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How valuable are cognitive and social abilities for entrepreneurs’ relative to employees’ earnings? We answer three questions: (1) To what extent does a composite measure of ability affect an entrepreneur's earnings relative to wages earned by employees? (2) Do different cognitive abilities (e.g., math ability, language, or verbal ability) and social ability affect earnings of entrepreneurs and employees differently?, and (3) Does the balance in these measured ability levels affect an individual's earnings? Our (difference‐of‐difference) estimates of the returns to ability for spells in entrepreneurship versus wage employment account for selectivity into entrepreneurial positions insofar as they are determined by fixed individual characteristics. Our robust results provide the following answers to the three questions: General ability has a stronger impact on entrepreneurial incomes than on wages. Moreover, entrepreneurs and employees benefit from different sets of specific abilities: verbal and clerical abilities have a stronger impact on wages, whereas mathematical, social, and technical ability are more valuable for entrepreneurs. The balance in the various kinds of ability also generates a higher income, but only for entrepreneurs: This finding supports Lazear's Jack‐of‐all‐Trades theory.  相似文献   

We study the constrained efficiency of a competitive entrepreneurship model that features the occupation choice between entrepreneurs and workers. It is shown that, even when (1) the only friction is uninsurable entrepreneurial risks and (2) agents are risk-averse, the competitive market can generate too many entrepreneurs. We present a sufficient statistic that determines the constrained inefficiency and its direction (whether market generates too many entrepreneurs or too few) by exploiting the unique feature of the model where the equilibrium is characterized by an indifference condition instead of a marginal condition. The framework is also pedagogically useful to understand constrained efficiency analysis at intuitive level.  相似文献   

  • Non‐traditional charitable sources of revenue may be categorised as follows:
    • Venture philanthropy: Human resources and funding invested as donation in the charity by entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, trusts and corporations in search of a social return on their investment. It involves high engagement over many years with fixed milestones and tangible returns and exit achieved by developing alternative, sustainable income.
    • Commercial ventures: They seek a financial return on investment by creating a social enterprise operated by charities and their trading/holding companies alone or in partnership with the corporate sector, venture capitalists or investors to provide funding. Venture philanthropists may also ‘invest’ without establishing an equity position in the commercial enterprise. Any profits are re‐directed to mission‐related activity, although the business activity may or may not be mission related.
    • Social venture capital: It funds commercial ventures (as above) but may not seek a complete return on investment; instead the investor may off set some or all of the investment against social outcomes.
  • Within the context of venture philanthropy, this paper demonstrates how charities, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs may work together in strategic alliances. It explores venture philanthropy from the perspective of venture capitalists and entrepreneurs, giving examples. Charities are shown how to prepare themselves to take advantage of these entrepreneurial opportunities.
  • Although the emphasis in this paper is on venture philanthropy, the processes outlined may be used to help a charity take advantage of opportunities within the broader social entrepreneurial context. Successful venture capitalists and entrepreneurs have demonstrated the ability to turn outline business ideas into big results, frequently in highly competitive business environments.
  • A common characteristic that appears to unite these individuals when they divert their interest toward social ventures is a desire to apply their business‐like approach, which includes planning processes, milestones and outcome measurement to their social venture activity.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Economic Development and Income Distribution: A Cross-National Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract . The relationship between level of economic development and income distribution is analyzed using both a relative measure of income distribution and, for the first time, an absolute measure of income distribution which corrects for purchasing power differences between nations. Cross sectional regression analysis findings indicate support for non-linear relationships both in the total sample of 68 nations, and also in sub-samples of 54 developing nations and 14 industrial democracies. Our findings suggest that the poorest 40 percent of the population lose income both relatively and absolutely in the early stages of economic development. Thereafter there are gains in income although with diminishing marginal returns at the highest levels of development.  相似文献   

We study a model of network formation and start‐up financing with endogenous entrepreneurial type distribution. A hub firm admits members to its network based on signals about entrepreneurs' types. Network membership is observable, which allows lenders to offer different interest rates to network and stand‐alone entrepreneurs. We show that a network outcome can display a smaller number of high‐type entrepreneurs even though the network is neither nepotistic nor informationally disadvantaged. Although a welfare‐improving network can emerge as a technically stable or unstable equilibrium, one that decreases welfare is always formed by a technically unstable equilibrium. However, the adverse welfare effects of a network and its corresponding type configuration may persist because ex post high‐type entrepreneurs prefer to stay high type whereas those who wish to become high type may need some time to react.  相似文献   

