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The global financial crisis of 2008 aroused renewed interest in the effectiveness of corporate governance mechanisms to safeguard investor interests. In this paper, we measure the effects of the crisis from 2008 to 2009 on the share performance of 976 companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the Hong Kong SAR and examine the link between share performance and corporate governance mechanisms. Our results present evidence that firms with a higher proportion of independent directors and a greater concentration of ownership had lower share performance, but lower price volatility, during the global financial crisis. These results suggest that no single corporate governance mechanism is fit for all economic environments and time frames. To strengthen investors' confidence, companies should enhance the efficiency and adaptability of their governance mechanisms in turbulent times.  相似文献   

In a context of increased foreign exchange reserves holding from emerging and developing countries, this paper investigates the diminishing return of reserves holding assumption over the most severe phase of the global financial crisis (2008Q1–2010Q4). Relying on a Panel Smooth Transition Regression model, we highlight the differential effect of the accumulation of foreign exchange reserves for a set of financial vulnerabilities variables. In a specific manner, although reserves accumulation is effective above a critical threshold to cope with vulnerabilities related to the financial channel, we show that it becomes less effective beyond a certain threshold for domestic bank vulnerabilities. Our results are robust to alternative specifications.  相似文献   

This study uses data from 2011 to 2018 for Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises to construct a weighted directed network to investigate the topology of intercorporate credit guarantee networks. Moreover, based on the DebtRank algorithm, it develops a novel GuaranteeRank model that includes three factors to comprehensively examine default risk contagion and systemic risk in various scenarios. The results demonstrate that (1) credit guarantee network has the topological characteristics of “scale-free” and “small world”; (2) default contagion and systemic risk increase significantly when the macro-external shock and company's off-balance-sheet debt exceed certain threshold values, while continuous bank credit support can notably reduce the risk; (3) credit guarantee network is “robust yet fragile”, such that targeted shocks increase systemic risk much more than do random shocks; (4) in addition to the prevalent “too big to fail” and “too central to fail” phenomena, a “too connected with the central to fail” phenomenon is also identified for the first time. Therefore, this study provides an important reference for regulators and financial institutions to reduce the default contagion risk of intercorporate credit guarantee networks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the nature of the shocks that hit the small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Japan during the global financial crisis that occurred in the wake of the massive number of non-performing subprime loans in the U.S. We examine how the SMEs responded to the shocks, using the unique surveys that were conducted by the Research Institute of the Economy, Trade and Industry in 2008 and 2009. The shocks were identified as demand, supply, and financial shocks. The demand shock was the most prevalent of the shocks, while the financial shock was least frequent. The SMEs took a spectrum of measures against the demand shock by seeking help from suppliers and financial institutions. We find that the measures taken by the SMEs crucially depended on the bank–firm relationship as well as the customer–supplier relationship. The bank-dependent SMEs asked their closely-affiliated financial institutions for help, while the SMEs less dependent on financial institutions sought help primarily from their suppliers. A long customer–supplier relationship plays an important role in mitigating the supply shock.  相似文献   

This article revisits the 2008 financial crisis, considering how we can draw on the historical record to reappraise what created the problems and inform theory. It looks in detail at neglected factors such as the nature of the selection environment, the agency of actors, and the influence of structure. On the basis of that evidence, as well as the premise that feedback, rather than foresight, drives behavior, we reach new conclusions on what drove the crisis, and open up an exciting opportunity for historical methods to inform theory. This challenges current policy in terms of the idea of ‘Too Big To Fail’ and the focus of regulation; it also helps us revisit the lessons that we should take from this crisis, taking us away from macro-economic factors and individual malfeasance towards structure. Overall, the analysis suggests that a historical, institutional, and evolutionary analysis, based in theory, can add a fresh perspective.  相似文献   

