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Richard Harris 《Australian economic history review》2000,40(1):22-50
In urban Australia, timber merchants have been the most important of all building supply dealers. In the 1940s they had close ties to sawmillers while providing timber and credit to contractors. A changing business climate forced them to adapt: sawmills and large builders began to deal directly; competition from timber 'substitutes' cut profits; above all, demand from amateur builders soared. Merchants responded by diversifying, relocating, and offering advice and credit, although more slowly than their North American counterparts because of their closer linkages to the timber trade. Targeted at amateurs, these adaptations also helped small commercial operators to remain competitive with a new breed of project builders. 相似文献
一边是航海类专业毕业生供不应求,高级海员缺口越来越大;一边是工科毕业生就业率不到60%.针对这种状况,交通部日前颁布并实施<非航海工科毕业生海员培训管理规定>(简称<规定>),对现有海员培养模式进行改革,允许非航海工科毕业生经过一年海员培训后参加适任考试加入海员队伍.这既可缓解我国高级海员紧缺和工科毕业生就业难的局面,又能扩大我国海员劳务外派规模,为建设一支数量充足、结构合理、素质优良的海员队伍创造条件. 相似文献
Magnus Bohman 《The Scandinavian economic history review / [the Scandanavian Society for Economic and Social History and Historical Geography]》2017,65(2):206-220
The European Early Modern period provides examples of stagnating and even declining production and energy consumption per capita, which can be interpreted as indicators of an emerging crisis. With a focus on agriculture sector, some have suggested that the crisis was ‘conditional’ – meaning that a crisis can only be observed in some cases. This article investigates one such case, a village in Southern Sweden during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and investigates the mechanisms that mediate population growth to deteriorating living standards and environmental degradation. It provides new insights into the conditions of pre-industrial agriculture, particularly as regards the consequences of intensified demand pressure in ecologically fragile areas, and argues that human societies must be studied in tandem with their natural surroundings. 相似文献
Roberto Scazzieri 《Atlantic Economic Journal》1988,16(4):79-87
Conclusion The existence of competing interpretations of classics such as Ricardo, is one aspect of the continuation of distinct lines of inquiry in economic theorizing. This feature of economic knowledge may be related to the fact that theorizing in economics is often characterized by the specialized use of ordinary economic language, so that each theory generally derives its primitive terms from ordinary language through what one might call semantic specialization.Awareness of the history of economic concepts is essential to the interpretation of current economic controversies. Moreover, the history of economic thought should be based upon explicit recognition that alternative patterns of semantic specialization do exist in economic analysis and that distinct lines of inquiry are derived therefrom. Explicit recognition that disagreement is possible is an essential prerequisite for dialogues between distinct lines of research.The collection edited by Caravale is an important contribution which provides impressive evidence of the fundamental role that theoretical beliefs play in matters of textual interpretation. As such, the book is essential reading both to Ricardian scholars and to economists interested in the general issue of how analytical work and intellectual history interact upon each other in the formation of economic knowledge.This review article is part of the exchange of reviews between theAtlantic Economic Journal and theRivista Internatzionale Di Scienze Economiche E Commerciali (International Review of Economics and Business). L. E. Johnson is doing the reciprocal review of this book. The author acknowledges research support from the Italian National Research Council (CT 86.01257.10). 相似文献