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“沃尔玛是哪天邀请你到深圳谈判的呢?”面对本刊开门见山的提问,郭稳才翻开桌上的工作月历本:“8月11日,双方商定了会谈时间和地点,我们是16日上午到达的深圳……”最近两个月,郭稳才的工作月历本上,记录着数不清的“沃尔玛”三字。郭稳才说:“这些天来,我整天忙忙碌碌的,但值得高兴地是沃尔玛组建工会的事情,从突破到现在,形势是  相似文献   

连续3年夺世界500强企业榜首的沃尔玛,从美国南部小乡村起步,短短几十年跃入全球第一零售集团。其中有许多成功经验值得我们学习。而今,沃尔玛“天天平价,保证满意”的经营旗帜,已被全球企业所瞩目,成为许多企业、尤其是零售企业的效仿的样板。冰冻三尺非一日之寒。走入天天平价的背后,隐性服务、以客为本的经营理念,则是沃尔玛成为零售巨人的实质所在。  相似文献   

最近韩国的流通界发生了一场“大地震”。素以资金雄厚、国际化经营著称的家乐福、沃尔玛等国际超市连锁企业纷纷撤出韩国,转向中国、越南等国家。“打败”这些“恐龙企业”的正是韩国“土生土长”的易买得、衣恋等自主品牌企业,而且这些企业还要在亚洲市场与家乐福等“巨头”一争高低。  相似文献   

世界著名的《财富》杂志报导.全球最大的零售连锁店、美国沃尔玛百货有限公司集团是世界500强企业第一位的保持者。2004年沃尔玛企业全球的销售额达到2852亿美元。并荣登世界“最受尊敬企业”和“最受赞赏企业”排行榜。  相似文献   

连续3年夺世界500强企业榜首的沃尔玛,从美国南部小乡村起步,短短几十年跃入全球第一零售集团。其中有许多成功经验值得我们学习。而今,沃尔玛“天天平价,保证满意"的经营旗帜,已被全球企业所瞩目,成为许多企业、尤其是零售企业的效仿的样板。冰冻三尺非一日之寒。走入天天平价的背后,隐性服务、以客为本的经营理念,则是沃尔玛成为零售巨人的实质所在。1962年,山姆·沃尔顿开办第一家沃尔玛商店时就喊出了“天天平价,保证满意”的口号。他知道,降价竞销短期能争夺市场但扩大不了顾客份额。一开始在更低价格、更高质量上做得比竞争者更好,是…  相似文献   

在最新的亚洲500强企业中,零售企业所占比例不到6%,中国零售企业能够榜上有名的更是少之又少。作为世界500强第二位、全球零售业老大的沃尔玛,之所以能够在国际市场取得成功,并非偶然或乱枪打鸟,他也没有将美国经营模式原封不动塞进新的市场,而是有计划地调整、适应当地需求,完全站在顾客和环境的角度定位自己的行动,小心翼翼地种植“伟大品牌”的种子,有效提升当地对沃尔玛品牌的接受度。今天,我们的零售企业与外资零售企业已经站在了同一个市场环境和竞争条件下,我们更要认清零售业发展趋势,采取行之有效的管理措施,学习国内外先进的技术,以及丰富的经验,积极树立自己正确的企业价值观,塑造卓越品牌。  相似文献   

随着国外“麦当劳”、“肯德基”、“沃尔玛”等知名品牌统一形象出现在中国各大城市,越来越多的国内集团公司、企业和机构(如:“中国石化”、“中国电网”、“招商银行”)为了突出展现各自的品牌形象,选用高品质的压克力材料来制作他们的公司标志、招牌等广告灯箱。但在制作过程中,也会遇到不少技术问题,比如开裂、色差、变形等。今天,我们就这些问题提出解决的方法。  相似文献   

