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The Intergenerational Reports have helped lengthen the horizon of public policy analysis in Australia, enabling governments to focus on the longer term implications of policy changes, particularly their fiscal implications. Nonetheless, it is important to note that the reports have examined fiscal sustainability from the Commonwealth's perspective, notwithstanding that fiscal sustainability is also an issue for the states and territories. Additionally, the reports have not incorporated contingent fiscal liabilities, notwithstanding their relevance to fiscal sustainability.  相似文献   

The paper describes and discusses the current state of science studies research and its linkages to other fields, such as applied policy and management. It is argued that science studies is differentiated into science and technology studies, and science and technology policy research; and that these are twin interdisciplinary area of research in which a whole range of social scientists, as well as historians and philosophers are involved. The high degree of interdisciplinarity makes the field peculiarly difficult to categorize simply. Nevertheless, it is suufficiently mature and focused to be an established academic field in its own right; it possesses its own journal structure, specialized institutions, national and international professional associations, and teaching programmes. Research in science studies is potentially applicable-especially in the longer term-for policy-makers in the public and private sectors, as well as for public interest groups. However, the need to bridge a perched gap between acadmic studies and the needs of policy-makers is highlighted. Finally, a listing of emerging issues in the field is provided.  相似文献   

Neoinstitutional thought is based on an integration of Thorstein Veblen's evolutionary theory of institutional change and John Dewey's theory of instrumental valuation. It offers a coherent methodology that guides both economic analysis and policy formation. Neoinstitutionalist methodology differs from mainstream economic methodology in its rejection of the normative-positive dualism. It denies that "objectivity" requires that science be wertfrie, arguing instead that normative propositions based on instrumental valuation are the foundation of scientific objectivity. The analytical focus of neoinstitutional economics is the process of institutional change which it treats as a change in the value structure of the institution.  相似文献   

科技创新人才是城市提升创新能力的核心资源,是科技进步的关键要素。科技创新人才政策作为城市争夺人才的工具,被各个城市广泛采纳和使用。以161个城市为研究对象,运用事件史分析方法,探寻城市科技创新人才政策扩散的动力因素并进行时空差异分析。研究发现,城市科技创新人才政策扩散具有双重动力因素:在需求拉动因素中,经济发展水平和财政收入是影响城市科技创新人才政策扩散的主要因素;在压力推动因素中,行政指令、府际竞争和社会舆论显著影响城市科技创新人才政策扩散;在政策扩散平稳增长期,双重动力因素共同作用于政策扩散过程,而在政策扩散加速和减速增长期,城市科技创新人才政策扩散动力因素存在差异;在东、中部地区,压力推动因素占据主导,而在西部地区,双重动力因素都发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

The editors offer a synthesis that reflects the motivations and concerns that underlie this volume and present “some reasonably tempered hopes and future prospects”. Among the former, they discuss “political/ institutional issues” impinging on the Outlook—its purpose, production, users, and feedback—as well as “technical/intellectual” ones. Among the latter, they note that for Outlook reports beyond the second, current signals are that the science policy community will be involved more substantially, and that contributions in general will be decentralized. They foresee the Outlook evolving into a forum for discussion and advocacy of future science-technology priorities.  相似文献   

对科技服务业政策进行评价有助于科技服务业政策优化和改进,运用国内新兴的PMC指数模型对辽宁省科技服务业政策进行量化评价。基于前人研究成果以及2012—2020年我国68份典型科技服务业政策文本高频词,构建科技服务业政策评价指标模型,以辽宁省科技服务业政策为核心,构建辽宁省与相关省市样本对比框架。研究发现,辽宁省科技服务业政策存在政策对象认知不清晰、政策工具使用不全面、政策机制构建不完善等问题,对此提出相应优化路径。  相似文献   

汪克亮  姜伟 《技术经济》2022,41(10):109-121
在创新驱动城市发展的背景下,科技金融发展为生态环境治理提供了新动力和新方向。本文基于中国2003—2018年262个地级市数据,将“促进科技与金融结合试点”实施视为一次准自然实验,运用双重差分法考察了科技金融政策的环境治理效应及其影响机制。研究发现:首先,科技金融政策的实施对环境污染具有明显的抑制作用,并且与水污染相比,科技金融政策对于空气污染的治理效果更为明显;其次,从城市区位来看,科技金融政策对于东部和北部地区的环境治理效果要优于中部、西部和南部地区;从城市等级来看,科技金融政策对于高等级城市具有更为明显的治污排污效果;最后,中介效应分析表明,金融发展、技术创新和经济规模是科技金融政策改善环境的有效路径。此外,科技金融政策实施对于邻近地区的环境治理具有显著的空间溢出效果。上述分析首次尝试将环境污染纳入到科技金融政策的评估框架中,丰富和完善了环境治理的相关研究,有效地回应了学术界关于科技创新、金融发展和环境治理的争论,为推动经济高质量发展提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

