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通过对全封闭单托辊输送机的创新的优化设计,使得此设备在原有的设计基础上,在清扫器、单托辊、靴型料斗、头部耐磨衬板和轴承测温系统等方面进行进一步优化,使之在使用方面更加可靠,维护保养更加方便,实现了该设备的使用性能的又一次飞跃。  相似文献   

带式输送机具有输送能力强、输送距离远、结构简单、易于维护,能方便实现程序化控制和自动化操作等优势。因此带式输送机被广泛应用于煤矿、仓储物流、粮食等行业,是组成流水作业线不可或缺的输送设备,带式输送机的性能也决定了整个作业线的性能。本文通过对比我国目前常用的几种带式输送机存在的问题来介绍中粮工科茂盛装备(河南)有限公司研发的一种新型全封闭错列式三托辊皮带输送机(发明专利号:ZL2016 1 0544868.7),该输送机在多个项目得到应用,获得良好的评价反馈。  相似文献   

<正>证券代码:837253踏实做事·实在做人徐州中良设备工程股份有限公司是全封闭双犁带式输送机的发明单位,主要生产全封闭双犁带式输送机、气垫带式输送机、单托辊带式输送机、除尘器、闸阀门等粮食仓储配套设备,并提供总承包服务。公司于2016年5月新三板挂牌上市,证券简称:中良股份,证券代码:837253。兴企以科技为先,创新与世界同步!公司自发展至今始终坚持以创新、质量为公司发展的核心,先后被评为省高新技术企业、民营科技企业、市企业工程技术中心、高新技术产品,拥有国家发明专利2项,实用新型专利20多项。  相似文献   

为了解决皮带输送机的多点卸料问题,通过吸收国外先进技术,总结国内有关皮带输送机多点卸料机构的特点和使用要求,我们自己研制设计开发了新型的位移回抛式多点卸料皮带输送机。  相似文献   

张磊 《科技转让集锦》2011,(8):122-122,124
带式输送机是一种常用的运输设备,广泛应用于煤矿井下煤炭输送。使用过程中常见皮带跑偏现象,轻者造成沿线撒煤,降低输送机的运输量,加大运输皮带机巷的清理难度;重者损坏皮带机甚至使商皮带机无法工作。如何解决和预防皮带跑偏对带式输送机的安全高效运行事关重要。导致皮带跑偏的因素很多。涉及输送机的设计、制造、安装调试、使用维护等方面,为此,我们仅对皮带机安装调试和使用过程中常见皮带跑偏现象进行原因分析,并提出预防措施。  相似文献   

本文简要分析了皮带输送机的工作原理与皮带传输机造成能源消耗的原因,探析了皮带输送机节能技术及其的应用,以进一步提升皮带传输机的运转效率。  相似文献   

粮食皮带输送机作为一种通用带式输送机,是由固定带式输送机改进而来,在粮食生产、加工、转运领域中应用十分广泛。随着社会的发展,传统的皮带输送机已经无法满足企业的需求,也存在一些不足,因此针对目前皮带输送机收灰系统进行改造,提高皮带输送机的工作效率与质量有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

清扫器是皮带输送机的一个重要部件,它起到清洁输送带的作用。选择一个适合的清扫器,会提高皮带输送机的工作性能,延长皮带输送机的使用寿命。  相似文献   

生产产业中,皮带运输机应用广泛。煤炭生产中需要对煤炭进行远距离稳定传输,而皮带运输机运输稳定,可实现长远距离运输,符合运输需求。但是,皮带输送机的安全问题严重影响其应用效果。本文对皮带输送机的爬坡性能及保护装置进行了详细分析,旨在为更好的应用皮带输送机提供参考。  相似文献   

正主要产品气垫带式输送机、托辊带式输送机、埋刮板输送机、斗式提升机、螺旋输送机、装船机、吸粮机及闸阀门等专业品质诚信创新江门市南方输送机械工程有限公司是专业生产码头、仓储输送设备的企业,系中国机械工程学会物料搬运专业学会及中国重型机械工业协会的会员单位。公司已通过ISO9001:2008质量体系认证,托辊带式输送机、气垫带式输送机、斗式提升机及埋刮板输送机已获全国工业产品生产许可证。  相似文献   

托辊皮带机跑偏的原因分析和解决方法。  相似文献   

We analyze the convergence of the Longstaff–Schwartz algorithm relying on only a single set of independent Monte Carlo sample paths that is repeatedly reused for all exercise time‐steps. We prove new estimates on the stochastic component of the error of this algorithm whenever the approximation architecture is any uniformly bounded set of L2 functions of finite Vapnik–Chervonenkis dimension (VC‐dimension), but in particular need not necessarily be either convex or closed. We also establish new overall error estimates, incorporating bounds on the approximation error as well, for certain nonlinear, nonconvex sets of neural networks.  相似文献   

