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D. R. Jensen 《Metrika》1996,44(1):101-117
Normal-theory inferences are validated in part for straight-line models having star-contoured errors. Adverse effects for the intercept include inconsistent estimation and disturbances in levels of the standard tests. Tests for slope remain exact in level; they are unbiased; and their power through mixing typically dominates the standard Gaussian case. Bounds on level, and envelopes for power curves, are given for certain ensembles and mixtures of distributions, and these are evaluated numerically for selected cases. Effects of mixtures on model diagnostics are examined further.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of Hermite polynomial quadrature to evaluate certain integrals in the maximum likelihood estimation of duration models.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the effect of unobserved heterogeneity in event history models and discusses parametric methods to include unobserved factors into the models. Using data on career trajectories of German males, the application of models with unobserved heterogeneity is shown.  相似文献   

The central concern of this paper is parameter heterogeneity in models specified by a number of unconditional or conditional moment conditions and thereby the provision of a framework for the development of apposite optimal m-tests against its potential presence. We initially consider the unconditional moment restrictions framework. Optimal m-tests against moment condition parameter heterogeneity are derived with the relevant Jacobian matrix obtained in terms of the second order own derivatives of the moment indicator in a leading case. GMM and GEL tests of specification based on generalized information matrix equalities appropriate for moment-based models are described and their relation to optimal m-tests against moment condition parameter heterogeneity examined. A fundamental and important difference is noted between GMM and GEL constructions. The paper is concluded by a generalization of these tests to the conditional moment context and the provision of a limited set of simulation experiments to illustrate the efficacy of the proposed tests.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model for the heterogeneity and dynamics of the conditional mean and conditional variance of individual wages. A bias‐corrected likelihood approach, which reduces the estimation bias to a term of order 1/T2, is used for estimation and inference. The small‐sample performance of the proposed estimator is investigated in a Monte Carlo study. The simulation results show that the bias of the maximum likelihood estimator is substantially corrected for designs calibrated to the data used in the empirical analysis, drawn from the PSID. The empirical results show that it is important to account for individual unobserved heterogeneity and dynamics in the variance, and that the latter is driven by job mobility. The model also explains the non‐normality observed in log‐wage data. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stochastic frontier models with autocorrelated inefficiency have been proposed in the past as a way of addressing the issue of temporal variation in firm-level efficiency scores. They are justified using an underlying model of dynamic firm behavior. In this paper we argue that these models could have radically different implications for the expected long-run efficiency scores in the presence of unobserved heterogeneity. The possibility of accounting for unobserved heterogeneity is explored. Random- and correlated random-effects dynamic stochastic frontier models are proposed and applied to a panel of US electric utilities.  相似文献   

Estimation of the one sided error component in stochastic frontier models may erroneously attribute firm characteristics to inefficiency if heterogeneity is unaccounted for. However, unobserved inefficiency heterogeneity has been little explored. In this work, we propose to capture it through a random parameter which may affect the location, scale, or both parameters of a truncated normal inefficiency distribution using a Bayesian approach. Our findings using two real data sets, suggest that the inclusion of a random parameter in the inefficiency distribution is able to capture latent heterogeneity and can be used to validate the suitability of observed covariates to distinguish heterogeneity from inefficiency. Relevant effects are also found on separating and shrinking individual posterior efficiency distributions when heterogeneity affects the location and scale parameters of the one-sided error distribution, and consequently affecting the estimated mean efficiency scores and rankings. In particular, including heterogeneity simultaneously in both parameters of the inefficiency distribution in models that satisfy the scaling property leads to a decrease in the uncertainty around the mean scores and less overlapping of the posterior efficiency distributions, which provides both more reliable efficiency scores and rankings.  相似文献   

We examine the use of the likelihood ratio (LR) statistic to test for unobserved heterogeneity in duration models, based on mixtures of exponential or Weibull distributions. We consider both the uncensored and censored duration cases. The asymptotic null distribution of the LR test statistic is not the standard chi-square, as the standard regularity conditions do not hold. Instead, there is a nuisance parameter identified only under the alternative, and a null parameter value on the boundary of the parameter space, as in Cho and White (2007a). We accommodate these and provide methods delivering consistent asymptotic critical values. We conduct a number of Monte Carlo simulations, comparing the level and power of the LR test statistic to an information matrix (IM) test due to Chesher (1984) and Lagrange multiplier (LM) tests of Kiefer (1985) and Sharma (1987). Our simulations show that the LR test statistic generally outperforms the IM and LM tests. We also revisit the work of van den Berg and Ridder (1998) on unemployment durations and of Ghysels et al. (2004) on interarrival times between stock trades, and, as it turns out, affirm their original informal inferences.  相似文献   