科技创新政策供给成为促进创新活动开展的关键动因。匹配度检测与评估是科技创新政策管理的保障措施,是基于证据的科技创新政策调整依据。运用供需匹配理论,引入政策供需主体共同作用对象——科技创新政策,构建科技创新政策供需匹配架构。以2014年9月至2017年7月中共中央国务院、发改委、商务部、财务部、科技部发布的82份科技创新政策文件,以及采用问卷调查法对科研院所、高等院校、企业管理人员的调研结果为依托,实证研究中国科技创新政策供需错位问题。结果表明:在供需匹配理论模型中引入调节变量——科技创新政策,可以研究科技创新政策供需匹配状况;在供给导向性政策和环境导向性政策方面,科研院所、企业与政策供给主体的匹配度相对较低。  相似文献   

The efforts of the National Science Foundation to gather inputs to and commentary on the Five-Year Outlook are recounted. The respective roles of the National Academy of Sciences and the Office of Science and Technology Policy are discussed, as is the change in approach to the Outlook, and to science policy in general, between the Carter and Reagan administrations.  相似文献   

适应气候变化的科技政策是该领域科技活动的重要保障。以2007—2020年期间212份适应气候变化的中央科技政策文件作为分析样本,采用共词和聚类方法,分析不同时期适应性科技政策主题聚焦点演进和变化。研究结果显示,“技术研发”“技术成果应用推广”“资金保障”“监测应急能力发展规划”“水利科技发展支持”等主题发生了明显的政策逻辑变迁。整体来看,适应性科技政策呈现密切结合国家气候适应战略演进而深化发展的特点,未来中国适应气候变化的科技政策应进一步引导适应技术科研方向,助力气候适应科技成果转化,提供财政、信息等资源支持。  相似文献   

基于阶层结构理论分析认为科技金融生态与科技金融内部主体具有典型的阶层结构特征,通过构建两阶层线性模型对上海科技金融生态作用科技创新产出情况进行实证分析,并对比不考虑阶层作用和考虑阶层作用的8个模型结果发现:上海科技金融生态通过与科技金融内部主体的跨层级交互作用影响科技创新产出,且呈现规模报酬递增趋势;构成科技金融生态的经济环境、政策环境和制度环境相互影响、共同作用于科技创新;各环境因素对科技金融内部主体影响具有差异性.未来应从阶层结构视角优化上海科技金融生态建设.  相似文献   

科技创新政策研究是科技智库的核心职责之一,科技创新政策监测是开展科技创新政策研究的基本工具和手段,但目前针对科技创新政策监测体系的系统研究却不多。针对科技创新政策研究需求,创新性地以科技创新政策监测体系为研究对象,系统分析科技创新政策监测对象的范畴、科技创新政策监测的主要方法、科技创新政策智能监测的系统功能、科技创新政策监测的产品设计,可为相关科技智库机构开展科技创新政策研究提供一套具备操作性的研究模式,为后续科技创新政策监测研究提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Search for some means of social management of technology has become a major concern for science and technology policy in recent years. Social Assessment of Technology (SAT) is considered as a potentially important instrument of this new orientation of policy. The concept of social assessment of technology leads to a reappraisal of the role of science and technology in a contemporary society, both with regard to policy, and to final objectives. It is a new approach to a better informed decision-making. Though it is of interest to all segments of the policy-making process, one would expect that social assessment of technology should be closely linked to technology policy. However, from the institutional point of view, technology has no place of its own. The term “technology” was only recently added to that of science in the relevant national government agencies. This is a purely formal link. To arrive at an operational outline of technology policy, a much deeper understanding of technology and the innovative process in general is still necessary.The lack of an appropriate institutional “niche” makes it particularly difficult to envisage technology assessment studies at an international level. The work accomplished by OECD is of interest, since it is the first experience of its kind. Theoretical and factual investigations had led to the publication of a comprehensive analysis, Society and the Assessment of Technology, and a report on Methodological Guidelines for Social Assessment of Technology. This was followed by an attempt to test the social assessment approach in applying it to real problems of interested member countries. International cooperation in the field of social assessment of technology is hampered by a number of major difficulties such as changing objectives of national policy, secrecy, race for a competitive advantage, insufficient diffusion and understanding of the concept itself, and the unwillingness or inability of decision-makers to consider middle- and long-term policies.  相似文献   

汪涛  谢宁宁 《技术经济》2013,32(9):22-28
构建了基于政策文本编码的内容分析法。遵循样本选择、分析框架构建、政策文本编码、频数统计分析的步骤,对"中长期科技发展规划(2006—2012)"政策群中的政策文本进行量化分析。在频数统计分析结果的基础上,从政策历史演进、政策层级、政策主体和政策工具的角度,探讨了政策群的协同状况。  相似文献   