本文具体针对全自动滚筒洗衣机,研究其在脱水状态下以每分钟1200转运转时所产生噪声的成因,接着提出三个改进方案,然后重新研究改进方案产生的噪声大小,以此验证改进方案的有效性。本文采用CFD软件FLUENT对所有模型进行模拟仿真分析。因为是搅拌模型,所以具体计算时采用动参考系法(MRF)进行计算。通过研究发现加强筋结构会造成涡流气流,是导致噪声问题的主要成因。在各个改进方案中,填充外围第四和第五圈栅格的方案被验证为最佳方案,既起到减噪效果又能节省填充材料。  相似文献   

This study seeks firstly to clarify which networks at start-up situation and early in life influence the survival of new firms. Secondly the study examines regional differences in the success of new firms. The subjects were firms which had closed down during their fourth to sixth year of operations, and they were compared with firms continuing in business. The results indicate, firstly, that it is networks internal to firm that create competitive advantage, innovation and efficiency. Secondly, management based on working in groups was emphasized in the firms that continued in business. In a typical family enterprise, ownership, management and family are united in a single entity. In other types of firms networks are seen as participating in the strategic management of the firm. Thirdly, close-downs were often caused by uncontrolled risks. A firm which fails after a successful start-up often tends to grow rapidly in the beginning, leaning on its product idea, but this rate of growth is too high from the viewpoint of the financing and the management of the firm. In firms which closed the growth objectives were too ambitions compared with the resources of the entrepreneur.  相似文献   

在信号分形盒维数特征的基础上,提出利用噪声与授权信号分形盒维数的差异对授权 用户是否存在进行检测。为了使合作感知性能趋于更优,多用户采用双门限策略进行分步合 作。该方法运算复杂度低,对噪声不敏感。仿真结果表明,双门限合作相比单门限分形盒维 数检测 和能量检测,系统检测率更高,所需频谱感知时长较短, 同时减轻了融合控制中心以及传输 信道的负荷。  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to demonstrate how the entry (costless) of firms in an industry may have a dramatic effect on exports from an industry in a country. The results have tremendous implications for LDCs suffering from resource and BOP constraints but having reservoirs of cheap labor. The welfare effects of such entry liberalization policy (or subsidy) can be stated from the Bhagwati theorem that a reduction in an only (single) distortion is necessarily welfare improving by reducing monopoly or oligopoly distortions. However, we have shown that the entry liberalization policy is welfare superior to an equivalent subsidy policy where equivalent is defined in terms of the impact on exports. As a by product, we have also shown how one can integrate the oligopoly models of trade with the general oligopoly literature. The results on the limiting behaviour of an open economy oligopoly model extend the standard results in the oligopoly theory in a closed economy.  相似文献   

油墨清洗剂的研制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研制一种由溶剂、乳化剂和其他助剂构成的油墨清洗剂.它可替代汽油、煤油用于印刷机件上油墨的清洗,其清洗效果好,气味低,使用安全.在清洗剂中加入防老化剂,减小溶胀,墨辊上的纸毛、灰尘更易清洗.  相似文献   

随着物流业的全球化、信息化与一体化发展,物流配送在整个物流系统中的作用变得越来越重要.物流运输系统是物流配送系统中最重要的一个子系统,降低物流成本首先要从降低物流配送的运输成本开始.其中,运输路径的合理性直接影响物流配送速度、成本和效益,特别是多用户物流配送路径的确定是一项复杂的系统工程.车辆路径的恰当选取,有利于加快对客户需求的响应速度,提高服务质量,增强客户对物流环节的满意度,降低服务商运作成本.文章将逆向物流配送与正向物流配送相结合,利用动态规划算法研究闭环复杂配送网络中的最优路径问题.经验证,计算结果与实际相符.利用这种研究方法,可将对子物流配送网络路径的优化研究,扩展到对整个复杂配送网络路径的优化研究,为研究整体闭环复杂配送网络路径优化问题提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

This paper develops a novel class of hybrid credit‐equity models with state‐dependent jumps, local‐stochastic volatility, and default intensity based on time changes of Markov processes with killing. We model the defaultable stock price process as a time‐changed Markov diffusion process with state‐dependent local volatility and killing rate (default intensity). When the time change is a Lévy subordinator, the stock price process exhibits jumps with state‐dependent Lévy measure. When the time change is a time integral of an activity rate process, the stock price process has local‐stochastic volatility and default intensity. When the time change process is a Lévy subordinator in turn time changed with a time integral of an activity rate process, the stock price process has state‐dependent jumps, local‐stochastic volatility, and default intensity. We develop two analytical approaches to the pricing of credit and equity derivatives in this class of models. The two approaches are based on the Laplace transform inversion and the spectral expansion approach, respectively. If the resolvent (the Laplace transform of the transition semigroup) of the Markov process and the Laplace transform of the time change are both available in closed form, the expectation operator of the time‐changed process is expressed in closed form as a single integral in the complex plane. If the payoff is square integrable, the complex integral is further reduced to a spectral expansion. To illustrate our general framework, we time change the jump‐to‐default extended constant elasticity of variance model of Carr and Linetsky (2006) and obtain a rich class of analytically tractable models with jumps, local‐stochastic volatility, and default intensity. These models can be used to jointly price equity and credit derivatives.  相似文献   

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