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According to OECD data1, the external debts of developing countries totalled $ 625 billion at the end of 1982. As this does not include certain forms of credit, their indebtedness can be estimated at more than $ 700 billion, of which $ 500 billion consists just of bank loans. The resultant burden of interest and redemption payments has become so great that many more developing countries will be forced to seek rescheduling in the future. The debt burdens of developing countries and the vulnerability of the world financial system must be reduced for development policy reasons and also to ensure that the economies of the industrialised countries are not harmed. The following study suggests how this may be done.  相似文献   

In-depth interviews with 22 debt-ridden consumers who are enrolled in debt management plans reveal the vulnerability they experience in various life domains. Additional interviews with 19 credit counselors and agency executives illustrate how the practices of a credit counseling agency can help indebted consumers regain their footing. This research sheds light on how consumers can recover from their vulnerable situations and what aids this process.  相似文献   

Consumers increasingly demand premium foods that satisfy particular lifestyle requirements. Simultaneously, premium pet foods lead the $18 billion U.S. pet food market. Using a Heckman two-stage decision model, we investigate the relationship between consumers’ food choices for themselves and food choices for their pets. Premium human food consumers with higher education and incomes are more likely to purchase premium pet food. This study also reveals a surprising age cohort effect: younger consumers are more likely to purchase premium pet food, despite budget constraints. The findings have implications for pet food marketing strategies. They also suggest an expected increase in demand for pet food ingredient transparency and pet food safety policy.  相似文献   

This research aimed to study young adults’ use of and knowledge of credit. A large representative sample of Quebec young adults aged 18–29 years participated in a telephone survey. Results reveal that their use of credit has increased remarkably over the last decade. The mean score on the credit knowledge scale used in this study is 49.4% for the entire group. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analysis show that credit knowledge is positively related to personal income, number of debts, amount of total debt, number of credit cards and favourable attitude towards credit and debts. Young adults reporting either personal experience or family and relatives as their main source of learning about personal finances were found to have a lower level of knowledge about credit in general than those reporting having learned of this subject from courses, the media or financial counsellors. The learning of basic knowledge about credit and personal finances, with stress on the sensible use of credit, should be part of the educational agenda for young consumers.  相似文献   

Children are seen as vulnerable consumers, yet little research has considered why they are more vulnerable than adults in an online context. This conceptual article uses an ecological paradigm to explore the underlying mechanisms that bring about vulnerability for children in general and specifically when interacting with online marketer created material. It does this by using the definition of a vulnerable consumer outlined by Baker, Gentry, and Rittenburg to focus on how marketing influence creates power imbalance, hinders consumption goals, and affects personal and social perceptions of self, leading children to be vulnerable consumers in online contexts. A social ecological conceptual framework is presented that demonstrates the interdependence of children's vulnerability with the social structure of their environments. Finally, in discussing how marketers are ultimately the agents in control of creating a fair marketplace for children online, policy implications are given.  相似文献   

As our economy now operates, consumer credit is an essential ingredient in the mass merchandising of goods and services, credit sources and users share a joint responsibility in orginating credit and both share in its beneficial effects. Thsoe had debt losses which occur are small relative to sales and are absorbed by consumers who pay in full. In this mileu, abridging the right of bankruptcy would provide negligible benefits to consumers as a whole and to the economy. It would create serious inequity between (1) consumers who avoid debt through procrastination and those who avoid it through bankruptcy and (2) consumers and business firms. The first inequity would be accentuated by present differences in state laws governing debt collection. It would still exist, however, if all states had a uniform collection law. Consumer right to bankruptcy is a needed safety-value in our credit-oriented economy.  相似文献   

殷慧芬 《商业研究》2011,(6):203-206
消费信用与消费者破产之间存在密切的联系。进入消费者破产程序的消费者必然有无法偿还的债务,而消费者只有接受了消费信用,才可能成为债务人,因此,消费信用是消费者破产的根本原因。消费信用越容易获得,消费者过度负债的可能性就越高,相应地,消费者对宽松的消费者破产制度的需求就越强烈。从消费市场的繁荣程度和消费者破产数量的关系来看,二者是成正比关系的。消费者破产制度作为消费信用的回收制度将影响消费信用的供给与需求,促进信用体系的建设。消费信用在我国进入快速发展时代,从控制社会危机的角度来看,消费者破产制度的建立已经迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

In recent years, the marketing literature has expended considerable effort to understand and theorize consumer misbehavior. However, scant research theoretically explores shoplifting. This is surprising, as currently, the annual cost of shoplifting is close to $50 billion in the United States. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, we conduct two studies. Study 1 is a qualitative content analysis of online consumer discussions with regard to shoplifting. Study 2 is an empirical examination that uses a US national sample of n = 1,001 consumers; it is designed to test specific hypotheses regarding antecedents to consumers’ intentions to shoplift using an interdisciplinary theoretical framework from criminology, psychology, and marketing. The model integrates research from these different disciplines to improve our understanding of shoplifting by offering avenues to tackle it that supersede traditional security measures in retail. The integrated conceptual framework extends the theory of planned behavior and routine activity theory in understanding the behavioral intentions behind shoplifting. The results show that the suitability of shoplifting targets, offender motivation, and the absence of capable guardians affect potential offenders’ attitudes, subjective norms, and confidence in their ability to shoplift, which, in turn, all influence the intention to shoplift. The results contribute to our understanding of shoplifting and provide implications for retail practitioners over and above merely augmenting store security.  相似文献   

