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虚假广告泛滥根源的法经济学解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从法经济学意义上讲,虚假广告是经营者利益博弈的结果,利益驱动是虚假广告泛滥的经济动力,违法成本低则为虚假广告泛滥提供了条件.现行司法救济不足、行政监管不力、监管体制不完善、消费者自身问题等因素直接或间接降低了虚假广告的违法成本.规制虚假广告的有效方法是提高虚假广告的违法成本.  相似文献   

广告是联结商家与消费者之间的桥梁,是消费者获取信息、了解市场的重要渠道,也是企业进行公平竞争的一个重要途径。虚假广告的屡禁不止,不仅挫伤了人们对广告的信任,同时也损害了消费者的利益以及商品生产经营者之间的正当竞争关系,扰乱了社会市场经济秩序,进而影响到社会主义市场经济的健康、快速发展。虚假广告的普遍存在给消费者、其他经营者、市场信息、媒体公信力等带来极大的负面影响,是政府重点打击的对象。  相似文献   

近几年来,虚假违法广告在我国的市场上发展的越来越迅速。这对我国的消费者,大众媒体,国家的公共信誉都有很大的不良影响。在强烈打击虚假广告的过程中,有关的治理政策没有起到相应的作用,不少消费者提出提高道德水平才是治理虚假违法广告的根本所在。但是不少广告主、发行媒体、法律机构分析了虚假广告的主观原因,并与发达国家在治理虚假违法虚假广告方面做了比较,指出:虚假广告的遏制,要从制度入手。通过对法律还有制度的完善,让公众养成一种习惯,从而提高道德水平,从根本上消除虚假广告。  相似文献   

广告在我们的生活中如影随形,无孔不入。 以欺骗手段进行内容不实、造成欺骗和误导后果的虚假广告更是随处可见。广告影响着人们的生活。虚假广告对商品质量、性质、用途、生产者和产地等做虚假、欺骗和误导的广告,必将给消费者造成巨大的损失。[编者按]  相似文献   

明星代言虚假广告法律责任研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济的不断发展,广告作为宣传产品的重要手段,已经成为各大厂商竞争的新阵地。随着广告的增加,明星代言广告现象变得更为普遍,明星代言广告逐渐成为人们关注的热点问题。近几年,经常出现明星代言虚假广告的现象,给人民群众的生命、财产造成了严重的损害,使得我国的市场经济秩序遭到了严重的破坏。面对日益泛滥的虚假广告,我国相关法律对虚假广告的打击力度却非常有限。除了《食品安全法》中明确代言人对于代言的食品产品应当承担连带责任外,其他法律中还没有对代言人的虚假代言行为的责任承担进行规定。近几年,明星代言虚假广告的法律责任承担问题一直是社会各界所重点探讨的问题之一。特别是随着三鹿奶粉事件发生后,有关虚假代言行为的讨论更是被推上了新的高潮。  相似文献   

"法眼"透视虚假广告对我国经济的危害   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立,大量“虚假广告”开始充斥市场。虚假广告对于我国经济的危害极大,任由其泛滥,会严重地破坏我国尚未成熟的社会主义市场经济,从而阻碍国民经济的发展。本文从虚假广告对经济的危害出发,分析了治理虚假广告的法律依据,并对依法治理虚假广告提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

由于我国<广告法>对代言人代盲虚假广告行为的法律责任没有作出明确的规定,这也是虚假广告代盲人的行为是否要承担法律责任、承担何种性质的法律责任成为当前理论和实务界关注的热点和焦点原因之一,文章从虚假广告代言人的界定入手,全面分析了虚假广告代言人承担侵权法律责任的依据,并就其便权责任的认定要件作了一定范围的探讨,以期完善虚假广告代言人法律责任规制.  相似文献   

近年来,违规违法药品广告时有发生,虚假、不实的药品广告宣传严重扰乱了药品市场的秩序,对人们的身体健康和用药安全构成了严重的威胁.由于公立医院垄断药品购销价格,医药广告市场监管制度尚不完善等问题的存在导致虚假药品广告违法成本低、投机利润高,同时患者对违法药品广告没有辨识能力,也使得药品广告市场更加不规范.本文分析了我国药品广告管理现状,探究了虚假药品广告产生的原因,并对药品广告市场的规制及发展提出了相应对策建议.  相似文献   

温万名 《经济师》2008,(10):76-77
商品房销售广告的法律性质及相关的法律责任问题对确定商品房交易过程中当事人之间的利益分配关系,规范房地产市场行为和保护当事人的合法权益具有重要的意义。虚假广告的存在严重侵害了消费者的合法权益和扰乱了房地产市场的正常秩序。虚假商品房预售广告侵害的是多重客体,包括消费者利益、竞争者利益和社会公共利益。因违法行为的多重性,从而产生多重请求权。  相似文献   

王越 《经济研究导刊》2014,(11):226-227
广告作为一种品牌建设和品牌发展战略形式,在发展壮大企业方面起着至关重要的作用。近几年虚假广告盛行,而明星代言的虚假广告的不仅损害了消费者的合法利益,同时也损害了社会公众的利益,并且对社会公信力造成了极大的伤害。我国法律对于明星代言虚假广告的规定还不完善,部分商家、企业、明星唯利是图,同时消费者的消费理念也不成熟。鉴于此,应通过借鉴相关国外法律法规,完善我国法律,保护消费者的合法权益,维护正常的经济秩序。  相似文献   

