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随着中国数字科技托管平台的开发,传统媒体在新媒体的强势浪潮中不断受到挤压甚至走向灭亡.自媒体正以它独有的特质努力改变信息传递碎片化的状况,在和传统媒体共享受众和市场,成为网络传播最活跃的主体和新兴舆论场.因此,对于经营传统广播、报刊、杂志、电视新闻媒体的企业,新媒体所带来的挑战和颠覆不容小觑.本文立足“流动空间”理论,基于SCP(structure-conduct-performance,结构-行为-绩效)模型,对自媒体品牌人格化“意见领袖”及自媒体传播模式、盈利模式进行了阐述,旨在探索自媒体更好的盈利模式及未来更广阔的发展前景.  相似文献   

本文首先全面分析新媒体的蓬勃发展对传统媒体行业企业的影响,并深入剖析媒体融合背景下传统媒体企业绩效管理存在的问题,然后在此基础上提出科学有效的绩效管理措施与方案,以求为传统媒体行业企业有效应对转型升级提供重要的理论借鉴与实践指导。  相似文献   

本文以期货定价偏差作为预期的代理变量,利用两个门限的LSTR转移函数方法对投资者的预期形式进行了直接的检验和分析,发现沪深300股指期货市场投资者的预期形式表现出非线性,更为接近黏性预期的假设,对市场利多利空消息的反应存在着黏性和突变性;同时该反应暗含了投资者非对称的心理容忍,对利多信息容忍程度更大,对利空信息容忍程度更小。并且发现2015年9月为稳定市场而实施的期货市场限仓的政策以及市场环境的改变,在短期会使得投资者对利空信息的心理容忍变得更小,起到了有效的预期管理目的。  相似文献   

刘辉 《财会学习》2018,(3):44-45
在全球经济一体化的发展进程中,媒体的存在和发展对社会信息传播、各项文化知识的宣传以及政府工作建设等方面都提供了有效的宣传和帮助.随着社会的发展,传统媒体已不能适应现有的发展形势,因此,传统媒体与新媒体的融合是社会发展的必然趋势,同时也是媒体行业提高其财务管理水平和长久发展的主要方式.在现有的传统媒体和新媒体相融合的趋势下,媒体行业需要注重其现在所面临的问题,尤其是对如何加强财务管理应该给予更多的重视.因为在传统媒体与新媒体结合下,财务管理是现有媒体行业需要首先考虑的问题.本文主要从新旧媒体融合给财务管理工作带来的新变化进行分析,对如何加强新媒体和传统媒体相融合背景下的财务管理进行了有效的探讨,并给出了相关的建议.  相似文献   

<正>随着"互联网思维"的深入,新兴媒体正在逐渐改变传统媒体的生态环境。传统媒体的转型升级是大势所趋,不容回避。习近平总书记在《关于推动传统媒体和新兴媒体融合发展的指导意见》中强调,推动传统媒体和新兴媒体融合发展,要遵循新闻传播规律和新兴媒体发展规律,强化互联网思维,坚持传统媒体和新兴媒体优势互补、一体发展,坚持先进技术为支撑、内容建设为根本,推动传统媒体和新兴媒体在内容、渠道、平台、经营、管理等方面的深度融合,着力打造一批形态多样、手段先进、  相似文献   

随着我国地铁建设的蓬勃发展,地铁零售商业物业平台也随之发展起来。本文运用双边市场理论,构造平台垄断定价模型,分析平台定价策略与依据。结论表明平台的定价策略受交叉网络外部性、消费者的数量、平台服务成本、需求价格弹性等多方面因素的影响,平台一般会采取倾斜定价策略,对消费者免费,对商户收取较高的费用。  相似文献   

新媒体是随着信息时代的迅速发展环境下的一种新的产物,目前为止对于新媒体还没有一个确切的定义,如今我国常见的新媒体平台由微信、微博、贴吧等自媒体形式,但是新媒体的含义绝对不仅仅只有这几种表现形式。新媒体是区别于传统媒体的一种新的形式。随着新媒体技术的推广,其应用的范围也在不断的扩大,在企业的市场营销模式的创新当中也有着普遍的应用,本文对我国新媒体背景下企业市场营销模式的创新策略进行分析。  相似文献   

陈锋  公帅 《中国金融》2016,(4):56-57
近年来,随着数字科技、互联网、移动终端等技术的飞速发展,我国商业银行所面临的声誉风险环境和格局已然发生了翻天覆地的变化,传统媒体、新媒体及自媒体等媒体术语更是层出不穷,厘清三者关系及特点对于商业银行正确认识和适应新环境、提升声誉风险管理水平具有重要意义。传统媒体、新媒体、自媒体的关系传统媒体,也称平面媒体,通常被  相似文献   

随着社交网络、微博、微信、博客等自媒体异军突起,以个人为中心的信息传播方式逐渐从边缘走向主流,数字化新媒体已然成为报刊、广播、电视等传统媒体以外的重要舆论平台。与此同时,商业银行的声誉风险事件呈日渐增多趋势,其中包括自媒体在内的新媒体影响因素不可忽视。新形势下,应该审时度势,完善和加强声誉风险管理,从容应对舆情。  相似文献   

刘思庆 《中国外资》2011,(16):189-189
广告赋予了媒体至高无上的地位,甚至俯首称臣。在媒体资源稀缺的年代,新媒体层出不穷,传统媒体逐渐式微;媒介格局发生了深刻变化。要提高传播效率,就要进行受众的细分,现在传统媒体它在改版,在细分观众。新兴媒体层出不穷,也是细分观众的一个必然趋势。  相似文献   

