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Defining investment as outlays that increase income- and output-producing capacity, the author presents estimates of human investment in the United States 1929–69, comprising rearing costs, education, training, health, safety and mobility outlays. He develops an economic accounting framework to accommodate human investments and research and development in national and sector capital accounts, with appropriate adjustments to the current accounts to provide consistency. The associated balance sheets and wealth statements are also developed.
The wealth and corresponding income estimates are used to compute rates of return on human, non-human, and total capital. In the business economy the average net rate of return on total capital was 10.6 percent in 1969, compared with 10.0 percent in 1929. The average and marginal rates of return on human capital were generally somewhat higher than on non-human capital throughout the period.  相似文献   

Human capital concepts and measures have been applied and misapplied to an increasing variety of economic problem areas, two of which are examined. One of these is measurement of human capital gains and losses through migration. First requirements here are specification of the gaining or losing entities and of the relevant welfare functions. Alternatives in these respects are outlined. It is then argued that an appropriately adapted Fisherian present-value assessment of human capital is normally the correct measure. Replacement costs are a legitimate substitute only for young migrants with little cumulated learning through experience and even then they have usually been fallaciously applied. Probability adjustments for migration and re-migration are required in both cost and present-value assessments of human capital effects of migration-relevant policy alternatives, but the nature of those adjustments differs with the measurement approach used. For longitudinal analysis of contributions of human capital to economic growth, all measures of human capital stocks are inappropriate. A first principle of such analysis is measurement of resource inputs as flows. A coordinate principle requires that disaggregation be carried as far as necessary to distinguish essentially homogeneous categories of labor inputs. Though a way of separating out the schooling versus on-the-job-experience components of human capital is illustrated, it requires some strong assumptions. Splitting men into abstracted human capital components is better avoided in growth analysis. Furthermore, categorization of labor-force sub-groups could equally well provide the basis for rate-of-return assessments of marginal changes in the pace of investments in humans. Such assessments would incorporate the main elements of capital theory except valuation of the capital asset itself. Ultimately, human resource measurements for use in major public policy decisions relating to either growth or migration (or both) must incorporate modifications or error components that allow for development phenomena that elude marginal assessments. Among developing countries especially, a consideration of educational diffusion processes and dynamic productivity scale effects, for example, could have critical measurement and policy implications.  相似文献   

The author describes the results of his current research designed to measure total investment, tangible and intangible, and the derived capital stocks for the U.S., 1929–1966. With respect to total investment, the estimates show a marked increase in its ratio to GNP. All of the increase occurs in the intangible component comprising R & D, education and training, health, and mobility. The increase was concentrated in the government sector, although households increased the proportion of disposable personal income devoted to total investment.
Consistent with the relative investment trends, the stock of intangible capital grew considerably faster than the tangible stock. The growth of total capital stocks was somewhat less than that of GNP, however, in both current and constant prices. Thus, the rate of return on total capital rose somewhat over the period. Average rates of return on human and nonhuman capital were closely similar.
In real terms, the growth of total capital stocks accounted for two-thirds of the growth in real GNP, 1929–1966. One-third of the growth is attributed to residual forces, chiefly economies of scale, changes in inherent quality of human and natural resources, changes in values and motivations, and changes in rates of utilization of capacity.
The growth of the ratio of real intangible stocks to real tangible stocks accounted for less than half of the increase in total factor productivity 1929–1966. This is significantly less than the contribution of intangibles as estimated by Denison, and the author adduces several reasons why his estimates may understate the contribution. Nevertheless, it seems that the net effect of the residual forces enumerated above must also have made a substantial contribution to the growth of tangible factor productivity and real GNP over the 37-year period.  相似文献   

Should we use ex post or ex ante measures of user costs to calculate the contribution of capital in a growth accounting exercise? The answer, based on a simple model of temporary equilibrium, is that ex post is better in theory. In practice researchers usually calculate ex post user costs by assuming that the rate of return is equalized across assets. But this is only true if expectations are correct. In general, the ex post rate of return differs between assets, even though ex ante it is the same. I propose a hybrid method. The index of capital services is estimated using ex ante weights; the contribution of capital is the growth of this index multiplied by the ex post income share of capital. I show that this method is theoretically correct if the production function is CES. I compare the ex post, ex ante and hybrid methods using data for 31 U.K. industries from 1970 to 2000.  相似文献   

本文从理论上分析了金融发展对资本回报率的影响机理,并使用中国省际数据进行了实证验证,得出的主要结论有:中国的资本回报率由2008年之前的平稳期进入到大幅度下降期,但区域间趋同趋势明显;中国金融发展不足与发展过度问题并存,其对资本回报率的影响也因地区不同而出现了明显差异,在投资扩张系数较高的地区存在着“金融失效”现象,在投资扩张系数较低的地区存在着“金融诅咒”现象,在投资扩张系数居中的地区存在着“结构失调”现象;政府干预会加剧金融发展的不利影响,但该作用在不断减弱;资本积累对技术进步促进作用的缺失,是资本存量对资本回报率产生负向影响的重要原因;劳动力增强型技术进步不仅促进了资本回报率的提升,还延续了投资驱动型增长的时期;技术进步是中国资本回报率提升的重要动力。  相似文献   

