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This paper examines the role of oil market uncertainty on currency carry trade payoffs. We find that oil market uncertainty can impact currency carry trade excess returns. When oil market uncertainty rises, expected currency excess returns will increase. Our findings are robust to alternative measures of oil market uncertainty and, after controlling for traditional uncertainties, different types of oil shocks. The results also hold well in both developed and emerging markets, as well as for oil-related currencies, non-oil currencies, commodity currencies, and non-commodity currencies. Additionally, oil market uncertainty can be priced in the cross section of currency carry trade excess returns. This effect can be explained by investors becoming more risk averse under high oil market uncertainty and requiring greater compensation for bearing such risk. Moreover, our measure of oil market uncertainty, the downside risk from the oil market, is quite different from that of traditional aggregate measures.  相似文献   

This study examines whether stock market illiquidity forecasts real UK GDP growth using data over the period 1989q1-2012q2. Apart from standard linear model specifications, we also utilize non-linear models, which allow for regime switching behavior in terms of a liquid versus an illiquid market regime and over the phases of the business cycle. Our findings support a statistically significant negative relationship between stock market illiquidity and future UK GDP growth over and above the usual control variables. This relationship is found to be stronger during periods of highly illiquid market conditions and weak economic growth. Our out-of-sample forecasting analysis indicates that a regime-switching model of illiquid versus liquid market conditions predicts UK growth better than any other model. Actually, this model is the only one to significantly outperform the GDP growth forecasts published in the Bank of England's Inflation Report.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical investigation of the time-series predictive ability of foreign exchange risk measures on the return to the carry trade, a popular investment strategy that borrows in low-interest currencies and lends in high-interest currencies. Using quantile regressions, we find that higher market variance is significantly related to large future carry trade losses, which is consistent with the unwinding of the carry trade in times of high volatility. The decomposition of market variance into average variance and average correlation shows that the predictive power of market variance is primarily due to average variance since average correlation is not significantly related to carry trade returns. Finally, a new version of the carry trade that conditions on market variance generates performance gains net of transaction costs.  相似文献   

We show that firms with illiquid stock have higher syndicated loan spreads. This result is invariant to measurement of stock illiquidity, and is robust to a wide set of cross-sectional loan and firm features, firm and time fixed effects. It also holds using a matched difference-in-differences estimator, at an exogenous reduction in the minimum tick size of major United States exchanges, and using a two-stage least squares estimator. Stock illiquidity is shown to increase spreads more when a lead lender has a high market share or a borrower has a low credit rating. It increases spreads less when a borrower has public rated debt and it diminishes the benefit to the loan recipient of a lending relationship. Measurements of stock price informativeness and firm-level governance do not affect the stock illiquidity and loan spread relation. A rationale for these findings is that stock illiquidity impairs the bargaining power of corporate borrowers, in negotiating a loan rate, as it raises the cost of alternatively raising funds by issuing equity.  相似文献   

This study investigates carry trade diversification opportunities and linkages of major carry trade currencies on five different investment horizons. Using daily data on eight currencies and LIBOR rates, we examine the temporal structure of correlations and assess portfolio diversification benefits with wavelet techniques. Our results indicate that positive and economically significant carry trade excess returns are observed on all investigated investment horizons. We document that strategies built on the basis of wavelet correlation lead to significant diversification benefits. These findings indicate the importance of the dynamic structure of exchange rate correlations to currency arbitrage strategies.  相似文献   

