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财政分权与非国有制经济部门的发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分权是中国改革的重要内容,建立社会主义市场经济体制是中国改革的基本目标之一,而非国有制经济部门的发展则是由计划经济向市场经济转轨的重要表现,于是分权能否促进,以及能够在多大程度上促进非国有制经济的发展就成为一个重要命题。本文基于1994年分税制改革以来的省级面板数据,检验了财政分权与非国有制经济发展之间的关系,发现财政分权对于非国有制经济发展的影响呈现出倒U型曲线的特征,说明分权在一定范围内能够促进非国有制经济部门成长,但过度的分权也会抑制其发展。本文的结果也为理解财政分权影响经济增长的作用机制提供了视角。  相似文献   

基于2000-2014年中国31个省级面板数据,运用空间杜宾模型分别考察财政收入分权和支出分权对产业结构升级的空间效应以及由此引致的策略性竞争效应,研究表明:财政分权等经济社会因素存在区域差异,这种差异导致产业结构升级在空间分布上具有显著的异质性特征。财政收入分权和支出分权对产业结构升级的影响呈现出非对称的空间溢出效应。一方面,财政收入分权对本地区产业结构升级的影响并不显著,而支出分权对本地区产业结构升级具有积极影响;另一方面,财政收入分权和支出分权对相邻地区产业结构升级均产生抑制效应,但较之于收入分权,支出分权的抑制效应更为明显。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of fiscal decentralization in a country on the level of corruption. Using a tax competition framework with rent-seeking behavior, it is shown theoretically that fiscal decentralization, modeled as an increase in the number of competing jurisdictions, leads to a lower level of corruption. This result is then tested using a small, cross-country data set. The empirical results are not very strong, but they suggest that the hypothesized relationship between decentralization and corruption may indeed exist.  相似文献   

There have been important developments in the decentralization of the government structure in Turkey since the early 1980s. This paper examines economic development and growth in Turkish provinces. It first discusses local government reforms throughout the history of Turkey with the focus on recent reform efforts. It then empirically analyzes the effects of recent decentralization reforms in Turkish provinces using cross-sectional and panel data approaches as well as spatial econometrics. The panel data set consists of sixty-seven provinces from 1976 to 2001. Using the number of local governments per capita and number of local governments per square kilometer of land to indicate decentralization, the analysis examines whether variations in local decentralization across these provinces and across time have significantly affected economic development and growth in those provinces. The findings suggest a weak negative economic effect of decentralization through a number of municipalities per capita. However, the findings do not show any significant effect from the creation of new provinces by separation from the existing ones.  相似文献   

This paper uses a fiscal decentralisation reform in China – namely, the province‐managing‐county (PMC) reform – to examine the effects of fiscal decentralisation on local economic growth. The PMC reform abolished the subordinate fiscal relationship between prefectures and counties and transferred much of the tax and spending authority from the prefecture to the county level. Exploiting a county‐level panel data set over 2001–11, we find that the reform has led to a significant increase in the GDP growth rate. The effect is considerably more pronounced in regions with superior initial institutional quality. We also identify channels: the PMC reform induced county governments to exert lower tax burdens on firms and increase spending on infrastructure construction.  相似文献   

基于1998~2012年各省的面板数据,利用动态广义矩(GMM)和面板门槛模型实证分析财政分权、社会保障支出对城乡收入差距的影响,结果显示:由于中国城乡二元经济的特殊性,财政分权、人均社会保障支出与城乡居民收入差距均成正相关性.但社会保障支出对城乡收入差距的影响存在基于财政分权的双门槛效应,当财政分权水平较低时,社会保障支出的增加加剧了城乡收入差距;当财政分权高于一定水平时,社会保障支出有助于缩小城乡收入差距.  相似文献   

高度集中的政治管理体制下的财政分权使得中国财政分权对地方政府行为所产生的激励与西方国家不同。使用2002~2009年数据,对中国财政分权与资本配置效率进行理论研究与实证分析,结果表明:财政分权程度的提高对资本配置效率产生了阻碍作用,中国式分权所引致的地方政府规模扩张等行为扭曲是导致财政分权与资本配置效率负相关的主要原因。为此,应改革政绩考核指标、完善税收体系、调整财权分配制度。  相似文献   

Introduction: Fiscal Aspects of Evolving Federations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There has been a resurgence of interest, in many parts of the world, in problems of multilevel government finance. Recent and ongoing political and economic developments raise questions about the role of the nation, subnational governments, and supranational public authorities in the provision and financing of public-sector programs. This paper presents an overview of these developments that may assist in understanding some of the motivation behind the articles presented in this special issue and in appreciating some of their potential applications. The articles are briefly summarized, and some issues that remain on the agenda for future research are identified.  相似文献   

本文首先指出了已有的关于中国贸易收支顺差文献的一个重大缺陷,即遗漏了决定性的解释变量财政分权,从而其结果的无偏性和一致性值得怀疑;然后发展了一个中国式的财政分权对于中国贸易收支顺差影响的理论机制,并对1980-2005年的数据采用多变量的Johnsen协整方法进行了实证检验,得出:中国式的财政分权是贸易收支顺差的制度性根源,它对我国的贸易收支顺差具有显著的正效应,而人民币升值不但不能减轻贸易收支顺差,反而加剧了贸易收支顺差。  相似文献   

This article makes use of panel data for 31 provinces between 1985 and 2010 and specifies a dynamic panel model to investigate the determinants of local government size in China and achieved several conclusions: (1) the fiscal decentralization since TSS reform in 1994 has increased the local government size; (2) budgetary transparency has a U-shape nonlinear effect on local government size; (3) fiscal revenue is the important factor to drive the overexpansion of local government size in China; and (4) local government size has a strong dependence of past path.  相似文献   

