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本文运用计量工具的定量实证分析,通过建立相对应的VAR模型,研究了我国公开市场回购利率、同业拆借利率与银行贷款利率之间的动态关系,并着重分析了二者对贷款利率波动影响的贡献度以及作用机制。结果表明:三个利率主体之间相互影响、相互作用从而调节市场资金流向和货币供求。就银行贷款利率而言,会根据央行公开市场回购利率的变化做出相应的调整,但是由于我国利率市场化进程的不完善性,使得这种利率的传导有效性受到了限制,即公开市场利率对银行贷款利率作用减弱了。  相似文献   

贷款利率决定社会利润在企业和银行之间的分配比例,影响借贷双方的经济利益,是国家宏观调控的直接手段之一 以我国1991~2012年五年期银行贷款基准利率数据为样本,采用Eviews软件建立ARIMA模型以分析我国银行贷款利率分析表明样本数据经一次差分后平稳,其自相关和偏相关函数分别在5阶和4阶后截尾,经模型标定和显著性检验构建的ARIMA(3,1,1)模型对样本数据具有较好的拟合效果.  相似文献   

银企关系与银行贷款定价的实证研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
何韧 《财经论丛》2010,(1):57-63
本文利用世界银行的企业调查数据,对我国银企关系与银行贷款定价的相关性进行了实证研究。研究表明,企业与较多的银行建立关系以及增加银企关系深度,都有助于降低贷款利率成本;但企业与银行建立关系的时间长度对银行贷款定价没有显著影响。同时我们还发现,企业资产规模、财务风险和公司治理特征等因素对贷款定价也有显著影响。本文为银行关系理论在我国的应用提供了经验证据,揭示了银企关系的应用价值。  相似文献   

<正>对传导机制的研究可以帮助我们了解债券市场和银行市场之间的联系,以及它们对实体经济的影响。在研究传导机制时,需要考虑多种因素,例如货币政策、市场竞争、市场流动性等。此外,不同类型的债券和贷款也有可能对传导机制产生不同的影响。本研究旨在探究债券利率向银行贷款利率的传导机制,分析其影响因素和机制,并提出相应的政策建议。债券利率向银行贷款利率传导的渠道债券利率向银行贷款利率的传导机制涉及多个渠道,主要包括以下几个方面:货币政策传导渠道货币政策是影响债券利率和银行贷款利率的重要因素,央行通过调整政策利率、公开市场操作等手段来影响市场利率水平,从而影响债券利率和银行贷款利率。  相似文献   

<正>近年来随着信用社不断向商业银行经营模式方向进行改革,盈利模式也在逐步变革,传统地讲,商业银行盈利途径主要有两个方面,一是银行存款利率与银行贷款利率之间的差额,构成了银行的主要利润。存贷利率差额的具体表现是低利率吸纳存款,高利率贷款给企业或个人。即使有时利率差额并不大,但当资金大到一定程度时,利润依旧相当可观。但该项业务也存在着较大风险,贷款无法收回时,形成坏账,损失较大。二是中间业务,主要是指银行代销的各种理财产品,公司基金,  相似文献   

本文通过选取1998年第一季度至2010年第四季度货币供给量、人均可支配收入、房屋销售价格指数及银行贷款基准利率的季度数据,运用协整、格兰杰因果关系检验、误差修正模型等计量方法研究得出:货币供给、人均可支配收入、房价与贷款利率之间存在长期的均衡关系.房价与货币供给、贷款利率呈正相关关系.同时,房价与人均可支配收入呈负相关关系.在5%的显著水平上,房价与货币供给量互为因果关系;在10%显著水平下,人均可支配收入是货币供给量增加的原因.2010年左右误差修正项ECM重新回到长期均衡状态.  相似文献   

基于不完全信息博弈模型的中小企业融资分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
费腾  李智  刘力臻 《商业研究》2012,(2):108-113
引入中小企业预期贷款成本和银行信贷规模因素,本文构建了不完全信息条件下中小企业与银行的博弈模型,提出预期贷款成本大于从其他途径获得贷款成本是中小企业做出不向银行贷款决定的原因;信贷规模减小使中小企业获得贷款的可能降低,利率负担增大将会降低中小企业的还款意愿。  相似文献   

