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This study examines the impact of deregulation and technological change on the productivity of Malaysian banks over the period 1989–1998. Malmquist indices constructed with nonparametric DEA techniques are decomposed into their pure efficiency, scale efficiency, and technological change components. Our findings indicate an erosion of banking productivity that masks divergent tendencies among its component elements. These are dominated by adverse effects of technological change, which are associated with a reduction in the labor intensity of banking activity. Consistent with the mixed findings reported in the literature, the present investigation suggests that regulatory reform and liberalization are not sufficient conditions for productivity improvement.JEL classification: D24, G21This paper was written while Dogan was a member of Monash University Malaysia. Financial support from the Faculty of Business and Economics at Monash University is gratefully acknowledged, as are the constructive comments from two anonymous referees.  相似文献   

This study analyses bank efficiency in Vietnam from 1999 to 2009. We use a unique data sample that allows us to capture the development of the Vietnamese banking sector over the last decade. We apply an advanced methodological approach introduced by Simar and Wilson (2007) to examine bank efficiency in Vietnam. An integral part of the analysis is to explore the determinants of bank efficiency. The results indicate that large and very large banks are more efficient than small and medium sized banks with small banks having the lowest efficiency scores in the system. Non-state owned commercial banks are more efficient than state owned commercial banks assuming overall efficiency. We also argue that banks with large branch networks and those that have been in existence for a long time are less efficient than other banks.  相似文献   

This study investigates the remarkable comovements in U.S. equity returns during the COVID-19 pandemic. It constructs a dynamic factor model (DFM) to illuminate the sources of the comovements and their implications. Using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation method, the study finds that the comovements had a weak daily oscillation pattern during the pandemic. With that pattern, the study also finds significant monetary policy effects on the equity returns of several key sectors. In addition, it estimates the impact of news shocks, including monetary policy news, fiscal stimulus news, and unemployment news, on cross-sector equity returns. For any given sector, the conventional and unconventional monetary policy news shocked the sector in opposite directions. Among the positive monetary news shocks, the strongest were from interest rate policy surprises. Conversely, fiscal stimulus news had the most substantial positive impact and triggered all sectors to rebound from the bear market at the end of March 2020. Furthermore, by applying Natural Language Processing (NLP) sentiment analysis, this study sheds light on the positive correlation between comovements and news sentiment.  相似文献   

This paper extends the model proposed by Goodhart, Sunirand, and Tsomocos (2004, 2005, 2006) to an infinite horizon setting. Thus, we are able to assess how the model conforms with the time series data of the UK banking system. We conclude that, since the model performs satisfactorily, it can be readily used to assess financial fragility given its flexibility, computability, and the presence of multiple contagion channels and heterogeneous banks and investors. JEL Classification Numbers C68, E4, E5, G11, G21 We are grateful to seminar participants at the Bank of England, European Central Bank, University of Oxford, University of Pireaus, 59th International Atlantic Economic Conference, London and especially an anonymous referee for helpful comments and suggestions  相似文献   

This paper links banking with asset prices in a dynamic macroeconomic model, to provide a simple characterization of financial instability. In contrast with historical bank runs, recent banking crises were driven by deteriorating bank assets. Hence, in contrast with bank run models, this paper focuses on the interaction of falling asset prices, bank losses, credit contraction and bankruptcies. This interaction can explain credit crunches, financial instability, and banking crises, either as fundamental or as self-fulfilling outcomes. The model distinguishes between macroeconomic and financial stability. Its simplicity helps understand balance sheet effects and delivers closed-form solutions without resorting to linearization. For instance, the critical threshold beyond which an asset price decline triggers financial instability can be related explicitly to the structural parameters of the economy.  相似文献   

Many theoretical central bank models use short horizons and focus on a single tradeoff. However, in reality, central banks play complex, long-horizon games and face more than one tradeoff. We account for these strategic interactions in a simple infinite-horizon game with a novel tradeoff: tighter monetary policy deters financial imbalances, but looser monetary policy reduces the likelihood of insolvency. We term these factors discipline and stability effects, respectively. The central bank's welfare decreases with dependence between real and financial shocks, so it may reduce costs with correlation-indexed securities. An independent central bank cannot in general attain both low inflation and financial stability.  相似文献   