The major question addressed is the treatment of capital embodied technical progress. Should Obsolescence be deducted to calculate a net stock, or should quality adjustments be made in each vintage of new capital, or both, or neither? In order to estimate the contribution of new investment to growth it is necessary to use a capital stock where different vintages are weighted in proportion to their marginal products. The commonly used gross capital measures do not do this, because they do not allow for the higher marginal product of more modern capital. Such an allowance for capital embodied technical progress can be made either by quality adjusting new capital or by incorporating obsolescence into the valuation of the old capital (but not both). However, even if new capital incorporates an allowance for improved quality, it will still be necessary to revalue the old capital. Frequently, a reasonable approximation to the net capital stock results from a linear decline in quasi-rents and can be approximated by published estimates of the stock of capital net of straight line depreciation. Steady technical progress will not lead to the commonly used exponential service decline functions. To avoid overestimating the return to investment when technology changes it will be necessary to use information on capital embodied technical change to revalue old capital, rather than to change the price indices for new capital.  相似文献   

Edward Denison and I agree that the correct theoretical concept of capital is to consider two capital goods equivalent if they generate the same real net revenue, defined as gross revenue minus variable operating costs measured at a fixed set of output and input prices. Although I showed in my book that the correct concept could be fully implemented for commercial aircraft and electric generating equipment, for other products I was able only partially to take operating costs into account. As a result, both Denison and I agree that my radical revision to the official capital goods deflators does not go far enough and is biased toward understating improvements in quality. Our disagreement comes down to research strategy: I believe that I have progressed partway toward the ultimate goal of implementing the correct concept, while he views such a full implementation as infeasible. As a result, he advocates a return to the traditional criterion of base-period production cost, even though this yields price deflators that ignore improvements in performance (as for computers) and improvements in operating efficiency (as for successive generations of jet aircraft) made possible by technological advances that reduct the cost of production.  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact upon measures of corporate income of a number of concepts of the maintenance of the existing capital of an incorporated trading enterprise. A main distinction is drawn between the maintenance of all the assets employed in trading and the maintenance of the net assets attributable to the owners. Measures of income and of rates of return to capital depend on whether all the assets, or only the net assets attributable to the owners, are being considered. There are three sections of the paper after an introduction. Section 2 is conceptual and section 3 illustrates the concepts, with figures for U.K. manufacturing industry in 1975 to 1977, in which the figures in company balance sheets are adjusted from book values to estimated replacement cost, and estimates are made of depreciation at replacement cost and of the consumption of stock (inventories) at replacement cost. These figures follow the concept of maintaining physical assests. I have added calculations which extend the concept of capital maintenance to all operating or trading assets, including monetary working capital; and which then calculate the amounts necessary to maintain the assets attributable to the owners of a business. The three main methods are: to apply a gearing adjustment to abate the additional capital maintenance provisions for operating assets (which are realized revaluations by reference to their original cost); to take into income additionally the geared (or debt financed) portion of unrealized revaluations; and-what is conceptually much the same thing-to count as the charge for debt only real interest (which may be negative) rather than nominal interest. Section 4 considers some problems of aggregation, particularly the derivation of aggregates for the sectors of the economy, when based on figures for individual enterprises using the various approaches to capital maintenance.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the empirical measurement of capital stocks derived from data on gross investment. Two capital concepts are involved: gross capital-representing the capital's capacity dimension-and net capital–representing its wealth dimension. A brief summary of their components is presented.
The data base consists of long series of Norwegian national accounts data for gross investment at a disaggregated level of sector classification and for 1–3 capital categories within each sector. Survival functions, representing the process of retirement and decline in efficiency of capital units over time, with different curvature (concave, convex) and non-zero interest rates for the discounting of future capital service flows are considered. The effects of these parameters on the calculated gross and net capital stocks in the years 1956–82 as well as on the implied replacement and depreciation rates and rates of return are discussed.  相似文献   

Can barriers to capital accumulation account for large differences in GDP per capita? We reconsider the claim that these barriers have an amplified effect on income levels in a model where both modern and traditional sector technologies are active. We show that this claim is not correct. We do find, however, that the removal of barriers to capital accumulation can cause large changes in the employment shares of labor. Thus the model can account for an important stylized fact of the development process, with labor moving from the traditional to the modern sector as income levels rise.  相似文献   

本文借鉴刘易斯二元经济发展模型和托达罗模型,构造了农村劳动力两阶段迁移理论模型,理论分析表明,农村劳动力返乡是理性选择,原因是其人力资本回报在欠发达地区要高于发达地区。随后,本文利用2007年5月调查获得的中西部70个县2353位返乡农村劳动力数据,利用改进后明瑟尔收入模型,比较这个群体在发达地区与欠发达地区的人力资本回报率,验证了理论模型的分析结论。  相似文献   

