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本文从如何实现"语文新课程标准"对文言文阅读的基本要求,谈了作者在教学中的体会:一、夯实基础,培养学习兴趣;二、教会学生预习和归纳;三、采用灵活多样的教学方法. 相似文献
随着社会经济快速发展,我国对人才的需求不断增长,促使职业教育遭遇改革的挑战.在职业院校计算机平面设计专业中,运用产教结合形式开展教学,可以突破当前教学窘境.因此中职计算机专业应改变传统系统化讲解的教学方式,根据社会发展需求革新教学方式,在计算机专业中运用产教结合的教学方式,提升计算机平面设计专业中学生的实践操作能力,培... 相似文献
在当前信息技术以及互联网技术快速发展的过程中,金融大数据已经成为金融市场当中最重要的一个环节,所以在各高校开展教育教学工作时,金融大数据应用已经成为教学工作的重点.对于我国的各个高职院校来讲,在开设互联网金融专业时需要针对教育工作进行全方位改革,结合当前的金融市场变化、形式和新时期发展背景下所提出的挑战,对专业设置和市... 相似文献
周绿山张巧玲王芬乔昌兵 《化工管理》2022,(4):38-40
化工实训课程是培养应用型化工人才动手能力主要阵地之一,其教学质量关系着学生综合能力的提升。在疫情持续的特殊情况下,化工实训课程实践教学难以进行,为此,文章主要针对疫情下化工实训呈现的突出问题进行了剖析,提出合理的课堂教学建议,并结合课程教学实际进行教学实践探讨,为应用型高素质化工人才培养提供教学策略。 相似文献
中职院校作为国家人才培养的重要基地之一,其计算机是现代信息类技术人才培养的一门重要课程。随着国家对中职教育的越来越高度重视,对教育机制改革的不断深入,许多新的教学方法、教学理念不断渗透到中职计算机教学当中,给中职计算机教学带来了巨大的变革。本文立足于基础迁移教学策略,对中职计算机教学应用基础迁移教学的重要意义与具体应用对策进行了相关阐述。 相似文献
应用化工技术是五年一贯制应化专业的重要组成部分,该专业的教育成果直接影响后期学生的发展方向。通过分析影响无机化学课程教学效果因素,从教学设计、教学应用、教学评价三个方面制定无机化学教学策略,并进行评价。结果表明:无机化学课程教学策略适应于应用化工技术五年一贯制专业学生,能够明显提高学生学习成绩和学习效果。 相似文献
文章探讨了基于文创产品设计的Photoshop教学实践对学生创意能力和设计水平的影响,深入分析了当前文创产品设计Photoshop教学存在的问题,以及基于文创产品设计的Photoshop教学实践。研究发现,基于文创产品设计的Photoshop教学不仅提高了学生对设计软件的熟练运用,同时显著促进了其创意思维和审美能力的发展。 相似文献
文章在对高校化工制图与CAD课程教学现状进行探讨的基础上,通过文献检索法及逻辑法等方法,从备课、课堂教学及成绩评价体系三方面提出了以学生为主体,以培养跨院系、跨学科及跨专业人才为目标的化工制图与CAD课程教学策略。 相似文献
在对浙江省46所高职院校课程网络化建设中存在问题的调查与分析基础上,提出了"注重系统工程建设,实施四项推进策略;注重师资培养工程建设,实施教学互动策略;注重校际联合工程建设,实施课程资源共享策略;注重开源软件工程建设,实施新技术领先策略"等一系列新思路,以期对课程网络化建设工作进行实质性的推进和改革。 相似文献
孟庆勋 《石油工业技术监督》2000,16(8):10-12
名牌从不同的角度看有着不同的含义。实施名牌战略从转变经济体制、转变经济增长方式、参与国际竞争、提高产品质量、加快企业发展、建设企业文化等五个方面有着十分重要的意义。石油企业实施名牌战略,要抓住企业商誉和商标、提高产品档次、建立全方位的营销中快改组改制、加快科技进步突出创新等五个方面做出努力。 相似文献
Colin Camerer 《战略管理杂志》1985,6(1):1-15
Because business policy research has primarily been a series of inductive generalizations of case studies; theories have been typically ambiguous and untested, and have not progressed swiftly. Deductive theorizing, by contrast, yields clear, often non-obvious conclusions that can be debated effectively and generalized slowly; so realism of current models can be sacrificed for progress towards realistic future models. Deductive theorizing, with more attention to a game-theoretic definition of equilibrium and to recent ideas from economics, should be one new direction for policy research. Of course, these deductive models will inevitably draw their inspiration from the richness of careful observation and exhaustive checklist-making that are the hallmarks of induction. Specific avenues for new research are described, and the importance of teaching non-obvious theories is defended. 相似文献
提出了大型项目实现全过程管控的五个阶段,即机会识别与评估阶段,概念选择阶段,方案定义阶段,实施执行阶段,项目运营阶段.为了将项目从最初的机会识别按计划进行到最后的机会实现,应重点做好三方面工作:注重顶层设计,建立项目管理全生命周期的管控策略;重视项目前三个阶段的工作投入,用有效方法保证并最大化项目投资价值;强化基础工作,建立系统全面的项目管理体系,实现项目管理工具的标准化. 相似文献
The concept of statistical power was reviewed, and the power of 44 recently published empirical studies in strategic management was analyzed. Using small, medium, and large estimates of effect size, standardized 0.05 α, and assuming nondirectional nulls, the mean power figures were 0.23, 0.59, and 0.83 for the three levels, respectively. These results were generally similar to findings in other social sciences and were considered particularly important for strategic management research, given the correlational nature of many strategic management investigations and the complexity and evolving stage of the field which make small effect size more likely. Ways to improve statistical power in strategic management research were discussed. 相似文献
The need to access knowledge globally is increasingly driving organisations to form international research alliances. When partners in such alliances reside in different nations, respective government policies may impinge on the strategic development and structure of the alliance. In this paper, we discuss the impact of perceived policy stances on the alliance strategy of research and technology institutes (RTIs) and provide a framework for considering possible alliance strategies. We believe that the choice of alliance strategy will depend upon how the RTI 'frames' its government's policy stance. The influence of 'framing' on the development of research alliance strategy is illustrated with a case study of an alliance between a New Zealand RTI and an American high technology firm in the emerging superconductivity industry. The paper concludes with a discussion of how use of the alliance strategy framework may impact on organisational practice and the development and interpretation of government policy. 相似文献
