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The motivation of individuals lies at the core of corporate governance. For CEOs much research has been directed at the linkage between pay and enterprise performance. The results, however, provide only weak support for the efficacy of profit-related pay. Herein we adopt a different perspective and test for the existence of efficiency wages in a mutual sector wherein the use of traditional control mechanisms is particularly problematic. Our empirical results support the hypothesis that efficiency wages do yield superior performance. We therefore conclude that efficiency wages are a much-needed tool of corporate governance in the mutual sector. Furthermore, as an incentive mechanism, efficiency wages do not require the observability of individual effort, thus they potentially provide an equitable incentive mechanism for all organizations.  相似文献   

I compare group to individual performance pay when workers are envious and performance is nonverifiable. Avoiding payoff inequity, the group reward scheme is optimal as long as the firm faces no credibility problem. The individual reward scheme may, however, become superior albeit introducing the prospect of unequal pay. This is due to two reasons: Group incentives are relatively low‐powered compared to individual incentives, requiring higher incentive pay and impeding credibility of the firm. Moreover, with individual rewards, the firm benefits from the incentive‐strengthening effect of envy, allowing for yet smaller overall incentive pay and further softening the credibility constraint. I also show that contracts combining both individual and group rewards are often optimal, depending on the firm's credibility problem. These contracts include joint and relative performance pay schemes.  相似文献   

Existing empirical evidence suggests that individual performance pay is more prevalent in human‐capital‐intensive industries. We introduce a model that can contribute to explain this. In a repeated game model of relational contracting, we analyze the conditions for implementing peer‐dependent incentive regimes when agents possess indispensable human capital. We show that the larger the share of values that the agents can hold up, the lower is the implementable degree of peer‐dependent incentives. In a setting with complementary tasks, we show that although team‐based incentives are optimal if agents are dispensable, it may be costly, and, in fact, suboptimal, to provide team incentives when the agents become indispensable.  相似文献   


Extant research already emphasises that complementarities and substitution involving incentive pay and other elements of an organisation's management control system play an important role in terms of explaining the effectiveness of incentive systems. Despite this awareness calls continue for more research addressing the need to better understand how interdependencies arise among management control system elements and how they affect organisational effectiveness. Based on an in-depth case study on the implementation of a new incentive system in a manufacturing firm, we seek to provide more research and insight into how incentive pay features in complementary and substitutional relationships in an individual organisational setting. Greater insight can help illustrate how complementary and substitutional relationships unfold in even more complex ways than current research indicates, as well as how the effectiveness of the incentive system in the individual organisational setting is determined by these relationships.  相似文献   

Is the recent popular management literature on corporate culture and cultural values just a passing fad or is it highlighting some fundamental organizational realities? The results from a recent nationwide survey of American managers shows, we are convinced, that clearly articulated organizational values do make a significant difference in the lives of employees, as well as in their organization's performance. This article is an effort to integrate this broad-based data on individual managers' values with the reported experience of successful organizations that pay careful attention to their culture. It also offers ideas on how human resource managers can facilitate the alignment of personal and organizational values.  相似文献   

This paper examines how employees perceive the impact of performance measure properties (noise and distortion) on the efficacy of incentive contracts in the United States. It surveys 98 employees at middle and lower levels of U. S. firms across different industries. The survey results show that employees perceive noise and distortion in performance measures to significantly influence the overall efficacy of incentive plans. Specifically, employees perceive that incentive plans with less noisy or distorted measures attract better employees to their firms. However, employees do not perceive lower noise or distortion in performance measures to motivate more effort in their work after controlling for the selection effect of incentive plans. These results illustrate the importance of performance measure properties in the U. S. incentive contracts and provide evidence regarding cross-national differences in management practices.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of providing relative performance feedback on individuals’ performance, under two incentive schemes. In a laboratory setup, agents perform a real‐effort task. We show that relative performance feedback increases performance when performance is related to pay (piece‐rate) but has no effect on performance when pay is independent of performance (flat‐rate). These effects are independent of the agent's relative position. Subjects are also asked to rate their satisfaction during the experiment. We find that under flat‐rate, feedback has no effect on agents’ satisfaction, while under piece‐rate, feedback about relative position affects satisfaction.  相似文献   

