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在国内广告传播之中,广告主、代理公司与媒体三方成三足鼎立之势,由来已久。再是一方垄断,也无非是自己的一亩三分地中过一把“带头大哥”的瘾,大抵改变不了三分天下的格局。  相似文献   

张志安 《广告大观》2003,(12):80-81
作为北京DM杂志市场上唯一能盈利的DM,《生活速递》的盈利之道在于以房产为标准区分人群、建立自己的数据库,做好内容编辑、发行认证、效果监测、数据升级等经营四环节,逐步向网络化和专业化发展。  相似文献   

近年来,我们重庆市工商局九龙坡区分局在深入开展广告市场调研的基础上,反复探索,形成一套比较完善的广告监管模式:即户外广告的动态监管、网络广告网状属地化监管、新闻媒体广告的联动监管、印刷品广告的分类监管。  相似文献   

植入式广告又叫嵌入式广告,是指把商品或服务具有代表性的视听品牌符号融入影视或舞台产品中,给观众留下相当的印象以达到营销目的。  相似文献   

作为对原生资源的一种替代,我国固体废物(再生资源)进口数量逐年增加。据统计,上世纪90年代初,我国每年进口的再生资源约100-200万吨,而到2010年,我国实际进口已达4800多万吨。当前我国对再生资源进口的监管主要侧重于环境保护,但并没能很好解决进口规模、结构与制造业发展要求之间的矛盾,  相似文献   

张倩 《市场研究》2012,(4):27-28
<正>绿色广告起源于20世纪60年代的欧美发达国家,自20世纪90年代开始快速发展。面对日益加剧的环境问题,各国政府致力于可持续发展,企业越来越多地将环保理念纳入生产及营销活动,消费者的环保意识也逐渐增强。研究表明,当今消费者对绿色广告产品购买意愿和忠诚度比以往有所提高  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,代理制被当作欧美现代广告制的精髓正式引入我国,希望以此健全我国广告市场机制,此后代理制在我国被广泛推行。历经二十多年的发展,今天代理制仍然是广告业的重要运作模式,但随着营销环境的剧烈变化,代理制也在发生变化,早年只要拿到媒体版面出售给广告主,这一简单的媒体掮客式的代理早已经行不通了,广告公司必须调整自己的知识结构,重构代理制的流程和方法,才能在复杂多变的媒体环境下,科学合理的判断媒体的广告价值,从而帮助广告主和媒体找到更合适的结合机会,而这,也正是广告公司的竞争力所在。  相似文献   

陈平 《广告导报》2004,(5):20-20
10年来的贵阳广告业的发展,我们更愿意将它视为一个成长的过程。10年前的今天,它稚嫩而单纯,可以说真正的广告意识完全没有在这个行业中得到体现,取而代之的是以吃喝、拉关系网的不正当竞争来作为业务推广和传播的手段。广告意识的淡薄压制了设计者创作的灵感,不注重策略的媒体传播造成了上世纪90年代初仅以简单制作为主的广告风格。直到地产行业的兴起,广告才逐步被带动起来,终于细分出了调研、营销、策划、发布等专业化、科学化的市场分析和策略管理,广告不再单纯停留在”广而告之”的基础上,而多了一些有的放矢的目标性。  相似文献   

刘国基 《中国广告》2005,(6):180-180
近几年我国服装行业中,男装正在崛起,成为品牌竞争最为活跃的品类市场。温州男装似乎已经风光不再,上世纪80年代和90年代前期曾叱咤国内服装业的福建服装正卷土重来。在国内正装市场日渐萎缩的时候,福建服装品牌在中央电视台的广告爆破市场战略已经形成先声夺人的营销优势。2003年8月份以来,七匹狼、柒牌、利郎、劲霸、九牧王等晋江企业不约而同地出现在中央电视台招标段,通过强势的宣传,目前这几个男装产品在全国已经打响了知名  相似文献   


At present,due to the severe global COVID-19 pandemic,changes that used to take a century to happen have sped up,while the global environment is becoming more complex and uncertain.In 2021,China’s foreign trade had good performance.According to the data from the General Administration of Customs,in 2021 China’s foreign trade,both imports and exports grew quickly,topping USD 5 trillion and USD 6 trillion in one year,and reaching a new record high.Meanwhile,the quality of China’s foreign trade was improving steadily,making a good start for the foreign trade industry during the 14th Five-Year Plan period.  相似文献   