Several empirical studies suggest that lending terms are eased in expansions and tightened in recessions, thereby influencing the mix of financed entrepreneurs. We study a model of adverse selection in competitive financial markets and show that lending terms deteriorate with the aggregate state under two general conditions. If exogenous increments to entrepreneurs׳ productivity raise returns to investment and/or tighten the credit line needed to screen out a given entrepreneur type, competition results in contracts with less screening. Two endogenous effects on productivity emerge. Production scales grow closer to optimal, but lower productivity entrepreneurs enter the mix of producers. The positive (negative) effect dominates at low (high) aggregate states.  相似文献   

Competitive pressures on China: Income inequality and migration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
How would perfect competition affect the distribution of income in China? To answer this question, we integrate the two main streams of income distribution theory, namely the functional and the personal income approaches. First, using a general equilibrium model of China comprising 30 sectors and 27 provinces, marginal productivities are used as competitive commodity prices and factor rewards. Second, the rewards are imputed to households using their compositions in terms of persons and factor endowment entitlements. The ensuing distribution is contrasted with the status quo. Less skilled labor would stand to lose and, therefore, inequality would mount. Skilled workers, managers and technicians would move from Western and Central China to Eastern China. These flows would be more than offset by a flow of unskilled labor from Eastern China to Central China. Our finding that Eastern China has too many unskilled workers, relative to the competitive benchmark, suggests that the Harris–Todaro mechanism operates in China. Competition would change the predominant nature of inequality from the rural–urban divide to differences between the social classes. Moreover, the existing negative relationship between development and inequality would evaporate.  相似文献   

We develop a model of relational contracts with moral hazard and asymmetric persistent information about an employee's type. We find that the form of the optimal contract depends on the job characteristics and the distribution of employees' talent. Bonus contracts are more likely to be adopted in complex jobs and when high talent is not too common or too rare. Firms with “normal” jobs are more likely to adopt termination contracts. In labor market equilibrium, different contracts may be adopted by ex ante identical firms. Hence, we offer an explanation for the coexistence of different employment systems within the same industry.  相似文献   

Most of the research on ethnicity in Central America looks at two groups: indigenous and nonindigenous populations. While indigenous people are disadvantaged relative to the nonindigenous group, the many groups that make up the indigenous population are often times not very similar in terms of personal and group characteristics. But the differences within these groups are important for public policy. Ethnic groups' experience depends on many factors besides education and skill levels. These additional factors may include what has come to be known as “ethnic capital.” That is, the socioeconomic performance of today's workers depends not only on parental skills, but also on the average skills of the ethnic group in the parent's generation. In the United States, when data on ethnic groups is broken down, the black-white comparison may be too simple a characterization. It is argued here that the indigenous-nonindigenous comparison in Guatemala is too simple. Guatemala's household survey, which utilizes two questions to determine an individual's ethnicity (self-perception and language), is used here to examine the question of ethnicity in terms of schooling attainment, earnings and the returns to schooling. The following hypothesis is tested: do higher levels of schooling correspond to higher returns to schooling? Dividing the indigenous sample into the main ethnic groups produces widely different and dramatic results in terms of schooling, earnings and the returns to schooling. Higher levels of schooling correspond to higher returns to schooling by ethnic group. Thus there may be a need to target interventions appropriately to the specific ethnic group in question.  相似文献   

Various rational and behavioral models have been proposed to explain contrarian portfolio returns. In this article, I test the gradual information diffusion model of Hong and Stein [Hong, H., & Stein J. C. (1999). A unified theory of underreaction, momentum trading, and overreaction in asset markets. Journal of Finance, 54, 2143–2184]. Specifically, I study contrarian strategies based on past long-term returns and fundamental value-to-price ratios. Using ex post returns as a proxy for expected returns and size-controlled analyst coverage as a proxy for the rate of information diffusion, I show that contrarian portfolio returns decline monotonically with increasing rates of information diffusion. These results are consistent with the predictions of the Hong and Stein model. In addition, I show that analyst coverage is more important among glamour than value stocks, supporting the view that investors are more prone to decision biases when it comes to pricing hard-to-value glamour stocks for which information is relatively more ambiguous.  相似文献   

