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We provide estimates of the effects of completing a Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification on individual labour market outcomes, particularly on the probability of employment and on earnings. Estimates are provided for 1997, 2001 and 2005. The estimation methodology is based on matched comparisons of persons at each level of VET qualification among Year 12 completers and non‐completers. We find that among Year 12 completers, there is little benefit from obtaining certificate level qualifications, but there are positive employment and earnings outcomes associated with obtaining diploma level qualifications. Among persons who did not complete Year 12, however, there are benefits from obtaining any kind of VET qualification, including the lower level Certificate I and II qualifications.  相似文献   

刘庆宝 《技术经济》2006,25(6):14-17
人力资本提升是知识经济时代发展的必然要求。职业教育发展是人力资本提升的基本手段。本文从人力资本提升对经济社会发展的作用出发,分析了职业教育在人力资本提升中的重要地位,并联系我国实际,提出应大力发展职业教育,实现职业教育发展与人力资本提升紧密结合,以推动我国经济社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

This paper presents an exploratory input–output analysis of the nonprofit sectors in former West Germany and the USA based on the conceptual and data structure provided by the System of National Accounts. When compared with the USA, the West German nonprofit sector catered more to government demands. A higher proportion of West German nonprofit services went to government and a smaller proportion went to households. In terms of the multiplier effect of nonprofit output, we find that an additional dollar of nonprofit services delivered to households and/or government induced indirectly an additional 83 cents of business output in the USA. By comparison, West Germany's nonprofit sector had a lower multiplier effect, with 43 Pfennig per DM1. We also find that businesses have a much larger stake in nonprofit production as intermediate suppliers when compared to their role as intermediate consumers. The economic position the nonprofit sector occupies in both countries is that of a producing sector, taking inputs from businesses and providing outputs for households and governments. This general structural characteristic suggests that the nonprofit sector is particularly sensitive to changes in government policies as well as to shifts in private household incomes, yet relatively insensitive to demand changes in other industries.  相似文献   

欧盟国家金融监管结构发展分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
欧盟国家自20世纪80年代中后期以来,根据金融体系所发生的深刻变革,吸取金融及银行危机的教训,广泛重组金融监管的组织结构。中央银行广泛参与银行业审慎监管,加强各金融监管机构之间的合作关系,建立欧盟层面的国际合作机制,其经验对于中国金融监管改革具有相当的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The economic literature has proposed different explanations about the role and existence of the non-profit organizations in the economy. These theories can be divided into two types: demand theories and supply theories. However, Ben-Ner and Van Hoomissen (1991, 1992) suggested that, in some cases, demand and supply factors operate simultaneously and it is particularly difficult to separate them. Thus, it is necessary to consider these two factors in the study of the determinants that have influence in the existence of non-profit organizations. In this paper, this argument is considered in order to analyse the demand and supply determinants of the non-profit organizations' development in Catalonia, a Spanish region.  相似文献   

高等职业教育改革与发展实践越来越清楚地表明,我国高等职业教育还缺乏现代办学理念及其保障机制。职业教育要始终坚持"面向世界、面向市场、面向学生、面向未来"的办学理念,才能实现职业教育的科学发展。  相似文献   

陈浮 《现代财经》2007,27(6):79-80,F0003
出版专业技术人员职业资格考试可以保证科学、客观、公正地评价和选拔出版专业技术人才,从而加强出版专业技术队伍的建设。从国家的要求和几年来考试所显现出的问题看,出版从业人员的继续教育培训工作及考前辅导是目前应该注意解决的问题。  相似文献   

Improving the educational outcomes of people with a disability is seen as key in helping improve their employment and life prospects. This article uses Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey data and multivariate estimation to examine whether people with a disability face barriers in participating in and completing a vocational education and training qualification, a highly accessible and flexible mode of education. Overall, we find that people with a disability are not disadvantaged in terms of participation, but are disadvantaged in terms of completion, especially those with more limiting conditions and those with mental health issues who have low levels of social support.  相似文献   

借鉴Karras(2007)的实证模型,本文利用中国1988-2007年30个省、市、自治区的面板数据,对公共部门的劳动生产效率进行实证分析,结果显示:(1)中国公共部门的劳动产出弹性为0.008;(2)中国公共部门的劳动边际产出高于非公共部门;(3)中国公共部门劳动人员的显性工资存在低估。虽然中国公共部门的劳动边际产出相对于非公共部门高,但其产出弹性仍处于较低水平。本文的政策含义是:加大劳动密集型公共品供给力度,有利于提高中国整个经济的产出水平;中国非公共部门需要改变劳动力粗放投入模式,地方政府应鼓励私人部门为员工提供多元化的职业培训与技能教育,以提高其边际产出。同时,优化公务员薪酬结构,将隐性收入逐步纳入正规货币工资范围之中。  相似文献   

