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The legal and economic environment of the pharmaceuticals industry is analyzed in the context of the development of national and international legal standards for the protection of intellectual property. Empirical studies on the relationship between intellectual property laws and economic growth are used to examine the actual outcomes under differing approaches to legal protections for the industry in two countries.  相似文献   

自由贸易的新障碍:知识产权壁垒   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
近年来,随着知识产权保护水平的不断提高,出现了一种新形式的非关税壁垒一知识产权壁垒。它在知识产权保护的名义下,比传统的非关税壁垒更具隐蔽性、歧视性和报复性,对国际贸易的影响日益加深,因此应引起有关国家的高度关注。像中国这样的发展中国家应深入了解研究WTO规则,加强自主知识产权的开发,完善国内立法,以更好地应对国际知识产权壁垒。  相似文献   

我国企业应对中美“337争端”的策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自中国加入WTO以来,中美在知识产权领域的贸易摩擦时有发生。美国以保护本国知识产权权利人的利益为由,屡次对我国出口美国的产品发起“337调查”。从案件的数量、规模及持续时间来看,我国已经成为美国“337调查”的主要对象国之一。根本原因在于中羡贸易严重不平衡,美国想要利用新的贸易保护主义扭转其国际贸易中的劣势。我国出口企业应该努力发展自主知识产权,涉案时要积极、及时应对,维护自身的正当利益。  相似文献   

张倩 《江苏商论》2022,(1):26-29
区块链(Block Chain)技术的发展为知识产权保护提供了有力武器,在知识产权溯源治理、登记确权、侵权存证、产权交易、知识产权金融等领域提供了新的可能。研究区块链技术在知识产权确权、维权以及溯源治理方面的法律机制,有助于知识产权法律体系的更新迭代,也有助于国家知识产权战略的推进。  相似文献   

地理标志多哈回合谈判进程及对我国农业的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于世界贸易组织(WTO)的《与贸易相关的知识产权协定》(TRIPS协定)以及世界知识产权组织(WIPO)的众多国际条约的广泛而深入的影响,包括地理标志在内的知识产权法律制度已经进入了全球化的时代。对发展中国家而言,如何在国际知识产权相关问题谈判中为自身的发展赢得空间,已经不单单是一个技术问题,这将对其经济利益产生越来越重要的影响。本文认为在传统知识产权领域核心技术大部分被发达国家占据,国际知识产权保护标准主要由发达国家制定的情况下,发挥我国的传统优势,加大地理标志的保护将有利于我国参与贸易全球化,提升产品国际竞争力。因为地理标志的保护往往最能够发挥我国的资源优势,对增强我国产品的核心竞争力起到"四两拨千斤"的放大作用。文章介绍了多哈回合地理标志的最新谈判情况,以及我国目前有关地理标志的立法及保护现状。文章呼吁我国对地理标志的保护应该采取"内外兼修"的方法。即对"内",将保护地理标志作为支持农村经济发展的重要组成部分,在国内建立起一套管理统一、权利义务分明的地理标志法律体系;对"外",合理运用多边谈判和双边谈判的国际场合,在给予别国进一步市场准入的同时,大力地推动有利于我国农业发展的地理标志国际保护制度。  相似文献   

We review the evolution of modern Chinese intellectual property right (IPR) laws and enforcement and explore economic and political forces involved in international conflicts over Chinese IPR protection. Our analysis considers why the US and China moved from conflict to cooperation over intellectual property rights. Structural and institutional aspects of the political economy of IPRs within each country are considered, and data on Chinese‐US trade in intellectual property‐intensive goods are examined. We conclude that although enforcement of IPRs within China continues to be relatively weak, Chinese IPR institutions are converging on those in the OECD nations.  相似文献   

Drawing from institutional polycentrism, we advance understanding of how affiliation with different government levels influences innovativeness and profitability in emerging countries. Our framework suggests that as different government levels vary in their objectives and resources, they affect firm innovativeness vis-à-vis profitability in qualitatively different ways. The analysis of 18,430 Chinese firms shows that affiliation with higher-level governments enhances firms’ innovativeness, whereas affiliation with lower-level governments is effective for enhancing profitability. Our framework also clarifies how location-specific institutional substitution occurs, indicating that the usefulness of government affiliation for innovativeness depends on how effectively legal institutions protect intellectual property in each region.  相似文献   

