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通过对14位成年子女照料者的深度访谈,揭示了成年子女照料者在照料老年父母过程中的种种积极体验,例如欣慰和满足、快乐与亲密的感觉,获得思想成熟和个人价值的实现等.这些积极的照料体验不仅强化着成年子女的照料责任感,也帮助他们在一定程度上对抗和克服照料压力.研究发现有助于人们获得关于家庭照料者角色的更为全面的认识,有利于老年人及其家庭照料者社会支持和服务工作的开展.  相似文献   

成年子女照料者角色经历的性别差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对15名成年子女照料者的质性研究,“养儿防老”、“嫁夫随夫”、“男主外、女主内”和“女儿也是传后人”等新旧观念相互交织,成年子女在养老责任担当方面“性别差异”发生了新变化;儿子、女儿和儿媳照料经历也因此各不相同.成年子女的种种照料负担和压力反映了当前老龄化社会中独生子女家庭面临的照料困境,为家庭照料者提供各种社会支持服务是十分必要的.  相似文献   

通过对厦门地区照料孙代型随迁祖辈的抽样调查和统计分析发现,随迁祖辈对参与孙代照料的认知观念包括积极认同态度、工具理性态度和消极被动态度;该群体在照料孙代过程中既有正向的主观体验感,也有负向的主观体验感;且一孩照料者的二孩照料意愿总体较高。以认知-情绪-行为关系理论为参考框架的分析结果表明,随迁祖辈对照料孙代的观念态度不仅直接影响他们的二孩照料意愿,也会通过影响其照料孙代过程的主观体验感而间接影响二孩照料意愿。尽管认知观念属于相对稳定的思维模式,难以在短时间调整或转变,但是在控制观念态度的情况下,可以通过增强随迁祖辈文化修养、保障其身体健康、鼓励伴侣共同随迁或减少因老来分居而带来的不良影响、改善祖辈与子代家庭的代际沟通关系,拓展在迁入地的社交支持网等方式来增加其照料孙代的正向体验感或减少负向体验感,促进随迁祖辈向子代家庭提供孙代照料支持之红利效应的持续发挥。  相似文献   

利用2010年中国城乡老年人口状况追踪调查数据,考察家庭代际支持对我国城市老年人异地养老意愿的影响.家庭代际支持的三个维度:经济支持、生活照料、情感支持与老年人异地养老意愿的选择具有显著相关,在经济支持和生活照料上给予子女较多支持以及这两方面获得子女较少支持、在情感支持上获得子女较少支持的老年人更愿意选择异地养老.家庭代际支持与老年人的异地养老意愿的关系还受到个人因素和社会因素的影响.对未来发展异地养老提出了针对性的建议.  相似文献   

张敏 《消费经济》2023,(1):83-97
随着中国人口老龄化程度的加深,中老年家庭消费逐渐成为影响内需扩大的重要因素。文章基于2018年中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)数据,在微观层面实证考察了隔代照料对中老年家庭消费的传导效应与作用机制。研究发现,照料孙子女有利于促进中老年家庭总体消费水平和享用型消费支出占比的提高,降低生存型消费支出占比特别是医疗支出占比。消费水平越高,隔代照料对消费规模扩大的促进作用越小。机制分析发现,隔代照料通过子女对父母的情感支持、家庭社会互动水平以及互联网使用等影响中老年家庭消费。对子女的赡养期望会削弱隔代照料对中老年家庭消费水平提升和消费结构升级的促进作用。文章从消费视角探讨了隔代照料的经济意义,有助于更加全面地理解隔代照料行为和中老年家庭的消费行为,为发挥中老年群体在国内消费市场的重要作用提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

“久病床前无孝子”是我国的民间俗语,反映着老年人对于子女长期照护的照料期待.随着我国老年人口长期照护需求的增加、家庭规模小型化以及社会化养老服务体系的不断完善,老年人对这一传统观念的认同状况如何?受什么因素影响?以全国性调查数据为基础,分析了老年人对于这一传统观念的认同现状和影响因素.超过半数的老年人对于子女的照料期待相对较低.其中,女性、年龄较大、无配偶、老化态度较为积极,需要照料的老年人更期待久病时有孝子照护.此外,享受社会保障以及认为养老需要由社会承担的老年人更倾向于同意“久病床前无孝子”.  相似文献   

自我老化态度是衡量老年人身心健康的重要变量.基于2014年中国老年社会追踪调查数据,探讨子女的代际支持行为对老年人自我老化态度的影响.控制变量中,居住地区、受教育程度、收入、健康状况以及日常生活活动能力对老年人自我老化态度存在显著影响,60 ~ 69岁、有配偶、高中及以上文化程度、健康的城市男性老年人自我老化态度最积极;子女的代际支持行为能够显著地正向影响老年人自我老化态度,三类代际支持中精神慰藉对老年人自我老化态度影响最大,其次为生活照料与经济支持;就性别而言,老年女性在获得子女支持的总量上高于老年男性,女性比男性老年人自我老化态度更积极.  相似文献   

