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在医药保健品市场的大赛场上,竞争者依旧热情澎湃,在包围与被包围的循序往复中,当你被击溃或裁判向你举起红牌之前,你一定要明白两件事情。球门在哪?怎样才是正确的脚法?[编者按]  相似文献   

李光斗 《广告导报》2004,(7):149-149
广告的浪费已成为企业最大的浪费。因此,要想广告有效到达目标消费者的心灵,一方面要求广告创意的突破,同时必须坚持广告聚焦法则。不进行广告聚焦,很容易造成广告投放的低效、广告支出的浪费。广告投放了不少,品牌价值也得不到充分的积累,品牌竞争力无法得到有效的提升。  相似文献   

很短时间内,要把电视广告做出实效,应该遵循哪些创作规则?[编者按]  相似文献   

<正> 上篇唤醒你的消费群区域广告策略与全国市场广告投放策略的最大不同在于,区域广告投放要求更准确的覆盖、更具针对性的诉求。有了这些,企业就可以把产品信息更及时、准确地传达至消费者;可以快速并有效地在区域市场树立起良好的品牌形象、取得直接竞争优势。寻找最优化的区域市场广告策略随着越来越多的企业把区域市场当作医药保健品销售增长的主战场,区域市场的产品竞争已经从几年前的一张白纸演变为今天的白热化局面。这种情况下,广告理应是医药保健品企业进入新区域市场、抢占更大份额、促进消费者购买的一把必不可少的利器。  相似文献   

何方 《中国工商》2003,(12):12-12
有人分析说,哪个行业最赚钱,从广告的多少、发布的频率就可以看出来,也有人说,哪个行业欺诈陷阱最多,从舍得投放巨额广告就可以反映出来。从媒体曝光的频率看,这两种说法是很有道理的。打开电视、翻开报刊,电信、医药、保健品、房地产、化妆品广告几乎占据了整个广告总量的百分之七十。  相似文献   

保健品广告,无可救药?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尹琪 《中国广告》2006,(12):102-104
近年来我国保健品产业发展迅速,年销售已达600亿以上。保健品市场风起云涌,却难免泥沙俱下,尽管《广告法》和相关条例不断加以约束,但保健品广告却屡闯禁区,成为社会的“公害”。内容虚假、欺骗消费者、销售过多依靠广告、违规发布等反常现象使其总是惹祸上身,为千夫所指。2006年8月1日,广电总局、工商总局联合下发的《关于整顿广播电视医疗资讯服务和电视购物节目内容的通知》(简称“禁播令”)生效,要求“所有广播电视播出机构暂停播出介绍药品、医疗器械和丰胸、减肥、增高产品的电视购物节目”。“禁播令”在广告界引起不同的反应,除了拍…  相似文献   

一个人的成长可以分为依赖期、独立期与互赖期三个阶段.如果把企业比作人,其成长同样可以分为三个阶段:依赖期、独立期与互赖期.在中小企业刚进入市场时,处于一个依赖期;随着企业规模的扩大,企业形成了自己的核心竞争力,处于独立期;通过与战略伙伴的合作,加入价值链当中,达到互赖期.独立期和互赖期对中小企业的成长尤为重要,笔者认为中小企业在由独立期到互赖期的发展过程中要遵守以下五大法则.  相似文献   

庾为 《江苏商论》2007,(11):103-104
"科学的广告术是依据心理学法则的",广告欲达成最佳效果,必须走进消费者的心灵之门,运用心理学原理指导广告活动,提升消费者对产品的注意,产生适切的联想,刺激其购买欲望并最终促成购买行为。本文从注意、记忆、联想等心理活动过程入手,探讨广告创作中的心理学法则及其运用。  相似文献   


王理东 《糖烟酒周刊》2004,(47):B027-B029
如何作好招商广告,产生一箭穿心的效果呢?笔者经历过数十个产品的招商实战,成功的招商广告主要有如下六步法则可循:  相似文献   

