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This paper examines the main determinants of individual attitudes towards immigration in Europe. Our results suggest that both economic and non‐economic variables shape attitudes towards immigration, but the relative importance of these factors depends crucially on the race/ethnicity of the arriving immigrants. While fears over labour market competition are more likely to shape attitudes towards the arrival of same race immigrants, more exposure to immigrants reduces opposition towards the arrival of different race immigrants. These findings persist after controlling for socioeconomic characteristics, and after exploiting the data to allow for cohort‐specific effects.  相似文献   

Several studies have analyzed motives to work in the public versus private sector. However, research on prosocial motivation in the context of public sector employment has largely neglected civic virtue, the motive to contribute to society. This study considers civic virtue in addition to other possible motives, using a representative, longitudinal dataset of employees in Germany including 63,180 observations of 13,683 different individuals. We find that civic virtue relates positively to public sector employment beyond altruism, risk aversion, laziness and (low) financial motivation. The result holds within different branches and is explained by sorting into the sector.  相似文献   

This article argues that domestic social conflicts are a key to understanding why growth rates lack persistence and why so many countries have experienced a growth collapse since the mid-1970s. It emphasizes, in particular, the manner in which social conflicts interact with external shock on the one hand, and the domestic institutions of conflict-management on the other. Econometric evidence provides support for this hypothesis. Countries that experienced the sharpest drops in growth after 1975 were those with divided societies (as measured by indicators of inequality, ethnic fragmentation, and the like) and with weak institutions of conflict management (proxied by indicators of the quality of governmental institutions, rule of law, democratic rights, and social safety nets).  相似文献   

Zhanjiang Economic and Technological Development Zone (ZETDZ) is one of China's first state-level development zones established with approval by the State Council, the central government. Construction of infrastructure facilities in the zone started in April 1985. After close to 18 years of development, ZETDZ has become one of the most active economic zones in western Guangdong province boasting a full range of functions, good facilities and a beautiful environment.  相似文献   

EdmontonisthecapitalcityoftheDevinceofthertaandthelargesteitybyareaintheprovince.theCityhasanestimatedpopulationof634.000,makingitCanada'sfifthlargestmetropolitanarea.The1990shavebeenatumultuoustimefortheCityofFdmonton,itsCityCouncilanditsadnhnistration.Thechallengesofbalancingtheneedsanddesiresofourcitizenswithevershrinkingrevenueshavebengreat.TheneedformoresServicesand,therefore,moreexpenditures,iscontinual.Forexample,ourcityhasgrownsteadilyovertheyears,requiringmoreinfrastructureandsmor…  相似文献   

DavidHarrisandKimberlyRatekinhavebeenmarried14years.They havetwodaughtersandanewbornson.Still,withthehelp oftheiremployer,theSouthSanFranciscobiotechfirmGenen tech,theyaredatingagain...eachother,ofcourse.EversinceGenentech'son -sitedaycarecenterintro du…  相似文献   

Despite the ascendency of carbon pricing as a key regulatory strategy for governing anthropogenic climate change, insufficient attention has been paid to the issue of price discovery in emission trading schemes, now the dominant form of carbon pricing globally. By analysing the political economy of carbon market design, this paper highlights a number of design features that are instrumental in depressing carbon prices across the world’s emission trading schemes, keeping them well below those considered necessary to spur deep emission reductions in order to avoid catastrophic global warming. In doing so, it advances critiques of carbon trading by illuminating the extent to which carbon markets manifest as expressions of specific power relations rooted in the political economy of advanced capitalism, with low prices ensuring minimal disruption to business as usual.  相似文献   

<正> 由于经济发展的周期规律的作用,发展时期有冷热之分是正常的。但是暴热暴冷、乍热突冷又是不正常,应该尽量避免的。我国经济在传统的计划体制下经常大起大落,波动的幅度和频率都是一般市场经济国家所罕见的,问题的关键就在于这种起落是人为控制的结果,不是市场规律和经济规律使然。总结多年的经验和教训,在对待冷与热的问题上必须注意三点:一是要用两点论、两分法分析解决问题。全局经济过热(冷),不等于全国各地皆热  相似文献   

