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二十多年经济的快速发展使我国逐渐成为世界上最大的项目市场,目前我国由政府投资的项目占全部项目总投资额的70%-80%.但是,根据近年来国家审计署公布的对有关部委和部分重点工程的审计报告来看,部分政府投资的重点工程存在着资金挪用、工期拖延、质量低劣、甚至腐败问题十分严重的情况.这些问题引发了人们对如何提高政府投资效益的思考.本文通过对我国现行的政府投资项目管理的现状的分析,提出了提高政府投资效益的一些对策. 相似文献
浅议提高健康投资效益的途径孟学文,尹惠仙,苏继升健康是人类生存和社会发展的必要条件。无论是从物质资料再生产,还是从人类本身的再生产来看,保障和增进人口健康都具有极其重要的社会经济意义。在任何社会形态下,人们都需要把所创造财富的一部分当作医疗卫生投资,... 相似文献
投资前期提高商业投资效益的对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着社会主义市场经济的逐步建立,我国的商业企业得到了迅速发展,但商业企业的投资效益还不能令人满意,需要进一步提高。提高商业投资效益是商业企业自身发展的需要,也是完善市场经济的需要。投资前期、投资期和投资回收期构成了商业投资的三个阶段。而投资前期是商业投资的初始阶段,该阶段一定程度上决定和制约整个投资效益的状况。在对商业投资效益深入调查和分析的基础上,本文以沈阳联营公司为例,提出了投资前期提高商业投资效益的一些具体对策。商业投资前期,是投资的第一阶段,主要完成投资环境的分析、投资调查和预测、投资可行性分析… 相似文献
政府投资项目风险分析及其对策研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
政府投资建设项目作为使用"财政性基本建设资金"投资建设的工程项目,具有投资数额巨大、公益性和基础性强、社会影响面广的特点,现阶段对政府投资建设项目进行风险控制就显得尤为重要,文章首先介绍了项目建设各阶段存在的主要风险,然后提出了政府投资建设项目应对风险的对策。 相似文献
本文对照我国一些成功的项目管理模式和措施,从政策环境和市场管理这个两个要点,并根据笔者工作经验与案例分析。总结出改进的意见和建议,希望能为同行在基础设施项目的投资管理、项目管理改革提供参考价值。 相似文献
陈劲丰 《经济技术协作信息》2005,(20):60-60
随着我国投资体制、价格体制改革的不断深化以及项目管理理论研究的不断深化,工程管理在工程建设中的地位和作用,尤其是工程管理在政府项目投资中的经济地位和作用,越来越受到参与建充活动的各方面的关注和重视。加强工程管理,规范工程管理,降低成本,提高经济效益,成为政府项目管理的重中之重。 相似文献
邰开荣 《经济技术协作信息》2009,(35):106-107
政府投资项目审计是审计监督的重要组成部分,是保证国家资金有效、正常、合规使用的最有效的检查方式。随着经济的发展、市场经济体制的完善、公共财政体制的建立,政府的服务职能体现更加明显重要。公共工程逐步成为政府投资的核心工程,政府投资规模不断地扩大,建筑领域的腐败问题也越来越突出,国民尤其是纳税人对政府要求越来越高,政府投资建设项目的效益受到社会的广泛关注。我国目前的监督体制决定了国家审计机关承担这项艰巨的任务。 相似文献
Based on the panel data of 28 provinces in the year of 1987-2001,this paper examines the effects of the local government investment on economic growth and employment.The empirical result shows that the local government investment plays a significant positive role in economic growth and emplovment.However,while the proportion of local government investment to GDP had a remarkable rise after 1998.the elasticity of local government investment on economic growth declined,which shows that there is a hig room for raising the efficiency of local government mvestment.Moreover,the empirical examination shows that although local government investment had positive effect on employment,the elasticity had a decrease after 1994 when the tax-sharing system reform was put into practice.This shows that the positive role of local government investment on emplovment is also limited.This paper argues that the role of local governments as investors must be weakened,and local governments of different levels should lessen direct economic intervention and concentrate on public regulation. 相似文献
ABSTRACTIn response to increasing debt paths, governments often implement fiscal consolidation programs. This paper studies the impact of these programs on the composition of government spending. System-GMM estimations performed on a sample of 53 developed and emerging countries over 1980–2011 reveal that fiscal consolidations significantly reduce the government investment-to-consumption ratio, i.e. a composition effect. Robust to a wide set of tests, including when using the narrative approach to identify fiscal consolidations, this significantly stronger contraction of government investment with respect to government consumption is at work particularly when debt is high and in the low phase of the economic cycle. Therefore, in such contexts, fiscal consolidations aimed at short-run stabilization may hurt the economy in the long-run through their detrimental effect on public investment, calling for a reflection upon how they could be re-designed to allow avoiding such undesirable consequences. 相似文献