儿童产品的广告创作探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童产品的广告诉求对象既可以是儿童,也可以是家长。由于两者的消费心理存在着极大差异,使得儿童产品的广告创作与一般消费品广告创作有所不同。儿童产品的广告创作应该把握儿童的广告接受特点,明确广告诉求对象,针对诉求对象分别制定不同的广告策略,同时在广告创作中要注意避免不利于儿童成长的负面影响。  相似文献   

TV tune-in, namely the preview of forthcoming programs, is an important type of TV advertising. We examine TV tune-in as a continuous variable. First, tune-in can increase profits when TV stations are sufficiently differentiated and the market is partially covered. Second, tune-in crowds out program quality. Third, tune-in lowers advertisement supply. Further, tune-in can increase profits in a partially covered market if firms are sufficiently differentiated. Otherwise, it leads to low profits. We also identify the effects of tune-in on consumer surplus and social welfare and suggest that tune-in should be prohibited whenever it lowers program quality and social welfare.  相似文献   

赵双阁  艾岚 《经济与管理》2007,21(11):92-95
当前中国广告界存在种种不正当竞争现象,严重干扰了广告市场的竞争秩序,成为中国广告业国际化正常进程的一大障碍.这些现象产生的根源具有多元性的特点,而其中最重要的则是因为相关的竞争制度不健全.因此,当前亟需加强对中国广告活动主体之间竞争制度的研究.  相似文献   

Advertising media are a means of communication that creates different marketing and communication results among consumers. Over the years, newspaper, magazine, TV, and radio have provided a one-way media where information is broadcast and communicated. Due to the widespread application of the Internet, advertising has entered into an interactive communications mode. In the advent of 3G broadband mobile communication systems and smartphone devices, consumers' preferences can be pre-identified and advertising messages can therefore be delivered to consumers in a multimedia format at the right time and at the right place with the right message. In light of this new advertisement possibility, designing personalized mobile advertising to meet consumers' needs becomes an important issue. This research uses the fuzzy Delphi method to identify the key personalized attributes in a personalized mobile advertising message for different products. Results of the study identify six important design attributes for personalized advertisements: price, preference, promotion, interest, brand, and type of mobile device. As personalized mobile advertising becomes more integrated in people's daily activities, its pros and cons and social impact are also discussed. The research result can serve as a guideline for the key parties in mobile marketing industry to facilitate the development of the industry and ensure that advertising resources are properly used.  相似文献   

Many scholars argue that advertiser influence prevents commercial news media from reporting truthfully on harmful business practices. Yet overt evidence of advertiser influence on the news can be elusive, partly because fear of offending advertisers may lead news organizations to censor themselves. An apparent departure from self-censorship, however, is the anti-business reporting that characterized the muckraking era of the early 20th century. We therefore examine muckraking's demise as a case study of potential advertiser influence. As alternative hypotheses of muckraking's decline, our tests seek to distinguish between an advertising boycott and a fall in reader demand for muckraking content. The tests involve comparing market performances of muckraking and non-muckraking magazines, and estimating the determinants of advertising in muckraking magazines. We generally find no evidence to support the hypothesis of an advertising boycott.  相似文献   

Peck RL 《Medical economics》1979,56(16):29-30, 32, 37-8 passim
In this article, the Washington editor of MEDICAL ECONOMICS reviews the salient actions taken by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) against medical societies, physician directors of Blue Shield organizations, Health Systems Agencies, and Professional Services Review Organizations. When interviewed, top-ranking FTC staff officers responded to specific questions regarding the concerns of the agency. The FTC regards the practice of medicine as an activity in which competition must be protected. Thus, the restriction of advertising, setting of free schedules, limitation on the number of physicians, and exclusion of other health-care providers or organizations is regarded as anti-competitive and merits intervention by the FTC. The staff members acknowledge that the Congress may enact laws to control health care costs which would permit practices that the FTC would oppose in the absence of such legislation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate whether investor attention to advertising has an asymmetric effect on Chinese stock returns by using a multivariate Markov switching model with time-varying regime transition probabilities. Using the Chinese stock market as a setting, we obtain lagged conditional volatility from generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) for modelling the time-varying transition probabilities of the regime-switching process to capture changes in the market regime. Our evidence documents that the high advertising portfolio does earn higher abnormal return than the low advertising portfolio in low-volatility periods. In high-volatility periods, however, the abnormal return is insignificant when the firm increases advertising spending. Our results support the behavioural model argument that in high-volatility period, advertising information diffuses slowly due to cognitive dissonance. Thus, the effect of advertising on stock returns is asymmetric, and it shows statistical significance in low-volatility periods.  相似文献   

由于药品的特殊性,故人们在日常生活中往往难以获取相关的药品知识,药品广告封指导合理用药、安全用药起着至关重要的作用。所以真实合法的广告宣传对药品的推广使用,能起到有效的促进作用,否则将误导消费者。笔者试图对此做出具体的分析。  相似文献   

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