An online platform auctions an advertising slot. Several advertisers compete in the auction, and consumers differ in their preferences. Prior to the auction, the platform decides whether to allow advertisers to access information about consumers (disclosure) or not (privacy). Disclosure improves the match between advertisers and consumers but increases product prices, even without price‐discrimination. We provide conditions under which disclosure or privacy is privately and/or socially optimal. When advertisers compete on the downstream market, disclosure can lead to an increase or a decrease in product prices depending on the nature of the information.  相似文献   

Nonretail platforms enable users to engage in noncommercial activities, while generating user information that helps ad targeting. We present a model in which the platform chooses a personalized ad-display rule and an advertising fee (which depends on the targeted user group). The policy that maximizes the platform's advertising revenues creates an incentive for advertisers to strategize targeting. We provide a condition for incentive-compatibility of the first-best policy, and highlight the forces that make it harder to satisfy. We apply our result to examples of platforms. Our analysis of social networks turns out to be related to the “community-detection” problem.  相似文献   

Textual sentiment affects the investment activities of investors in traditional financial markets. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending market, as one of the emerging and active Internet financial markets, has recently received considerable attention from academia. However, few related studies are available. This work examines the relationship between the textual sentiment derived from investors’ comments on P2P platforms and probability of platform collapse. We collect comments from an authoritative Chinese third-party P2P lending consulting platform and use a weakly supervised convolutional neural network to calculate the textual sentiment of each comment. Empirical results show that the extracted textual sentiment has a significant influence on a P2P platform's collapse. Furthermore, the “agreement” and “disagreement” from other investors of each comment are pivotal in predicting a P2P platform's failure. We find that the textual sentiment of comments regarding P2P platforms from investor communities provide insights into predicting platforms’ collapse in the near future.  相似文献   

The agency model used by Apple and other digital platforms delegates retail‐pricing decisions to upstream content providers subject to a fixed revenue‐sharing rule. Given competition both upstream and downstream, we consider how, under the agency model, retail prices depend on the firms' revenue‐sharing splits and the degrees to which consumers view the platforms and the goods sold on the platforms to be substitutes. We show that the agency model may not be universally adopted even if adoption would mean higher profits for all firms. Use of most‐favored‐nation clauses in these settings can ensure industry‐wide adoption and increase retail prices.  相似文献   

We develop a model with many advertisers (products) and many advertising markets (media). Each advertiser sells to a different segment of consumers, and each medium is targeting a different audience. We characterize the competitive equilibrium in the advertising markets and evaluate the implications of targeting. An increase in targeting leads to an increase in the total number of consumer‐product matches, and hence in the social value of advertising. Yet, targeting also increases the concentration of firms advertising in each market. Surprisingly, we then find that the equilibrium price of advertisements is first increasing, then decreasing, in the targeting capacity. We trace out the implications of targeting for competing media. We distinguish offline and online media by their targeting ability: low versus high. As consumers’ relative exposure to online media increases, the revenues of offline media decrease, even though the price of advertising might increase.  相似文献   

We generalize the standard repeated‐games model of dynamic oligopolistic competition to allow for consumers who are long‐lived and forward looking. Each period leaves some residual demand to future periods and pricing in one period affects consumers' expectations about future prices. We analyze this setting for an indivisible durable good with price‐setting firms and overlapping cohorts of consumers. The model nests the repeated‐game model and the Coasian durable‐goods model as its two extreme cases. The analysis is mostly focused on constant‐price collusion but conditions for collusive recurrent sales are also identified.  相似文献   

We study a portfolio selection model based on Kataoka's safety-first criterion (KSF model in short). We assume that the market is complete but without risk-free asset, and that the returns are jointly elliptically distributed. With these assumptions, we provide an explicit analytical optimal solution for the KSF model and obtain some geometrical properties of the efficient frontier in the plane of probability risk degree z α and target return r α. We further prove a two-fund separation and tangency portfolio theorem in the spirit of the traditional mean-variance analysis. We also establish a risky asset pricing model based on risky funds that is similar to Black's zero-beta capital asset pricing model (CAPM, for short). Moreover, we simplify our risky asset pricing model using a derivative risky fund as a reference for market evaluation.  相似文献   

This paper study how a change in specific and ad valorem taxes under nonlinear pricing affects tax incidence. We show that an increase in either tax rate leads to a higher usage fee for all consumers, whereas the fixed fee under reasonable assumptions will fall. Finally, the model shows that the presumption in favor of ad valorem taxes over specific taxes also holds under nonlinear pricing and incomplete market coverage.  相似文献   

Firms that use nonlinear pricing may distort product characteristics away from their efficient levels. This paper offers the first empirical study of this issue. Using data from a specialty coffee market, I estimate a structural utility model to compute consumers' benefits from changing products' sizes. I then compare the estimated benefits to cost data. Design distortions are relatively large for products not targeted to the highest‐demand consumers. Distortions decrease toward zero with drink size for products with the largest profit margins. These results support some of the central predictions from nonlinear pricing theory, including “no distortion at the top.”  相似文献   

王丹  孙鲲鹏  高皓 《金融研究》2020,485(11):188-206
本文研究了投资者"股吧"讨论这种"用嘴投票"机制能否发挥治理作用进而促进管理层进行自愿性业绩预告。用上市公司股吧中的发帖量、阅读量和评论量来衡量投资者"用嘴投票"的参与程度,研究发现投资者"用嘴投票"参与度越高,管理层进行盈余预测自愿性披露的概率越大,且更愿意及时披露业绩下滑等坏消息。进一步研究发现,投资者"用嘴投票"是通过对股价产生影响、引发监管层关注和招致媒体报道这三个渠道对管理层产生预警进而发挥治理作用。且这一治理机制在管理层受到互联网信息影响可能性越大、公司中小股东户数越多以及论坛的讨论内容越负面时更为显著。  相似文献   

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