Direct marketing, as an avenue for fundraising, provides nonprofit organizations with the ability to fulfill their missions and donors the opportunity to support a worthy cause. There are concerns, however, when sophisticated marketing practices target potentially at-risk consumers. Demographic studies clearly show that the percentage of elderly Americans, aged 65 and over, is rising with a corollary increase in the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. These facts suggest this may be a group whose defining characteristics make them especially vulnerable. This exploratory study identifies and qualifies persuasive tactics used by several linked nonprofit organizations targeting one elderly Alzheimer’s victim over a 14-month period. The carefully designed direct mail solicitations utilize appeals that engender low elaboration likelihood and peripheral route processing. In addition, there is some evidence that even those appeals that might encourage high elaboration likelihood become heuristic cues for individuals with cognitive decrease. Taken together, the incorporation of multiple tactics within each solicitation, an approach referred to here as shotgunning, may have significant implications for future research and practice in communication, ethics, and public policy.  相似文献   

Vulnerable consumers are at particular risk of financial detriment due to, for example, low financial literacy or numeracy, high debt, low income, or impactful changes in personal circumstances. We introduce a comprehensive and formative measure of financial vulnerability that integrates these risk factors and is grounded in definitions of vulnerability from financial regulation bodies and government agencies such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Across three studies of US individuals, we assess the nomological validity of this measure of financial vulnerability through its relationship with positive and negative financial outcomes (e.g., savings levels, paying credit card balances in full each month, being in arrears) as well as relevant psychological characteristics (e.g., personal savings orientation [PSO], money management skills, financial self‐efficacy). Moreover, we examine whether and how these psychological characteristics mediate the relationship between financial vulnerability and financial outcomes. We conclude with an overview of implications for policy makers and business practitioners.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study about the use of credit by Australian consumers between 1980 and 1996. Considerable growth in the use of credit by consumers was coupled with an increasing reliance on credit to finance purchase transactions as consumers’ other sources of purchase finance became depleted. An increasing number of consumers were found to be experiencing difficulty meeting their debt‐ servicing commitments. These results suggest that the growth in use of consumer credit that has occurred in Australia may not be in the long‐term interest of consumers or the economy.  相似文献   

The introduction of an internal market to the NHS in April 1991 has created a vastly different structure for the delivery of healthcare throughout the UK. This paper investigates the relationship between the changing income structure of acute care Trusts and their use of marketing as a tool to manage an increasingly complex operating environment. Primary data from a postal questionnaire to Trust Chief Executives (or their representatives) has been used to classify the 51 responding Trusts according to their performance within an acute care market that accounts for some £3.57 billion of the annual NHS spend.This is the first time that this type of marketing risk analysis as been attempted within the UK Health Service.

An innovativepositional matrix has been developed, categorising all the acute healthcare Trusts into four categories according to theirMarketing Index (MI) and Perceived Future Income Instability (INS) scores. The study suggests that about 24 per cent of all the Trusts are excessively exposed to future business risk as evident by their rather high income instability scores and low useof marketing tools and therefore more attention to marketing has to be given by these Trusts. Closer analysis of the results ofthe data indicates that those Trusts with a high marketing index (i.e. those more likely to be able to handle income instability),place market analysis, marketing strategy, demand forecasting and personal contact with purchasers, as top priorities. ThoseTrusts with low marketing indexes give priority to pricing analysis and personal contact with purchasers only.  相似文献   

There has been a rapid expansion in consumer indebtedness in the U.K. The amount of consumer debt has doubled in real terms during the last 10 years. The majority of consumers are able to cope with their debt repayments, but there are a significant number of credit casualties, often burdened with multiple debts. Credit cards have played a significant but not overwhelming part in this increase in debt. There are now 62 bank credit cards for every 100 adults in the U.K., a much higher incidence than in any other European country. Credit cards have been aggressively marketed and sold, and it is possible that they will now move downmarket, to consumers in lower income groups. This possibility highlights the need for a major consumer education campaign on the cost of credit. U.K. consumers' knowledge of and ability to compare credit interest rates is poor, especially among lower income consumers who are most at risk.  相似文献   

This article reports findings from two surveys conducted in 1987: the first involved over 25,000 television viewers throughout China and the second interviewed more than 1,100 urban residents of Beijing. The surveys measured audience attitudes and behaviour regarding commercial advertising. This is the first time such information based on probability sampling in China has become available to western readers.

