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Using quarterly data for the U.K. from 1993 through 2012, we document that the extent of worker reallocation across occupations or industries (a career change, in the parlance of this paper) is high and procyclical. This holds true after controlling for workers׳ previous labour market status and for changes in the composition of who gets hired over the business cycle. Our evidence suggests that a large part of this reallocation reflect excess churning in the labour market. We also find that the majority of career changes come with wage increases. During the economic expansion wage increases were typically larger for those who change careers than for those who do not. During the recession this is not true for career changers who were hired from unemployment. Our evidence suggests that understanding career changes over the business cycle is important for explaining labour market flows and the cyclicality of wage growth.  相似文献   

The employment elasticity in manufacturing: a rejoinder   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The trend in the share of wages is one of the factors affectingemployment elasticity over a specified period of time. Thereare alternative ways of dealing with this trend in a decompositionequation. The method suggested in Mazumdar (2003) might be preferredbecause it yields additional information.  相似文献   

Employment growth in manufacturing is limited by output growthin this sector, but the elasticity of employment with respectto output has varied widely in different regions and economies.This paper focuses attention on the idea that a major determinantof employment elasticity is the way the fruits of output growthare divided between employment growth and wage growth. But beforewe are able to determine the quantitative dimension of the trade-off,we have to allow for two other factors which affect the sizeof the cake available to labour in real terms. These are: (i)the elasticity of the wage bill with respect to output, whichdetermines the trend in the share of labour; and (ii) the priceeffect, depending partly on the rate of inflation and partlyon the movements of producer prices relative to consumer prices.A simple decomposition procedure is outlined in the paper whichallows us to quantify the relative importance of these factors,and hence give a clearer idea of the labour market outcome leaningto one or other of the two interests, employment growth andreal wage growth. The empirical analysis for different regionsof the world is carried out on time series data for the manufacturingsector collected by UNIDO from the national surveys of membercountries for the decades of the 1970s and the 1980s.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the foundations of New Labour's economicpolicies and the performance of the economy since 1997. It arguesthat New Labour's policies have evolved from Thatcherism andthat it has largely embraced the tenets of neo-liberalism. NewLabour has rejected most aspects of Keynesianism and its policieshave eschewed the use of active demand management policies.But it has been the high levels of demand—in particularconsumption expenditure—that have driven economic growthin the UK and which have ensured that (as yet) New Labour hasnot faced the problems of dealing with a major economic downturn.  相似文献   

This paper argues that UK monetary policymakers did not respond to the inflation rate during most of the “Great Moderation” that ran from the early 1990s to the mid-2000s. We derive a generalisation of the New Keynesian Phillips curve in which inflation is a non-linear function of the output gap and show that the optimal response of the policy rule to inflation depends on the slope of the Phillips curve; if this is flat, manipulation of aggregate demand through monetary policy does not affect inflation and so policymakers cannot affect inflation. We estimate the monetary policy rules implied by a variety of alternative Phillips curves; our preferred model is based on a Phillips curve that is flat when output is close to equilibrium. We find that policy rates do not respond to inflation when the output gap is small, a situation that characterised most of the “Great Moderation” period.  相似文献   

New Labour has placed great faith in active labour market policiesto address problems of long-term unemployment and poverty. Thispaper considers the effectiveness of welfare-to-work programmesin light of persistent regional employment disparities withinthe UK. It is argued that the government has proceeded froma flawed analysis of the causes and magnitude of long-term unemployment,framing the issue in terms of ‘worklessness’ andneglecting demand-side concerns of job availability and jobquality.  相似文献   

张勇 《财经研究》2008,34(6):131-143
文章以1994年前后的价格冲击下人民银行将适应性政策转变为非适应性政策这一事件为背景,考察了公众对政策可信性的变动及其对通胀预期形成方式和菲利普斯曲线稳定性的影响。我们首先在理性预期假定下设定引入政策可信性变量的菲利普斯曲线模型。通过对"产出-物价"曲线的判断,SVAR模型中通胀冲击下通胀和产出缺口的响应函数以及菲利普斯曲线模型的递归最小二乘法检验,得出我国公众对政策的可信性增加,进而导致其通胀预期形成方式中的前向参照政策信息的成分增加,菲利普斯曲线发生改变。这就意味着,如果人民银行试图维持通胀预期形成方式和菲利普斯曲线的稳定,就应该保证政策可信性具有稳定性,而且,从长期实现价格稳定目标的角度来看,人民银行还应不断提高这一政策的可信性。  相似文献   

