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The negative externalities of the massive use of private transport have been widely studied and verified by the scientific community. However, the use of the automobile is still widely accepted and even vindicated among a high number of citizens. Solving this social dilemma requires analysing the reasons behind private transport use along with the perceptions of its users. This paper examines the individual motivations for using private transport to reach the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB); a single suburban node inside Barcelona’s Metropolitan Region. We used data gathered by the Mobility Survey of the UAB to measure the use of private transport and to select a group with homogeneous characteristics for which we could perform qualitative analysis based on in-depth interviews. The analysis was focused on university staff (teaching, researchers and administrative) the university group which is using the private transport the most. Qualitative methodology identified three main stages of travel by private car upon which interviewees projected their perceptions. A strong link between car commuting and social status was revealed but unlike other studies, on this case users were compelled to use private transport because of their social standing, and not as a way to progress. Finally, time travel and convenience were also found significant but always in relation with social position.  相似文献   

Bicycle Sharing Schemes (BSS) are re-emerging as promising components of urban mobility solutions worldwide. However, the lack of consistent collaboration strategies between different actors and institutions, which have been tested in a wide range of cities and contexts regarding their design, tender, operation and expansion, raises significant social and governance implications. Urban transport features as a melting pot for diverse policy objectives, ranging from business model innovation, public tendering, and accessibility increase to the equity and social justice agenda.By employing a Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) framework and by introducing alluvial diagrams and circular dendrograms to BSS planning through a mixed-methods approach, this article illustrates an innovative tool in managing BSS in the context of the Global South. The strength of such diagrams has been underestimated to date since they can be particularly useful for public and private urban transport planners and policy-makers. Visualising user flows in such a manner, particularly in near-live time, may offer valuable insight on the operational challenges of BSS. Findings of the cross-sectional survey in Santiago de Chile confirm that maintenance is significant for user satisfaction levels. Furthermore, decisions regarding BSS expansion and modification could be based on such analysis and diagrams due to the precise identification of both the busiest and those under-represented BSS stations based on revealed preferences.  相似文献   

战略环境评价是保证都市圈交通可持续发展的重要手段.将交通规划和战略环境评价的可持续发展思想结合起来,以社会、经济、环境作为交通规划环境评价的相关指标,通过专家调查法和层次分析法确定权重,利用综合协调法评价相关方案,基于分析结果有针对性地提出相应改进或替代设计方案,并根据战略环境评价贯穿设计全过程和需要反复评价的特点,提出都市圈城际交通规划的理论框架.  相似文献   

To date, the majority of studies which consider transport from a social exclusion perspective have been conducted in the context of the developed world where both income poverty and lack of transport are relative rather absolute states. In a unique departure from these previous studies, this paper explores the relationship between transport and social disadvantage in the development context, the key difference being that income poverty is absolute and where there is much lower access to both private and public transportation generally. Thus, it seeks to explore whether the concept of social exclusion remains valid, when it is the majority of the population that is experiencing transport and income poverty compared with the minority who do so in advanced economies.The paper is based on a scoping study for the Republic of South Africa Department of Transport (RSA DOT), which primarily involved focus group discussions with a range of socially deprived urban and peri-urban population groups living in the Tshwane region of South Africa. In a second departure from previous studies which consider transport and social disadvantage in the development context, the study takes a primarily urban focus. The rationale for this is that theoretically low income urban settlements do not suffer from the lack of transport infrastructure and motorised transport services in the way that more remote rural areas do. The policy issue is therefore less a question of addressing a deficit in supply and more one of addressing particular aspects of public transit service failure, which are more readily amenable to relatively low cost, manageable, small-scale national and local policy interventions.A primary aim for the study was to reinvigorate cross-government debate of these issues in the hope of breaking South African government’s long-standing and persistent policy inertia in the delivery of equitable and socially sustainable urban transport systems.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2000,7(3):195-205
Few studies explicitly link transport and social exclusion and yet there is increasing pressure from policy-makers in the UK to do so. We propose a conceptual framework which links the two and examine a selection of indicators which might be used in assessing the outcomes of policies designed to use increased mobility to reduce exclusion. An illustrative example of the use of London Transport's CAPITAL model is demonstrated to assess access to regeneration sites. We conclude that increasing access to activities and services requires combating individuals’ constraints at either end of their journey in addition to transport system improvements.  相似文献   

This study examines photographs taken by tourists of Barcelona in order to identify the perceived image of the city. Specifically, the study analyses 3100 photographs uploaded by tourist photographers on the social network Flickr. The method of analysis used was content analysis. The findings demonstrate that Barcelona's perceived image is dominated by a few very popular sights, but also contains a large number of new sights and spaces. These new elements are not of much individual value, but collectively account for a large volume and therefore have the capacity to expand the city's image. This is the long tail of Barcelona's tourist image, providing the city with a new image created by tourists themselves.  相似文献   

