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Whether a decision group does its function or not directly depends on the rationality of its characters. The decision science, also with other correlation disciplines, wants to know how the group characters affect the group performance. Although there are great deals of means to describe the group characters theoretically and practically, in this paper, we consider that the integrity character of a group is composed of the group scale, the constitution and the structure. So the research on how group characters affect the group performance should focus on the three aspects. In order to grasp the present research situation and clear the prospective direction of the studies, we will summarize the study on how the group characters affect the group performance from these three aspects.  相似文献   

There is a recognition of 99%of economic enterprises in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic(PDR)is smalland medium-size enterprise(SMEs)and 94%of employment.It...  相似文献   

Most people today would argue that corruption is bad for countries' economic development. Yet, we still lack a reliable empirical estimate of the effect. This study addresses the econometric shortcomings of the literature and provides an estimate of the causal impact of corruption on gross domestic product per capita across countries. Certain dimensions of a country's culture are used as instruments for corruption. These instruments stay strong when the other deep determinants of economic development, geography, and the remaining dimensions of institutions and culture are controlled for. In the process of choosing controls, however, the entire set of variables available in the Quality of Governance online database (QOG) that includes all central variables from the literature on institutions and culture are included. It is found that corruption does exert a significant and negative impact on countries' productivity levels.  相似文献   

Global temperatures have increased at a historically unprecedented pace. This paper finds that the negative effect of temperature on output in countries with hot climates runs through reduced investment, depressed labor productivity, poorer human health, and lower agricultural and industrial output. We find that hot low-income countries suffer the largest costs. In a median low-income country, aggregate output is about 2 percent lower and investment is about 10 percent lower seven years after a 1 degree increase in average annual temperature. We also find that economic development, in general, helps to shield countries from temperature shocks, with hot regions in high-income countries on average sustaining less economic damage from rising temperatures than hot regions in low-income countries.  相似文献   

Differences in individual wealth holdings are widely viewed as a driving force of economic inequality. However, as this finding relies on cross‐sectional data, a concern is that older is confused with wealthier. We propose a new method to adjust for age effects in cross‐sections, which eliminates wealth inequality due to age, yet preserves inequality arising from other factors. Using a new cross‐country comparable database, we examine the impact of age adjustments on wealth inequality across countries and over time. We find that the most widely used method yields a substantially different picture of age‐adjusted wealth inequality than our method.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how a country's degree of economic development affects the impact of banking crises on international trade. To this end, we estimate a gravity model of trade using a sample of 139 countries over the period 1975–2012. Our results show that middle income countries are generally the most negatively affected. In contrast, financial turmoil appears to have less impact on bilateral trade flows among high income countries and, more specially, among low income nations. The level of financial development, contract enforcement, as well as the extent of the use of banking credit within international trade all help to explain our findings.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the situation and the comparative advantage of Chinese textile & apparel industry. The negative impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Chinese textile & apparel's competitiveness is that it will alter corporation's pricing strategies and lack of green competitiveness. The positive impact is that it will uphold enterprise competitiveness and upgrade enterprise strategy resilience. Chinese textile and apparel should mix CSR strategy into enterprise production, management, employees' training as well as the marketing in order to improve its competitiveness.  相似文献   

We analyze the evolution of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows to developing and emerging countries around financial crises. We empirically examine the Fire‐Sale FDI hypothesis and describe the pattern of FDI inflows surrounding financial crises. We also add a more granular detail about the types of financial crises and their potentially differential effects on FDI. We distinguish between mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and greenfield investment, as well as between horizontal (tariff jumping) and vertical (integrating production stages) FDI. We find that financial crises have a strong negative effect on inward FDI in our sample. Crises are also shown to reduce the value of horizontal and vertical FDI. We do not find empirical evidence of fire‐sale FDI; on the contrary, financial crises are shown to affect FDI flows and M&A activity negatively.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Barrett (Am Econ Rev 96(2):22–25, 2006) reaches the conclusion that in general the answer to the question in the title is no, except for a special case in which technology adoption involves increasing returns (network externalities). We show in this paper that a focus on the R&D phase in the development of breakthrough technologies can also increase the possibilities for cooperation.  相似文献   

In a seminal paper, Erwin Graue (1939) provides an institutional analysis of the causes and consequences of personal bankruptcy protection in the United States during the period 1900-1937 when bankruptcy procedures were guided by the Federal Bankruptcy Act of 1898 (the Law was revised in 1938). This paper revisits the Graue study in the context of the current recession using a simple institutional economic framework. Consistent with Graue, we begin shortly after the implementation of the Bankruptcy Abuse Protection and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA) and follow its evolution to the present time. Our analysis suggests that, since passage of BAPCPA, both total filings and Chapter 7 filings decreased significantly, however temporarily. Moreover, Chapter 7 filings as a percentage of Chapter 13 filings also temporarily decreased. These results are not only consistent with Graue's analysis, but also demonstrate that the institutional characteristics of bankruptcy law have a profound impact on the decision to file for bankruptcy and the chapter under which a petitioner files.  相似文献   

