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美国是信用卡产业的发源地,经过半个多世纪的发展,发卡机构随着市场环境的变动不断调整营销模式,为产业链的各方创造了丰厚的回报。美国信用卡产业的发展与其依据自身特点所进行的营销模式的创新密不可分,因此对该问题的探讨与分析对我国商业银行的信用卡业务具有一定的借鉴意义。 相似文献
随着市场经体制的不断发展与完善,商业银行作为市场主体,其在市场经济中所面临的竞争也日益的激烈,如何在激烈的市场竞争中突出自身的竞争优势,是当前商业银行所面临的一个重要问题,而金融产品与服务的创新是增强商业银行核心竞争力的一个重要途径。本文就主要针对商业银行的金融产品与服务创新进行简单的探讨。 相似文献
文章在对酒店服务产品创新的不同层次进行分析的基础上,运用多层次模糊综合评价方法给出了酒店服务产品创新效果评价的指标体系及评价过程,实现了对酒店服务产品创新效果的定量评价。 相似文献
21世纪,在信息技术和互联网技术的快速推动下,服务营销管理模式也在发生着翻天覆地的变化。服务能够在无形中直接渗入到人们的生活中,所以服务营销管理涉及的方面也十分广泛,面对这种现象就需要服务企业在营销管理方面要实现全新的突破和创新。本文深入地分析了在新技术的推动下,服务企业在互动营销管理、外部营销管理、内部营销管理等方面实现的创新发展。 相似文献
知识经济时代,创新已成为企业可持续发展的发动机。企业的创新力是多方面的,营销创新是其中最主要的核心要素之一。企业只有大力开展营销创新,才能更好地迎接知识经济和可持续发展的挑战。营销创新,包括营销观念的创新、营销市场的创新、营销产品的创新、营销方法的创新、营销人才的创新。 相似文献
在阐述银联服务营销理念的基础上,研究了银联服务营销模式的建议,促使银联跳出传统服务营销的逻辑思维方式,创造出全新的服务营销模式. 相似文献
WANG Fu-sheng SUN Ni-na ZENG Zi-hui YANG Dan 《美中经济评论(英文版)》2007,6(3):40-49
Using activity-based costing (ABC) to allocate the cost of credit card business to different credit card customers can help managers improve information decision-making relativity of the cost of credit card business, overcome the deficiency of traditional method based on single standard, which can lead to more accurate calculation of the cost of credit card customers and more reliable analysis basis of contribution. Accurate calculation of credit card customers' contribution has great significance to identify excellent customers, provide different services, enhance customer satisfaction, and strengthen the core competitiveness and profitability of the credit card bank. The cost allocation steps of the credit card business by activity-based costing: divide cost centers based on credit card business processes; distribute credit card business resources to the cost centers by their drivers; then assign the credit card business cost in different cost centers to different customers in term of the cost drivers. On that basis, according to the revenue and cost information of the customers, the absolute value of credit card customers' profit contribution can be calculated by the contribution model. Finally the ratios of credit card customers' revenue items and cost items can also be calculated, which could be used to weigh customers' relative contribution in the whole credit card business and all credit card customers. 相似文献
浅析金融海啸中的信用卡业务风险及防范预警对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着我国改革开放的深入和金融市场的发展,商业银行的信用卡发行量迅速增长,并且已经成为银行利润的重要来源之一。但是从2008年美国次贷危机引起的全球金融海啸可以看出,银行的信贷业务深刻影响着经济的健康发展,信用卡业务中的潜在风险威胁着国民经济的稳定。本文从对我国信用卡业务发展现状的分析出发,针对信用卡的风险特点和目前信用卡风险管理中存在的问题进行了重点研究,提出了信用卡的风险防范及预警措施。 相似文献
SMEs (small and micro enterprises) in developing countries are in general financially depressed; business owners thus resort to other financial instruments (here, personal credit cards) when access to bank loans is prohibited. By investigating two different types of SMEs (namely, informal businesses and formal SMEs) in China, we find that SMEs turn to credit card debt as a substitute when they fail to obtain bank loans. Specifically, we find that households with informal businesses are more likely to use credit cards when their businesses are financially constrained. We also find that when financially constrained, formal SMEs are more likely to carry credit card debt and are also carrying more. This relationship persists after selection issues are addressed. However, credit card debt and bank loans are hardly perfect substitutes as these two instruments may function differently. Consistently, we find that even with bank loans, formal SMEs still carry substantial credit card debt. Additionally, compared to those with no fund need and thus no bank loan, formal SMEs with bank loans are carrying more credit card debt. 相似文献