It is recognized that the effectiveness of monetary policy in the control of inflation depends critically on the relationship between inflation and the output gap. During booms, inflation is highly sensitive to monetary influences, but during recessions this influence is considerably muted. However, econometric investigation of this phenomenon has mostly focussed on the developed economies. In this article, the shape of the Phillips curve is investigated for Indonesia. Evidence is found of significant nonlinearities in the inflation–output relationship for Indonesia and it is argued that this relationship is best modelled by the capacity-constraint (L-shape) model.  相似文献   

胡志红  汪雷 《技术经济》2007,26(12):83-86
1998年至今我国经济呈现出GDP高速增长的态势,但是这种经济的高速增长伴随着的是宏观经济运行的两大不稳定因素,一是物价持续上涨,二是就业形势日益严峻,宏观经济呈现出菲利普斯曲线失灵的特点。本文在运用GDP增长率、失业率和通货膨胀率等相关指标来论证、描述和解析我国菲利普斯曲线失灵现象的基础上,主要对近几年我国政府在应对菲利普斯曲线失灵时所采取的相关反失业财政政策及其就业效应进行了分析,从而为我国政府今后如何继续完善和实施治理失业的财政政策起到一个抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

This paper highlights the implications for a single monetary policy when key economic relationships are nonlinear or asymmetric at a disaggregate level. Using data for the EU and OECD countries we show that there are considerable non-linearities and asymmetries in the Phillips and Okun curves. High unemployment has relatively limited effect in pulling inflation down while low unemployment can be much more effective in driving it up. Downturns in the economy are both more rapid and sustained in driving unemployment up than recoveries are in bringing it down. There is considerable variety in these relationships and IS curves across not just countries but also sectors and regions.  相似文献   

笔者使用可变参数模型揭示了转型时期我国产出-物价菲利普斯曲线的动态变化趋势。研究结果表明:(1)通货膨胀率对经济增长率的反应系数均为正值,表明转型以来我国经济系统的冲击主要来自于总需求方面;(2)通货膨胀率对经济增长率的反应系数呈现凸型变动模式,并且已经过了波动的顶峰,出现显著下降并逐渐稳定的趋势,这种趋势有助于同时实现经济增长目标和稳定物价目标;(3)反映总体价格水平的价格指数不宜再作为判断宏观经济态势的指示器,但国民经济中一些重要领域的价格波动却仍然值得关注。  相似文献   

The model emphasizes the financial part of the economy and the channels through which the central bank and the government can affect it. The model combines a complete flow of fund matrix with an income–expenditure scheme in a common framework. The consistency of the flow of funds matrix is achieved through residual determination of one asset/liability from each financial balance identity. The model describes the Swedish credit market after the abolition of credit market regulation. Thus the policy instruments included comprise – among others – the interest rate scale, the cash reserve requirement, the exchange rate, government consumption and differential tax rates but no direct regulation of bank advances or investment in government securities. The model mechanisms are illustrated with policy simulations. Those display, in some instances, processes which after some periods tend to reverse the intended effects of the original policy measure. They therefore point to the need for a strategy which involves a sequential use of several policy instruments.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the correlations between technological change,organisational change and skill change using a survey on organisationalchange in manufacturing firms conducted in 1993. Considerablediversity is allowed for in terms of the measure of technologicaland organisational change, and the analysis shows a positivecorrelation between technological change and reorganisations,whatever their types. The paper then analyses the relationshipsbetween these changes and the employment behaviour of firms.It shows that changes in the required skills and in the occupationalstructure of firms are more closely connected to organisationalthan to technological change. Although organisational changeaffects the work content and skill requirements of blue collarworkers, it is mainly indirect workers that are affected interms of the number employed. Finally, the analysis shows thattechnology tends to stabilise the workforce whereas the movetowards the model of ‘flexible enterprise’ favoursits renewal.  相似文献   