This paper derives an exact form of partial equilibrium efficiency measure under uncertainty which is consistent with expected utility maximization in a general equilibrium situation with ex-post spot markets for many goods and asset markets which are in general incomplete.We consider that the good under consideration tends to be negligibly small compared to the entire set of commodity characteristics which is assumed to be a continuum, and look into the limit property of preferences over state-contingent consumption of the good and state-contingent income transfer associated to it. We show that the limit preference exhibits risk neutrality, not only that it exhibits no income effect, meaning that the two conditions are tied together. We also show that the marginal rate of substitution between extra income transfers at different states of the world converges to the ratio between the Lagrange multipliers associated to those states. When the asset markets are complete such ratios are equalized between consumers, but it is not the case in general when the asset markets are incomplete. This means that using the aggregate expected consumer surplus as the welfare measure will be in general inconsistent with individuals’ expected utility maximization in the general equilibrium environment or with ex-ante Pareto efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper reconsiders equilibrium existence in models with migration and voting over local public goods. We show that under some straightforward assumptions on preferences and income distributions, the basic structure of multicommunity models (i.e., perfect mobility, majority rule, single crossing property) implies that no equilibrium with jurisdictions conducting different policies can exist. Stratification equilibria—with sorting of the population according to income classes—are therefore not as natural as is sometimes suggested. Mechanisms that can serve to support stratification (i.e., tight housing markets, returns to scale in the provision of publicly consumed goods) are discussed.  相似文献   


Recent advances in multi-region input-output (IO) table construction have led to large databases becoming available. Some of these databases currently demand too much computer memory or user cognition to be handled effectively outside high-performance environments, especially for applications such as virtual laboratories, computable general equilibrium modelling, linear programming, series expansion, or structural decomposition analysis, thus inhibiting their widespread use by analysts and decision-makers. Aggregation is an obvious solution; but there is a need for structured approaches to aggregating an IO system in a way that does not compromise the ability to effectively answer the research question at hand. In this article, I describe how structural path analysis can be used to realise a computationally inexpensive method for aggregating IO systems whilst minimising aggregation errors. I show that there exists no one-fits-all strategy, but that optimal aggregation depends on the research question at hand.  相似文献   

We investigate the welfare effects of proportional income taxation in a standard general equilibrium model with incomplete markets (GEI). Formally, our analysis is on the allocative effects of state-contingent income tax reforms. Tax reforms are restricted to be anonymous, publicly and truthfully announced before markets open, and they are required to result in an ex-post constrained efficient allocation. Our main result is to show that there do typically exist contingent tax reforms that are Pareto improving. These reforms, acting directly on the asset span, modify private risk-sharing opportunities. Thus, unlike most of the GEI literature, the type of policy transmission mechanism considered does not rely on second-order, relative spot price effects. Yet, the key welfare effects of our tax reforms are substantially equivalent to those induced through changes in relative spot prices, as, for example, in Geanakoplos and Polemarchakis (1986), Geanakoplos et al. (1990), or in Citanna et al. (2001). Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 58E17, 46N10, 93B29 Journal of Economic Literature Classification: D52, H21, H24, H25  相似文献   

I quantify the macroeconomic and redistributive effects of the unilateral elimination of the capital income tax in a two-country, heterogeneous-agent incomplete markets model with progressive labor income taxes. Home, by implementing the reform, induces government responses where labor income is taxed in Home and mostly subsidized in Foreign. In addition, post-reform price dynamics reduce Home’s wealth and suppress households’ ability to do consumption smoothing, with negative effects on the majority—particularly on the poor. In turn, Foreign accumulates wealth, and price movements work particularly in favor of the poor. As a result, a large majority in Home prefers the status quo whereas Foreign supports the reform unanimously. These findings are robust to alternative scenarios where (i) the borrowing constraints are relaxed, (ii) both countries jointly eliminate capital income taxes, (iii) foreign interest income is taxed, and (iv) Home capital income tax is reduced from 40% to 35%.  相似文献   

