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本文应用Kano模型对物流服务的顾客满意度影响因素进行分析,将顾客的不同需求进行区分处理,识别使顾客满意的至关重要的因素,帮助物流企业找出提高顾客满意度的切人点,以便为改善物流服务质量提供决策的依据。  相似文献   

企业物流服务外包决策动因及其关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,物流外包已逐步成为企业物流服务组织策略中的主要运营模式,也是企业实现其资源整合的有效途径。大力推进物流服务的社会化与专业化是国家《物流业调整和振兴规划》的主要任务之一。为了对企业的物流外包行为进行系统分析,首先搭建了企业物流运作的环境框架,提取出了影响企业物流外包决策行为的主导因素。在此基础上,通过对我国境内物流服务供、需双方实体企业的抽样调查分析,运用统计学原理及结构方程相关方法进行研究,明确了各项外包主导动因因素之间的基本关系,旨在为企业从多环境因素角度系统分析、统筹和指导其物流外包行为提供借鉴,也为规范市场的物流外包秩序提供参考。  相似文献   

任春玉  王晓博 《商业研究》2006,(23):192-195
电子商务环境下的物流配送中心选址涉及到多方面的因素,是一项复杂的系统工程。为此,提出了定量化的启发式算法来初步确定电子商务环境下配送中心选址方案。方案的确定是为了决策,因此依据定量计算和定性分析的结果,采用协调分析方法来科学地决策符合电子商务环境下的最优选址方案。  相似文献   

本文以物流服务供应链期望利润最大化为目标,建立集中决策、联合决策模式下物流服务供应链的利润模型,证明了联合决策机制可以实现物流服务供应链的协调。  相似文献   

刘北林  赫莉 《商业研究》2005,(4):131-134
老工业基地的调整与改造,不仅需要宏观政策的指引,也需要具体数学方法的运用来解决具体的问题。基于QFD的物流服务优化模型能够提高企业的核心竞争力,促进老工业基地物流业的发展,推动老工业基地的调整与改造。  相似文献   

薛冰 《商业科技》2013,(31):118-119
随着经济的发展,各个行业对物流的依赖程度开始变得越来越高。在这个时候,物流企业如果能够把握好这个发展机会,为顾客提供满意的物流服务。那么企业不仅能够赚到超额的利润,还能够使企业自身得到增值。那么,如何能够为顾客提供满意的物流服务呢?本文将从物流服务的含义、物流服务能力的构成要素、怎样提高物流服务、提高物流服务的意义这几方面加以研究,使物流企业能够面向顾客,为顾客提供满意的物流服务,从而使自身得到很好的发展。  相似文献   

企业实施逆向物流外包有利于节约和利用资源,提高经济效益,增强企业市场竞争力,促进循环经济的发展,同时,逆向物流外包也潜藏着很多风险,如果决策不当就会使企业蒙受巨大的损失。本文重点分析了影响企业逆向物流外包决策的内外部因素,总结了各种决策方法,为企业进行逆向物流外包的科学决策提供参考。  相似文献   

为有效提升航班延误服务质量,提升旅客满意度,增强航空公司的核心竞争能力,本文运用文献综述和问卷调查等方法设计了影响航班延误服务质量的主要指标,并设计出相关调查问卷,对问卷进行发放、回收,筛选.运用Kano-QFD模型对问卷数据进行分析,得出服务需求重要度排序,根据排序结果对航空公司提出能够提高航班延误服务质量的建议.  相似文献   

李虹 《商业研究》2005,(13):194-197
随着经济的全球化,我国工商企业在竞争日趋激烈的环境下,面临的物流决策问题,对自营物流与外包物流两种物流管理模式进行比较,分析传统物流决策标准与Ballow决策标准存在的弱点,给出了我国工商企业物流作业决策的基本模型。  相似文献   

张宛儿 《消费导刊》2013,(12):81-81
随着现代社会服务经济的发展,各个行业对服务质量的重视程度不断提高,物流服务质量成为顾客对港口服务质量水平的一个重要评价指标。但是我国港口物流服务质最总体水平不高,港口物流服务质量改进显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

丁凯 《江苏商论》2011,(9):57-59
以大规模定制(MC)为背景,根据企业顾客的服务需求,提出了一个基于质量功能展开(Quality Function Deployment,QFD)和TOPSIS(综合距离评价)算法相结合选择物流服务商的新方法。首先依据QFD的方法,对基于顾客需求的物流服务商进行了详细分析,然后运用TOPSIS算法,综合考虑几项指标,从候选物流供应商中选择满足顾客需求的"理想物流服务商"。最后,通过举例验证思路的科学性和合理性。  相似文献   