武汉城市圈党校图书馆联盟初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依托和利用武汉1+8城市圈图书馆联盟,建立突出地域特色及学科特色的圈内党校地域性的专业图书馆联盟是非常必要的,也是可行的。武汉城市圈党校图书馆联盟的建立,可以开展协调整合文献信息资源体系,联合引进数据库,共建特色数据库,开展馆际互借和文献传递服务等一系列的工作。  相似文献   

This paper examines the student experience of transport, within the context of two hitherto distinct discourses. Firstly, the transport and social exclusion discourse, which highlights the role that low mobility plays in the experience of exclusion. Secondly, the widening participation discourse, which emphasises inequitable access to and achievement in higher education (HE) by non-traditional students as a component of social exclusion. The paper reports the results of a series of focus groups, undertaken with current HE students from a diverse range of backgrounds, many of whom may be considered to be non-traditional students. Results suggest that inadequate access to transport is a substantial barrier to access and achievement in HE, for these students. This highlights the influence of transport upon the successful implementation of social policy. Without consideration of transport and the physical accessibility of HE, the aim of increasing and widening participation in HE is unlikely to be realised.  相似文献   

This study explores the multiple temporal dimensions that commuting to a suburban location can have as an intensive and recurrent daily practice. Focusing on the suburban commute to a university campus in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region, a mobility survey is first combined with tracking data to explore the clock-time side of this phenomenon. The manner in which this daily practice is experienced is delved into using in-depth interviews. Results point out that intensive commuting is to be understood both considering its relation with daily travel time and its territorial context. Qualitative analysis shows how these suburban commuters are concerned for time, and presents strategies at different spatial and temporal scales. This paper provides insight to mobility studies by exploring the multidimensional nature of travel time, and to a growing mixed-methods research field by combining traditional and innovative sources.  相似文献   

The relationship between transport, poverty and social exclusion has increasingly held an important place in both research and policy agendas, particularly in industrialised countries. While this has helped consolidate an emerging body of theory concerned with the social consequences of mobility, our understanding of these dynamics in the context of high vulnerability and poverty in the Global South is still relatively undeveloped. Through the case of Soacha, a municipality adjacent to Colombia's capital, Bogotá, this paper explores travel strategies in a context of scarce provision of transport which, when combined with acute conditions of low-income and segregation, limit vulnerable populations' access to the city. The travel practices, perceptions and priorities of low-income populations in deprived areas of the Global South are analysed, using a framework of transport-related social exclusion, to critically examine the elements that play a role in gaining access to the city. The emergence of adaptable methods, relations and transactions between demand and supply that allows deprived populations to reduce their risk of becoming socially excluded show potential for conceptual and practical development in addressing and analysing transport-related social exclusion.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a measure of geographic accessibility of firms to labour markets. This measure is computed from the microeconomic perspective, avoiding ex ante imposition of administrative boundaries and including the individual characteristics of firms and workers along with the geographical environment and the urban structure of territories through the estimation of particular impedance functions. Computation is done using microdata on more than 60,000 Spanish manufacturing firms and over a million workers' commutes across the full road transport infrastructure network (urban and intercity). We estimate impedance functions that incorporate the specific characteristics of firms and workers. Results show notable accessibility differences across firms due not just to their geographic location but also to their intrinsic industry characteristics and the strategies that they follow.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2001,8(1):47-61
This article reviews major events and trends in metropolitan transportation planning and policy during the 1990s in three divergent Pacific rim jurisdictions: New Zealand, Chile, and California. Major metropolitan areas in each country have seen rising motorization, increasing congestion, and privatization of transportation services. Devolution of transportation planning responsibility has occurred; to a lesser degree, funding responsibility has been devolved from central to regional/local government. New Zealand pushed privatization harder in the 1990s than either Chile or California. While no dominant model of transportation planning has emerged, metropolitan-level planning has become more prominent and autonomous in each country studied.  相似文献   

This study proposes a Nested Logit model to investigate household travel behaviour in respect to vehicle ownership, mode choice and trip sharing decisions. The model is analysed using revealed preference (RP) and stated preference (SP) data since a combined estimation of RP/SP data is an effective method of expressing complex travel behaviour and forecasting travel demand for new transport services. In the proposed model, the nesting structure has two levels. The upper level shows car ownership, motorcycle ownership, and no vehicle-ownership choices, and the lower level shows the mode choice combinations for two-traveller households. Trip sharing is considered as one of the mode-choice options in the model. The proposed model is analysed using data from the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. The analysis conducted informs that Central Business District (CBD) travel, long distance travel, household income, job status, age of travellers and presence of school children in households are key aspects in household travel decisions. Based on these aspects, households make important decisions on vehicle ownership, mode choice and trip sharing. In addition, this study reveals commuters’ hidden preferences for modes that are not in existence, in particular the Mass Rapid Transit System in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region due to be fully implemented in 2010.  相似文献   