The results replicated one of the findings of an earlier study, which was based on a small-scale convenience sample, that Chinese consumers supported the return of advertising. But the support was less enthusiastic than previously thought; public opinion regarding commercial advertising appeared quite reserved and somewhat calculated. The data also suggest that mass advertising, especially television advertising, was an effective marketing tool, and that Chinese consumers paid more attention to the informational content than the entertainment features of the advertisements.

In conclusion, the authors argue that Chinese consumers were probably more sophisticated than they were given credit for.  相似文献   

Human resource management is a critical determinant of retail organizational performance and profitability. It is estimated that the retail turnover currently is costing the industry $7.7 billion. If the current trends continue in constant dollars, this figure will be $9.2 billion in the year 2010. In current dollars this estimate will go up to $16.02 billion. Good human resource management can reduce this amount significantly. Despite its importance, retail human resource management remains a largely neglected area. Buildings on a basic model of the human resource management process, this paper provides a brief review of key personell issues, followed by a suggested research agenda. It is maintained that human resource management in the retailing sector has many major gaps. Eliminating these gaps by improving the overall human resource management activity in retailing will yield total quality management (TQM) in retailing and will enhance the retail competitive advantage. Additionally, there will be significant contribution to the overall performance of the total marketing channel.  相似文献   

Five years into the 21st century and consumer debt levels in Australia are still escalating. Simultaneously, there is concern that an increasing number of consumers may be unable to meet their future financial commitments and also mounting alarm at the relative ease with which the majority of consumers can access additional credit facilities. At the same time, credit providers are avidly seeking greater profits by enticing consumers to borrow more and more. Against this background, the issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the Australian consumer credit industry is discussed. The application of strategic stakeholder management theory to the activities of a specific class of lender – banks – is then discussed. The aim is to better understand why the contemporary demands of CSR will not lead banks to undertake a more vigilant approach to consumer lending advocated by consumer groups who, witnessing the impact of the growing level of consumer indebtedness on a number of consumers, are calling for more responsible lending practices. The opportunity to contribute to debate aimed at alleviating the risk of growing consumer indebtedness is highlighted. The paper concludes with an acknowledgement that, without intervention, factors such as competition in the free market for consumer credit, the demands of shareholders for profits, and consumers’ own folly in demanding immediate gratification and readily accepting additional credit as a means of financing their consumption, ensure that consumer debt levels will continue to rise.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the impact of an automated reminder program designed to help credit counseling consumers manage their payment obligations and financial goals. Credit counseling consumers were randomly assigned to receive reminders linked to their financial goals and payment obligations for one year after an initial credit counseling session. We find that consumers offered reminders were 21% less likely than the control to experience severe (60+ day) payment delinquencies and were 12% less likely to experience a 30+ day delinquency. At the same time, these consumers saw a 10.5 point increase in credit scores relative to the control group. There were no significant impacts on total credit card balances or installment debt levels. This analysis provides promising evidence that automated reminders can provide an important complement to traditional credit counseling when it comes to improving consumers' credit profiles and does so at a fairly low cost.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, both public awareness of, and research about, college student credit card debt have increased. This study examined changes in college students' debt and possession of credit cards, as well as attitudes toward debt and credit cards over that time at one American college campus. Results indicate that the number of credit cards held and the amount of credit card debt both decreased in the time following the 2009 Credit CARD Act. Attitudes toward debt gradually became more negative over the past 10 years, whereas perceived personal financial well‐being increased. Although debt is decreasing, some students continue to report high levels of debt and correlates of higher levels of debt continue to include year in school, decreased ability to delay gratification, and lower levels of perceived financial well‐being. Overall, it appears that students' relationship with credit cards is changing, but many still have difficulty managing credit.  相似文献   

To test a theoretical model, this study explores the effect of anxiety, trust, personality, and perceived benefits on the disclosure of personal information online. An online survey conducted among participants in the United States (n = 248, age range: 20–82 years) examined attitudes toward disclosing personal data online. Specifically, the study researches the impact of anxiety disclosing personal data, trust (both in the Internet and in institutions), the Big Five personality traits, and four sets of perceived shopping benefits (opportunity, bargain, purchase, and expected privacy benefits) in e-commerce disclosure and their role as antecedents for adoption and use of e-commerce. The study aligns with existing trust literature and corroborates other findings on how perceived purchase benefits impact individuals’ attitudes toward disclosing personal data online. The data suggest that both trust in the Internet and trust in institutions positively influence attitude toward disclosing personal data online. Perceived purchase benefits were also significant positive predictors for attitude toward disclosing personal data online. Furthermore, personality dimensions can affect attitude toward disclosing: the more neurotic a person is, the more negative their attitude is about disclosing personal data online. The study underscores that consumers have a responsibility to educate themselves about online disclosure and marketing practices, and about how to protect their online privacy. Most importantly, fostering trust, reducing anxiety, and promoting benefits are essential to the future of e-commerce. Implications for theory, consumers, marketing practice, and public policy are also discussed.  相似文献   

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