Wealth inequality comes about mainly as a result of lifetime accumulation of capital and risky investment. Evidence from the Forbes Rich Lists show that in recent years volatility of the wealth of the richest has been very great. Randomness of returns to capital can explain a substantial part of global wealth inequality. As a consequence, inequality can best be reduced by a tax on returns to capital in excess of a normal rate of return, in addition to tax on labor earnings. (JEL D31)  相似文献   

短期国际资本流动对我国经济潜在冲击的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
短期国际资本的流动会扰乱一国经济或金融市场的稳定。本文基于我国1997年1月—2009年9月的月度数据,根据赤池信息准则与施瓦茨信息准则,采用泊松相关系数,对VAR试算取得变量间或有影响机制,并根据测算结果对相关宏观经济指标做OLS回归分析。结果表明,短期国际资本的流动增大了中国证券市场的波动性,而对M2,CPI和ER等指标影响并不显著。本文最后根据结论对当前短期资本流动监管提出几点建议。  相似文献   

In the Netherlands the Central Bureau of Statistics (C.B.S.) carried out two experimental investigations into the possibility of observing the actual value of the capital stock by means of enquiries at enterprises.
This article reports on the investigation into the cigar-industry. The intention is to carry out enquiries in one branch of industry after another. In due course (for instance after 10 years) it will again be the turn of the first branch of industry and so on. There are also branches of industry which have a fair amount of information regarding capital assets available at their disposal, so that enquiries are not necessary. In the long run the method described will supply statistical data on the value of the capital stock for all branches of industry together.
The gross actual value at current and constant prices is calculated for the cigar-industry, broken down by type and vintage. The enquiry was carried out in two steps. Questionnaires were not sent to the enterprises but they were visited in order that C.B.S. staff could derive the data required from the accounts available. Within the C.B.S. this information was processed, C.B.S. staff making estimates for lacking data. It may be concluded that this method of enquiry for the capital stock is difficult but useful. The results of the enquiry are comparable throughout, the valuation having been carried out in the same way for all enterprises and care having been taken that in each enterprise all means of production were asked for.
In the future this new technique of enquiry will provide good detailed information on the capital stock in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper shows that under certain plausible conditions capital accumulation raises the return to capital. A three good trade theoretic model with Kaldorian demand functions is used to establish this result. This proposition is also independent of the assumption of diminishing return to capital a key feature of endogenous growth theory. Our result sheds light on the high rates of investment and growth that many East Asian economies have achieved.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the measurement problems in connection with the perpetual inventory method applied for estimates of capital stock. In the Federal Republic of Germany, highly aggregated capital stock data by business sector are compiled by the Federal Statistical Office within its national accounts calculations, while more detailed capital stock estimates by industrial sectors are published by the German Institute of Economic Research (DIW) in Berlin. Because of various gaps in the statistical sources, the accuracy of the capital stock calculations is not yet entirely satisfactory. Aside from the problem of establishing long time series for gross fixed capital formation in constant prices for all sectors, it is difficult to obtain reliable data on the inter-sectoral transactions in secondhand capital goods. In addition, there are problems of determining price indices and service life distributions of the fixed assets in the various parts of the economy. This paper shows a way to arrive at a reasonably close approximation to the latter problem.  相似文献   

Not much is known about the returns to aging (maturing) in the market for small business finance. Using a large panel of closely held micro firms, we document that the cost of debt capital is higher for young firms. The main finding of this paper is that this negative qualitative relation is also obtained when cross‐sectional variation in unobservable creditworthiness of small businesses and within‐firm (i.e., inter‐temporal) variation in their observable creditworthiness are held constant. We control for the former by firm‐specific fixed effects and for the latter by a commercial credit score. We also provide an estimate of the quantitative magnitude of the aging effect, on which both economic theory and earlier empirical research are silent. We find that when a small business ages one year, its cost of debt capital decreases by 1–2 basis points. The effect is neither negligible nor alarmingly large.  相似文献   

基于面板数据的中国资本配置效率研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于 Jeffrey Wurgler 的方法,本文提出了一种新的基于面板数据的资本配置效率模型。使用我国39个工业行业的数据度量了90年代资本配置效率,发现从1991年到1999年我国资本配置效率的年平均值为0.0311到0.0375之间,属于很低的水平。自发投资增长指数的大小与国家产业政策的倾斜、高新技术发展方针、产业调整与转移的方向、产业国际竞争力的态势以及市场供求情况基本一致。经济增长仍然是投资主导型的,属于外延扩张的阶段,金融市场应有的资本高效优化配置的机制没有建立起来。本文还分析了相应的金融现象。  相似文献   

资本投入测量综述   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
资本投入测量是经济学的一个难题,但很多经济问题(如经济增长和全要素生产率)的研究都需要测量资本投入.该文首先介绍了有关资本投入测量的理论,包括资本存量估计、资本租赁价格估计以及不同类型资本投入的加总;在资本理论基础上分析了我国已有资本投入测量研究中存在的问题;最后讨论了目前国际上资本投入测量研究的热点问题.  相似文献   

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