知识产权争议之管辖专属性已开始动摇。针对跨境电子商务知识产权争议,各国已有一些法律和司法制度的创新,但尚未形成取得普遍共识之冲突法规范。电子商务的特点也促使各国法律和司法制度有所创新和分化。跨境电子商务知识产权争议所面临的问题乃跨境电子商务与知识产权二者的技术性带来,应以技术创新加上制度创新来应对:协调各国实体法,包括统一的知识产权法和对用户友好的司法程序;协调各国冲突法规范,其一要以人而非司法主权为核心,其二要以相对统一的内国管辖原则为基础;建立国际在线司法互助制度,以方便诉讼参与人,甚至建立国际互联网法院或仲裁机构;也可以考虑设置有国界或跨国界的网络司法辖区,与现实司法辖区有一定独立性;还可以升级网络平台自治,依靠区块链、人工智能技术等,形成一个有法律效力但可上诉的网络自动裁决机制。上述各方面的协调,可相互渗透、相互配合,形成代码与法律的共治。所提出的措施,既是应对跨境电子商务知识产权争议所需,也是跨境贸易、电子商务、知识产权各个具体领域本来所需要的改革。  相似文献   

贾志强  李想姣  王宗廷 《商业研究》2004,(1):161-163,174
在法律制度体系中,知识产权法与科技、经济有着特殊的联系,它是近代商品经济与科学技术发展的产物。知识产权制度的构建,出于知识财产化与产权制度化的合理要求,是一个科技创新与制度创新的过程。知识产权与科技进步具有时代对应性,知识产权是伴随着科技的发展而产生发展的,科技的进步同样需要知识产权的保驾护航。知识产权在世界范围内不断升值,并日益呈现出保护的范围不断扩大,保护的力度相对提高的国际趋势。  相似文献   

特许经营是21世纪国际经济贸易的主要商业经营模式。特许经营的核心是包括商标、专利、商业秘密等知识产权以及产品经销权、经营模式所构成的特许权的使用许可,特许人以此对被特许人进行持续的监督、控制。而知识产权本身是一种合法的垄断权,常常被滥用而引起限制竞争的效果。西方主要国家均对特许经营进行反垄断法规制,而且立法日趋严格,对我国具有借鉴意义,我国应建立完善以反垄断法为核心的法律体系,用以规制特许经营中的知识产权滥用行为。  相似文献   

This article explores the factors that motivate firms to learn new management practices. The hypotheses are empirically tested using a representative sample of 3676 small, medium and large firms from four South Asian countries and across all main sectors of economic activity. Given that we know little about the antecedents of the propensity to learn management practices in emerging markets, the study employs Bayesian Model Averaging approach to overcome the potential issue of model uncertainty. The results reveal that market competition, resource allocation towards internal and external R&D, good quality mobile network coverage and the use of external certified financial auditors have all positive and significant effects on the propensity to learn management practices. The results also suggest that private intellectual property rights protection in the context of inefficient legal systems can deter firms from learning, perhaps in fear of legal ramifications. Finally, the study shows that firms with a higher propensity of learning management practices are more likely to become profitable while exhibiting higher levels of both potential and actual innovation.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(2):207-217
Tapping into the creativity of a crowd can provide a highly efficient and effective means of acquiring ideas, work, and content to solve problems. But crowdsourcing solutions can also come with risks, including the legal risks associated with intellectual property. Therefore, we raise and address a two-part question: Why—and how—should organizations deal with intellectual property issues when engaging in the crowdsourcing of solutions? The answers lie in understanding the approaches for acquiring sufficient intellectual property from a crowd and limiting the risks of using that intellectual property. Herein, we discuss the hazards of not considering these legal issues and explain how managers can use appropriate terms and conditions to balance and mitigate the risks associated with soliciting solutions from a crowd. Based on differences in how organizations acquire intellectual property and limit associated risks, we identify and illustrate with examples four approaches for managing intellectual property (passive, possessive, persuasive, and prudent) when crowdsourcing solutions. We conclude with recommendations for how organizations should use and tailor the approaches in our framework to source intellectual property from a crowd.  相似文献   

苹果和唯冠之间的ipad商标诉讼案,使苹果公司在中国大陆的市场发展有所减缓,本案件暴露的问题也为中国企业对自己知识产权的保护提供了一定的借鉴作用。在实施知识产权战略中,应坚持政府为主导,引导企业发展的方向;全民参与,提高公众的保护意识;修订和制定相关的知识产权法律法规,完善知识产权体系;进一步实施知识产权战略,提升企业自主创新能力。  相似文献   

