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In this article, we investigate the relationship between financial intermediation and economic growth in China by employing system Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimators for dynamic panel data from twenty-eight Chinese provinces over the period 1978–2008. Our empirical results show that various measures of financial development are generally associated with economic growth. More specifically, the size and depth of the financial sector significantly influence economic growth. However, household saving is found to have a negative, but insignificant, effect on economic growth. Finally, we find that although several control variables show the expected signs, they are not always statistically significant. Human capital, openness to trade, and inflation positively influence economic growth.  相似文献   

We examine the determinants of financial sector development in Asia and the Pacific from 1995 to 2011. In terms of economic growth, over the last twenty years the region has outperformed other parts of the world and has also experienced major developments in its traditionally bank-dominated financial system since the 1997 Asian financial crisis. We apply the dynamic generalized method of moments to a panel data set of twenty-six economies in the region. The estimations were done for the whole panel as well as for subpanels of developed and developing economies. We find that better governance and institutional quality foster financial sector development in developing economies while economic growth and trade openness are key determinants of financial depth in developed economies.  相似文献   

基于金融发展理论分析信托业发展的经济效应传导机制,在数据可收集的前提下,采用2004-2018年我国各省市信托公司的面板数据,运用静态面板数据模型和动态面板数据的系统GM M估计方法对信托业发展和经济增长的关系进行实证分析,结果显著证明了信托业发展能促进经济增长,反映信托业发展的重要指标——新增集合信托规模、数量以及实收信托规模的增加能显著提高人均GDP增长率和GDP增长率.因此需大力发展我国信托业,回归"受人之托,代人理财"的信托本源,提高信托业发展质量,推动经济增长.  相似文献   

吉林省经济增长与金融发展的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用1985—2010年时间序列,实证分析吉林省经济增长与金融发展规模、金融效率的关系,以及吉林省与全国经济增长差距、金融发展规模差距、金融效率差距间的关系。结果表明:吉林省金融发展规模是促进经济增长与提高金融效率的重要原因;而吉林省与全国经济增长差距、金融发展规模差距及金融效率差距虽然存在长期稳定的关系,但金融规模差距对经济增长差距的影响为负。  相似文献   

金融发展与经济增长的关系是金融发展理论的核心问题,目前,学术界对二者的关系仍存争议.本文首先从理论层面回顾了金融与经济之关系的产生和演变路径,在此基础上,梳理总结了关于金融与经济关系的主要学术观点以及实证研究领域,最后,提出了未来的研究趋势和有待深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

The uneven spatial distribution of economic and financial activities in China has long been a concern of both researchers and policy makers. While most previous research focuses on China’s regional disparities measured using provincial data, this article investigates intra-provincial disparities which reflect the dispersion among cities within a given province. Using data on 282 prefecture-level cities in 25 provinces from 2003 to 2012, the relationship between economic disparity and financial disparity is investigated, after which the effects of the intra-provincial disparities on provincial economic growth are examined. It is found that intra-provincial financial disparity and economic disparity are positively correlated. The results also show that intra-provincial economic disparity has no effect on provincial economic growth. The intra-provincial financial disparity, however, has a negative effect on the local economic growth rate. Therefore, developing financial inclusion and narrowing financial disparity are important measures to maintain sustainable and inclusive economic growth.  相似文献   

文章通过对古今中外的文献比较研究,发现经济一词,均包含着要讲德性,讲善待他人,讲“已所不欲,勿施于人”。所不同的是,西方的经济始于家庭管理,即从微观开始,到近代才发展到宏观,到治理天下,其路径由“齐家”到“治国”;中方的经济始于治理天下,即从宏观开始,到近代才发展到微观,到以人为本,其路径由“治国”到“齐家”。而作为经济中最为活跃的金融,其组成内容货币、信用、金融机构,在不同的条件下所起的作用、所显现的价值和所受到的境遇也是不同的。最后,就如何处理好经济和金融之间的关系,提出了一些看法和建议。  相似文献   


In this article, we estimate the effect of China’s regional financial development on total factor productivity (TFP) growth using large provincial panel data for the years 1990 to 2009. Using the nonparametric stochastic frontier data envelopment approach, we analyze how financial development is related to efficiency improvement and technological progress, the two components of TFP. The study shows that Chinese financial development plays a significant role in promoting TFP growth via technological progress rather than efficiency change. The faster the financial development takes place, the better it could correct the mismatch of resource allocation, thus promoting TFP growth. The results imply that China needs to both further optimize the allocation of financial resources and perfect the regional financial system.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between China’s industrial structure, economic position, and air quality. The PM2.5 emission is used as the air pollution indicator, the gross regional product (GRP) and the proportion of secondary industry as the local economic indicators, and the power generation and the freight volume as the developmental indicators of important industries. Using the panel data model, this article provided evidence that the GRP has positive effect on the PM2.5 emission and the power generation has a significant impact as well in several cities. But freight volume could not increase the PM2.5 emission significantly in most regions of China.  相似文献   

金融核心的功能就在于遴选出最具创新精神的企业家,并通过支持企业家的创新和创业活动,进而增加就业、提高效率以实现经济增长。通过构建相关的理论模型,并利用中国1999~2008年的省份数据对金融发展与企业家精神实证分析得出,金融只有支持具有创新精神的企业家,才能有效地促进人均收入水平的提高和创造更多的就业机会,并能有效改善收入分配状况。因此,中国下一步金融改革的突破口应该是构建有利于培育和支持企业家进行创新活动的金融体系。  相似文献   