欧盟作为中国国企海外直接投资的重要阵地,其企业并购制度一直是学术界和实业界的关注焦点。虽然实践中欧委会对涉及中国国企的并购申报几乎都通过了,但是在认定“单一经济体”过程中,除了确认能源行业的所有国企被视为单一经济体之外,对于其他行业,欧委会采用回避态度,以“最坏情形”方式判断,其结论均对国企不利,给国企在欧盟投资的前景投下了阴影。另外,对于特别敏感和具有战略意义的交易,还可能会遭到欧委会基于公众利益和其他政治因素的投资审查。因此,国企应充分准备好实质性证据,证明其在商业决策中有足够的自主权,来反驳在合并评估中可能遭受的反不正当竞争的质疑,应对欧委会对中国国企参与并购交易的系统性歧视。  相似文献   

Customer service online decision-making is subject to the perception of service value based on the interaction between customer cognition and emotion. The study reported in this paper examines the impact of customer cognitive competence on the online service perceived value. Thirty participants were divided into high- and low-cognitive-competence groups based on their responses on the service value perception survey. During the experiment, both groups were shown services that were available for online purchase. Changes in cognitive and emotional late positive potential (LPP) in the occipital and central–parietal region were recorded. In comparison with the customer sacrifice and customer benefit, the service value may elicit greater emotional LPP components in the central–parietal region and shorter cognitive LPPs in the occipital region in the group with high cognitive competence. Our findings present a potential neural mechanism for the impact of consumer cognitive competence on service value perception and decision-making, which may encourage the managers to improve service quality and guide the research of customer behavior and marketing.  相似文献   

This study applies the refined Kano model and importance-satisfaction model to investigate medical institutions' satisfaction with and perceptions of importance of domestic pharmaceutical logistics services. Survey data involving 104 respondents from medical institutions are analyzed with importance-satisfaction and the refined Kano model. The results demonstrate that the refined Kano model will generate different classification of quality attributes for the pharmaceutical logistics industry, and medical institutions with different characteristics really have varying responses to quality attributes of pharmaceutical logistics services. The present research contributes to the literature by demonstrating that provision of high-value-added and crucial quality attributes by service providers can give them an edge in the market. In addition, when service providers understand their customers’ attitudes toward innovative service, it can enable them to strengthen their tactics in a competitive market.  相似文献   

Service experience design, addressing an overall experience problem with user-centered design thinking is a critical issue. This study proposes an integrated model of service experience assessment that addresses the relationship between user value and experience based on the importance and satisfaction concept. Refined improvement index of this study was developed for the determination of improvement priority. The paper then presents an empirical study of 3C (computer, communication, consumer-electronics) retail stores in which the proposed model was used to identify the critical servicescape items requiring improvement, and ranked on the strategies of improvement. The model requires a systematic approach to (i) examine the performance of these retail service processes; (ii) determine the items to be improved; and (iii) select appropriate and feasible strategies to improve these items. This integrated model is valuable for practical implementation in service firms to investigate and prioritize service design actions based on user experience data gathered from service sites.  相似文献   

本文对QFD设计理论进行了介绍分析,并在此基础上建立了清理筛一级质量屋模型,并对清理筛进行了综合竞争能力分析。  相似文献   


This conceptual paper answers the question: How do we design service experiences in whole to increase the well-being of all participants in the healthcare system – patients, families, and caregivers? In order to do so, we position service design as an essential tool and even a mindset needed for transformative service research success. We discuss the transformative role service design plays in improving service and consumer entities’ well-being with a focus on how this approach can lead to improved healthcare service outcomes. We also add to the conversation surrounding service and consumer entities’ well-being by broadening the concept and application of service design to consider social, existential, psychological, and physical well-being. We particularly explore how healthcare services can benefit from further consumer engagement and collaborative patient–provider relationships, two key factors essential for redesigning the industry.  相似文献   

Development of services is a demanding task and requires new perspectives as well as appropriate tools and techniques. This paper forms an overview of the concept of service design, which has recently gained ground. This concept is applied to an empirical study, which explores how professional designers develop services. The main method of the study is participant observation taking place in an architect's office. As a result, the study describes in detail how services are designed in the context of architecture. The study suggests that professional designers apply several methods, which could increase our understanding of service design and service development.  相似文献   

通过对已有文献的梳理并结合网络服务经济环境下服务产品的特点将网络服务产品分为知识产权、内容和资源版权以及数据资产三大类别,并根据不同类别资产的特征先系统分析了其定价的影响因素和评估指标体系;再分别梳理了三类产品传统和新兴的定价模型和方法;最后基于网络服务产品的影响因素和评估指标体系提出了两种探究网络服务环境下服务产品定价的基本模型。  相似文献   

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