银行贷款是小企业外部融资的重要途径。今天,改善小企业—银行关系成为银行提高客户满意度和忠诚度的重要途径,也成为小企业获得"关系型"贷款的重要依据。本文通过访问小企业主,提供了一个观察电子银行对小企业—银行关系影响的视角。  相似文献   

一、债券融资与银行信贷分析1.债券融资成本比银行贷款成本低发行公司债券的成本主要来自债券的利息和发行费用,而银行贷款的成本则来自银行的利率。按照目前公司债券管理条例的规定,公司债券的发行利率不得高于同期银行存款利率的40%,而银行贷款利率往往高出同期存款利率的40%以上,再加上银行再发放贷款时往往在中国人民银行规定贷款利率的基础上上浮10%,因此,发行公司债券的实际融资成本比银行贷款的成本要低得多。此外,由于公司债券市场竞争加剧,证券公司在承销企业债券时承销的费用往往较低,这也是债券融资成本低于银行贷款的原因之一。…  相似文献   

在利率市场化过程中,尤其在当前利率上升预期存在的情况下,我国个人住房贷款借款人不会出于再融资动机提前偿付,而会频频发生出于节约利息支出动机的提前偿付,这种提前偿付会对银行利息收入发生重要影响,并干扰银行的利率风险管理。借鉴国外对银行贷款提前偿付的研究方法,根据我国银行的实际情况,本文采用时间序列方法模拟提前偿付率,作为我国银行个人住房贷款提前偿付模型实证研究的初步探索。  相似文献   

银行贷款收益取决于贷款利率和贷款风险两个因素。在贷款利率受到管制时,理性的银行为了实现期望利润最大化,要求企业提供足够抵押来规避贷款风险。我国中小企业由于自身特征及所处信贷环境的原因,银行向其贷款风险大,且得不到足够抵押品,也没有第三方提供担保,这就导致中小企业贷款难现象。因此,我国商业银行应该灵活运用抵押、担保、关系贷款和自有资金多种手段,积极构建中小企业的多层次信贷机制体系。  相似文献   

The recent wave of mergers in the commercial banking sector in the United States has led to tremendous industry consolidation. Some fear that such consolidation will leave the small business borrower with fewer opportunities to obtain bank credit. This study uses regression analysis to empirically determine if consolidation has caused larger banks to abandon relationship loans extended to small businesses over time. If so, this leaves small business borrowers with two distinctly different choices, a low interest rate loan from a large bank for those small business borrowers who qualify or a high interest rate loan from a small bank for those who do not. The results of this study support this theory, and find consolidation has raised small business loan rates at small banks and lowered rates at large banks, ceteris paribus.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on the interaction between a bail-out loan decision of a bank to a sovereign borrower and the adequacy of the bank's capital. The new loan is granted on two conditions: First, it must improve the likelihood of repayment of the outstanding loan; second the bank should have adequate capital.We find that in general a positive relationship exists between capital and the bail out loan and between existing debt and the new loan. However, under certain circumstances a negative relationship exists between the bank's capital and the new loan. Empirical results support the main implications of the theoretical model.  相似文献   

We examine whether Islamic financing can explain three important bank risks in a country with a dual banking system: credit risk, interest‐rate risk, and liquidity risk. Using Malaysian data, we find that commercial banks with Islamic financing have significantly lower credit and liquidity risks but significantly higher interest‐rate risk than banks without Islamic financing. There is also evidence that bank size is significantly related to credit risk; the proportion of loan sales to total liabilities and bank size are significant determinants of interest‐rate risk; and off‐balance‐sheet financing, the extent of securitization, loan volatility, bank capital, and bank size are statistically significantly related to liquidity risk. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