本文利用1999--2010年我国30个省市的面板数据,对金融中介、企业家精神和区域经济增长之间的关系进行了实证研究。实证结果显示:金融中介发展尤其是效率的提高,对经济增长有直接的推动作用,但其增长效应存在地区差异;企业家精神能够促进经济增长,但企业家创新精神的经济增长效应远低于创业精神的经济增长效应;金融中介发展主要通过支持企业家创业活动促进经济增长。  相似文献   

以经济增长中的收敛性理论为基础,运用面板数据分析方法考察中国区域经济增长和收敛性问题:通过标准差和变异系数,对我国省际间σ趋同情况进行分析;并在MRW分析框架的基础上,采用面板数据模型,对中国省际间以及东中西部三大经济地带内部经济增长情况进行实证分析。结果表明:我国省际之间经济并不存在绝对收敛,即落后省份经济的增长并不比发达省份快;但是存在条件收敛性。  相似文献   

本文通过把我国经济发展划分为前工业化、工业化和后工业化三个时期,进而在每个时期背景下,结合当时的生产力条件和政策方针,研究经济和二元金融的发展演化状况。通过分析发现:我国二元经济结构的形成是由经济发展内生驱动、外部制度冲击以及国家战略政策推动共同促成的;而我国城乡二元金融结构则是二元经济结构的必然产物。由此,本文提出了统筹城乡经济和金融协调发展的建议。  相似文献   

广佛肇金融发展差异与经济增长因果关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域金融发展与经济增长的因果关系一直是研究和争议的热点话题。对近二十年广佛肇三地及其经济圈金融发展与经济增长进行实证分析的结论表明,广佛肇三地金融发展对经济增长的效应不太显著,但经济增长差距导致金融发展差异效应明显,经济圈经济一体化更有利于金融一体化发展。因此,广佛肇经济圈应更好地规划经济一体化发展,更好地配置经济圈内金融资源,提高金融发展与经济增长的互动效应。  相似文献   

Using cross-national panel data, we examine the evolution of the informal economy through the course of economic development. Borrowing from previously published informal economy estimates for 141 countries over the period 1984-2009 and using panel data estimation techniques, we investigate the relationship between informal economy and the level of economic development, proxied by gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Our findings suggest that institutional quality strongly interacts with this relationship. Specifically, we find that a higher GDP per capita is associated with a larger informal sector size in countries where the institutional quality is low. The opposite is true in countries with good institutions. These results are also in line with a two-sector dynamic general equilibrium model.  相似文献   

西安地区金融支持"三农"面临贷款需求大额化、长期化、信贷支持领域多元化、金融服务方式多样化的新形势。但农村信贷市场存在涉农贷款难以满足需求、金融机构进入农村信贷市场的意愿不强、金融机构与农户之间的信息不对称等问题。应坚持统筹兼顾,进一步完善农村金融组织体系;贴近"三农"实际,优化农村金融的功能定位与服务;减少资金分流,有效增加农村信贷资金投入。  相似文献   

转变经济增长方式将成为我国“十一五”经济发展规划的重要内容之一。但是,就河南省丽瓦蕊优势而言,发展以劳动密集型的产业和企业为主,仍是今后相当一段时间的战略选择。近年来,以拉大金融宽度和厚度的我国金融改革步伐明显加快,这必将对河南经济增长产生重大影响。为应对金融变革,并以此促进经济增长,河南省各级政府一是要注重建立良好的金融支持体系,此举对内生性经济增长至关重要;二是要通过信息揭示,帮助企业运用多种金融渠道融通资金;三是建立良好的金融生态环境,吸纳更多的市场金融资源。  相似文献   

We study the effect of the sovereign credit ratings on the economies of seven East Asian countries, applying panel vector autoregression (VAR). We find that rating has less effect than outlook of rating on the credit default swap (CDS) spreads, the stock indexes, and the GDP growth rates. Rating upgrade and positive outlook have stronger effects than rating downgrade and negative outlook, and the effects of positive outlook and rating are greater after the financial crisis. There is evidence of contagion in that the economic variables of a country seem to have been affected by the outlooks of the other countries.  相似文献   

根据构建新发展格局要求,建立经济高质量发展评价指标体系,并将其细分为经济发展强度、合理化及外向性三个维度,进一步运用MF-VAR模型探究金融发展对经济高质量发展不同维度的具体支持效应。结果显示:金融发展能够迅速刺激经济发展强度的提升,对技术创新支持效应显著;而其对发展合理化的影响则最为显著且持久,即稳定的金融市场仍是经济长期协调发展的重要助力。特别地,金融规模的持续扩大会抑制发展强度,但对发展合理化及外向性水平的影响微弱,因此应防范可能出现的过度金融化问题。  相似文献   

在Uzawa(1965)、Lucas(1988)和Jones(1995)内生增长的模型的基础上,引入金融创新部门,研究了金融创新、R&D与经济增长的关系。金融创新直接影响经济增长率,还会通过对技术创新的影响,间接地影响到经济的增长。同时,三部门人力资本分配的变动受到生产函数中参数的影响。不同的金融创新产品对R&D和经济增长的影响也有所不同。  相似文献   

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