基于复杂适应系统视角,总结响应主体的行为机制,根据响应环境复杂性分析和响应主体关系模型,构建区域科技创新政策响应机理概念模型,创新性地构建“政策激励-企业需求”匹配模式,演绎区域科技创新政策响应复杂系统的行为规则。基于Swarm平台并采用动态仿真方法,通过调节变量参数,首次从政策响应阶段、不同类型企业对科技创新政策响应、不同级别科技创新政策响应、不同政策工具响应4个维度设计政策响应动态演变过程,揭示了区域科技创新政策内在响应机理。研究表明:区域科技创新政策响应遵从观望、偏好决策、学习模仿、响应行为驱动和生产转化激励的五阶段演变特征;不同政府层级的科技创新政策响应程度不同,政策级别越高则响应度越高,反之则响应度越低,响应度排序为国家级政策>省市级政策>高新区政策;不同类型的企业对科技创新政策响应程度排序为中型企业>大型企业>小型企业;企业对不同类型政策工具的响应程度排序为:研发补贴>人才激励>税收优惠>政府采购>服务外包。  相似文献   

科技创新政策研究是科技智库的核心职责之一,科技创新政策监测是开展科技创新政策研究的基本工具和手段,但目前针对科技创新政策监测体系的系统研究却不多。针对科技创新政策研究需求,创新性地以科技创新政策监测体系为研究对象,系统分析科技创新政策监测对象的范畴、科技创新政策监测的主要方法、科技创新政策智能监测的系统功能、科技创新政策监测的产品设计,可为相关科技智库机构开展科技创新政策研究提供一套具备操作性的研究模式,为后续科技创新政策监测研究提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

What new roles for science and technology policy emerge in the knowledge-based economy we live in? This broad question was largely the motivation for the 1st International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation (ICTPI), held in Macau in July 1997. Some of the important contributions to this conference are gathered in this special issue. The aim of this introductory article is to describe the background of current research in the area of science and technology policy, to summarize the contributions to this special issue, and to issue calls for new policy research. While the contributions to this special issue are diverse in terms of methodological approaches, units of analysis, and disciplinary fields, we try to integrate some important conclusions of the background analysis, suggesting further avenues for policy research, namely: (1) balancing innovation and diffusion; (2) beyond the excludability of software; (3) deepen the conceptual framework established through the interactive models of innovation; (4) promoting wetware and software interaction; and (5) the need for an inclusive development.  相似文献   

科技创新政策传导系统是一个动态复杂性反馈系统,基于关联数字矩阵对政策传导系统路径进行量化研究,综合考虑政策输入变量—政策过程变量—政策输出变量的整个过程,建立科技创新政策传导模型,结合关联数字矩阵反馈复杂性、系统动力学和政策科学,构建科技创新政策传导系统因果关系图,并根据政策工具的划分解析人才、税收、研发、政府采购、服务外包5类政策的作用路径。研究发现:①科技创新政策传导系统存在87条正反馈环,无负反馈环,其中主导反馈环45条;②通过关联数字矩阵最终得到14条政策独立主导传导路径并明确各个路径的数量、长度和极性,其中,8条路径都存在延迟效应;③人才激励在政策调控促进创新和发展中占比较大,具有重要地位,服务外包政策紧随其后,两类政策工具对政策调控效果具有直接显著作用,而研发补贴政策对目标的调控最缺乏活力。  相似文献   

科技人才是科技创新的关键,激发科技人才创新创业活力对推动科技创新、建设创新型国家至关重要。选取1978年以来40篇中央政府工作报告为研究样本,结合注意力基础观,采用QSR NVivo11分析软件对40篇报告中涉及科技人才的内容进行分析。结果发现,政府对科技人才创新创业总体注意力呈波浪式上升,且出现了3个峰值;在科技人才创新创业4个维度中,评价和激励维度的注意力始终保持最高水平,其它3个维度的注意力呈现平稳态势。注意力文本内容分析发现,科技人才流动和吸引方面,政府从指令性计划向市场自由流动转变;选拔和培养方面,由注重科技人才数量增长向培养选拔高层次人才转变;评价和激励方面,由政府主导向以多方协同推进转变;安全和保障方面,由关注科技人才基本保障向注重科技成果保护转变。最后,对进一步优化政府科技人才创新创业注意力配置提出建议。  相似文献   

MARK GISMONDI 《Geopolitics》2013,18(2):402-425
This article examines Samuel Huntington's claims that his civilisational theory rises to the level of paradigm and is not merely social science theory. This claim is examined in light of Huntington's focus on Islamic civilisation and its relationship to the ongoing war on terror. The specific manifestations of Islam that have been relevant to this war are placed within the context of what Jeffrey Herf refers to as reactionary modernism, which views violent reactions to modernity as alternative expressions of modernity. While Islam has civilisational characteristics, as Huntington suggests, the violence that gives rise to terror is a result of time- and region-specific reactionary modern variables, and is not inherent in Islam itself. Second, though civilisation-as-social science might shed light on policy options to deal with the problem of terror, civilisational theory is not equipped to supersede the interest-orientation of realism.  相似文献   

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