研究家庭老年照料与家庭消费之间的内在关系,对于协同应对释放国民消费潜力和人口老龄化问题、加快构建新发展格局有着重要意义。文章利用CFPS2010、2016和2018年的家庭面板数据,使用固定效应模型考察了家庭老年照料对家庭消费总量和结构的影响,并进一步采用中介效应模型和加入交互项方法检验了家庭老年照料对家庭消费的影响机制。研究发现,家庭老年照料会显著增加家庭消费总量,同时对家庭消费结构升级有着显著促进作用;但在高强度照料家庭中,促进作用会受到明显抑制,且不再有助于消费升级。在使用工具变量法和PSM倾向得分匹配法缓解内生性问题后结果依然可靠。机制检验结果表明,家庭照料会通过向下的代际转移对消费产生显著促进作用,从而改善家庭消费结构;而家庭老年照料导致的“收入惩罚”效应和健康风险提高则会对家庭消费产生明显抑制作用。异质性检验结果表明,该影响存在显著的收入、城乡和区域差异,对低收入、农村与西部地区家庭有着显著影响。巩固家庭老年照料的基础地位、围绕家庭照料构建社会养老保障体系,有利于释放家庭消费潜力、促进经济持续增长,高强度照料、低收入、农村与西部地区家庭应是政策的首要关注对象。  相似文献   

美国老年呆痴病人及家庭照料者服务方案评介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在老年人所患的疾病之中 ,老年呆痴病患者给其家人带来的压力和负担可以说是最独特和巨大的 ,这种家庭的压力及负担同时也给社会带来很多问题。介绍了美国老年呆痴病人及其家庭照料者在照料病人过程中所承受的压力情况 ,述说了美国为老年呆痴病人所设立的相关服务机构和所实行的措施方案。  相似文献   

家庭养老支持政策作为重塑家庭照料功能与纾解家庭照料困境的重要手段,对其进行科学评价是提高政策质量的前提基础。构建政策“工具—主题—属性”三维分析框架,通过人工编码对中国1999—2021年支持家庭养老的65项政策进行内容分析,并运用PMC指数模型重点对12项政策进行量化评价。研究发现:政府偏好运用供给型政策工具提供直接支持,而环境型和需求型工具发挥间接和拉动作用有限;政策主题以社区服务和贫困老人的经济救助为主,对带薪照料假等社会支持保障不足;政策属性以规范性政策文件为主,且作用客体对家庭整体和家庭照料者缺乏重点关注。12项具体政策的PMC均值为4.05,整体处于可接受范围。进而提出加强顶层设计、优化工具结构和丰富内容主题等建议。  相似文献   

Do altruism and bequest incentives motivate adult children to care for disabled parents? Using an economic framework, this study examines these caregiving incentives. Data from the 1992 Health and Retirement Study indicate that motives to increase bequests from parents and parents’ disabilities influence adult children's decisions about not working and giving time or money to disabled parents.  相似文献   

This paper implements a qualitative, narrative approach to investigate entrepreneurs' personal experience of stigma associated with venture failure. Findings draw on the lived experience of 12 entrepreneurs and tell a collective story of how stigma affects entrepreneurs, shapes their actions, and engenders outcomes for them and their ventures. The story covers three episodes of entrepreneurs anticipating, meeting, and then transforming venture failure. Overall the paper shifts the focus of stigma research from the socio-cultural perspective pervading research to date, to micro-level processes underlying socio-cultural trends. Findings offer unexpected insights into failure stigmatization. First, findings suggest stigmatization is best viewed as a process that unfolds over time rather than a label. Second, this process begins before, not after, failure and contributes to venture demise. Third, there is a positive ending to the collective story in that stigmatization ultimately triggers epiphanies or deep personal insights which transform entrepreneurs' view of failure from a very negative to a positive life experience. This transformation results in entrepreneurs distributing learning from failure to the founding of future ventures, even when ventures are not their own.  相似文献   

Based on French data describing the characteristics of entrepreneurs and their projects, this article studies the differences between the determinants of survival for innovative and non-innovative micro-enterprises. We show that the survival of innovative and non-innovative enterprises is linked to personal criteria such as age, gender, belonging to a minority, professional experience and financing sources. Our results also highlight the positive effect of not being alone in the start-up design phase, whereas being involved in a business network after the start-up period has no significant influence. The survival time of innovative enterprises, which is significantly lower than that of the non-innovative ones, seems adversely influenced by the entrepreneur’s previous management experience. Finally, when considering both innovative and non-innovative start-ups, there appears to be a type of “pecking order” as bank financing has a much more positive effect on survival than a personal one, although when focusing solely on innovative ones this difference does not exist.  相似文献   