From experience, fund-raisers become more efficient solicitors. This paper offers a full characterization of the optimal solicitation strategy when there are learning economies. The characterization is recursive, and does not require equilibrium computations. Our main results are that (1) the fund-raiser may now solicit a “ net free-rider”—a donor whose contribution falls below the marginal solicitation cost; (2) the number of solicitations is non-monotonic in the learning rate; and (3) a solicitation technology with high overhead but low marginal costs is likely to be optimal if income distribution in the population is relatively homogenous. The complementary case with a decreasing returns to scale technology is also considered.  相似文献   


We contribute in this paper to the scant literature on the factors and conditions influencing the development of different perceptions of potential international opportunities for immigrant and native entrepreneurs in the pre-internationalization phase. Specifically, we investigate what factors influence the perceived likelihood entrepreneurs have of exporting. Building on entrepreneurial intentions and opportunity-based entrepreneurial processes, we propose a cognitive account of perceived likelihood of exporting based on entrepreneurs’ perceptions of the desirability and feasibility of export opportunities. We investigate how the immigrant status (i.e., individual characteristics) and time (i.e., contextual factors) influence the relationship between the desirability and feasibility of exporting, and entrepreneurs’ perceived likelihood of exporting. We employ an experimental design on a matched-pair sample of 108 native and immigrant entrepreneurs in domestic technology-based firms. The results are a unique account of the cognitive antecedents of the perceived likelihood of exporting under different temporal conditions, comparing immigrant and native entrepreneurs. We discuss theoretical and practical implications.


Consider a multimarket oligopoly, where firms have a single license that allows them to supply exactly one market out of a given set of markets. How does the restriction to supply only one market influence the existence of equilibria in the game? To answer this question, we study a general class of aggregative location games where a strategy of a player is to choose simultaneously both a location out of a finite set and a non-negative quantity out of a compact interval. The utility of each player is assumed to depend solely on the chosen location, the chosen quantity, and the aggregated quantity of all other players on the chosen location. We show that each game in this class possesses a pure Nash equilibrium whenever the players’ utility functions satisfy the assumptions negative externality, decreasing marginal utility, continuity, and Location–Symmetry. We also provide examples exhibiting that, if one of the assumptions is violated, a pure Nash equilibrium may fail to exist.  相似文献   

This article investigates the time-frequency causality and dependence structure of Chinese industry stock returns on crude oil shocks and China's economic policy uncertainty (EPU) across quantiles over the period from January 2001 to June 2021. We use wavelet-based decomposition series to establish a multiscale causality-in-quantiles test and a quantile-on-quantile regression approach to reveal the complicated relationships involving crude oil, EPU and stock returns. Our empirical results are as follows: First, the predictability of crude oil and EPU on industry stock returns is significantly strong under extreme market conditions. Second, the explanatory ability of EPU on industry stock returns in the long term is stronger than EPU’s ability to explain short term returns. Third, the impacts of crude oil and EPU on industry stock returns remain remarkably asymmetric across quantile levels. Finally, nonenergy-intensive industries are also affected by crude oil shocks, but less than energy-intensive industries. Overall, these empirical findings can provide implications for policymakers to stabilize stock markets and investors to hedge the potential risks from crude oil and EPU.  相似文献   

Abstract . The 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1913 provided the legal basis for progressive federal income taxes. They now yield revenues of about $450 billion annually. Tax base erosion eventually produced a levy in serious violation of norms of allocation efficiency, distributional equity, and macroeconomic performance. Vested private interests influenced legislators by propaganda and campaign contributions to minimize their tax burdens at the expense of less wealthy taxpayers. The result was an irrational and badly flawed tax structure. In 1981 the maximum marginal tax rate on income from property and wealth was significantly reduced along with other bracket reductions. The income tax reform movement culminated in 1984 to 1986. It expanded the base of the tax while reducing marginal rates as well as brackets, with little change in the distribution of the burden among different income groups but achieving some greater equity in tax liabilities for those with similar incomes.  相似文献   

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