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李骏阳 《商业时代》2012,(27):25+34
2011年年底,商务部等5部委联合发布《清理整顿大型零售企业向供应商违规收费工作方案》,该方案是单方面针对零售商的规制,清理整顿的矛头直指大型零售商。本文就零售企业向供应商收费的合理性进行判断,对进场费在零供关系中的作用进行分析,并对《方案》中清理整顿零售企业向供应商收费的效果进行探讨,结论认为零售商与供应商的利益分配机制应由市场来决定。  相似文献   

无人驾驶是航运业未来的发展方向,基于其在民用和军用船舶的可行性,讨论无人驾驶技术在水面垃圾清理船上的应用前景。分析无人驾驶相关的主要技术,重点研究其在水面垃圾清理船上的具体实施方案,实现了垃圾清理船的自主航行。  相似文献   

在深化企业转型的过程中,财务机构主动服务支撑前端业务部门,针对卡业务发展现况,本着务实基础管理工作,防范企业风险为目的,及时进行退出业务清理,制定清理方案并牵头组织实施.  相似文献   

在深化企业转型的过程中,财务机构主动服务支撑前端业务部门,针对卡业务发展现况,本着夯实基础管理工作,防范企业风险为目的,及时进行退出业务清理,制定清理方案并牵头组织实施。  相似文献   

◢为配合全省互联网有害信息专项清理整治,打击网上违法经营活动,清除违法广告,维护网上市场经济秩序,保护网上经营者和消费者的合法权益,创造一个良好的互联网络经营环境,贵州省工商局从7月至10月在全省范围内开展为期约4个月的互联网网上违法经营行为清理整治工作。为使清理整治工作取得实效,省工商局7月24日制定下发了《贵州省互联网网上违法经营行为清理整治工作方案》。这次清理整治以贵阳、遵义、黔南、黔东南的市、州、地所在地为重点清理整治地区,重点清理检查一是未经注册登记或超出核准经营范围擅自从事互联网上…  相似文献   

正中央国土部:清理小产权房拟可强拆3月29日,由国土部牵头、14个部委参与研究制定的小产权房初步清理整治政策方案此前已上报给国务院,清理举措包括强制拆除、没收、停建、停售和停水停电等。国务院:农转非不得强制收回土地国务院办公厅通知,要依法保障农民土地权益,充分考虑农民的当前利益和长远生计,不能脱离实际,更不能搞强迫命令。在农民进城和留乡问题上,要尊重农民的自主选择权。  相似文献   

为认真贯彻落实《中华人民共和国行政许可法》,根据《国家发展改革委、财政部关于清理行政机关和事业单位有关收费的通知》(发改价格[2004]1196号)、省政府办公厅《印发关于全面清理行政机关事业单位收费的工作方案的通知》(粤办函[2004)108号)精神,广东省物价局对省定行政事业性收费进行了全面的清理和核对。经省人民政府同意,通知(粤价[2004]326号)如下:  相似文献   

1998年9月底,接到国务院领导同志关于取缔“文化垃圾”的重要批示后,国家工商局党组非常重视,迅速研究贯彻落实措施,及时部署全系统在门月底以前,针对企业名称、商标使用和广告宣传中出现的不良文化现象开展一次集中的清理行动。目前,清理行动已告一段落。一、清理行动取得了明显的成效各省工商行政管理局接到国家工商局《关于清理不良文化,扫除“文化垃圾”的通知》(工商公字[1998]第234号)后,都极为重视,认真研究领会国务院领导同志的有关指示精神,贯彻落实国家工商局下发的集中清理行动方案,并结合各省的实际长况,制定了具…  相似文献   

都匀市出台《都匀市2004年清理建设领域拖欠工程款和农民工工资工作方案》,《方案》对拖欠工程款和农民工工资的单位和个人作出了具体的惩治措施,拖欠农民工工资的企业将被禁止招投标。  相似文献   

2006年商务部会同发改委、公安部、国家工商总局等部门出台了《零售商供应商公平交易管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)。2011年底,商务部、发改委、公安部、国家税务总局、国家工商总局五部委联合印发了《关于印发(清理整顿大型零售企业向供应商违规收费工作方案)的通知》,该《通知》主要是依据《办法》对大型零售企业向供应商违规收费行为进行清理整顿。  相似文献   

本文对QFD设计理论进行了介绍分析,并在此基础上建立了清理筛一级质量屋模型,并对清理筛进行了综合竞争能力分析。  相似文献   

本文以锦州港粮食现代物流项目为例,介绍了粮食物流系统输送设备、通风保粮设备、清扫及检修设备、建筑电气、消防类设备等用电设备的运行特点,以及负荷计算方法。  相似文献   