浅谈地方政府绩效管理问题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
伴随着我国改革开放的不断深化和政府行政改革的不断推进,绩效管理逐渐被引入到我国的政府管理中.同时,我国各级政府为了提高行政效能积极推行和应用绩效管理,取得了丰硕的成果.但是,政府绩效管理制度理念不科学、制度设计不健全、绩效管理制度运行存在障碍等,已成为政府实施绩效管理过程中产生大量问题的重要原因之一. 相似文献
改革开放30年来,中国企业对外投资在规模、结构和方式等方面形成显著的特点。中国企业对外投资呈快速递增态势,根本原因在于企业投资主要由政府控制。相关分析对企业对外投资具有一定的启示作用。 相似文献
Branimir Jovanovic 《International Review of Applied Economics》2017,31(1):83-107
We compare government investment and consumption multipliers in developed economies during the initial years of the ongoing fiscal consolidation. We find that, in countries with high public debt, the investment multiplier is likely to be higher than what has been assumed by policy-makers and higher than the consumption multiplier. This leads to the conclusion that the consolidation should be accompanied by increased public investment. 相似文献
在剖析嵌入经济理性的村镇基础设施建设政府投资行为产生机理的基础上,运用委托代理理论,设计村镇基础设施建设中嵌入政治理性的政府投资项目选择行为优化激励合约,通过在激励合约中植入村镇居民满意度参数,从理论层面为实现村镇基础设施建设中政府投资项目选择行为的优化提供可靠依据。同时结合理论分析得出的基本结论,基于元胞自动机的相关理论知识,对嵌入政治理性的村镇基础设施建设政府投资行为进行仿真研究,清晰直观地观察到了政府投资项目选择行为的演化过程,验证控制合约中参数设计的有效性,并有针对性地提出相应对策建议。 相似文献
Orcan Cortuk 《Journal of Economic Policy Reform》2015,18(4):267-292
We calibrate a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model that features a transmission mechanism with different types of government spending, while the literature usually treats government spending as a homogenous compound. In this regard, we manage to distinguish between different types of government spending (namely: government investment, government wage component consumption and non-wage component consumption) where each type of spending has a varied role in the economy. The government wage increase has the largest positive effect both on private consumption and output by affecting the economy through the government production. This is a natural consequence of government production being complementary to private consumption in our model. Other two government spending types, namely government non-wage consumption and government investment, also have positive effects on output, whereas their responses on (private) consumption are mostly negative. These results provide an alternative explanation for the wide range of multipliers existing in the literature as our setup enables them to produce different effects on macroeconomic variables. 相似文献
投资是湖北省经济增长最重要的推动力量,但湖北省投资增长处于非均衡发展的状态。为了避免湖北省投资因过热而浪费社会资源或者因投资不足造成经济增长的停滞,应按照投资效率原则对固定资产投资结构进行调整。通过阐述湖北省固定资产投资产业和行业结构基本情况,利用投资效率指标对湖北省固定资产投资结构的效率进行了分析,并对投资政策进行了评。在此基础上,提出湖北省今后一段时期固定资产投资的合理的产业和行业结构,为湖北省固定资产投向提供政策参考。 相似文献
《Journal of Economic Policy Reform》2013,16(4):285-304
This paper extends the empirical analysis on Rodrik’s (1995a) domestic investment‐led export growth model for East Asia to nine East Asian countries for a longer time period, 1960 through 2004, and tests whether openness Granger‐caused investment or vice versa. Our results suggest that there can be no single conclusion about the role of investment in East Asia. Causality has also changed for some countries in different time periods. We question the exogeneity of the investment boom in East Asia, a key assumption made by Rodrik. Government’s incentives encouraged investment in export industries through different channels. 相似文献