对“怪兽”沃尔玛来说,遭遇工会危机已经不是头一遭。尽管有争议,但是每次都凭借一贯的强硬态度轻松地将问题化解。“中国是唯一一个可复制美国沃尔玛规模、可重现美国沃尔玛成功的国家。”但是,面对中国市场的“工会危机”,沃尔玛的表现却很让人失望。从危机出现到现在,沃尔玛仍旧没有一家店建立工会。“全国工会推进外商投资企业工会组建工作座谈会”召开,全总表示,推进外商投资企业工会组建工作是该组织当前和今后一个时期的重点工作。政府公关是公共关系中很重要的一部分。欲与政府建立良好的关系,遵守所在国家的法律和法规是跨国公司与该国政府建立良好的关系的前提条件,这是游戏规则。在中国加快法制化进程的时代,游戏规则越发显得重要。如果企业不遵守游戏规则,一旦出现问题,带来的危机是巨大的。沃尔玛不可能不知道上述道理。2006年4月26日,沃尔玛在因其不建工会而拒绝其进入的上海市开了第四家门店。另有消息,沃尔玛未来5年内将增募15万名员工,这个数字是其目前中国雇员数字的5倍,规模的扩张必然带来更大的劳资矛盾。在中国,工会组织的作用和地位不容置疑。但是为什么沃尔玛面对组建工会问题时绵里藏针,与全总展开“拉锯战”?如果沃尔玛仍旧抗拒组建工会,全总会像曾经所言,将照中国法律提起诉讼吗?  相似文献   

曾鹏云 《商》2016,(5):7
沃尔玛是世界上最大的商业零售企业。谈起沃尔玛的成功因素,企业文化是有目共睹的,企业文化是企业生存和发展的根本,不管企业强弱,企业文化都深刻影响着企业的成败。可以说,沃尔玛创造了沃尔玛文化,沃尔玛企业文化成就了沃尔玛。下面我就从企业文化的五大组成要素来分析沃尔玛的成功之道。  相似文献   

从“波音”飞机、“沃尔玛”超市、“可口可乐”饮料,说到欧盟、东盟、北美自由贸易区;从中国企业跳出“本土藩篱”,说到革除各自为政的“诸侯经济”弊端。5月12日至13日,博鳌亚洲论坛秘书长龙永图,在南通纵论全球经济一体化给“长三角”带来的机遇和挑战,解说政府、企业应如何有所作为。  相似文献   

For a variety of reasons, Wal-Mart is a transnational brand which has, at the same time, many fans and many detractors. Despite considerable criticism and opposition, the firm is accelerating in growth and retains a strong customer base. One reason for this growth and loyalty is that Wal-Mart generates intrinsic value through its brand name and brand community. Here, we highlight the latter method Wal-Mart uses to manage its brand and create value propositions by building loyalty among local community members. We provide a practical example of a special branding strategy that can be used by firms seeking innovative ways to create customer (and stakeholder) value.  相似文献   

This research seeks to further the understanding of the relationship between Wal-Mart and its suppliers. 1988-1994 demonstrates Wal-Mart's market power in relation to manufacturers [Bloom PN, Perry, VG. Retailer power and supplier welfare: the case of Wal-Mart. Journal of Retailing 2001; 77( 3): 379-396.]. Wal-Mart suppliers for that period had lower profits than non-suppliers, which indicate a dependency model of market power when suppliers give concessions to a stronger retailer in order to obtain or maintain the relationship. Wal-Mart's dramatic growth and increasing marketing power since the 1988-1994 period offer an opportunity to retest previous findings and further the understanding of a major retailer's strategy for managing suppliers through the use of the strategic profit model. Initial results indicate that gross margin is significantly less for Wal-Mart suppliers than non-suppliers indicating pricing concessions and a dependency model of market power. However, a fixed-effects model controlling for unobservable firm characteristics such as strategic choice suggest that Wal-Mart suppliers are self-selecting or are implicitly pre-screened such that Wal-Mart suppliers have a low-cost strategy and choose lower returns as a market strategy. Findings indicate that small firms do experience a dependency model in that they have lower gross margin, lower operating income, and higher turnover. However, considering fixed-effects for these firms, small manufacturers experience only higher turnover as a result of doing business with Wal-Mart, thus indicating more of a partner-type model of market power.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和我国改革开放的进一步发展,大量国际性商业特别是跨国企业进驻中国市场。为了扩展商圈范围,提升企业竞争力,跨国商业企业往往选择那些具有优势的区位,以达到策略的可实施性和目标的可实现性。基于商圈实务理论,就沃尔玛超市进驻浙江省金华市这一实例,研究了沃尔玛商圈的范围及其实务,在此基础上指出沃尔玛超市在商圈扩张过程中应该规避的区位选择问题。  相似文献   