The ownership structure of Japanese firms has long been characterized by the superiority of ownership by banks and business partners; however, after the mid-1990s, the relative share of foreign ownership increased significantly. Results from this study suggest that almost 90% of the variance in foreign ownership occurs within and between firms. As expected, a substantial percentage of the variance of foreigner ownership is explained by macroeconomic shocks. The results indicate that firm size, profitability, dividends, risk, and financial health are important factors that drive foreign ownership.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of financial liberalization on income inequality by using the country-level panel data from 51 African countries in more than two decades. We find that income inequality increases, rather than decreases, with the level of financial liberalization. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that financial liberalization likely induces banks to allocate the scarce financial resources in African countries more discriminatively to rich clienteles but excludes the poor ones from financial access, which thus widens the income gap.  相似文献   

We examine the herding behavior of investors in the US financial industry, especially commercial banks, S&Ls, investment and insurance firms during global financial crisis of 2008 towards own sub‐sector and market consensus using augmented cross sectional absolute deviation of returns (CSAD) model. After distinguishing between fundamental and non‐fundamental information, we find a greater influence of global financial crisis on spurious herding for commercial and investment banks, and such herding increases in the down market and with conditional volatility of returns, but adverse herding is prevalent among investors during normal period in response to fundamental information. We also find that herding intensity on fundamental information is relatively high with market consensus for all financial institutions except insurance firms in high volatility regime, and intentional herding is only significant and limited to S&Ls and investment banks in high volatility regime. Our findings suggest limited spillover effects of herding when investors face non‐fundamental information.  相似文献   

The paper challenges the view that MNC dictates a subsidiary's business strategy and operations in accordance with the integration-responsiveness (IR) framework. The paper integrates the IR framework with contingency theory to argue that a subsidiary needs discretion to craft its own effective business strategy in light of the environmental exigencies facing the subsidiary in the host country. It may do so at variance with the MNC's strategy. Evidence from China supports that subsidiary managers should take strategic initiatives in response to specific host country environment.  相似文献   

We sketch out two basic paradigms informing banking practice: the economistic paradigm focusing on profit maximization and the humanistic one, serving the common good. We then highlight paradigmatic cases to explore how each of these business models fared during the quasi‐natural experiment of the financial crisis. We find that many humanistic banks outperformed traditional economistic banks. Despite the uneven playing field humanistic banks fared remarkably well with regard to traditional financial performance judgements, muting criticisms of competitiveness. We find that overall both paradigms can provide a basis for successful banking as long as social and financial value generation are blended. We conclude by providing lessons learned for better banking.  相似文献   

Dutta  Nabamita  Kar  Saibal  Sobel  Russell S. 《Business Economics》2021,56(3):146-154
Business Economics - Self-employment among immigrants is a key source for income and social assimilation with natives. Rate of self-employment is significantly higher for immigrants than for...  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an unexplored dimension of fund managers’ timing ability: Market-wide tail risk implied by information in options markets. Constructing the option-implied tail risk, we investigate whether hedge fund managers can strategically time the tail risk through adjusting their exposure to changes of it. Using an extensive sample of equity-oriented hedge funds, we find strong evidence of tail risk timing ability of hedge fund managers. Furthermore, tail risk timing ability brings significant economic value to investors. Top-ranked funds outperform bottom-ranked funds by 5–7% annually after adjusting for risk factors. Our results are robust to various robustness checks.  相似文献   

Using a sample of ESG ratings, we examine the sustainability risk premium for developed and emerging markets between 2015 and 2019-end. Our results show that this premium is not empirically distinguishable in developed equity markets, whilst highly positive in the emerging ones. We further partition the emerging markets to comprehend whether country development and firm size have an impact on the sustainability risk premium. As uncovered, both factors play a significant role in the emergence of the risk premium. Consequently, larger corporations and advanced nations drive sustainability in the emerging markets and thus experience the financial benefits.  相似文献   

