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对农业保险补贴的福利经济学分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
经济学通常认为价格补贴包括要素价格补贴会导致无谓损失,而且对无谓损失的估计有可能影响对农业保险业务的政策支持.本研究认为,即使农业保险是否改变农产品供应曲线、如何影响社会经济福利是一个有争议的问题,但是,如果将保险本身作为特种商品,研究保险市场本身而不是农产品市场的福利变化,仍然可以探讨政策性支持在这一特种商品市场上的作用及其福利含义.在实践中,一个地区是否开展某种保险业务受最低参保率的限制,因而保险市场上的需求曲线并不总能够与供给曲线相交.在两者不相交的情况下存在未实现的潜在经济福利,而政策性支持可能导致其实现,从而增进经济福利;至少实际福利损失要小于简单假定不存在潜在福利的情况.本文以新疆棉花保险、黑龙江玉米保险、江苏水稻、小麦保险为研究对象.利用开放的二分选择式条件估价法(CVM)获取农户对于农业保险的支付意愿(WTP)以测度农业保险的需求曲线并计算不同补贴率下的福利值大小.本文的研究结果验证了上述假设.  相似文献   

“经济适用房”弊端与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以政策手段,满足中低收入家庭的住房需求不仅仅是人道主义的安排,而且也是追求社会整体和谐、增加社会总的福利的一种手段。目前,我国供房的保障政策分为三块:一是实施住房公积金制度;二是建设经济适用房;三是提供廉租房。其中,住房公积金制度对广大居民购房的帮助力度及覆盖面都非常有限,廉租房供应也基本处于空白状态,而相关政策主要集中在经济适用住房方面。  相似文献   

本文采用开放条件下大国经济剩余模型,从福利分配角度对中国大米消费者和生产者的技术进步福利效应进行定量研究。研究表明,技术进步对大米经济总剩余的增加具有重要促进作用,但由于大米需求和供给的价格弹性不足,需求价格弹性小于供给价格弹性,在贸易自由化背景下导致消费者剩余和生产者剩余的变动具有不一致性,经济总剩余分配偏好于生产者。  相似文献   

本文通过构建新古典经济学理论模型,分析价格补贴、直接补贴和农机购置补贴对农户生产行为及农业产量的影响。研究发现:(1)提高三类农业补贴力度,不仅有利于降低农户到非农部门兼业可能性,刺激农户从事农业专业化生产,推动农业生产增产;还有利于以直接或间接的方式刺激农户增加农机购置,促进农业生产发展,但三类农业补贴率均有门槛限制,故补贴力度需要适度调整;(2)价格补贴对农机购置的影响与农业和非农业两部门劳动要素投入的产量弹性和参数有关,但价格补贴和直接补贴对农业部门农机购置的影响类似,二者均呈现倒"U"形变化关系;(3)当农机购置补贴和价格补贴率满足一定条件时,三类农业补贴政策对农业产量的增量效应排序是价格补贴最优、农机购置补贴次之、农户收入直接补贴效果最低。因此,建议以"价格补贴"改革为重点,适度兼顾其他类型农业补贴改革,协同促进农业生产发展。  相似文献   

河南安阳市于 1999年正式启动“经济适用住房”建设工程。目前,全市经济适用房划拨用地 37.4313万平方米,开发建筑面积 56.4176万平方米,其中已竣工使用 16.8928万平方米,安置了文峰中路建设工程和人民大道裁弯取直工程中的部分拆迁户,保证了市政建设项目按时竣工和“九五”城市规划的顺利完成,改善了一部分住房困难户的居住条件。   按照国务院规定,经济适用房享受国家政策扶持和税费优惠,因此,经济适用房的价格应低于同类商品房。   据安阳市计委和物价局联合制定的《安阳市经济适用房开发建设免收有关税费一览表》可以推算…  相似文献   

利用条件价值法获取海南省儋州市、琼中县和白沙县3个橡胶树风灾保险试点地区胶农对橡胶树风灾保险的支付意愿,并运用福利经济学分析方法研究了供给受限制条件下橡胶树风灾保险的保费补贴效率。研究结果显示:财政补贴橡胶树风灾保险符合效率原则;橡胶树风灾保险政府补贴效率因区域和补贴率的不同而不同;橡胶树风灾保险补贴效率与补贴率呈负相关关系。因此,提出提高海南民营橡胶树风灾保险补贴效率的对策建议:扩大民营橡胶树风灾保险覆盖面;加大橡胶树风灾保险宣传力度;加大橡胶树风灾指数保险的推广应用。  相似文献   

当前,农业生产托管补贴分为三种形式:只补农户、同时补贴农户与服务组织、只补贴服务组织。本文运用经济学理论,对三种类型的补贴对不同规模服务组织的经济效应进行比较分析,并对不同经济特征的托管环节补贴对农户经济效应的影响进行分析。研究表明:三种农业生产托管补贴模式在提高大服务组织服务规模经济效应程度上补贴模式三最高,补贴模式二次之,补贴模式一最低;在对小服务组织利润损害程度上补贴模式二最高,补贴模式三次之,补贴模式一最低;不同经济特征的托管环节补贴对农户生产成本和收益的影响也有不同。依据上述分析,本文提出了创新补贴模式、避免农业生产托管服务"垒大户"、动态调整补贴环节和区域三项政策建议。  相似文献   