Dynamic discrete choice panel data models have received a great deal of attention. In those models, the dynamics is usually handled by including the lagged outcome as an explanatory variable. In this paper we consider an alternative model in which the dynamics is handled by using the duration in the current state as a covariate. We propose estimators that allow for group-specific effect in parametric and semiparametric versions of the model. The proposed method is illustrated by an empirical analysis of job durations allowing for firm-level effects.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2002,108(1):113-131
In this paper we examine the panel data estimation of dynamic models for count data that include correlated fixed effects and predetermined variables. Use of a linear feedback model is proposed. A quasi-differenced GMM estimator is consistent for the parameters in the dynamic model, but when series are highly persistent, there is a problem of weak instrument bias. An estimator is proposed that utilises pre-sample information of the dependent count variable, which is shown in Monte Carlo simulations to possess desirable small sample properties. The models and estimators are applied to data on US patents and R&D expenditure.  相似文献   

This paper develops and estimates a split population model for the duration of temporary layoffs in the German labour market; the population being split according to whether a layoff is temporary or permanent. A flexible piecewise constant hazard is employed and the recall propensity is used to condition the duration of a temporary layoff. The distinction between factors that influence the recall propensity and factors that influence the duration of a temporary layoff is shown to be of empirical significance. The results of the paper are used to evaluate implicit contract and search theories of temporary layoffs. The paper suggests that implicit contracts can explain the behaviour of unemployed workers with high worker–firm attachment whilst search can explain the behaviour of workers with low worker–firm attachment. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We extend the identification results for nonparametric simultaneous equations models in Matzkin (2008) to situations where the observations on the vector of dependent variables might be limited, and where the number of exogenous unobservable variables is larger than the number of dependent variables.  相似文献   

Multidimensional network data can have different levels of complexity, as nodes may be characterized by heterogeneous individual-specific features, which may vary across the networks. This article introduces a class of models for multidimensional network data, where different levels of heterogeneity within and between networks can be considered. The proposed framework is developed in the family of latent space models, and it aims to distinguish symmetric relations between the nodes and node-specific features. Model parameters are estimated via a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Simulated data and an application to a real example, on fruits import/export data, are used to illustrate and comment on the performance of the proposed models.  相似文献   

The demand system generated from a CES utility function is formally equivalent to the solution of a nested logit model to which the second stage is described by a deterministic Cobb-Douglas utility. On the other hand, the logit demands can be associated with a representative consumer maximizing a deterministic utility of the entropy type.  相似文献   

Statistical process control has been widely applied to manufacturing and service operations with the aim of monitoring and improving the reliability of products. The existing monitoring procedures were introduced following the assumption that a single-stage process with independent quality characteristic is under consideration. However, in multistage processes with dependent variables, quality characteristics of interest should be optimally monitored only after they have been adjusted for the effect of influential covariates. In general, it is impossible to include all relevant covariates because measuring such values entails great financial costs. The neglect of such covariates results in having unobserved heterogeneity which dampens the detection ability of the monitoring procedure. The more complicated picture arises when the values corresponding to the reliability-related quality variable are censored due to the time and cost constraints. Thus, to deal with the effect of observed and unobserved covariates together with the censoring issue, the frailty and the proportional hazard models are used and some model-based monitoring schemes are devised. The surveillance procedures are proposed in both the presence and absence of a censoring mechanism. The performance analysis shows that the monitoring procedure based on the cumulative sum chart is superior in detecting shifts while the exponentially weighted moving average chart is effective in some cases.  相似文献   

The spatial concentration of economic activity is modeled as a tag-of-war between consumer taste heterogeneity for location and external production benefits from the agglomeration of firms at the same location. The existence, number, stability and welfare of general equilibria are fully examined for a simple system of two regions which are identical a priori. When agglomeration effects are negligible at small sizes, the two locations grow equally until a critical bifurcation results in the accelerated growth of one location which ultimately attracts all activity. The supercritical bifurcation characterizes the case of agglomeration effects which are initially strong but become fully exhausted with size. In this case concentration occurs at the final phases of a decline process which exhibits a hysteresis effect relative to the opposite growth process. Both growth and decline involve middle cycles of non-equilibrium and stochastically sparked adjustment.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a technique for perfect simulation from the stationary distribution of a standard model of industry dynamics. The method can be adapted to other, possibly non-monotone, regenerative processes found in industrial organization and other fields of economics. The algorithm we propose is a version of coupling from the past. It is straightforward to implement and exploit the regenerative property of the process in order to achieve rapid coupling.  相似文献   

"This article is a review of--and response to--a special issue of Mathematical Population Studies that focused on the relative performance of simpler vs. more complex population projection models. I do not attempt to summarize or comment on each of the articles in the special issue, but rather present an additional perspective on several points: definitions of simplicity and complexity, empirical evidence regarding population forecast accuracy, the costs and benefits of disaggregation, the potential benefits of combining forecasts, criteria for evaluating projection models, and issues of economic efficiency in the production of population projections."  相似文献   

Spatial modeling of economic phenomena requires the adoption of complex econometric tools, which allow us to deal with important methodological issues, such as spatial dependence, spatial unobserved heterogeneity and nonlinearities. In this paper we describe some recently developed econometric approaches (i.e. Spatial Autoregressive Semiparametric Geoadditive Models), which address the three issues simultaneously. We also illustrate the relative performance of these methods with an application to the case of house prices in the Lucas County.  相似文献   

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