自《内地与香港、澳门关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(CEPA)实施以来,粤港澳一直将知识产权保护作为三地间实现贸易便利化、自由化过程中的一项重要任务。由于粤港澳三地间法律制度的差异,产生了管辖权、冲突法、实体法以及司法协助等诸多方面的冲突,这些差异直接导致三地间知识产权法律纠纷的发生。在粤港澳大湾区建设中,需要基于粤港澳现有知识产权法律制度,通过完善立法,强化司法和执法保护,纾解粤港澳大湾区现有知识产权法律冲突的困境,创新知识产权纠纷解决机制,以知识产权发展推动科技创新,为推进粤港澳大湾区建设营造良好的法治环境。  相似文献   

自新中国成立以来,我国不断通过立法对传统民族手工艺进行保护,但至今传统民族手工艺的知识产权保护与传承的现状仍令人担忧。我国在传统民族手工艺方面的立法工作虽然在逐步加强,法律制度也在逐步完善,但同时目前出台的相关法规对手工艺的保护大多局限于物化样态,在与手工艺相关的传统知识与手艺、稀缺遗产与资源、多样的艺术形态、文化环境和生存空间方面的保护相对空缺,亟待完善。我国应加强对传统民族手工艺的立法保护,加强对传统民族手工艺的司法保护,以此解决中华民族手工艺外流所产生的继承与保护问题,更好地促进传统民族手工艺的发展。  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the evolution of Russian food retailing and linkages between and among firms in the food supply chain. Intermediation theory is used to develop a conceptual framework. Intermediaries have played an important role throughout the Russian food supply chain fulfilling the function of matching sellers and buyers. Tighter vertical linkages between firms in the Russian food industry are becoming more prevalent, and the roles of intermediaries may be performed by agents acting on behalf of a vertically integrated principal. The food retailing sector in the Russian Federation is evolving to be a source of information from the consumer to upstream firms.  相似文献   

This article helps to clarify and articulate the ideological, legal, and ethical attitudes regarding software as intellectual property (IP). Computer software can be viewed as IP from both ethical and legal perspectives. The size and growth of the software industry suggest that large profits are possible through the development and sale of software. The rapid growth of the open source movement, fueled by the development of the Linux operating system, suggests another model is possible. The large number of unauthorized copies of software programs suggests that many people do not believe in laws regarding software copyright. There are many and varied views of software as IP, even within the information systems (IS) profession. In this article, four distinct subgroups of IS professionals are identified. The article describes the four subgroups and their respective ideological views on software ownership; it explores the subgroups’ attitudes regarding software laws; and finally, it explains the ethical positions embraced by each subgroup.  相似文献   

The importance of development and use of products embodying intellectual property rights has increased dramatically. The growing share of knowledge‐intensive products in worldwide trade, together with the increase in international technological competition, has magnified the importance of patents and other forms of intellectual property. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of patent protection on inward foreign direct investment (FDI). It also examines the relative importance of other variables such as market size, trade orientation, unemployment rates, and so on. The findings are supportive of the fact that the level of patent protection is a strong determinant of investment flows. A proper understanding of this relationship will help firms and governments devise appropriate intellectual property policy to encourage the growth and expansion of FDI. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

商业方法专利战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向高飞 《商业研究》2005,78(3):94-96
随着网络技术和电子商务的迅猛发展 ,出现了一种全新的在网络中进行商业活动的商业方法专利。对于企业来说 ,谁制订了有效的商业方法专利战略 ,谁就能在激烈的市场竞争中处于优势地位。取得商业方法专利会获得丰富的利润回报。企业在制订有效的商业方法专利战略时应着重考虑专利保护、撰写专利权利要求书应注意的事项等问题 ,以使自己在网络环境下的商战中立于不败之地  相似文献   

The design, manufacture, distribution, and sale of software constitutes a rapidly growing and remarkably lucrative global industry. Leaders of most software companies understand that intellectual property rights (IPR) typically are vital to competitive advantage and company success. Theft of intellectual property (IP) in the form of software piracy is brazen, extremely costly, lowers incentives to innovate, and threatens the very existence of some companies. IP theft, therefore, is a daunting challenge for managers of software firms. In this article, we make several contributions that should prove helpful to software designers, managers, responsible users, and broad stakeholders of software innovation and use—that is, almost all of us. In doing so, we provide an overview of international legal, ethical, economic, and systemic considerations, and we share an analysis of the drivers of consumer software piracy. We then discuss strategic considerations and introduce a decision-making typology, which may help legitimate companies to devise strategies and tactics to manage their software IP in the face of widespread piracy.  相似文献   

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