Earnings and price momentum   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper examines whether earnings momentum and price momentum are related. Both in time-series as well as in cross-sectional asset pricing tests, we find that price momentum is captured by the systematic component of earnings momentum. The predictive power of past returns is subsumed by a zero-investment portfolio that is long on stocks with high earnings surprises and short on stocks with low earnings surprises. Further, returns to the earnings-based zero-investment portfolio are significantly related to future macroeconomic activities, including growth in GDP, industrial production, consumption, labor income, inflation, and T-bill returns.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how jump risks are priced in currency markets. We find that currencies whose changes are more sensitive to negative market jumps provide significantly higher expected returns. The positive risk premium constitutes compensation for the extreme losses during periods of market turmoil. Using the empirical findings, we propose a jump modified carry trade strategy, which has approximately two-percentage-point (per annum) higher returns than the regular carry trade strategy. These findings result from the fact that negative jump betas are significantly related to the riskiness of currencies and business conditions.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the impact of illiquidity of a stock paying no dividends on the pricing of European options written on that stock. In particular, it is shown how illiquidity generates price bounds on an option on this stock, even in the absence of other imperfections, such as transaction costs and trading constraints, or the assumption of stochastic volatility. Moreover, price bounds are shown to be asymmetric with respect to the option price under perfect liquidity. This fact explains, under some conditions, the appearance of a smile effect when the implied volatility is estimated from the mid-quote.  相似文献   

We document carry trade returns based on the moments extracted from options on the underlying currencies. We establish three important results. First, a currency pair is predicted to have greater excess returns if option-implied returns are more volatile, are more left-skewed, and have fatter tails than the returns of other currency pairs. Second, strategies based on option-implied information improve on benchmark strategies based on realized market returns and macroeconomic data. Third, if the option-implied returns of a currency pair are more left-skewed than in the past, anti-carry trades rather than carry trades perform better.  相似文献   

We study local stock market reaction to currency devaluation by a country's central bank. Devaluations appear to be anticipated by the local stock markets, and there are significant negative abnormal returns even one year prior to the announcement of the devaluation. A negative trend in stock returns persists for up to one quarter following the first announcement, and then becomes positive thereafter, suggesting a reversal. We explore whether changes in macroeconomic variables prior to currency devaluations are related to abnormal stock returns. We find that stock returns are significantly lower if the devaluation is larger and if the country is a developing nation. Furthermore, stock markets decline more around devaluations if reserves are lower, if the real exchange rate has depreciated over the prior years, if the capital account has declined, if the current account deficit has gone up, or if the country credit rating has deteriorated.  相似文献   

国内外的研究普遍显示,货币错配是造成金融和经济危机的主要原因之一。但是,目前研究者所构建的模型主要集中于对净外币负债形态的货币错配风险的研究,无法对我国当前所面临的净外币资产形态的货币错配风险的引致渠道作出解释。基于此,本文构建了两期微观经济主体(银行、企业)行为模型。模型表明本币的大幅升值会恶化微观经济主体的资产负债表,在一定情况下会导致一国的金融或经济危机。在此基础上,本文提出了相应的防范净外币资产形态下货币错配风险的政策建议。  相似文献   

The effects of domestic macroeconomic news releases on futures on the British Pound (BP), Canadian Dollar (CD), Deutsche Mark (DM), Japanese Yen (JY), and Swiss Franc (SF) are examined. The results show that all five futures respond to the release of macroeconomic news, especially the first set of news releases issued at 7:30 a.m. (CST). Results of tests that identify the effects of individual announcements suggest that news in the Employment Report, the Trade Deficit, Industrial Production, and Capacity Utilization affects all five futures. Other announcements do not have such widespread effects. Volatility increases following the announcements persist for some time. Such increases are not uniform across the five instruments. For instance, following the 7:30-a.m. announcements, for the JY, BP, and SF, higher variance is observed for 30 min. However, for the DM and CD, the increase is 45 and 15 min, respectively.  相似文献   

We propose a continuous-time heterogeneous agent model consisting of fundamental, momentum, and contrarian traders to explain the significant time series momentum. We show that the performance of momentum strategy is determined by both time horizon and the market dominance of momentum traders. Specifically, when momentum traders are more active in the market, momentum strategies with short (long) time horizons stabilize (destabilize) the market, and meanwhile the market under-reacts (over-reacts) in short-run (long-run). This provides profit opportunity for time series momentum strategies with short horizons and reversal with long horizons. When momentum traders are less active in the market, they always lose. The results provide an insight into the profitability of time series momentum documented in recent empirical studies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates Barroso and Santa-Clara’s [J. Financ. Econ., 2008, 116, 111–120] risk-managed momentum strategy in an industry momentum setting. We investigate several traditional momentum strategies including that recently proposed by Novy-Marx [J. Financ. Econ., 2012, 103, 429–453]. We moreover examine the impact of different variance forecast horizons on average pay-offs and also Daniel and Moskowitz’s [J. Financ. Econ., 2016, 122, 221–247] optionality effects. Our results show in general that neither plain industry momentum strategies nor the risk-managed industry momentum strategies are subject to optionality effects, implying that these strategies have no time-varying beta. Moreover, the benefits of risk management are robust across volatility estimators, momentum strategies and subsamples. Finally, the ‘echo effect’ in industries is not robust in subsamples as the strategy works only during the most recent subsample.  相似文献   

