormal security price performance in event studies. Journal of Financial Economics 23, no. 2: 385–95] for assessing the significance of abnormal security returns. In particular, we develop a consistent estimator for the variance of the sum of ranks of the abnormal returns, and show how this leads to a more efficient test statistic (as well as to less cumbersome computational procedures) than the test originally proposed by Corrado (1989 Corrado, C. 1989. A nonparametric test for abnormal security price performance in event studies. Journal of Financial Economics, 23(2): 38595. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We also use the theorem of Berry [1941 Berry, A. 1941. The accuracy of the Gaussian approximation to the sum of independent variates. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 49(1): 12236. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]. The accuracy of the Gaussian approximation to the sum of independent variates. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 49, no. 1: 122–36] and Esseen [1945 Esseen, C. 1945. Fourier analysis of distribution functions: A mathematical study of the Laplace–Gaussian law. Acta Mathematica, 77(1): 1125. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. Fourier analysis of distribution functions: A mathematical study of the Laplace–Gaussian law. Acta Mathematica 77, no. 1: 1–125] to demonstrate how the distribution of the modified Corrado test statistic developed here asymptotically converges towards the normal distribution. This shows that describing the distributional properties of the sum of the ranks in terms of the normal distribution is highly problematic for small sample sizes and small event windows. In these circumstances, we show that a second-order Edgeworth expansion provides a good approximation to the actual probability distribution of the modified Corrado test statistic. The application of the modified Corrado test developed here is illustrated using data for the purchase and sale by UK directors of shares in their own companies.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that fluctuations in transaction volume, as reflected in the number of transactions and to a lesser extent their size, are the main cause of clustered volatility. Under this view bursts of rapid or slow price diffusion reflect bursts of frequent or less frequent trading, which cause both clustered volatility and heavy tails in price returns. We investigate this hypothesis using tick by tick data from the New York and London Stock Exchanges and show that only a small fraction of volatility fluctuations are explained in this manner. Clustered volatility is still very strong even if price changes are recorded on intervals in which the total transaction volume or number of transactions is held constant. In addition the distribution of price returns conditioned on volume or transaction frequency being held constant is similar to that in real time, making it clear that neither of these are the principal cause of heavy tails in price returns. We analyse recent results of Ane and Geman (2000 Ane, T and Geman, H. 2000. Order flow, transaction clock, and normality of asset returns. J. Finance, 55(5): 22592284. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]: J. Finance, 55, 2259–2284) and Gabaix et al. (2003 Gabaix, X, Gopikrishnan, P, Plerou, V and Stanley, H.E. 2003. A theory of power-law distributions in financial market fluctuations. Nature, 423: 267270. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]: Nature, 423, 267–270), and discuss the reasons why their conclusions differ from ours. Based on a cross-sectional analysis we show that the long-memory of volatility is dominated by factors other than transaction frequency or total trading volume.  相似文献   

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