Information Technology outsourcing contracts are plagued by inflexibility. We develop an economic model to explain how the contract negotiator's incentives influence contract flexibility. We show that neither wage nor one‐time commission type pay gives any preference for flexibility. However, a promotion incentive, where the bonus is an ongoing bonus, does give the negotiator a preference for less flexible contracts. The preference for less flexible contracts increases as the discount rate increases. The preference for less flexible contracts increases as the number of competitors for the promotion increases. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In their seminal contribution, Lazear and Rosen (1981) show that wages based upon rank induce the same efficient effort as incentive‐based reward schemes. They also show that this equivalence result is not robust toward heterogeneity in worker ability, as long as ability is private information because it is not possible to structure contests to simultaneously satisfy self‐selection constraints and first‐best incentives. This paper demonstrates that efficiency can be achieved by a simple modification of the prize scheme in a mixed (heterogenous) contest where contestants learn their type after entry. If contestants know their type before entering the contest, rent extraction becomes an issue. Implications for optimal contest design are also explored. Finally, the relationship between effort maximizing contests and profit maximizing contests are discussed.  相似文献   

人事激励的契约选择——一个基于委托代理的分析框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安凡所 《价值工程》2004,23(9):68-71
随着人事经济学的发展,激励机制设计理论为人力资源管理提供了重要和有力的分析工具。本文采用人事经济学的分析方法,以一个基本的委托代理模型为基础,研究在人力资源管理中绩效激励和晋升激励的契约特征及其局限性,探讨激励契约的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Using two‐year longitudinal data from a large sample of US employees from a service‐related organization, the present study investigates the relative effects of three forms of pay‐for‐performance (PFP) plans on employees’ job performance (incentive effects) and voluntary turnover (sorting effects). The study differentiates between three forms of pay: merit pay, individual‐based bonuses, and long‐term incentives. By definition, these PFP plans have different structural elements that distinguish them from each other (i.e., pay plan form) and different characteristics (functionality), such as the degree to which pay and performance are linked and the size of the rewards, which can vary both within and across plan types. Our results provide evidence that merit raises have larger incentive and sorting effects than bonuses and long‐term incentives in multi‐PFP plan environments where the three PFP plans are operating simultaneously. Only merit pay has both incentive and sorting effects among the three PFP plans. The implications for the PFP‐related theory, as well as for the design and implementation of PFP plans, are discussed. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that performance pay boosts wage dispersion. Workers retain a share of individual productivity shocks and high‐efficiency workers receive compensation for greater effort. Collective bargaining can mitigate the effect of performance pay on wage inequality by easing monitoring of common effort standards and group‐based pay schemes. Analyses of longitudinal employer–employee data show that the introduction of performance‐related pay raises wage inequality in non‐union firms, but not in firms with high union density. Although performance‐related pay appears to be on the rise, the overall impact on wage dispersion is likely to be small, particularly in European countries with influential unions.  相似文献   