Many stakeholders such as parents, companies, and policymakers play a role in children's online privacy. This study explores how parents who have at least one child age 10 and younger perceive the sensitivity of their children's personal information and willingness to share it with social media marketers. Survey results of 418 parents indicate that a variety of types of children's information is perceived as sensitive, with certain information (e.g., videos, photos) that parents readily share via social media as highly sensitive. Findings also suggest that fathers and single parents are more likely to perceive their children's information as sensitive and yet are more willing to share it. This research contributes to the consumer welfare literature on children's privacy by providing a baseline of parents' attitudes regarding their children's data, extending prior research that has examined adults' perceptions of the sensitivity of their own information and willingness to share with social media marketers.  相似文献   

Consumers frequently make choices for family members they take care of or from whom they receive care (e.g., their children or partner), yet marketing research has given little attention to how these other-oriented choices might impact the chooser’s self-indulgence. In this research we consider familial caregiving relationships as a relevant and ubiquitous context of other-oriented choices and identify the role of the chooser (i.e., caregiver versus care-receiver) as an important moderator that determines when virtuous other-oriented choices within caregiving relationships lead to licensing and when they encourage consistent virtuous consumption behaviors.Three studies demonstrate that making virtuous food choices for others affect the chooser’s subsequent self-regulatory behavior in two ways: After making a virtuous choice for a care-receiving other (e.g., a young child), caregivers (e.g., parents) are more likely to license, and thus to subsequently self-indulge (Study 1, 3). In contrast, care-receivers are more likely to act consistently with an initial virtuous choice for the caregiver and thus are less likely to self-indulge (Study 2, 3).Our findings extend research on moral licensing and consistency effects by demonstrating that—within familial caregiving relationships—the degree to which one receives and provides care may determine when choosers engage in licensing and when they act consistently with an initial virtuous other-oriented choice.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyze how individual differences and ethics-related programs predict Russian business students and working adults' perception of personal business ethics. This research evaluates the business ethics perceptions based on surveys of 1,207 managers, employees, and business students in Russia. This study finds the significant correlations between individual differences (gender, age, education level, and management experience), ethics-related programs (business ethics courses taught in universities, ethics and diversity professional development training), and personal business ethics' perceptions of Russian business students and working adults. We also find that individual differences moderate the relationship between ethics-related programs and how the personal business ethics of Russian business students and working adults are perceived. These findings advance current literature by revealing that age moderates the relationship between ethics-related programs (formal ethic courses, ethics, and diversity trainings) and personal ethical behavior perceptions of working adults and business students in Russia. Our study found that gender had a significant positive moderating effect on relationship of organizational code of ethics, formal ethic courses, and diversity professional development with personal ethical behavior perceptions. The relation between personal ethical behavior perceptions and the presence of an organizational code of ethics was negative and marginally moderated by age and managerial experience. This study contributes to business ethics research by deepening the understanding of the impact of individual differences on the relationship between ethics-related programs and personal business ethics' perceptions.  相似文献   

Firms invest in customer experience in the expectation that these investments will ultimately provide positive financial returns. In practice, however, customers are continuously exposed by the changes occurring in their personal perceptions of customer experience and market surrounding. Using a unique and comprehensive dataset containing customer-level and market-level information for a sample of 13,761 customers in the telecom market, we empirically test the proposed framework by applying multilevel modeling techniques. The results offer novel insights into the effects of customer experience, its variability (customer level), and market turbulence (market level) on customer retention, including the moderating effect of relationship age.  相似文献   

This study re-examined the impact of personal and organizational values congruency on positive work outcomes and investigated the extent to which this relationship is affected by demographic variables. Data collection paralleled an earlier study (Posner and Schmidt, Journal of Business Ethics 12, 1993, 341) and validated those findings, lending additional credibility to the continuing importance of this phenomenon. Both personal values congruence and organizational values clarity were significantly related to commitment, satisfaction, motivation, anxiety, work stress, and ethics using a cross-sectional sample of 711 managers from across the United States. Gender, educational level, and functional area did not impact these relationships, although years of experience (expressed by age, managerial experience, and hierarchical level) did make a difference.  相似文献   

This study investigates the types of emotions that link a broad spectrum of idiosyncratic, gift‐exchange experiences with specific relationship realignment outcomes. Content analysis and analysis‐of‐variance procedures are used to assess the link between emotions and gift recipients' perceptions of relationship quality. The results demonstrate that rather than the overall amount of felt emotions, it is the balance of positive and negative emotions that is associated with specific relationship outcomes. It also appears that coping processes allow individuals to realize an overall neutral or positive outcome for the relationship, even if negative emotions are experienced. Moreover, different patterns of emotions characterize each of five different relational outcomes of the gift‐receipt experience. These results have theoretical and practical implications for gift exchange as well as other emotion‐laden marketing relationships, such as those found in services and personal selling contexts. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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