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据相关汽车专业机构预测,到2020年,中国的汽车市场将全面超过美国,而中国零部件出口量也将达到1500万个,从即将到来的2007年看中国的整车出口量将可能会增长10%整车出口的范围也将由特种车、高尔夫球车向乘用车全面发展,以乘用车为代表的整车出口将可能会占国内汽车总出口量的6  相似文献   

张慧玲 《进出口经理人》2006,(4):16-16,18,19
从2003年开始,中国汽车整车出口无论数量还是金额,每年都以超过150%的速度增长,2005年我国出口各类汽车整车15.94万辆,同比增长113.4%,出口金额15.33亿美元,同比增长159.0%。虽然在出口市场、出口车型和出口价格方面中国和世界汽车巨头相比还差距巨大,但是中国汽车产业的快速成熟和出口的高速增长已经引起世界的关注。今后几年影响中国汽车产品出口的有利和不利因素多重并存,诸多因素经过几年酝酿逐渐清晰,今后中国汽车整车和零部件出口依然将保持近几年的  相似文献   

顾列铭 《市场周刊》2005,(24):29-29
今年一季度中国汽车整车(含成套散件)出口51864辆,同比增长279.7%,超过同期51205辆的进口整车(含成套散件)数量,但由于占出口总量75%的高尔夫车、沙滩车等特种用途车,出口单价日益走低,导致了一季度出口整车金额仅为1.16亿美元,相当于同期进口整车金额15.59亿美元的十几分之一。即使如此,中国汽车厂家正欲迂回绕过日益增长、但竞争激烈的国内市场,以谋求出口整车。  相似文献   

2008年,受中国外贸政策调整和世界经济变化影响,中国汽车市场面临巨大的压力。虽然中国汽车工业克服人民币升值和世界经济景气度下降等不利因素而保持顽强增长,但出口增长特点有所改变,整车出口增长较快。  相似文献   

张碧蓉  陈刚 《中国海关》2007,(12):10-12
加入世界贸易组织后,国内汽车产业规模急速扩大,汽车出口节节攀升:2002年中国出口汽车整车2万辆,2003年出口4.8万辆,2004年出口7.8万辆,2005年出口17.2万辆.到2006年,中国汽车出口达到创纪录的34.2万辆,比上年增长近一倍.2007年前3季度,中国汽车出口达到41万辆,出口金额44.3亿美元,超过了2006年全年的出口数额.  相似文献   

浙江吉利控股集团有限公司总部设在杭州,在浙江临海、宁波、路桥和上海、兰州、湘潭建有六个汽车整车和动力总成制造基地.是中国汽车行业十强企业.资产总值超过140亿元。连续六年进入中国企业500强,连续四年进入中国汽车行业十强.被评为首批国家“创新型企业”和首批“国家汽车整车出口基地企业”,  相似文献   

2012年,对于中国汽车对外贸易而言,是具有里程碑意义的一年,汽车整车出口首次突破一百万辆。虽然从短时期看,中国汽车走向国际面临诸多压力,出口数据也不如前几年那么亮丽,但是开发国际市场、打造国际品牌,始终是众多国内汽车企业做大做强的愿望。2012年,我国共出口整车(含成套散件)及各类底盘101.58万台,同比增长19.51%,出口金额137.28亿美元,同比增长  相似文献   

一季度进口汽车市场主要特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今年一季度我国汽车商品进出口均呈现大幅增长态势,一季度我国汽车商品累计进出口总额超过百亿美元,与去年同期相比增长超过60%。其中进口总额增幅明显高于出口,整车出口总量再次超过了进口总量。一季度我国汽车对外贸易继续保持顺差,但顺差额与去年同期相比有所下降。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,中国汽车出口保持了年均36.16%连续高增长。整车出口从2001年的2.6万辆增长到2012年的105.6万辆,突破了百万辆大关,展现出中国汽车出口的巨大潜力。然而,中国作为年产1927.18万辆的汽车生产大国,出口量仅占生产总量的5.48%,与发达国家占比普遍超过50%显得微不足道。特别是随着出口的不断扩大,出口产品低端化、  相似文献   

2003年-2007年,中国汽车整车出口连续5年保持高速增长,平均增长率达到94.6%.进入2008年以来,在刚刚过去的第一季度,整车出口继续保持了高速增长的态势,同比增长80.8%.继中国汽乍消费市场引起跨国公司高度关注后,中国制造的汽车也越来越引起世界的高度关注.中国车企要抓住机遇,立足长远,用优质优价的产品积极参与国际竞争,大力开拓发展之路.  相似文献   

It was the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Chinese auto in dustry in 2003. In the past 50 years, Chinese auto industry developed from nothing, then expanded from small to big, and now it is growing from big to strong. In the 1980s when China implemented the reform and opening-up policy, Chinese auto industry got a rapid development; it has set up several key attto companies such as FAW Corp., Dong Feng Auto Group, Shanghai Auto Group, etc., manly important auto spare-parts enterprises and sever...  相似文献   

