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药用辅料在制剂处方中的含量占比最高,而且其质量直接影响下游药物制剂的生产以及病患的用药安全。“毒胶囊”、“齐二药”等药害事故频发让公众对药用辅料的重要性有了深刻认识。作为行业未来发展亮点的新型药辅,在缓释控释、溶解吸收、靶向载体等影响药效上的作用将愈加显著。 相似文献
国海证券是广西地区唯一一家本地券商,目前已形成较为完备的业务线,各项业务保持良好的发展势头。2011年股市和债市双双下跌,自营和经纪业务受拖累导致业绩下滑,股价也受到抑制。随着市场回暖。我们认为国海今年业绩改善的空间很大,而公司的总市值和流通市值又很小,属于在板块反弹行情中资金偏好的品种。 相似文献
喜欢罗大佑创作的歌《野百合也有春天》想来也有20多个年头了,不仅源于那流畅舒缓的旋律,也因为那平民化的歌词意境。近日,“野百合”、“春天”这几个词组萦绕脑际愈益强烈,并且与温州分行一位普通员工联系在了一起。她就是继获2008年工总行“优质文明服务先进个人”后,日前再度被授予温州市财贸系统2008年度“十佳服务明星”的综合柜员季叶飞。 相似文献
《货币与金融统计手册》关于流动性的一般定义国际货币基金组织(IMF)2000年制定颁布的《货币与金融统计手册》(以下简称《手册》),是为一百多个成员国提供的货币与金融统计表述标准。该手册的焦点在于概念,而不是统计具体操作的指南。IMF制定的是国际通行的、公认的准则,因此,我们的讨论应当运用该手册的概念,至少应与这些概念相近。 相似文献
春节春节变得越来越无趣。世界上几乎所有民族的重要节日都是宗教信仰的产物,唯独中国人的春节例外。形成中国人春节文化的基石是传统的家族文化,这可以从春节时最重要的仪式——合家团圆、吃饺子、守夜、大年初 相似文献
说来你也许不信,作为一名银行员工会与中央电视台的春节联欢晚会结下不解之缘。我从1989年至2000年连续11年参加央视春晚的直播和彩排,与李瑞环、李铁映、丁关根、艾知生、孙家正、黄惠群、杨伟光、赵化勇等中央、广电部(局)、电视台领导一起观看多次彩排。 相似文献
The Wild West of executive coaching 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Annual spending on executive coaching in the United States is estimated at 1 billion dollars. Yet information about coaching's effectiveness is scarce and unreliable. No one has yet demonstrated conclusively what qualifies an executive coach or what makes one approach to executive coaching better than another. Barriers to entry are nonexistent--many executive coaches know little about business, and some know little about coaching. The coaching certifications offered by various self-appointed bodies are difficult to assess, and methods of measuring return on investment are questionable. But strategic coaching can provide critical help both to individuals and to organizations. In this article, Stratford Sherman, a senior vice president of Executive Coaching Network, and Alyssa Freas, the founder and CEO, explore the popularity of executive coaching and investigate ways to make the most of the experience. They argue that coaching is inevitably a triangular relationship between the client, the "coachee," and the coach. Its purpose is to produce behavioral change and growth in the coachee for the economic benefit of the client. The best way to maximize the likelihood of good results is to qualify all the people involved. Even so, many triangular relationships continue to generate conflict among all three parties. At the most basic level, coaches serve as suppliers of candor, providing leaders with the objective feedback they need to nourish their growth. Coaching gets executives to slow down, gain awareness, and notice the effects of their words and actions. On a larger scale, the best coaching fosters cultural change for the benefit of the entire organization. It provides a disciplined way for businesses to deepen relationships with their most valued employees while also increasing their effectiveness. 相似文献