Previous research provides opposing theoretical arguments regarding the effect of environmental regulation on financial performance. As one important argument, the Porter hypothesis claims that tighter regulation improves financial performance. This study provides empirical evidence on this debated effect. In particular, we employ panel data analysis to examine the effect of Clean Water Act regulation, as measured by permitted wastewater discharge limits, on expected future financial performance, as measured by Tobin’s q, for publicly owned firms in the chemical manufacturing industries. We find that tighter permitted discharge limits lower Tobin’s q; i.e., more stringent Clean Water Act regulation undermines expected future financial performance. By decomposing Tobin’s q into its constituent components—market value and replacement costs—and estimating each component separately, we find that tighter permitted discharge limits lower both components with a larger impact on market value, which implies that investors revise their expectations of the discounted present value of future profits in response to changes in Clean Water Act regulation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the Global System of Trade Preferences among developing countries (GSTP) achieves its intent to increase the trade of capital goods between member countries. For this purpose, trade data disaggregated by the degree of commodity differentiation and various GSTP regional dummies are employed in a gravity equation. Estimation results say that the value of trade between GSTP member countries has increased significantly since the formation of the GSTP in 1989, and the trade of differentiated commodities has increased remarkably compared with other commodities. Therefore, it can be asserted that the mission of the GSTP has been accomplished successfully.  相似文献   

龙头企业商业模式对技术创新具有重要影响,但既往文献中甚少提及,且未深入研究。以厦门汽车—工程机械产业龙头企业为例,从商业模式的构成要素与技术创新的影响因素间的交叉部分入手,分析龙头企业商业模式对于技术创新的影响。研究发现:在龙头企业商业模式中,价值定位决定技术创新起点,价值实现影响技术创新成果,价值保持促进技术创新实现。因此,从企业发展的全局出发,突破现有商业模式,重视企业技术创新,确定龙头企业创新主体地位,营造良好集群创新氛围,应成为产业集群乃至区域经济发展的重要战略选择。  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to ascertain a possible relationship between sectorial financial dependence and the regional industrialization pattern in the backward areas of Southern Italy, the so-called Italian Mezzogiorno. The analysis is based on a definition of financial dependence different to that of Rajan-Zingales in that it is determined as the contribution of internal resources to the financing of firm growth and is measured through the estimation of the LPE standard model augmented by the cash flow variable on a large sample of Italian SMEs observed from 2001–2008. The relationship between sectorial measures of financial dependence and composition of manufacturing in Italian Southern regions is then tested; the analysis shows that firms’ shares of the low financial dependence sectors tend to prevail in manufacturing in the Southern regions.  相似文献   

A growing literature uses media data to explain perception and behaviour in the economic and political context. In this paper, we investigate how media coverage affects political preferences, namely voting intention. For our empirical analysis, we merge 14 years of human-coded data obtained from leading media in Germany with results of the comprehensive German Politbarometer survey from February 1998 through December 2012. In contrast to the existing literature, we do not utilize access to certain media outlets, but use the tonality of articles and newscasts on political parties and politicians based on human coded media data. To account for endogeneity, we employ instrumental variable probit estimations. In addition, we control for a multitude of (internal) personal characteristics, such as age, and gender, as well as for (external) macroeconomic variables, such as business climate, unemployment, and inflation. The results show that media coverage of a political party has a positive and significant effect on the voting intention for this party. When media outlets cover a political party more positively, the electorate has a greater tendency to vote for it. Hence, we conclude that the electoral success or failure of political parties is at least partially caused by the media coverage on them. This hints on the special responsibility of media in democracies.  相似文献   

We examine the heterogeneous productivity impacts of hiring top workers on small and medium-sized enterprises, exploiting matched employer–employee panel data and employing within-firm as well as matching and difference-in-difference estimators. The results provide robust evidence that the productivity impact is stronger for firms with higher absorptive capacity. Technological laggards within an industry benefit more strongly from hiring top workers if their workforce is more well-educated.  相似文献   

A two-stage nonlinear least-squares model (2NLS) with an endogenous treatment effect on recreation trips describes the behavior of recreationists with and without a fishing/hunting license. The proposed 2NLS is applied to the derivation of the policy-relevant average gains in the presence of an endogeneity bias to a license fee implementation program regulated by states. Recreationists who purchased a license are likely to recreate more than are the nonlicensed holders because the regulation may reduce congestions at sites where licensee visit often. The license regulation has a greater impact on the use of natural resources after controlling observed and unobserved confounders which might be correlated with the probability of being a license holder and with the final outcome, the number of recreation trips. We confirm that the individual without a permit regards the recreation trip as less valuable than does the individual having a license permit. We also found that the likelihood of purchasing a license among young adult recreationists is not at the level the states may desire. In addition, the number of trips demanded is more responsive to the nontransportation-related implicit travel cost than to the transportation-related implicit travel cost, although travel implicit costs are price inelastic.   相似文献   

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