The decade prior to the Great Recession saw a boom in global trade and rising transportation costs. High-yielding commodity exporters׳ currencies appreciated, boosting carry trade profits. The Global Recession sharply reversed these trends. We interpret these facts with a two-country general equilibrium model that features specialization in production and endogenous fluctuations in trade costs. Slow adjustment in the shipping sector generates boom–bust cycles in freight rates and, as a consequence, in currency risk premia. We validate these predictions using global shipping data. Our calibrated model explains about 57% of the narrowing of interest rate differentials post-crisis.  相似文献   

姚前 《金融研究》2018,459(9):37-55
作为新兴事物,数字货币的出现在一定程度上使传统货币理论出现了“失语”,需要新的解释逻辑。本文基于布坎南的公共选择理论范式,构建了基于交易费用与共识成本优化的逻辑框架,利用一致同意规则重新解释了物物交易、物“权”交易、商品货币、贵金属货币、信用货币到数字货币的货币演化。研究发现,货币是一致同意规则下的社会共识。让所有成员的铸币收益均等的货币方案,才能获得一致同意,成为公众广泛接受的真正货币。私人数字货币不符合货币一致同意规则,因此难以成为真正货币,更遑论取代满足一致同意规则的法定货币。展望未来,法定货币或将出现数字化和智能化趋势,从而更好地降低交易费用和共识成本。本文探索性提出法定数字货币发行的AI模型和学习算法。  相似文献   

We test for recently reported momentum profits in New Zealand using a practitioner technique that we have not yet seen in the academic literature. This technique simultaneously weighs returns, risk and transactions costs at each portfolio rebalance, rather than blindly chasing returns and then accounting for risk and transactions costs after the fact. We reverse the findings of the earlier literature because our gross profits are more than fully consumed once transactions costs are properly accounted for. Although we focus on momentum trading in New Zealand, our practitioner technique is broadly applicable to investigations of trading anomalies.  相似文献   

The recent collapse of the Argentine currency board raises new questions about the desirability of formal fixed exchange rate regimes. This paper examines the relative performance of a currency board with costly abandonment in the presence of dollarized liabilities to a fully-discretionary regime. Our results demonstrate that neither regime necessarily dominates with only idiosyncratic firm shocks, but discretion unambiguously dominates with the addition of shocks to the dollar-euro rate. The relatively strong performance of the discretionary regime in this model stems from the benign impact of dollarized liabilities on the monetary authority’s time-inconsistency problem.  相似文献   

As the Indian currency futures market has been in existence for over 7 years, this paper analyses the effectiveness of the 1-month USD/INR currency futures rates in predicting the expected spot rate. The volatility of the USD/INR spot returns was also analysed. Modelling volatility of the USD/INR spot rate using a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) and exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (EGARCH) model indicated the presence of volatility clustering. Using multivariate GARCH models such as the constant conditional correlation and dynamic conditional correlation, signs of a volatility spillover between the USD/INR spot and currency futures market were also observed.  相似文献   

This paper uses a new database provided by the Commodity and Futures Trading Commissions to examine the price impact of hedge fund carry trades in “hot” and “cold” markets. We find that hedge funds significantly increase their carry trade positions during hot markets (periods with very high currency returns). Consistent with currency overpricing, positions in hot markets are followed by exchange rate reversals. Optimism in the stock market seems to have a spillover effect on hedge fund speculation in the currency market: controlling for the variance risk premium fully accounts for the reversal effect. Overall, our results add to a growing body of empirical evidence that institutional demand can move asset prices.  相似文献   

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