本文基于中国资本市场的经验数据,并考虑了产权性质和市场化程度差异的影响,研究了我国商业银行贷款决策与环境信息披露的关系。结果发现,环保企业能获取更优惠的银行信贷,即绿色信贷是客观存在的,但其效果仅表现在环境信息披露不过度及市场化进程高的地区的情形下。上述研究发现对于构建和完善我国商业银行的绿色信贷机制建设,实现其可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

近年来,P2P网络借贷市场成为我国金融领域的重灾区,各类问题层出不穷,不仅损害了投资者利益,而且严重扰乱了我国的金融秩序,深入研究P2P网络借贷市场存在的问题具有重要现实意义。P2P网络借贷市场是信息不对称最为严重的市场之一,对借款人信用风险进行识别是P2P网络借贷的关键环节。根据信用风险定价理论,借贷利率应该充分反映违约风险,通过检验借贷利率与违约风险之间的关系可以验证借贷市场信用风险识别机制的有效性。基于“人人贷”平台公开的历史交易数据对P2P网络借贷市场的信用风险识别问题进行实证研究,结果表明:借贷利率能部分反映借款人的信用风险,但在相同的利率水平下,其他指标与违约风险也存在显著性关系,表明相同的利率未对应相同的信用风险,平台的信用风险识别机制部分有效。进一步研究表明,在缺乏成熟、易用的个人征信产品的情况下,无论借款人、P2P平台,还是投资者,对信用风险影响因素的判断与实际情况都存在一定的偏差,工作经验丰富的借款人付出了过高的借贷成本,平台在判断收入对信用风险的影响方面出现了偏差,投资者则忽视了借款人学历的价值。建议打破个人征信数据壁垒,丰富个人征信产品,保护居民信用数据安全,以保障借贷市场的持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the choice between single or multiple banking relationships affects credit availability for a complete panel of small and medium-sized Spanish firms. The results seem to indicate the existence of rationing, since a substitution relation has been found between trade and bank credit. We also analyse the relationship between the level of indebtedness and the interest rate for each group of firms. The results show that those SMEs that work with fewer financial intermediaries obtain fewer funds for the same increase in the interest rate, which indicates that these companies have more financial restraints.  相似文献   

A Theory of Discouraged Borrowers   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Kon  Y.  Storey  D.J. 《Small Business Economics》2003,21(1):37-49
This paper examines the implications for the SME financing market of Application costs that vary between firms, and of imperfect screening of applicants by Banks. Under these conditions 'Discouraged Borrowers' can exist. These are good borrowers who do not apply for a bank loan because they feel they will be rejected. The paper shows that, under a range of assumptions, the scale of discouragement in an economy depends upon the screening error of the banks, the scale of Application costs and the extent to which the bank interest rate differs from that charged by the moneylender. Discouragement is shown to be at a maximum where there is some, but not perfect, information.  相似文献   

The evolution of bank loan price and non-price terms and conditions (T&Cs) for the 2009–2011 period are investigated using firm-level survey data for a sample of Eurozone small and medium-sized enterprises. The raw firm responses, which are of a discrete nature denoting tightening or easing of the T&Cs, or no change at all, are modeled by a bivariate ordered probit model. According to the results obtained, there are sizeable differences between countries, with the protagonists of the sovereign debt crisis (Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain) exhibiting predicted probabilities of tightening that are considerably above the Eurozone average. In addition, price T&Cs exhibit a substantial tightening over time. Finally, firms’ net interest expenses and profitability emerge as important determinants in explaining the cross-sectional variation in bank loan T&Cs that they face.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the impact of trade and financial openness on bank loan pricing. Using data from 35 emerging economies, we first document that higher trade and financial openness lower interest rates on gross bank loans using country-specific measures for trade and financial openness. We then confirm our findings using firm-specific measures for trade and financial openness and individual loan spread. Exploiting the accession to World Trade Organization (WTO) as a quasi-natural experiment, we observe loan interest rates declined in countries after joining the WTO. Overall, we imply that openness is beneficial for financial development in emerging economies.  相似文献   

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