In these remarks, I argue that a plausible reason that anti‐dumping actions are so widely abused for protectionist purposes is that they represent a rare instance of essentially unilateral actions that are permissible within the WTO: under the banner of anti‐dumping actions, governments can block imports and provide their industries with import relief without fear of retaliation or demands for compensation from their trading partners. Cognisant of the great potential for abuse of anti‐dumping actions, the WTO Agreement on Implementation of Article VI represents an extraordinarily detailed attempt by WTO member governments to ‘reign in’ this potential through a detailed set of rules governing the acceptable methodologies and procedures for initiating anti‐dumping actions. But as long as the underlying incentives for abuse remain, governments are likely to continue to find new and increasingly ingenious ways to respond to these incentives without running afoul of the rules. To create incentives for the use of anti‐dumping measures that are more in line with a cooperative international environment, I suggest extending WTO compensation provisions to cover anti‐dumping actions. In this way, the WTO might in effect ‘harness retaliation’ and convert it into a tool of international order in the area of anti‐dumping actions.  相似文献   

缪建民 《广告大观》2007,(7S):158-158
媒体发布的违规违法医疗药品广告,不但贻误了人民群众的病情冶疗,而且成为危害人民群众生命健康的社会公害。其屡禁不止的根本原因正是经济利益的驱使。作为媒体经济的生命线,广告宣传应当讲究经济效益,但是更要担负起“正确引导消费,传播文明,以正确的舆论引导人”的社会责任。因此,媒体在发布医疗药品广告时必须把握好以下几关。  相似文献   

李金良 《国际经贸探索》2007,23(12):44-47,80
中药产品国际化是复杂的系统工程,但在探讨中药产品国际化问题时,很少有人考虑系统解决问题的办法.从实证研究和理论分析的角度看,中外合作机制可以成为系统解决问题的有效办法.文章用实证并结合中外合作机制遵循的国际规则,提出加快我国中药领域中外合作机制建设的若干对策和设想.  相似文献   

Assertiveness may not be appropriate for every person or situation, but it can be an effective selling style. Use the chart to decide what style of selling you practice now, and then follow the guidelines if you are ready to give assertiveness a try.  相似文献   


Recently marketing has witnessed an explosion of interest in creating and maintaining relationships. It is widely being heralded as a revolutionary new way of responding to markets. But has this ?new“ method been explored or practiced before? Undertaking an early century literature review, the author uncovers evidence that writers and practitioners of 1910-1935, contrary to current belief, incorporated relational methods and espoused a relationship philosophy. Results indicate that relational selling was not only practiced for the benefit of the seller, but was also for the customer and the relationship. Conclusions about why relationship selling disappeared only to resurface again at the end of the twentieth century are put forth  相似文献   

The controversy over short selling has continued unabated from the introduction of modern equity trading in Amsterdam in 1610 to the present day. Nevertheless, the business ethics literature has not really addressed short selling. Short sellers not only profit from the misery of others, they also create it through their selling activities. However, they also provide a socially useful service by making prices better reflect true values, protecting other investors from purchasing overpriced securities. Short sellers can also help to provide liquidity in the markets. Recently, there has been a hue and cry against so called “naked” short selling, which involves not delivering the shares that have been sold. This gives manipulators a tool for depressing stock prices and deprives purchasers of voting rights and potential stock lending revenue. Naked short selling creates ethical issues for short sellers, buyers, brokers, market makers, and regulators. Is it ethical to exploit a legal loophole that permits sellers to sell stock and delay delivering shares indefinitely?  相似文献   

2008年初始,户外新媒体领域再掀投资热潮。2月世通华纳再度融资5000万美元;而去年年末,航美传媒和华视传媒相继在美国纳斯达克成功上市;著名风险投资商IDC也宣布投资已有12年运营历史,独家拥有中国列车媒体资源88%份额的华铁传媒。  相似文献   

Selling as a profession and sales management as an organizational function have undergone major changes that were driven by the evolutionary journey of the marketing discipline. The extant value cocreation paradigm is recrafting the purpose of selling. This paper explores the conceptual development of a selling paradigm that is more responsible to its customers. Specifically, in Business-to-Business (B2B) context, the cost of any selling behavior that compromises customer interest could be of disastrous proportions. Building on the theoretical foundations of self-regulation and job demands-resources theory, this paper develops a conceptual model of responsible selling by integrating self-leadership literature with the emerging paradigm of value-based selling. The conceptual model outlines several research propositions for empirical validation and discusses its potential implications for sales managers and sales organizations.  相似文献   

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