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符永鑫  邢苏颖 《商》2012,(8):94-94
城市包容性发展是近年来提出的概念,它能否为我国新型城镇化发展提供新的路径或者成为更高的发展形式,倍受学术界的关注。但是究竟什么是城市包容性发展,在中国新型城镇化发展过程中包容性发展应该主要解决哪些问题,国内外学术界对此问题的研究仍在不断继续。因此,对于城市包容性发展与中国城镇化关系问题的整理,不仅有助于深化对理论问题的认识,而且也能帮助我们运用于实践——真正推动新型城市化发展。  相似文献   

文章基于博弈论视角探讨了城市公共服务供给对流动人口迁移造成的影响,在已有的研究基础上构建完全信息静态博弈矩阵对迁移者与迁入城市间的博弈行为进行分析,并根据博弈矩阵的均衡解得出文章的研究结论———城市公共服务供给水平的高低对吸引高素质迁移者迁入至关重要,后又据此提出了两点对策建议。  相似文献   

项航芳 《商》2014,(33):66-66
文章以S市为例,分析了我国城市流动人口管理方面存在的问题,从管理机制、整治主体和制度工具三方面有针对性地提出了具体的解决对策,对改进城市流动人口管理和服务体系进行了探索与思考。  相似文献   

韩靓 《价格理论与实践》2022,(9):102-105+205
研究营商环境与劳动力就业关系,有助于促进更充分、更高质量就业,以推动经济社会稳定增长。本文运用我国35个重点城市流动人口调查和城市营商环境评价数据,实证检验营商环境对流动人口就业的影响。研究发现:(1)改善营商环境有助于降低流动人口就业难度感知,城市良好的营商环境通常具有更好的就业环境和就业服务,市场活力更强,有利于流动人口的就业选择;(2)改善营商环境各维度均显著降低了流动人口就业难度感知。其中,商务成本对流动人口就业感知的影响最大,其次是市场环境、社会服务和软环境,生态环境和基础设施的影响较小;(3)异质性考察发现,一线城市良好的营商环境显著降低流动人口就业难度感知,并且城市市场环境、社会服务、生态环境以及软环境均发挥重要作用。据此,建议继续打造市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境,以提升城市就业服务能力为突破口,促进流动人口更充分更高质量的就业。  相似文献   

城市流动人口与常住人口的动力变化模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盲日、严格的控制流动人口的数量是不科学的,将导致基础设施的浪费,阻碍经济的发展;当城市常住人口对流动人口的承载能力低下时,盲目的增加常住人口对基础设施的消耗,将使基础设施的利用率下降;只有在减少流动人口和城市常住人口的竞争,而把他们的关系由竞争转化为相互促进、互补的前提下,才有可能达到提高基础设施利用率的目的,从而促进城市经济的增长。  相似文献   

王石河 《北方经贸》2013,(12):176-177
具有包容性的经济增长必须以有包容性特征的城市人力资源为动力.科学的人力资源战略是实现城市经济包容性增长的重要保障,其核心内容包括对平等就业权提供保障、兼顾引进高端人才和包容低端人才、重视人力资源城乡统筹等.  相似文献   

随着改革开放的深入,我国城市化进程步伐不断加快,城市的规模不断增加,城市中流动人口的数量也在不断增加,推动着我国社会经济的发展。同时,城市人口数量增加的同时,给城市的管理工作带来相应的压力和困难。做好城市流动人口的管理工作,为流动人口提供更加优质的服务,保证社会的和谐和稳定。因此,在城市管理的过程中,应当深入分析城市流动人口管理中存在的问题,采取有效的管理措施,提高城市流动人口管理效率。据此,探究城市流动人口管理内容,提出几点有效的管理措施。  相似文献   

This study adopts a multi-level theoretical framework to examine data from 496 entrepreneurs in Ghana. Seven types of innovation activity are analysed against three categories of variables: the characteristics of the entrepreneur, the internal competencies of the firm, and firm location. Across all respondents, the incidence of incremental innovation was far greater than novel innovation. The extent of innovation was related to the education level of the entrepreneur. Firm size and involvement in exporting were positively related to innovation, but firm growth is less systematically so. Innovation was greater in firms located in conurbations compared to firms located in large and small towns. We conclude with suggestions for policy to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in Ghana.   相似文献   

This paper uses affiliate‐level data from Swedish multinationals to examine the impact of tax treaties on both overall affiliate sales and the composition of those sales. In line with previous results, we find little evidence for an effect of treaties on the level of total sales. We do, however, find that a tax treaty increases the probability of investment by a firm in a given country. In addition, we find that a treaty reduces exports to the parent but increases imports of intermediate inputs from the parent. This is consistent with treaties increasing the effective host tax. This suggests that tax treaties impact the behaviour of multinationals along some dimensions but not along others.  相似文献   