This study experimentally examines the effects of target timing and contract frame on individual performance. We study four target-based incentive contracts, categorised by when participants learn the performance target (ex ante, or before production starts, vs. ex post, or after production ends) and how the incentive contract is framed (bonus vs. penalty). The performance target in this study is determined by a peer group's average productivity. We find that performance is significantly higher for bonus-framed contracts when the performance target is revealed ex post, as opposed to ex ante. In contrast, revealing the peer-based performance target ex ante or ex post has no impact on performance for penalty-framed contracts. We also find that the ex post, bonus-framed contract significantly outperforms the other three contracts. This finding supports practitioners' claim that employers should reward (as opposed to punish) individuals based on their performance, relative to that of their peers, ex post.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether a designer can improve both the incentive provision and the selection performance of a promotion contest by making the competition more (or less) dynamic. A comparison of static (one‐stage) and dynamic (two‐stage) contests reveals that this is not the case. A structural change that improves the performance in one dimension leads to a deterioration in the other dimension. This suggests that modifications of the contest structure are an alternative to strategic handicaps. A key advantage of structural handicaps over participant‐specific ones is that the implementation of the former does not require prior identification of worker types. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper formulates incentives for individual workers in competitive firms in general equilibrium. Piece-rates and rewards for relative performance can elicit efficient effort in equilibrium, but workers benefit from collusion to reduce effort and consumption and expropriate capitalists by lowering the rental, while employers may choose equilibria with excessive ‘effort’. When there is uncertainty about true individual effort, prizes and limited penalties for best and worst performance can support efficient solutions, while income-risk declines as the size of the team grows. If penalties are prohibited, ex post inequality is multiplied and welfare declines.  相似文献   

The external validity of experiments in economics can be ensured only if participants reflect the relevant market population. We study data from a promotional campaign of NH‐Hoteles to study sample selection problems in a gift exchange field experiment. The promotion allowed guests to pay any non‐negative amount for a stay in one of 36 hotels in Belgium and the Netherlands. We distinguish between involuntary participants, who booked prior to the announcement of the promotional campaign, and voluntary participants, who booked after the campaign was announced. The involuntary participants pay, on average, substantially more. This different behavior cannot be explained by differences in satisfaction or observed compositional differences between both groups. During the promotion we varied the posted price of a room that was communicated to the guests. Only the involuntary participants respond to this exogenous variation in the posted price. We argue that the promotional campaign mainly attracted individuals with relatively few prosocial reputational concerns, because they benefit most from a name‐your‐own‐price scheme. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider a simple case of team production, where a set of workers have to contribute a single input (say labour) and then share the joint output amongst themselves. Different incentive issues arise when the skills as well as the levels of effort expended by workers are not publicly observable. We study one of these issues in terms of a very simple model in which two types of workers, skilled and unskilled, supply effort inelastically. Thus, we assume away the problem of moral hazard in order to focus on that of adverse selection. We also consider a hierarchical structure of production in which the workers need to be organised in two tiers. We look for reward schemes which specify higher payments to workers who have been assigned to the top-level jobs when the principal detects no lies, distribute the entire output in all circumstances, and induce workers to revel their true abilities. We contemplate two scenarios. In the first one, each individual worker knows only her own type, while in the second scenario each worker also knows the abilities of all other workers. Our general conclusion is that the adverse selection problem can be solved in our context. However, the range of satisfactory reward schemes depends on the informational framework.  相似文献   

In connection with the literature on strategic reward and agency theory, this study investigates the effects of incentive pay on employee outcomes and firm performance. We identify employee outcomes, such as commitment and competence, as mediating processes that explain the effects of incentive pay on firm performance. We further propose procedural justice climate and environmental turbulence as boundary conditions that determine the strength of the effects of incentive pay on employee outcomes. The research model is tested using multisource data collected at three time points over a five‐year period from 227 Korean companies. Our analysis confirmed that incentive pay enhanced employee commitment and competence, which, in turn, improved the operational and financial performances of firms. The effect of incentive pay on employee commitment was negative for firms with a low procedural justice climate, but positive for firms operated under a highly turbulent environment. By contrast, the effect of incentive pay on employee competence was positive only for firms operated under a stable environment. This study enriches the literature by presenting and validating plausible underlying mechanisms and boundary conditions under which strategic performance–contingent incentive pay affects firm performance. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper studies how peer performance evaluation can elicit information on a group of workers when coworkers are competing for promotion. Although raters may have an incentive to game the system and free‐ride on others’ information, the firm can implement the optimal peer evaluation system that induces truth revelation and complements supervisory evaluation. Implications are also drawn for human resource management practices.  相似文献   

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