In many countries, changes in the pattern of working lives and ageing of the population increases the need for professional cleaning in private domestic homes. The objective of this study was to obtain basic knowledge concerning professional home cleaning. The study consisted of two parts. First, cleanability of surfaces contaminated with microbiological and organic soils was examined in the laboratory using cleaning cloths, detergents and rapid detection methods with potential for use in conjunction with professional cleaning in private homes. Second, hygienic conditions in three households were screened using the same rapid detection methods as in the laboratory experiments. According to the laboratory study, the cleaning efficiency of the non‐woven cloth was clearly poorer than that of the cleaning cloths containing microfibers. There were differences between the efficacy of the cleaning agents in removal of protein and microbiological soils. Despite the differences between surface topography observed with scanning electron microscopy, differences between the cleanability of the three examined surface materials (steel and two plastic surfaces) were small. In hygiene monitoring, the highest levels of total aerobic bacterial counts were detected in the plughole of the sink, on the eating table in kitchens and along the edge of the toilet washbowl and the cover of toilet seats. Low amounts of Enterobacteriaceae indicating faecal contamination were detected in the toilet and bathroom after cleaning. Moulds were not detected in any of the three households, and the amounts of yeasts were low. Detection methods, microbiological dipslides and the protein test, were well suited to the laboratory study. Furthermore, they complemented each other in the hygiene monitoring. The information obtained will be used for development of better practices in professional home cleaning. Good quality management in professional home cleaning and the cleanliness of surfaces in homes are important factors affecting comfort and safety.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate different types of cleaning and washing equipment for maintenance cleaning of stairs by means of practical experiments and by value analysis. The following evaluation criteria were used in the study: suitability, lightness, ease of cleaning, ease of handling, good working position, suitability for the removal of sand and fine dirt, working speed, strain at work, resultant cleanliness and suitability for tasks other than floor cleaning.  相似文献   

The objective of this laboratory study was to obtain general background information concerning professional cleaning in private domestic homes. The specific aim was to examine the effect of storage and washing of dirty cloths on their hygienic status. The effect of storage on the number of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in cleaning cloths was examined using current or potential materials for professional cleaning in private homes. The bacterial content increased in microfibre cloths in some cases during a normal working day (8 h storage), and more clearly after 16 h or 48 h of storage. Disposable fibre cloths did not promote the growth of microbes as well as microfibre cloths. The effect of detergents on the hygienic status of cleaning cloths was unclear: some cleaning agents appeared to enhance the growth of bacteria, while others did not. In many cases, organic substances, i.e. protein added to the cloths, enhanced the growth of microbes. Washing of microfibre cloths at 60°C reduced the numbers of bacteria on the cloths but did not remove them entirely. Storage of dirty cloths before washing will probably cause difficulties in the proper washing of the cloths, and thus negatively affect their capacity for hygienic results in cleaning surfaces, as well as presenting a risk to the safety of the worker. Cleaning cloths should be washed as soon as possible after use: washing after each working day, at the latest, is recommended. Furthermore, cleaning cloths should be selected for professional use to allow washing at hot temperatures. The findings of this study could be used for training in professional home cleaning. They also provide valuable information for other branches of cleaning, including consumer use in households.  相似文献   

微乳液型油墨清洗技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了一种微乳液型油墨清洗剂,分析了清洗剂本身的理化特性,优化了清洗剂的清洗工艺。得出结论,微乳液型清洗剂最佳的清洗时间为5min,最佳的清洗温度为30℃。清洗后,被清洗物表面基本无油墨的残留,清洗效果较好。  相似文献   

抓粮食流通与粮食安全是河南省2008年承担国粮局关于我国粮食安全保障体系课题研究的一部分,就我国粮食流通、市场化建设与粮食安全进行了综合分析研究,提出了加强粮食流通产业化建设和粮食宏观调控仍需完善和提高,以保障我国粮食的中长期安全。  相似文献   

青稞加工工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据传统石磨加工工艺的原理,设计出青稞加工工艺,包含清理、着水、调质、熟化、冷却均质、表面清理等工序,和现化节能型炒籽及制粉技术,是一种全新的生产工艺,能生产适应市场需求的糌粑产品。  相似文献   

粮情测控系统在粮食储藏中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了粮情测控系统在粮食储藏中的应用和现状,具体分析了粮情测控系统的构成及工作原理。同时,详细说明了测控系统的安装、使用和维护,并提出了粮情测控系统的发展趋势和应用前景。  相似文献   

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