对中国财政分权度的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以财政分权理论述评为基础,文章构建了支出法财政分权度衡量指标,计算并分析了中国总体和分省财政分权度.研究发现:中国总体财政分权度已接近或达到最优水平;东、西、中部财政分权度依次递减;财政分权地区差异较大,西部地区财政分权不均衡现象尤为严重;各地区财政分权度缓慢收敛.文章较客观完整地反映了我国财政分权状况,指明了我国未来财政分权化改革的方向在于局部分权程度的调整而非整体分权程度的扩大.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom suggests a negative relation between financial distortions and economic growth. This paper incorporates the financial premium, a good proxy for the degree of restrictions on financial transactions, into a standard AK-type endogenous growth model. The analytical results suggest that such a relationship does not exist. Economic growth is insulated by the financial premium, contrasting with previously held beliefs. Agents' patience and the attitude of relative risk aversion are noteworthy in explaining the effects of external distortions on economic growth. Our findings may apply to economies with parallel exchange markets.  相似文献   

This paper explores a question that lies at the intersection of two vast literatures. The goal is to gauge whether the good side of fiscal decentralization, as emphasized by the Tiebout literature, dominates the bad side, as studied in the tax-competition literature. The results, which are derived by numerical simulation, show that either answer to this question is possible. Under favorable conditions, where the curvature of the production function and the dispersion of preferences are both high, the gains from Tiebout sorting are likely to outweigh the loss from the capital-tax distortion, so that the good side of fiscal decentralization dominates. If either of these conditions is absent, however, the bad side can win, making decentralization undesirable. When this happens, the lessons of the Tiebout tradition are overturned, with economic efficiency requiring centralized rather than decentralized provision of public goods.  相似文献   

财政支农对农业经济增长影响效应受到众多因素影响,其中财政农业救济、农业其它支出对农业经济增长有独立直接效应,农业生产性支出、农业科技支出和农业基本建设支出对农业经济增长有溢出直接效应.财政支农支出对农业经济增长的独立直接效应与溢出直接效应呈现非同向性、多样性、非对称性与动态性发展规律,并受经济增长、居民消费、社会投资的约束效应、财政非农支出的间接效应、农业各税冲销效应的影响制约.  相似文献   

This paper reassesses the sustainability of fiscal policy in India from 1950 to 2010. Overall, the evidence broadly supports the hypothesis that the fiscal policy is "weakly" sustainable and documents a higher speed of adjustment to the intertemporal budget constraint than earlier papers do. Notwithstanding this improvement in the fiscal outlook, the author suggests that India should pursue a policy of fiscal consolidation in the years ahead, both because the ratio of public debt to the gross domestic product is still high compared to other emerging market countries and because "weak" fiscal solvency implies potential adverse consequences on the management of public debt.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze growth and welfare effects of fiscal policy in an endogenous growth model along the balanced growth path. As to the model we assume that sustained per capita growth results from public investment. The government uses its tax revenue for investment in public capital, for investment subsidy and for transfer payments. We then analyze how the balanced growth rate reacts to variations in those policy variables. Further, we study welfare effects of varying the fiscal parameters and demonstrate that, in general, maximizing economic growth is not equivalent to maximizing welfare on the balanced growth path.  相似文献   

Using a panel of 268 European regions during 1990–2014, we document that the degree of local government's autonomy, measured with the “Local Autonomy Index,” has a significant positive effect on the fiscal spending multiplier. The estimated geographic cross-sectional fiscal spending multiplier is on average close to zero in countries with the lowest degree of local autonomy, and around unity in countries with the highest degree of local autonomy. Multipliers are state-dependent: larger when gross domestic product is below trend and when there is slack in the labor market; in those states, local autonomy has a particularly large positive effect on the multiplier. To interpret the empirical findings, we build a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model where both local and central government spending contribute to a public good that enhances private labor productivity. Local governments are more efficient in producing the public good and the multiplier is higher in countries where local government spending has a larger share in the production of the public good.  相似文献   

Tests for the presence of Leviathan, evidenced by a positive relationship between the size of government measured as a percentage of GDP, and the degree of fiscal centralization, have provided mixed results. We derive alternative measures of the size of government taking into account household and informal market activity. Traditional Leviathan models are then re-estimated for an international sample of forty-five countries. Controlling for income, population, intergovernmental grants, and urbanization we test whether fiscal centralization is responsible for the relative size of government. We find no evidence of a relationship between fiscal centralization and government size.  相似文献   

促进中国总需求结构调整的财税政策探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
消费需求、投资需求和出口需求在总需求结构中应保持适当的比例关系,只有消费驱动型的经济增长模式才是有利于中国经济持续、高效、和谐发展的有效选择.目前中国存在消费与投资、内需与外需的矛盾.中国政府应通过建立完善的社会保障体系、政府投资体制以及充分运用出口退税等财税政策,促进中国总需求结构的调整.扩大消费需求并调整投资需求和出口需求的总量与结构,从而实现宏观经济持续、稳定、和谐发展的目标.  相似文献   

从理论层面系统地诠释了财政纵向失衡对绿色全要素生产率的作用机理,然后利用2004-2016年266个地级市的面板数据,采用两阶段最小二乘法考察了财政纵向失衡对中国绿色全要素生产率损失的影响机制.研究发现:财政纵向失衡显著抑制了我国城市绿色全要素生产率水平;中间机制分析表明,资本价格扭曲和劳动力价格扭曲是财政纵向失衡阻碍绿色全要素生产率水平提高的主要中介变量;财政纵向失衡对绿色全要素生产率水平的抑制作用存在着地区和时间差异.  相似文献   

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