粮食直接补贴政策的经济学解析   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
本文在概述中国粮食补贴政策演变轨迹的基础上,对现行粮食直接补贴政策进行了经济学解析和现实分析,认为从粮食直接补贴政策中得利多的不是粮食生产者,而是粮食消费者;粮食直接补贴政策不能平抑粮食产量和价格波动;粮食直接补贴政策不能代替价格支持。在此基础上,本文提出了粮食直接补贴、价格支持、配额生产“三位一体”的政策建议。  相似文献   

在世界各国的财政补贴支出中,农业补贴的规模都独占鳌头。它的形式也最多。购销差价补贴、农产品支持价格补贴、农业投入品差价补贴、农业资本补贴、休耕补贴、农产品储备补贴、食品券计划补贴、农业科研补贴、农产品进口补贴、农产品出口补贴,等等,都是经常被采用的形式。可以说,对农业的补贴问题是财政补贴研究的最重要课题。 财政补贴是与商品的相对价格结构密切联系着的,这种联系在农业补贴问题上表现得尤  相似文献   

国有划拨建设用地使用权市场化是目前城镇土地使用制度改革的重点,而国有划拨建设用地使用权的评估又面临许多问题.通过介绍国有划拨建设用地使用权权益价格评估的目的和意义及使用权的涵义、特点,简述了国有划拨建设用地使用权评估的现状问题,根据其权益价格的构成阐述了权益价格的评估思路,并从法律、市场等方面提出了相关的建议和对策.  相似文献   

因多种保障房形式并存,且供地方式存在差异化,对使用年限、价格(租金)、建筑面积等方面的要求也不同,对能否上市交易和退出机制的规定大相径庭,导致保障房建设中存在各种各样的矛盾和问题,主要表现在:(1)租赁型和出售型的保障房之间对接困难,不能体现效率原则;(2)不同类型保障房在享有土地增值收益方面大不相同,不能体现公平原则。辽宁省实例验证进一步表明,我国保障房建设改革势在必行。当前,应统一保障房建设用地方式,实现保障房的土地权益均衡化,以提高保障房的资源配置效率,实现社会公平。  相似文献   

In protecting farm land near cities, policy makers must balance the interests of farmers against affordable housing demands of the urban population. This article examines land use competition between agriculture and housing on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. Land suitability ratings for farming and urban development are compared, and future urban expansion onto agricultural land is simulated under different land use policies. Results indicate severe tradeoffs for affordable housing if all high quality farm lands are strictly preserved. Achieving farmland protection goals will require further policy support to transform the local farm structure from plantation to diversified agriculture.  相似文献   

As Hong Kong's property prices have been skyrocketing particularly in the last several years, housing has become even less affordable than it was prior to the Asian Financial Crisis, compromising Hong Kong residents’ living standards. The general public mostly blames the supply-side actors (i.e. property developers and/or the government) for such a predicament, and vociferously demands for higher supply of residential flats both in the private and public sectors. The government, in response, proposes the supply of more residential land, among other measures, in addressing the public's demands, with the notion of “higher land supply results in higher housing supply”. Nonetheless, there are other channels, other than land sale, which provide land for housing construction, such as land exchange, which are usually overlooked in public debates. In the light of this, this paper aims to investigate the respective impact of land sale and land exchange on Hong Kong's housing supply. The findings, interestingly, show that land exchange has a much larger long-run impact on housing supply than land sale does; that housing supply responds to short-run fluctuations in property price; and that best lending rate has neither a short- nor long-run relationship with the supply of housing. The reason behind the finding regarding land sale and land exchange is that, the former is initiated by the government which overlooks property developers’ profit incentives and development strategies, while the latter essentially reflects that a particular land site is ripe for development (i.e. profitable) from the developers’ standpoint. Some implications relating to the recently announced government land policy measures are also discussed.  相似文献   

For decades, many cities have introduced densification policy objectives to stop urban sprawl or to promote efficient use of natural resources. In the urban housing sector, however, densification projects often intensify social challenges. Due to rising rents after modernization of existing housing stocks as a consequence of densification, low-income tenants are forced to leave their apartments. Risks of social exclusion and segregation increase simultaneously.In this article, we analyze how municipal planning authorities cope with affordable housing shortages in a context of urban densification. Specifically, we ask: How do municipal planning authorities promote affordable housing in densifying cities? To answer this research question, we apply a neoinstitutional analysis approach to better understand (1) the basic mechanisms of how land policy instruments impact affordability, and (2) why specific instruments are activated to defend affordable housing objectives. Through qualitative case study analysis of four Swiss urban municipalities, our results show that the mere availability of land policy instruments is not sufficient but that the strategic activation of specific instruments matters.  相似文献   