张亚威 《新经济》2013,(11):24-25
有钱才能出去玩?随着旅游市场的深度开发及中国富豪人数的增长,奢华游、天价游越来越多,且不说10万元游南极了,那是小菜一碟,101万元的"环游世界80天"让儒勒·凡尔纳也会汗颜,至于伦敦奥运会期间的888万元包机看开幕式,说是天价一点也不为过。当然,有钱的并不只是中国人。维珍航空推出的20万美金太空亚轨  相似文献   

《中共中央国务院关于加快建设全国统一大市场的意见》,一石激起千层浪。这浪花同样打到了生态环境市场,有人跃跃欲试,有人仍在观望。市场人士普遍认为,加快建设全国统一大市场,是坚持和完善社会主义市场经济体制的生动体现。  相似文献   

整个证券行业几年来潜亏(实际亏损与账面亏损之和)高达2200亿人民币,平均每家要赔上20亿元.20亿元是个什么样的概念?一个中等规模券商全部的注册资本.随着证券市场行情的走低,这一态势更为严峻,丝毫不亚于银行不良贷款的金融风险.  相似文献   

在抗击微软对中国市场的冲击战中,九九年是中国扬眉吐气的一年。但是,本想打老虎,没有想到打的却是一只猫,心里那个别扭劲就别提了。  相似文献   

周阳 《经济》2006,(7):68-70
有人预计,文化创意产业正在成为2006年最有吸引力的词语之一。  相似文献   

黄金高点位 买入? 卖出?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐国栋 《资本市场》2008,(5):100-101
黄金投资是最具价值的投资之一,这一点毋庸置疑。在近一年的时间里,国际金价一路上行,目前已达到1980年以来的历史高位区。面对如此火爆的黄金市场,投资者应该如何应对,买入?还是卖出?  相似文献   

刘晶 《经济》2005,(11):24-27
翻开人类历史,我们不难发现,几乎每一次大规模的流行病,都会给人类文明进程带来一次重大的变革。禽流感亦将如此吗?  相似文献   

今年10月之后,阿里巴巴集团董事长马云的去留竟然成了个疑问.这不是空穴来风,至少从雅虎和阿里巴巴的商业协议来看,从今年10月起,雅虎在阿里巴巴董事会的投票权,将从35%增至39%,而马云等管理层的投票权将从35.7%降为31.7%.  相似文献   

随着新一轮行情的不断深入,(?)化股、钢铁股、汽车股、科技股、强庄股轮番而动,大盘已轻松跨越2000点,翻开了中国股市崭新的一页。 从美国、香港等成熟股市的发展历程来看,2000点是发展的拐点。中国股市一旦成功跨越,股指便会(?)加  相似文献   

王铮 《经济》2004,(3):40-41
ICANN是互联网世界的最高决策机构,它设在美国。但按照其理事会理事、中国科学家钱华林的说法,ICANN是他所看到的最为公开、公正、透明的组织  相似文献   

苏北某乡镇企业1988年还是一个只有5人的小厂,他们凭着顽强的创业精神和灵活的企业机制,经过短短三年的艰苦奋斗,产值突破5000万元,利润超过1000万元,被省政府授予“明星乡镇企业”称号。1991年,该厂对照市场政府出台的“加长凳、戴官帽”的奖励政策,企业升格为县属集体性质,厂长被录用为国家干部,并兼任县政协副主席。从此厂长坐上了“铁交椅”,职工端上了“铁饭碗”。可是这并没有给企业带来更大的发展,相反,随着市场竞争的加剧,企业技术改造的滞后,干部职工危机意识和创业精神的消失,企业每况愈下,到1992年底,企业累计亏损达457万元,  相似文献   

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