第一章总则第一条为了促进我国与周边国家边境贸易的健康发展,完善对边境贸易相关的外汇管理,规范边境贸易中的资金结算行为和账户管理,根据《中华人民共和国外汇管理条例》及其他有关规定,制定本办法。第二条本办法所称“边境贸易”包括边民互市、边境小额贸易和边境地区对外经济技术合作。边民互市贸易,系指边境地区边民在边境线20公里以内、经政府批准的开放点或指定的集市上,在不超过规定的金额或者数量范围内进行的商品交换活动。边境小额贸易,系指我国边境地区经批准有边境小额贸易经营权的企业,通过国家指定的陆地边境口岸,与毗邻国…  相似文献   

有效的政府治理是发挥社会主义市场经济体制优势的内在要求。随着我国改革进入深水区和网络时代的到来,冲击着旧的僵化和顽固的体制,促使统治和管理型政府向治理和服务型政府转变,推动着我国从善政走向善治。要有效构建基于治理理念的善治意义上的服务型政府,我国应坚持党对国家治理体系现代化建设的领导,大力推进党的建设制度改革,创新政府和社会治理方式,转变政府职能,规范权力运行,并借鉴国内外政府改革中的成功经验,以大力推动善治意义上的服务型政府建设,更好发挥政府服务于民的作用。  相似文献   

For the purpose of regulating the opening and use of foreign exchange accounts in China by overseas organizations.facilitating investment in trade and preventing financial risks,the State Administration of Foreign Exchange issued Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issues Conceming Administration of Overseas Organizations'Foreign Exchange Accounts in China,which entered into force on Aug.1,2009.  相似文献   

For the purpose of regulating the opening and use of foreign exchange accounts in China by overseas organizations, facilitating investment in trade and preventing financial risks, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange issued Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issues Concerning Administration of Overseas Organizations' Foreign Exchange Accounts in China, which entered into force on Aug. 1, 2009.  相似文献   

Large corporations are coming under intense pressure to act in a socially responsible manner. Corporations have accepted this notion provided that it is exercised voluntarily. It has also been argued that corporations can do well by doing good, and that good ethics is good business. This paper presents an alternative viewpoint by demonstrating that while voluntary socially responsible conduct is desirable, it plays a rather small role in inspiring good corporate conduct. Instead, (a) it is the external economic-competitive conditions that define the parameters and opportunities for good corporate conduct; and (b) the values and traditions of the corporations, and their perceived risk in exploiting those opportunities, that influence the extent of a corporation's socially responsible conduct. The framework presented here analyzes certain market-competitive conditions, which determine the scope and direction of socially responsible corporate conduct, and the instruments available to society to enhance ethical corporate conduct. It suggests that from society's perspective, we should move away from the notion of corporate social responsibility and toward corporate social accountability. Most modern economies operate under conditions of imperfect competition where corporations gain above-normal profits, i.e., market rent, from market imperfections. Therefore, corporations should be held accountable for a more equitable distribution of these above-normal profits with other groups, e.g., customers, employees, etc., who were deprived of their market-based gains because of market imperfections and corporate power. Three approaches are suggested for measuring corporate accountability through corrections. These are: information imbalance, bargaining power imbalance, and, adjudication, remedy and relief imbalance.  相似文献   

In accordance with the Regulations on the Foreign Exchange Administration of the People's Republic of China and the Measures for the Administration of Domestic Securities Investment by Quafified Foreign Institutional Investors, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has formulated the Provisions on the Administration of Foreign Exchange in Domestic Securities Investments of Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors, which came into effect on the date of its promulgation.  相似文献   

In accordance with the Regulations on the Foreign Exchange Administration of the People's Republic of China and the Measures for the Administration of Domestic Securities Investment by Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has formulated the Provisions on the Administration of Foreign Exchange in Domestic Securities Investments of Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors, which came into effect on the date of its promulgation.  相似文献   

Using a manually collected dataset on the overseas experiences of directors of Chinese listed firms, we examine the effects of returnee directors on firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement. Our results show that returnee directors significantly improve their firms’ CSR engagement. The positive relationship between the percentage of returnee directors and CSR engagement is more significant when a firm is in a competitive industry, when a firm has no government ownership, when a firm’s CEO is not politically connected, and when a firm’s CEO is older. Furthermore, we find that only long-term foreign professional or academic experience matters, whereas short-term visiting experience does not. Finally, our results are robust after controlling for endogeneity. Therefore, this paper offers clear policy implications by suggesting that hiring more returnees as corporate directors is an efficient way to enhance firms’ CSR, which may be of particular interest to regulators in emerging markets.  相似文献   

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