In recent literature skill-biased technical change has been viewed as a major cause for wage inequality. Some modelling and presentation of stylized facts have been undertaken for US time series data. A preliminary study of wage inequality in a model with knowledge as input in an aggregate production function has been presented by Riddell and Romer [General Purpose Technologies and Economic Growth, 1998, MIT Press]. Although some important forces determining wage inequality are widely accepted we know little about the quantitative impact of each source and differences across countries. We present a growth model of the Romer type with innovation-based technical change and two skill groups where the growth of knowledge, the relative supply of the two skill groups, externalities and substitution effects among the two groups are the driving forces for wage inequality. We undertake estimates for US time series data and contrast those estimates with results from some European countries. In particular, we compare parameter estimations for US and German time series data. The paper concludes that there is less wage inequality across skills in Europe in contrast to the US on the macroeconomic level. But, considering disaggregated data we observe some increases in inequality for Germany, too. Although our model reveals important variables for the explanation of wage inequality there may, however, also be other factors, such as trade unions, which have impacted the wage spread.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the relationship between Labour's economicpolicy and the third sector. Since 1997, the third sector hasreceived significant government support and has gradually movedfrom the economic periphery towards the centre such that itis now instrumental in the delivery of a range of governmentpolicies. It operates alongside both the private and publicsectors in delivering employment, education, health and socialcare, housing and environmental policies. The impact of thishas been seen in measures of social exclusion, poverty, theenvironment, social capital, as well as GDP and employment.Future policies should strive to maintain and develop the distinctivecapabilities of third sector organisations and the balance betweeneconomic, social and environmental objectives.  相似文献   

In the context of a monetary union, to keep a territorial equilibrium in terms of economic activity and employment, the relationship between real wages and productivity is crucial. In this paper, empirical evidence about the response of wages to productivity is obtained for 20 OECD countries and the role of labour market institutions to explain differences in this response is analysed.  相似文献   

This paper is purported to analyze the consequences of liberalized economic policies on the skilled–unskilled wage inequality in the developing countries using a three sector general equilibrium model reasonable for at least a few developing economies. The analysis of the paper has found that the wage inequality rises unambiguously due to a reduction of import tariff from the low-skill manufacturing sector. However, an inflow of foreign capital produces a favourable effect on the wage inequality under a reasonable factor intensity condition. Interestingly, contrary to the common wisdom, a policy of labour market reform may raise the competitive unskilled wage and improve wage inequality under reasonable condition.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the substitution of price cap regulation (PCR) and other forms of incentive regulation for traditional rate of return regulation (RRR) has had a measurable effect on productivity growth in the US telecommunications industry. A stochastic frontier approach is employed to compute the efficiency change, technological progress, and productivity growth for 25 LECs over the 1988-1998 time periods. By examining the relationship between the change in productivity growth and regulatory regime variables and other control variables, we find that PCR has a significant and positive effect, both in contemporaneous and lagged specifications.  相似文献   

We provide evidence on the fit of the hybrid New Keynesian Phillips curve for selected Euro zone countries, the US and the UK. Instead of imposing rational expectations and estimating the Phillips curve by the Generalized Method of Moments, we use direct measures of inflation expectations from the CESifo World Economic Survey. Our main findings are as follows: (i) The use of survey data gives empirical results, which are more reliable than those obtained from the GMM approach. (ii) The purely forward-looking Phillips curve can be rejected in favor of the hybrid New Keynesian Phillips curve. (iii) The estimated coefficients on past inflation are higher when using survey expectations than when using the rational expectations GMM approach. (iv) It remains unclear whether real unit labor costs or a measure of the output gap should be used as a proxy for real marginal costs. (v) Theory-based restrictions lead to an improvement of the empirical results.  相似文献   

我国自然失业率的测量与解析——基于1978-2007年数据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析自然失业率的三种数理模型,采用比较静态分析与计量统计检验的方法,发现纳入工资刚性的凯恩斯主义NAIRU模型更符合我国实际.利用这个模型,在放宽自然失业率恒定不变和阶段性变化假设的基础上,测量了1978-2007年我国各年的自然失业率.1978年以来,我国自然失业率总体呈现上升趋势,到2003年为一个极大点;2003-2007年自然失业率开始下降,分别为9.25%、9.09%、13.1%、10.9%、7.15%.另外,我国平均的名义工资刚性度和实际工资刚性度分别为0.873、0.221.在我国,技术进步对自然失业率是具有长期效应而不是短期效应.技术进步倾向于减少自然失业率,而这与Pissarides等人在美国的研究结论是相反的.  相似文献   

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