研究目的:分析土地供应管制通过住房供给弹性渠道对房价周期波动的影响。研究方法:理论分析,计量检验。研究结果:(1)土地供应管制影响房价波动的渠道是:土地供应管制的宽松和收紧通过供地规模、用地成本以及市场预期影响住房供给弹性,再经由供求关系和投机效应的传导影响房价波动。(2)土地供应管制可以解释45%的城市间住房供给弹性差异;地方政府不同松紧程度的策略性供地行为导致住房供给弹性与城市经济发达程度负相关,中央偏向中西部的土地配额管制政策导致东部城市住房供给弹性低于中西部城市。(3)住房供给弹性决定了房价周期波动,并具有非对称性效应:在市场景气繁荣阶段,供给弹性越小,房价涨幅就越大;在市场不景气阶段,房价跌幅与供给弹性的关系存在方向上的不确定性。研究结论:土地和住房领域供给侧改革的一个重点是改革供地制度和调整供地政策,使土地供应与住房需求在时空维度上相匹配,将有利于熨平房价波动,降低市场风险。  相似文献   

研究目的:基于系统论视角构建北京市集体土地建设租赁住房政策效果仿真模型,剖析政策运行影响机理,预测政策试点未来实施效果并寻找优化路径,以期形成可复制可参考试点经验。研究方法:运用系统动力学构建仿真模型模拟压力型、需求型、要素型、市场型4种情景下政策运行效果。研究结果:(1)从供给和需求两方面构建集体土地建设租赁住房政策效果仿真模型,供给侧包括政策供给子系统、项目供给子系统、土地供给子系统,需求侧为承租人需求子系统;(2)至2030年,北京市集体土地建设租赁住房土地供应量可以达到2 000 hm2左右,建设项目150个左右;(3)对政策效果的影响方面,政府压力因素是最主要正向的影响因素,其次为市场因素、承租人需求因素、土地供给因素。研究结论:加大投融资政策扶持,综合运用政策、市场、要素、需求等途径,激励市场主体参与积极性,保障集体土地建设租赁住房政策有效落实。  相似文献   

House prices in Israel have risen since 2008 by as much as 98%. Much of this increase is attributed to low levels of housing supply and housing supply elasticities. In Israel land is frequently owned by the state. This results in heavy government involvement in the housing market through the control of land supply via land tenders. This paper estimates the impact of state owned land on the Israeli housing market focusing on these unusual conditions of land supply. A model for the creation of new housing units is proposed. This incorporates land tenders, enabling the estimation of housing supply dynamics with an accurate measure of public land supply. The model is tested using regional panel data which facilitates the dynamic estimation of national and local supply elasticities and regional spillovers. The paper uses novel data sources resulting in a panel of 45 spatial units over a span of 11 years (2002–2012). Due to the nonstationary nature of the data, spatial panel cointegration methods are used. The empirical results yield estimates of housing supply price elasticities and elasticities with respect to land supply. Results show that housing supply is positively impacted by governmental decisions but the impact is low. Supply elasticity with regard to government land tenders stands at around 0.05 over the short run and 0.08 over the long run. Government policy of offering land in low demand areas and fixing minimum-price tendering does not seem to affect housing supply. Policy implications point to the need for more sensitive management of the delicate balance between public and private source of land in order to mitigate the excesses of demand shocks.  相似文献   

从耕地保护、与中央政府、开发商、购房者和银行关系等五个方面分析地方政府在房地产市场调控中面临的多重博弈,阐述地方政府在房地产调控中面临的“囚徒困境”,进而提出了完善地方政府绩效考核体系和土地出让收益分配机制、加大保障性住房供应力度等若干对策建议.  相似文献   

Based on prospect theory, we develop a theoretical framework to unify divided views on land reallocation reform in China. Our theoretical framework and empirical verification explain the driving forces behind the success of the rural land reallocation reform in China. We find that rural land reallocation reform in China is characterized by induced and imposed institutional changes. The relationship between induced and imposed institutional change is complementary instead of competing. The decision and frequency of land reallocation are affected by both local endowment and central government policy. Empirical findings also suggest that land reallocation reform in China is incremental, with interim policy targets from different stages taking gradual effect. The incremental implementation of the “No Reallocation” policy is the reason behind the widespread, diversified land reallocation practices across the country; this policy also contributes to the success of rural land reform in China. The theoretical model can be used to study a wide range of government-led institutional changes in China, such as affordable housing schemes and the National New-type Urbanization Plan (2014–2020).  相似文献   

This paper reviews the role of market failures in land markets, evidence as to their quantitative significance and the impact of land use policies designed to offset for such failures. Policies of containment and densification limit the supply of land for all urban uses. When applied as stringently as in Britain, a full net welfare evaluation shows the increased costs of space for housing substantially exceed the value of amenities generated. There is also evidence that constraints on land supply impose costs on productive uses of land in both office and retail use. Although the estimates are that these costs are considerable they relate only to the gross costs. Three possible policy changes are identified which could preserve the role of regulation in offsetting for problems of market failure while greatly relieving the costs of policy-imposed supply restrictions.  相似文献   

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