进入网络信息时代以来,零售服务业的"沃尔玛现象"逐步显现,并以广泛运用信息技术,不断突破规模经济和范围经济的界限,对市场结构产生重大冲击。本文从"沃尔玛现象"入手研究零售业市场结构的变迁,发现信息技术创新对熊彼特的五大创新活动有着强烈的整合作用,对市场结构及消费者福利等方面产生了深远影响,而且新的创新模式已经展开。  相似文献   

沃尔玛连续50年超常规发展,每隔10年上一级台阶,稳坐零售业第一把交椅,其低价策略、供应链策略、会员制策略等市场竞争战略和效率非常值得借鉴。沃尔玛市场竞争战略的核心是成本领先。  相似文献   

付群英  姚建 《中国市场》2009,(19):123-124
2008年发生了太多的事件,三聚氰胺等食品安全事件、美国家乐福踩踏事件、湖南郴州腐败案等。每一个事件都不得不让人思考:人究竟需要什么?人为什么会产生这样或那样的行为?同样的需求,为何人们表现出千差万别的行为?以马斯洛需求层次理论为代表的传统理论似乎不能解释这一切。笔者尝试着通过对大量的实例分析及结合多种理论来论述人们产生这样或那样的行为是由于自我利益与社会利益间的博弈结果。  相似文献   

The premise of segmentation theory is that different segments each have a discrete customer profile and behavioral characteristics. At a conceptual level, the recent branding literature recognizes that different sub-cultures or segments could experience different meanings of an organization's brand. However, few quantitative studies address the issue. The current paper combines branding and segmentation theory and offers a new perspective on whether all segments have the same brand meaning. A leading discount retailer, Wal-Mart, is the focus of this Canadian-based investigation. Two segments of Wal-Mart customers are the basis of the study — one segment preferring Wal-Mart and one less attached. The research quantifies the two networks of brand meaning that the two segments associate with the Wal-Mart (corporate) brand. Empirically, brand morphing of the corporate brand occurs, with different brand meanings across the two segments.  相似文献   

Wal-Mart entered South Korea in late 1990s for its international expansion; however, IT had a major failure in this market and left Korea in 2005 as the American way of marketing did not translate well in Korea. Wal-Mart had critical shortfalls in enabling value exchange with the Korean consumers as the Korean consumers had significantly different taste and preferences compared to American consumers. Wal-Mart's Every Day Low Price (EDLP) strategy was not perceived to have the “value” in the minds of the Korean consumers, while its store locations were not strategically well positioned to create sufficient customer traffic. Wal-Mart's competitive advantage of low cost and low price was not suitable in the Korean competition and consumption context. Wal-Mart was not prepared to develop an effective localization strategy that might have stemmed from not having a clear projection of how much it was willing to invest and grow in this market. This Wal-Mart Korean case shows the importance of the compatibility of a corporate unique value proposition and strategic fit with the local market conditions.  相似文献   

浅议打击假冒伪劣与争创中国名牌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
假冒伪劣商品的盛行,对我国新时期对外发展战略的实施已产生了严重的影响。我国在建立社会主义市场经济中,尤要注重信誉,加大打击假冒伪劣的力度,净化国内外市场,为外商提供良好的经营环境。要靠大力开创名牌产品拓展国内外市场,使我国企业在更广阔的国际舞台上发展壮大,不断取胜。  相似文献   

Cost-based retailing has evolved as a strategy for some high growth retal firms, led apparently by Wal-Mart. These firms do not margin manage in the tradition of retailing as taught in business schools. They try to lower prices and costs in the context of a systems driven organization. A series of in depth interviews with the executives of twenty-four retail chains with supermarket, drug, and/or mass merchandising formats is reported on. Some differences between cost driven and margin driven firms are delineated. Some limitations of the cost driven concept are offered along with some ramifications for the study of marketing and channels.  相似文献   

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