Chinese capitalism cannot be captured by theoretical frameworks and concepts such as the ‘Varieties of Capitalism’ approach. Despite its integration into the world economy and the financial crises, the country has kept a stable Leninist basis of formal institutions. The case of financial services shows: (i) a resilience of the sector to the ‘Great Financial Crisis’ of 2008 and (ii) the use of the crisis as an opportunity. Examining the control of Chinese financial services shows that private interests and the regulatory authorities are intimately linked to the state apparatus and that there is no radical break in sight with China's unique blend of party state-led capitalism.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the systemic risk in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) stock exchange (Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières - BRVM). It examines the extent to which growing activities in this stock market generate systemic risk. We find strong linkages across all economic sectors of listed firms, with the financial and industrial sectors being the center of the system around which the other sectors revolve. Financial institutions are not the only source of systemic risk in the WAEMU region, even though they play an important role in the system. Finally, using panel regressions, we find that big, high-growth and profitable firms contribute more to systemic risk than others. Overall, we find that the determinants of systemic risk depend on the indicator used to assess it and the sectors in which companies operate.  相似文献   

High-growth firms are seen as vital for economic growth. It is important for policy and theory to consider the barriers faced by firms achieving high growth and those with the potential to do so. This article uses data for 4,858 UK SMEs to investigate the obstacles perceived by two sets of firms: (1) firms in periods of high growth and (2) potential high-growth firms, which are observationally similar but are not achieving high growth. The results suggest high-growth firms perceive problems in six areas: recruitment, skill shortages, obtaining finance, cash flow, management skills and finding suitable premises. Potential high-growth firms feel held back by the economy, obtaining finance, cash flow and their management skills, but are less likely to perceive regulation is a problem. The results have implications for theory on high-growth firms and policies focussed at them.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine whether bank and stock market development contributes to reducing income inequality and poverty in emerging countries. Using dynamic panel data methods with an updated dataset for the period 1987–2011, we assess the finance–inequality–poverty nexus by taking the separate and simultaneous impacts of banks and stock markets into account. Mixed explanatory findings on panel studies suggest that although financial development promotes economic growth, this does not necessarily benefit those on low-incomes in emerging countries. For the finance–poverty link, we find that neither banks nor stock markets play a significant role in poverty reduction.  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - In Japan, income, authority, and prestige are unequally distributed between men and women, even if they share the same occupational level. These inequalities are...  相似文献   

This study analyses the determinants of EMU member states’ government bond yield spreads from January 2000 until September 2010. Using a dynamic panel regression approach, the authors show that before the outbreak of the financial crisis investors generally ignored fundamental sovereign bond risk factors. However, with the beginning of the financial crisis yield spreads for many member countries escalated. The results indicate not only that investors began to re-evaluate countries’ credit risks (measured by projections of debt-to-GDP ratios), but also that risk aversion in the markets, which increased significantly during the crisis, became a major determinant of sovereign bond spreads.  相似文献   

Are consumers' financial needs, and financial values, the same or different across cultures? Two studies, with student (Study 1; n = 988) and non‐student (Study 2; n = 959) participants, explore the extent of equivalence, across six countries (Brazil, Russia, China, Taiwan, Tunisia and US), in financial need belief, and financial value, measurement models. The financial need beliefs, derived from self‐determination theory (SDT) principles, include financial self‐efficacy, financial autonomy, financial community trust and support; the financial values include materialism and financial altruism. Both the financial need and financial value constructs evidence configural invariance (similar factor structure), and factor invariance among student but not non‐student samples. The financial need constructs evidence full, and the financial value constructs evidence partial, metric (factor loading) invariance. Factor covariance invariance obtains for the financial need beliefs constructs but not the financial value constructs. Finally, neither financial need nor financial value constructs evidence scalar (intercept) invariance. These results provide partial support for extending SDT's hypothesis of universal human needs to the financial domain. In contrast, the financial value constructs of altruism and materialism are largely instable across cultures, suggesting that consumer views of giving, and the role of wealth in social status, differ between countries.  相似文献   

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