陈翠 《北方经贸》2007,(8):111-113
由于我国开展汽车消费贷款的时间短,相关的法律制度和信用制度不完善,信贷风险大大增加。因此,需要建立汽车消费贷款风险防范体系,有效防范和化解汽车消费贷款风险。文章从消费信贷、风险管理的理论成果出发,采用规范和实证分析相结合的方法,首先分析了我国汽车消费贷款现状,其后构建了汽车消费信贷风险测度模型,最后对模型进行了应用。  相似文献   

作为附加值较高的汽车制造业,其产业链长,产业关联度与产业波及系数均较高。为促进汽车产业的发展,以珠三角汽车产业为例利用灰色关联模型分析汽车制造业产业链中的本体产业与相关产业的关联效应以及对区域经济增长的影响,并据此针对珠三角汽车产业发展之路提出相关建议。  相似文献   

WTO rules against China in auto parts case On July 18,a panel from the World Trade Organization(WTO)concluded that China violated trade rules with its auto part import tariffs.The ruling marks China's first legal censure from the WTO since joining the global trade body in 2001. In April 2005,China issued rules to levy a 28% tariff on imported auto parts—China considers auto parts as a complete vehicle if they account for 60% or more of  相似文献   

汽车工业是具有高度关联性的产业,在国民经济发展中占有重要的地位。近年来,以奇瑞为代表的安徽汽车产业快速崛起,对安徽经济和我国民族汽车工业产生了很大影响。本文利用有关资料,对安徽汽车产业的直接消耗系数、固定资产折旧系数、直接劳动报酬系数和经济效益进行了分析,揭示了汽车产业在安徽区域经济中的地位及其与其他产业的相互关系,以期为促进安徽汽车产业的发展和区域产业结构的优化提供参考。  相似文献   

本文通过对中哈原油管道阿拉山口计量站开展的国内首例管线自动取样系统注水实验过程的总结和分析研究,阐述了依照ISO 3171及APIMPMS第8章实施自动取样系统注水实验的详细过程、方法、原理和影响实验的诸多因素,为国内开展管线自动取样系统验证实验及制定相应的标准奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The global auto industry has undergone a significant structural transformation in the last two decades as a result of the international fragmentation of production. This increase in cross‐border production‐sharing activities in the auto industry led to intra‐industry trade (IIT) in auto‐parts. In this study, the extent of IIT in the US auto‐parts industry is examined by decomposing trade into inter‐industry trade, vertical IIT and horizontal IIT. Then the development of vertical IIT is analysed as an indicator of international fragmentation between the US and 29 trading partners. Several country‐specific hypotheses suggested by the fragmentation literature are tested for the period 1989–2006. The results indicate that a substantial portion of IIT in the US auto‐parts industry is vertical IIT, and the econometric results generally support the hypotheses drawn from the theory. In particular, the findings show that the extent of the US vertical IIT is positively correlated with average market size, differences in market size, differences in factor endowments and outward foreign direct investment, while it is negatively correlated with distance and differences in per capita GDP.  相似文献   


Industries are responding to the challenge of increasing globalization of production by restructuring into leaner and more flexible production processes in order to cut costs and gain global competitiveness. The auto industry, which is one of the most globally oriented industries has been especially involved in this movement. Since 1990 the market environment of the Argentine auto industry has changed rapidly from that of a closed, highly protected environment to an open one that includes economic integration with the world’s 9th largest auto producer, Brazil. The need to be globally competitive has forced firms to adopt Just-in-Time/Total-Quality-Control (JIT/TQC) systems of production. This paper presents micro, plant level research on the response of Argentine autopart manufacturers to this radical change in its market environment. The analysis is based on a case study of 10 well-established autopart firms which were interviewed in depth to get some idea of the measures being taken by them to survive in this new global climate. The extent to which the “world class manufacturing techniques” of JIT/TQC are being adopted in these firms is examined. The survey finds a wide variety of adaptations of these techniques.  相似文献   

As a top international show,the North American International Auto Show(NAIAS)is among the most prestigious auto shows in the world.On January 13,2008,in Detroit,the 101st NAIAS unveiled the first auto show of 2008.With the developing strategy of"Going Out"and the innovation on research and technology,China automakers achieved great progress in recent years.In this show,China five automakers including:BYD Auto,Changfeng Group,Geely International Corp,Li Shi Guang Ming Auto Design CO.Ltd,and ZXAuto China(Hebei Zhongxing)attended the NAIAS on January 13 to 27,2008.Changfeng Motor Group and Geely International Corporation made return visits to Detroit while BYD Auto Co.,Chamco and Li Shi Guang Ming appeared for the first time.  相似文献   

我国各地区汽车制造业动态竞争力的分解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
入世以来,广东、山东等地汽车制造业竞争力增强,上海、吉林等地汽车制造业竞争力减弱。规模竞争力主导了汽车制造业竞争力的变化,效益竞争力的影响较小。企业数量与平均规模是影响规模竞争力的两大因素,劳动生产率与人均产值是影响效益竞争力的两大因素。各地区角逐汽车制造业规模竞争的同时,更应通过提高管理水平、加强研发创新等途径提升当地汽车制造业的效益竞争力。  相似文献   

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