文章通过对1997年以来国内在金融风险预警系统研究文献的梳理和评价,以研究我国金融风险预警系统研究领域的弱势及空白领域。在借鉴国内外成熟和最新的理论成果及预警方法实践的基础上,结合当前我国金融业综合经营趋势及该趋势下风险来源、传染路径的特殊性,探讨了适用于金融综合经营趋势下的风险预警框架的构建。  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt has been made to explore the determinants of credit risk in the banking system with a particular interest toward the Islamic banking industry. We analyze the link between credit risk and a set of bank-specific and macroeconomic along with institutional variables using two complementary approaches. First, we investigate the factors of credit risk using one-step generalized method of moments (GMM) system estimator. Then, we explore the feedback between credit risk and its determinants in a panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) model. We have used a sample of Middle Eastern, North African (MENA) and Asian countries to apply our model. The major purpose of this paper is to find factors that could explain credit risk within the interest-free banking system relative to the interest-based one.  相似文献   

The mandatory dual‐audit and dual‐reporting system (DADRS) for mainland Chinese firms cross‐listed in Hong Kong (AH firms) was abolished in 2010. This study quantifies a positive spillover effect from Hong Kong‐based auditors in the DADRS and examines whether and to what extent this affects the audit quality of AH firms. We find that AH firms exposed to a stronger positive spillover effect have higher audit quality, and the loss of this effect drives the declining audit quality of AH firms after they cancelled the DADRS. This study is among the first empirical works on this research topic.  相似文献   

本文基于广东省的实践,分别考察了广东省金融结构、银行结构与产业结构调整的互动关系。运用2006-2011年广东省各市的面板数据,实证分析了广东省金融结构对产业结构调整影响,发现广东省银行业的发展对产业结构调整有明显的正向促进作用,而股票市场的发展对产业结构调整有一定的负向影响。这表明行业的发展在广东的经济发展中发挥着不可替代的作用,而股票市场由于不完善及多种非经济因素的影响,对产业结构调整产生了一定的阻碍作用。在此基础上运用1980-2011年广东省时间序列数据进一步分析了银行业结构与产业结构之间关系,结果表明广东省银行集中度的提高对产业结构调整有长期的负向影响。因此,必须提高银行业的竞争,逐步降低四大国有商业银行的垄断地位,同时加强股票市场的完善。  相似文献   

银行保险的制度变迁理论分析以及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭琳 《金融论坛》2006,11(1):59-63
20世纪80年代以来,无论是一直实施混业经营的欧洲,还是近几年重新走上混业经营之路的美国,银行保险都成为一种潮流和趋势。银行保险业务的产生及发展,既源于微观领域经营环境和竞争环境的变化,也源于宏观领域制度管制的放松和信息技术的迅猛发展,更源于银行保险经济学机理带来的范围经济和协同效益。银行保险作为一种制度创新的产物,更多地体现为从销售渠道创新到业务产品创新,再到组织模式创新的金融一体化的制度变迁过程。本文从制度变迁理论的角度对银行保险的产生动因以及演变发展进行分析,以期对我国银行保险的走向提供借鉴。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,无论是一直实施混业经营的欧洲,还是近几年重新走上混业经营之路的美国,银行保险都成为一种潮流和趋势。银行保险业务的产生及发展,既源于微观领域经营环境和竞争环境的变化,也源于宏观领域制度管制的放松和信息技术的迅猛发展,更源于银行保险经济学机理带来的范围经济和协同效益。银行保险作为一种制度创新的产物,更多地体现为从销售渠道创新到业务产品创新,再到组织模式创新的金融一体化的制度变迁过程。本文从制度变迁理论的角度对银行保险的产生动因以及演变发展进行分析,以期对我国银行保险的走向提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于"最优金融结构"理论,利用我国2004—2017年31个省区市的省级非平衡面板数据,实证检验了银行结构对产业结构升级的影响。结果表明:中小银行占比的增加对我国产业结构升级具有显著促进作用,且该作用在东中西部地区存在明显差异,东部地区中小银行占比增加对产业结构升级的影响并不显著,而中西部地区则具有显著的促进作用。在此基础上,运用面板门槛模型对区域差异性的影响因素进行分析,研究发现,在外商投资水平、财政收入水平、市场化水平、自然资源水平以及人力资源水平因素的不同门槛值区间内,中小银行占比增加对产业结构升级的影响具有程度和方向上的显著差异。  相似文献   