Significant attention has been given to the improvement of environmental flows in recent years. An important factor to reduce the opportunity cost of flood creation needed for the environment is the access to storage capacity. Reallocating storage capacity from agriculture to environment, however, may have important impacts on irrigation water prices and the vitality of irrigation enterprises. In this paper, the long term impacts of storage capacity reallocation on the agricultural sector are analysed. It is shown that a reduction in storage capacity for irrigation water will reduce water prices for each level of dam content and shift the distribution of dam content to the left. As a result, the value of the irrigation sector is reduced. The impact on average water price is, however, indeterminate, implying that results from previous empirical studies may be valid only locally and that sensitivity analysis is important to show the robustness of empirical results.  相似文献   

中国制造业外资生产率溢出的条件性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王玲  涂勤 《经济学》2007,7(1):171-184
FDI生产率溢出存在与否的问题实际上是东道国企业有无条件吸收溢出的问题,本研究从行业内溢出和地区行业间溢出两个方面进行溢出条件性考察。通过对1998-2003年中国制造业分地区四位码行业水平上的面板数据分析后发现,生产率溢出更多地从本地区其他行业的外资参与中获得,行业内的溢出相对并不显著,两类溢出由于机理不同,影响条件有一定差异,对于地区行业间溢出,吸收空间是最大的影响因素。另外,吸收能力、内外资合作程度和适度竞争都是溢出发生的重要条件。  相似文献   

Outward Foreign Direct Investment (OFDI) from emerging economies has begun to increase significantly and has been growing at a faster pace than Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from the developed world. This research seeks to assess the impact of Chinese acquisitions and their implications for the "Made in Italy" luxury sector and its firms. This paper presents a cross-case analysis of two Chinese acquisitions in order to provide some in-depth insights into the influences and the motives driving Chinese firms to invest in the luxury Made in Italy sector, the patterns and modes of the Chinese acquisitions as well as the competitive strategies and the distinctive challenges that both investors and acquired firms have to face. From the findings, it emerges that both the investor and the acquired firm need to overcome several key challenges to be mutual benefits from the acquisition.  相似文献   

高职体育院校是以培养应用型体育人才为目标。毕业生在综合素质方面的竞争力,与其他非体育院校的学生相比,存在一定的差距,使得学生就业面临更为严峻的挑战,因此在高职体育院校开展自主创业教育显得尤为重要。为了有效实施创业教育,应从以下几个方面着手进行:加强师资队伍建设;培养学生的创业意识;构建创业教育课程体系;开发并利用学校、社会资源进行创业指导;营造创业环境。  相似文献   

通过对江苏省1 078名农民工进行问卷调查,分析农民工对教育培训的需求情况,并运用Binary Logistic回归模型分析法,对影响我国农民工教育培训需求的因素进行实证研究。研究表明:农民工在主观上有一定的教育培训需求,但目前的需求与供给不协调。农民工作为理性人,首先考虑教育培训能否带来良好的社会地位,其次是经济报酬以及培训费用等问题。最后提出了对策建议,以期为具体落实科学发展观,进一步提升农民工的科学文化素质,满足社会经济发展的需要,提供理论支撑和决策参考。  相似文献   

农民工培训是实现统筹城乡一体化发展、缩小收入差距的引擎。从企业和农民工两个微观视角,通过问卷调查,发现农民工职业培训意愿主要受年龄、人均收入、教育培训兴趣、教育培训效果、教育培训地点交通便利性、同乡受教育培训者比例、预期收益的获取等七个因素对农民工的教育培训决策有显著影响。通过不断扩大农村中高等职业教育的办学规模,实行指导企业培训、校企联合培训、"订单培养"等多种培训模式可在一定程度上缓解企业与工人的供需矛盾。  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that the adoption of energy saving innovations can induce an increase in the usage of the corresponding technologies and thus can possibly increase energy consumption. Among other concerns is that uncertainties regarding the magnitude of this “rebound effect” can deter policy makers from promoting energy efficiency. This paper analyzes the rebound effects of the adoption of energy efficient technologies in commercial buildings. Based upon a structural model of technology adoption and subsequent energy demand at the building level, the empirical results are that energy efficiency can reduce electricity use by about 35 % and natural gas consumption by about 50 %.  相似文献   

提高农民工收入是转型期我国经济社会工作的重要内容.文章使用全国农村固定观察点2011-2014年数据,采取PSM-DID等识别方法,在生命周期的视角下研究了基础教育和职业培训对于提升农民工外出收入的异质性影响.随后从就业方式、从事行业和从业地点等维度进行了差异性甄别和机制性解释,并就两者如何影响收入不平等问题进行了讨论.研究发现:(1)由于现阶段农民工被锁定在低技能行业,相较于基础教育,职业培训对农民工外出收入产生了更大的正向影响,这不仅体现在短期的即时效应,也表现为基于生命周期的长期效应.(2)这些影响在不同外出就业类型、从事行业以及从业地点均具有异质性.(3)基础教育和职业培训不仅能够提高农民工的收入,还能降低农村地区的收入不平等,并且职业培训的效用更大.文章对于通过提升人力资本增加农民工收入、缩小收入差距具有一定的政策启示.  相似文献   

本文从效率的角度出发,利用"三维立体容积法",通过对新疆、山西、吉林3个经济发展水平相近的省区进行对比分析,评价新疆教育投资结构,揭示新疆教育投资的不足之处,并提出改进建议.  相似文献   

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