The logical foundations shaping three prominent streams of strategic management thought are summarized and then compared and contrasted. The intent is to determine whether these research streams are restatements of a single core logic using different terms to describe the same phenomena and relationships, or whether they provide alternate, and potentially competing, explanations for effective strategic action. Analysis reveals some concordant assertions, some similarities across pairs of frameworks, and some fundamental contradictions among the various logic sets. Since key elements in the fundamental premises of each research stream present logical contradictions with each of the other two, a strategy derived from an integration of these perspectives creates inconsistencies in a firm’s enacted context, its assumptions about strategy making, and its administrative arrangements. As circumstances change, a firm may be required to undergo a ‘core logic shift’ to maintain consistency between its strategy and its strategic context. When a shift becomes necessary, a firm needs to overcome structural inertia, competitive inertia, organizational momentum, and its current management logic to maintain internal consistency. Additional implications of the comparison of these three logics for both theory and practice are discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Paul K. Hoch 《R&D Management》1990,20(2):115-121
Interdisciplinary research centres (IRCs) in the UK were originally set up by the UK Advisory Board for Research Councils (the ABRC) to foster cross-disciplinary basic research. This activity was seen to be a fruitful way to help British industry overcome some of its current technological shortcomings. The author describes the strategy pursued by the ABRC in setting up the IRCs, their location, staffing policies, relationship to industry and other characteristics.
The author indicates the problems faced by IRC managements in the present situation. There is financial stringency, they have to ensure continuity of expertise, a problem posed by the ABRC's insistence on a very small permanent core staff at each centre, and they have the difficult task of directing basic research, which has its own internal logic, towards externally defined objectives thought to be relevant to the British national interest.
The author believes that only radical change can guarantee a successful future for the IRCs but is pessimistic that the ABRC's present tactics will procure it. 相似文献
The author indicates the problems faced by IRC managements in the present situation. There is financial stringency, they have to ensure continuity of expertise, a problem posed by the ABRC's insistence on a very small permanent core staff at each centre, and they have the difficult task of directing basic research, which has its own internal logic, towards externally defined objectives thought to be relevant to the British national interest.
The author believes that only radical change can guarantee a successful future for the IRCs but is pessimistic that the ABRC's present tactics will procure it. 相似文献
We agree with Kwan and Tsang (2001) that critical realism represents an important point of epistemological departure from mainstream realism, and that it has the potential to inform strategy research. To that end, Kwan and Tsang's argument for a critical realist perspective is valid. There however exist substantial nontrivial differences between constructivism and critical realism. While critical realism contests some of the default assumptions of empiricism and realism which treat social systems as closed systems, it is still predicated upon an inherent order of things that is graspable by research. Constructivism instead focuses on the manner in which researchers constitute theories in the act of describing them. This important distinction makes constructivism far more of a departure from empiricism than critical realism, and therefore it has a different set of implications for strategy research. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献