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陈萍 《中国品牌》2011,(5):39-39
3月15日,人民网举行了主题为"安全.环保.责任"的第二届"食品行业3.15网上调查"颁奖典礼,三元凭借别具一格的"元时尚"理念和多样化的产品体系,赢得了"网友最喜爱的乳品品牌"荣誉,  相似文献   

8月4日,首届"TOP50广告精英峰会"在北京召开。最终,此次广告精英峰会将最具有文化创新意义的"新锐媒体奖"授予一家以"中奖"为特色的网站——为乐网(www.wele.cn),并授予为乐网"TOP50广告风向标"标牌。  相似文献   

In China's lunar calendar, this year marches to the year of the Ox, "Niu" in Chinese, or "strong" and "prosperous" as the character's meaning. When mentioning China's currency, the RMB, "Niu" is how many people describe it. Actually, it's objective to say that the RMB has performed strongly indeed. We can easily pick up a group of figures to get this conclusion.  相似文献   

On August 17, 2010, NetEase. corn Inc. ("NetEase"), a NASDAQ listed company,made an announcement that the Wrath oF the Lich King ("WLK"), an expansion pact of World of Warcraft ("WOW"), was available for download by players in mainland China.  相似文献   

卡西欧计算机株式会社成立于1957年,其总部在日本东京涩谷区。卡西欧计算机株式会社自2000年开始在中国海关总署对其旗下"CASIO"、"S-V.P.A.M"、"EXILIM"等商标进行了知识产权备案。近年来,CASIO牌计算器遭受较为频繁的侵权。  相似文献   

努力推进课程改革是现阶段职业教育改革的核心,"模块"课程改革是当前职业教育课程改革的新思路.在"模块"课程改革的探索与实践中,"模块"课程的设置重在"活"字上狠下功夫,学生按模块分流重在职业指导、课程内容改革重在突出学生综合职业能力的培养、实施"模块"课程改革重在加强管理、实施"模块"课程改革要突出双师型教师的培养和加强人事制度改革.  相似文献   

The most concerned "Statute on Di rect Selling Administration" and "Prohibition on Multi-Level Marketing" appeared Publicly on September 6. The file has been distributed to governments at all levels. "Statute on Direct Selling Administration" will be executed on December 1 and "Prohibition on Multi-Level Marketing"on November 1.  相似文献   

Red dot design award(红点设计大奖)是国际公认的全球工业设计顶级奖项之一,与德国"iF奖"、美国"IDEA奖"并称为世界三大设计奖.由德国著名设计协会创立,至今已逾五十年历史,总部设在德国.起初,它纯粹只是德国的奖项,但逐渐成长为国际知名的创意设计大奖,并一直被冠以"国际工业设计的奥斯卡"之称.红点奖主要表彰在汽车、建筑、家用、电子、时尚、生活科学以及医药等众多领域取得的成就.参赛类别分为三大领域:产品设计、传播设计和设计概念奖.  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会作出的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》中提出了"市场在资源配置中起决定性作用"这一新理念,具有重大的理论意义和现实意义."决定性"的市场理论为国有企业的深化改革指明了方向.作为流通企业,更应该在"决定性"的过程中发挥好主动性.流通企业在资源配置中是大有可为的.  相似文献   

The Residentie Orchestra (Dutch: Residentie Orkest) is an orchestra from The Hague in the Netherlands. Outside the Netherlands it is often known as The Hague Philharmonic. The name "Residentie" ("Residence") shows that it comes from The Hague, which is where the Dutch parliament meets. The Hague is the "residence of the Queen's parliament", although it is not the capital city of the Netherlands. The orchestra are internationally famous.  相似文献   

沈鑫 《成功营销》2009,(1):20-21
"我知道我的广告费有一半被浪费掉了.但我不知道是哪一半。"美国第一个现代意义上的广告商人约翰·沃纳梅克(John Wanamaker)的这句话作为影响整个20世纪的营销格言.道破了营销管理中最令人头疼的提高有效性问题。一个世纪以来.广告主前赴后继.为的就是填满那"50%"的"营销黑洞"。  相似文献   

Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited ("Standard Chartered China") announced the launch of the 4th "A Legend of the Future-China's Leading Enterprises of Tomorrow Award" ("SME Awards") on June 10, 2009, in Beijinng. Against the backdrop of the-glo-bal-fina-n-cial 'ts-unami, the 4th SME Award aims to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) ride out the financial storm and thrive despite the adverse economic environment.  相似文献   

The concept of "Golden Week" has emerged in response to the development of China holiday economy. As it is the first "NewGolden Week" since the implementation of the new vacation system, the 3-day May Day holiday has affected many aspects.  相似文献   

After thirty yeas "going out" of China overseas investment, we learn from our failed lessons and also successful experience. Chinese enterprises are now standing at a new starting point of "going out". China is transforming from ."capital input power" to "capital output power". With the approval of the National Development and Reform Commission of ER.C., the first China Overseas Investment Fair hosted by China Industrial Overseas Development & Planning Association was convened on November 3rd-4th in China World Trade Center, Beijing. With forceful and orderly preparation since the beginning of 2009, "COI Fair" aims at providing professional service for Chinese enterprises overseas investment, in forms of both exhibitions and forums.  相似文献   

"愤怒的小鸟"怎样成为下一个"超级马里奥" 连线(http://www.wired.com) 你现在几乎不能避开"愤怒的小鸟",每天在Twitter、YouTube和脱口秀节目上都有人在谈论与其相关的话题。  相似文献   

"Brands" and "Channels" are the two most important things in Ku-Hai Chen's eyes when doing business with Mainland China. Ku-Hai Chert, Executive Director of the International Trade Institute of Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), flies frequently between Chinese Taipei and Mainland China, and was in Beijing earlier this month for his seminar.  相似文献   

俗话说"三分技术,七分管理",网络管理包含了计算机网络系统中故障、配置、计费、性能以及安全五大内容.一套计算机网络系统,能否持续正常的运行,关键在于能否对其进行有效的管理.在现有的企业外包"网络"模式下,企业本身没有去重视对自身的网络管理,而同样在高校的课程建设中,对"网络管理"的人才培养却难以普及.  相似文献   

原《经济学人》亚洲版主编吉迪恩.拉赫曼提出这样一个新名词——"拉菲的中国价格"。"中国价格"通常指最低廉的价格,反映了中国制造业的竞争力。但如今在高端市场,也存在一个"中国价格"。  相似文献   

March is what we called "Political Month", since "Two Sessions" will open as scheduled. On March 5, the western presses give great concern to its opening as usual, and even world stock markets rise amid China stimulus hopes.  相似文献   

根据〈JSP程序设计〉课程的特征,结合"任务驱动教学法"的特点、意义以及模式构建,分析"任务驱动教学法"在教学过程中的应用,有助于指导实践.  相似文献   

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