This paper presents general patterns in airline pricing behaviour and a methodology for analysing different routes and/or carriers. The purpose is to provide customers with the relevant information they need to decide the best time to purchase a ticket, striking a balance between the desire to save money and any time restraints the buyer may have.The study shows how non-parametric isotonic regression techniques, as opposed to standard parametric techniques, are particularly useful. Most importantly, we can determine the margin of time consumers may delay their purchase without significant price increase, specify the economic loss for each day the purchase is delayed and detect when it is better to wait until the last day to make a purchase.As an application, we analysed air fares for routes from Madrid to London, Frankfurt, New York and Paris over the course of two months, taking into account advance-purchase ticket sales of up to 30 days. We found that the consumer has a margin of 18 days prior to departure within which to purchase a ticket without any significant economic penalty.  相似文献   

Despite the explosive growth of the Chinese aviation sector and the major industry reforms undertaken in recent decades, the Chinese domestic market remains highly concentrated with a significant element of regulation and governmental control in areas such as market entry and airline fleet planning. In this study, we investigate the frequency strategies and aircraft choices of airlines operating in this concentrated growth market. Our empirical investigation suggests that airlines mainly accommodate rapid traffic growth by flying more frequently, although increased aircraft size also contributes to market expansion. We also find a negative relationship between market concentration and flight frequency. Due to the more balanced market structure resulting from mergers among leading airlines since 2002, there has been a moderate reduction in market concentration at route level, contributing to a 3.7% increase in traffic volume from 2002 to 2008. The results of our study suggest that Chinese travelers have yet to fully enjoy the benefits of market liberalization, and airports should prioritize increasing capacity related to aircraft movements over the accommodation of larger aircraft.  相似文献   

我国大城市市域通勤轨道交通供应主体研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于我国大城市郊区化的发展趋势,从地域范围的角度,将市域通勤轨道交通定义为连接市中心边缘和郊区新城之间的通勤轨道交通。参照东京市域通勤轨道交通的供应现状和巴黎RER线的技术特征,分析得出市域通勤轨道交通本质上是一种介于城市通勤轨道交通和干线铁路之间,用来衔接过渡的客运交通模式,可以通过改造利用既有铁路、延伸城市通勤轨道交通以及新建城市铁路3个途径形成科学合理的供应体系。  相似文献   

This paper explores the separate and combined effects of transport disadvantage and social exclusion on well-being using an empirical analysis of data from a travel and disadvantage survey in Victoria, Australia. Previous research explores the impact of transport on social exclusion but does not study the downstream impacts on well-being. To explore this relationship measures of subjective well-being are compared across four groups: (i) people who are neither transport disadvantaged nor socially excluded, (ii) transport disadvantaged only, (iii) socially excluded only and (iv) both transport disadvantaged and socially excluded. The paper explores which component aspects of social exclusion and transport disadvantage have the greatest impact on well-being and which social groups are most likely to face transport disadvantage and social exclusion together. The paper concludes with a commentary on how the findings might be used to better target policy interventions meant to improve well-being.  相似文献   

This article focuses on airline prices in the Alicante-London market. It analyzes price evolution over short periods to observe the incidence of seasonality, the types of firms involved, timetabling, types of airport, competitiveness, and variables such as the price of jet fuel and the rate of exchange used by airlines to establish prices. The paper shows the relative incidence of these variables and stresses the relevance of seasonality and competitiveness in the price strategies followed by the different types of company.  相似文献   

This paper provides detailed accounts of the transport patterns at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), including its motivations, barriers and user preferences, and explores the main transport challenges faced by the UAB campus. This suburban university is an important transport activity generator in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region, which is committed to achieving sustainable transportation. Results have been obtained through a personal survey (n=5525) of members of the university community. These show that the main limitations for changing travel mode from private means to non-motorised or public modes of transport are: the lack of adequate infrastructure, the marginal role of walking and cycling as a means of transport, and the longer time involved using public transport.  相似文献   

China has become the second largest air transport market in the world since 2005. Its total length of high-speed rail (HSR) tracks in operation has been greater than that of all other countries combined since 2012. HSR poses a significant challenge to the Chinese airline industry, especially on major airline routes. The impacts of HSR on two market-competition measures, namely, the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (HHI) and the Lerner index, are examined in this study. In general, the entry of HSR had the effect of reducing market power measured by both the unweighted and weighted Lerner indexes. However, the Lerner index and HHI of the routes with parallel HSR services remained consistently higher than those of the routes without parallel HSR services.  相似文献   

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