Perceptual Variables and Nascent Entrepreneurship   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Using a large sample of individuals in 28 countries, we investigate what variables are significantly correlated with an individuals decision to become an entrepreneur. Following existing literature in economics, we link such a decision to demographic and economic characteristics. In addition, we argue that perceptual variables such as alertness to opportunities, fear of failure, and confidence about ones own skills are also important. Our results suggest that perceptual variables are significantly correlated with new business creation across all countries in our sample and across gender. Although our data do not allow the identification of causal relationships, our findings suggest that, when making decisions, nascent entrepreneurs rely significantly on subjective and often biased perceptions rather than on objective expectations of success. Thus, perceptual variables should be included in economic models of entrepreneurial behavior.JEL CODE: M13, J24, D01  相似文献   

Scott A. Shane is the 2009 winner of the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research. In this article we discuss and analyze Shane’s most important contributions to the field of entrepreneurship. His contribution is extraordinarily broad in scope, which makes it difficult to pinpoint one or a few specifics that we associate with Shane’s scholarship. Instead, they can be summarized in the following three points. First, he has influenced what we view as central aspects of entrepreneurship. Shane has been a leading figure in redirecting the focus on entrepreneurship research itself. Second, he has influenced how we view entrepreneurship. Shane’s research is arguably theory driven and it applies and develops theoretical lenses that greatly improve our understanding of entrepreneurship. Third, he has contributed to how we conduct entrepreneurship research. Shane has been a forerunner in examining relevant units of analysis that are difficult to sample; research designs and databases specifically designed for studying entrepreneurial processes; and sophisticated analytical methods. This has contributed to advancing the methodological rigor of the field. Summing them up, the contributions are very impressive indeed.
Johan WiklundEmail:

Entrepreneurship, innovation, and corruption   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Efforts to control corruption increase levels of trust in the ability of the state and market institutions to reliably and impartially enforce law and the rules of trade. Such trust facilitates the development of arms-length trade and the coordination of complex economic activities. We posit that better control of corruption will also be associated with rising levels of innovation and entrepreneurship. Absent such trust, however, monitoring and other transactions cost should restrict the scale and scope of trade and thus, hamper productivity and investment in innovation and entrepreneurship. Longitudinal data from 64 nations lends support to our propositions, thus helping unpack the puzzling relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation, and corruption.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship and competitiveness dynamics in Latin America   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
This study analyses the relationship between entrepreneurial dynamics and the level of competitiveness in Latin American countries. Based on a stage of economic development model, we demonstrate that Latin American countries under the model followed different paths related to competitiveness. These different paths can explain the effect of specific competitiveness conditions on entrepreneurial dynamics in Latin America.
José Ernesto AmorósEmail:


The purpose of this article is to redirect attention to the role of gender entrepreneurship in global marketing. The value of gender in global marketing through the use of words and behavior is discussed, which helps to integrate the disparate gender, entrepreneurship, and global marketing streams of research. The article suggests that a more gender neutral stance in global marketing is required due to the more fluid and changing understanding about the meaning of gender in society. This enables increased dialogue about gender stereotyping in global marketing to be examined as a way to keep up to date with global trends. Global marketers must confront gender biases as a way of enhancing a more open and inclusive society. The trends in gender and marketing are addressed that help to raise awareness for how to improve global marketing standards.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop two hypotheses: First, regional innovation efforts have a positive impact on regional knowledge based entrepreneurial activity. Second, knowledge based entrepreneurship positively affects regional economic performance. We test these hypotheses using county level data from West Germany, employing a structural equation model to analyze the relationships between latent variables. Our empirical analysis provides evidence supporting both hypotheses. In particular, our results suggest that innovation efforts have an indirect effect on economic performance via entrepreneurship. This indirect effect is neglected in existing empirical studies focusing on the direct effect of innovation on economic performance.  相似文献   

利用2016年原国家卫计委在10个省份开展的流出地监测调查数据,采用多层Logit回归分析方法,对留守的农村人口转移能力、转移意愿及其影响因素进行研究。结果发现,农村地区具备向城市转移能力的劳动力资源依然丰富,但留守人群当前转移意愿偏低,且不同城镇化地区呈现差异化的转移意愿模式。农村土地流转改革可提升留守人群的转移意愿,但仅在低城镇化模式下效用显著。建议未来加强基于农村流出地的人口流出意愿及行为的监测调查,针对处于不同城镇化发展阶段的地区,制定并实施差异化的鼓励农村人口转移政策。  相似文献   

Scholars indicate significant interest in business models that support entrepreneurial behavior in developing markets [Wankel C., editor. Alleviating Poverty through Business Strategy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2008]—particularly as they relate to job creation. This research introduces microfranchising as a business model adaptation that helps low-income individuals overcome non credit-related barriers to entry in obtaining employment. This study reveals a clear challenge for researchers—to better understand microfranchising and the extent to which the practice creates employment and enables individual business success. Largely unanswered questions concern the profiles of typical microfranchisees as well as the impacts of microfranchising on low-income individuals in subsistence marketplaces. This preliminary research focuses on one type of microfranchise operating in Accra, Ghana. Using data from microfranchises enables the exploration of whether workers in subsistence markets benefit from the microfranchise model. In comparing a microfranchise business with comparably-sized non-franchised businesses, this analysis finds preliminary evidence that the microfranchise creates starter jobs. Baseline results highlight microfranchisee characteristics and indicate that this form of microfranchising positively impacts savings and profits.  相似文献   

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