We estimate the risk‐neutral break probabilities of a realignment of the EUR/CHF 1.20 floor, maintained by the SNB from September 6, 2011, to January 15, 2015, using put options and an option pricing model, which assumes a lower barrier for the exchange rate. We estimate probabilities considerably different from zero, even when the exchange rate traded far above the floor. We observe a drastic increase in the break probabilities up to approximately 50% shortly before the floor was abandoned. From an option market perspective, the credibility of the SNB in maintaining the floor was, thus, substantially lower than publicly claimed.  相似文献   

随着银行业金融创新的快速发展,金融风险跨市场、跨国界更加方便快捷,单个银行监管当局已难以独当一面,从而需要加强银行监管主体的协调与合作.为了衡量银行监管当局监管协调与合作的适度性,本文试图设计一套评价适度性的指标体系.在设计时,笔者把适度性评价指标体系分为国内协调评价指标体系和国际合作评价指标体系两部分,并通过对适度性评价指标体系指标值的测算,提出具体的监管行动建议.  相似文献   

Most Middle East and North Africa (MENA) governments have firmly committed to financial inclusion as part of a progressive agenda. In this, their objective is to improve the allocation of resources across small and medium firms. Indeed, empirical literature has quantitatively shown that financial inclusion improves nations' aggregate measures of economic success such as growth or inequality. But we know very little of its effects on sectoral variates. This paper contributes to the literature by estimating and comparing the effects of financial inclusion on the relative size of gross capital formation of low-tech sectors in the MENA region. We use a panel of 3-digit level sectoral data on approximately 34 manufacturing industries of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) for eleven MENA countries and twelve emerging markets (EMs) within the period 2005–2016. The paper focuses in four measures of financial inclusion commonly used in the literature of development: size of commercial bank branches, ATMs, borrowers, and depositors. The results suggest that financial inclusion in MENA has a positive, statistically significant effect on the size of gross capital formation in the low R&D-intensity industries. Thus, policy considerations can be directed towards expanding financial services to other low-tech industries including fabricated metal products and to the medium tech division including repair and installation of machinery and equipment industries. This policy will have greater impact on gross capital formation and, thereby, economic growth.  相似文献   

在银行融资与企业融资两大市场均存在金融摩擦的条件下,经济转型时期的“投资潮涌”蕴含重要货币经济学含义。以货币政策调控行业过剩产能为例,本文为解释转型时期中国货币政策结构调控功能构建一个理论分析框架,并对相关理论假说进行实证检验。经验证据显示:当不同产能过剩行业的企业在抵押能力信息传递上存在系统异质性时,货币政策具有显著产能调控功能,而调控作用的大小与企业产权结构以及货币政策工具类型有关。通过融合“投资潮涌”与BGG理论,本文将BGG理论中的货币政策效应异质性从企业层面拓展至行业层面,进而揭示了传统非结构性货币政策在转型经济背景下何以具有结构调控功能的理论机制。结论表明,进一步夯实金融市场微观基础,协同推进实体经济供给侧结构性改革与利率市场化改革,对于健全价格型货币政策调控体系至关重要。文章也为通过进一步完善和创新分类调控政策思路,实现灵活精准、合理适度的货币政策操作路径提供了政策启示。  相似文献   

We examine financial distress and tax aggressiveness spanning the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2008 and the impact of the interaction between board independence and firm-specific financial distress on tax aggressiveness. Our regression results show that both financial distress and the GFC are positively associated with tax aggressiveness. More importantly, we find that the positive association between financial distress and tax aggressiveness is magnified by the GFC. We also observe that the interaction between board independence and financial distress is positively associated with tax aggressiveness. Our results are robust to multiple measures of financial distress and tax aggressiveness.  相似文献   

In light of a change in the foreign direct investment (FDI) landscape such as the rapid growth of outward FDI from Malaysia since 2007, this article ascertains the possible impact of inward and outward FDI on Malaysia’s bilateral export trade at the sectoral level, using a dynamic gravity approach. The findings reveal that both inward and outward FDI are complementary to bilateral export trade in the services, mining, and manufacturing sectors. Furthermore, the distance elasticity and the real effective exchange rate have a different negative impact on different sectors. Overall, the sectoral bilateral exports could not insulate against external events.  相似文献   

This study provides an answer to the question of how much cash deposited via a financial institution can be traced back to criminal activities, by developing a new approach to measure money laundering and proposing an application to Italy. We define a model of cash in‐flows on current accounts considering, besides “dirty money” to be laundered, also the legal motivations to deposit cash and the role of the shadow economy. We find that the average amount of cash laundered in Italy is around 6% of GDP. These findings are coherent with estimates of the nonobserved economy obtained in previous studies.  相似文献   

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