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自然资源统一确权登记能够全面落实自然资源的权利主体,明确保护责任,推动自然资源的保护和监管。而自然资源调查工作是自然资源统一确权登记的基础,目前关于自然资源调查的系统性方法研究成果较少,多停留于宏观层面的解读。文章基于无锡市锡山区自然资源统一确权登记试点工作,探索并提出了自然资源调查的具体方法和若干关键性问题。  相似文献   

以渭河水流自然资源统一确权登记试点为例,探索水流作为独立登记单元其登记单元的划定、权属认定及资源状况的登记方法。针对自然资源统一确权登记相关政策和标准规范提出完善和改进建议,明确不同资源类型的数量与质量的登记指标,以期为全国开展自然资源统一确权登记及产权制度改革等工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

<正>4月25日,自然资源部部长王广华在全国自然资源和不动产确权登记工作会议上宣布,我国全面实现不动产统一登记。这意味着,经过10年努力,从分散到统一,从城市房屋到农村宅基地,从不动产到自然资源,覆盖所有国土空间,涵盖所有不动产物权的不动产统一登记制度全面建立。  相似文献   

<正>历时十年,中国正式建立起不动产登记制度。4月25日,自然资源部部长王广华在全国自然资源和不动产确权登记工作会议上宣布,我国全面实现不动产统一登记。意味着经过十年努力,从分散到统一,从城市房屋到农村宅基地,从不动产到自然资源,覆盖所有国土空间,涵盖所有不动产物权的不动产统一登记制度全面建立。  相似文献   

当前,国土空间规划编制需要实现精细、准确,自然资源审查需要实现科学、准确、高效和智能,监管决策需要实现动态、智能和精准,这就需要标准统一、内容全面准确的自然资源“一张图”。目前,第三次全国土地调查(简称三调)是成果最为真实的一次现势性国土调查。本文基于三调成果底图,分析三调成果在国土空间规划编制、永久基本农田核实整改、自然资源确权登记、农村乱占耕地建房摸排、乡村振兴规划、林草湿地数据核查中的应用,为社会经济发展提供重要的数据支撑。  相似文献   

农村土地确权登记颁证工作是完善农村基本经营制度、保护农民土地权益、事关农村长远发展和亿万农民切身利益.近期,笔者对平凉市农村土地确权登记颁证工作开展了调查研究,现将情况报告如下. 一、全市农村土地确权登记颁证工作进展顺利 按照省、市统一部署,全市农村土地确权登记颁证工作经过逐级试点、分批推进,现已进入全面展开阶段.共涉及106个乡(镇)、1470个村、44.6万农户、190多万人、596.96万亩耕地.截至2016年7月底,崆峒、泾川、崇信和平凉工业园区4个整县推进县(区)的546个村完成了权属调查,占任务的100%,544个村完成了最后一轮公示,占任务的99.6%;灵台、华亭、庄浪、静宁4个两年推进县的735个村完成了权属调查,占任务的79.55%,614个村完成了最后一轮公示,占任务的66.45%.总体来看,全市农村土地确权登记颁证工作组织领导到位,推进措施有力,工作进展顺利.  相似文献   

第三次全国国土调查是在第二次全国土地调查成果基础上,全面细化和完善土地利用基础数据,掌握翔实、准确的土地利用现状和自然资源变化情况,实现成果信息化管理与共享,满足生态文明建设、空间规划编制、供给侧结构性改革、宏观调控、自然资源管理体制改革和统一确权登记、国土空间用途管制、国土空间生态修复、空间治理能力现代化和国土空间规划体系建设等各项工作的需要。"三调"工作具有周期短、质量要求高、技术手段先进、工序流程复杂等特点。根据"国家两个方案"要求,第三次国土调查工作要建立项目监理制,实施项目全流程监督管理,控制项目进展和成果质量。文章阐述了测绘监理在第三次全国国土调查中的应用。  相似文献   

自然资源综合评价是指对自然资源进行系统、多角度的评估,以了解自然资源的状态、潜力和可持续利用程度。文章选取金坛区,利用金坛区第三次国土调查成果、自然资源变更调查等成果,以村镇为单位开展自然资源综合评价。采用层次分析方法,分别构建自然资源禀赋和自然资源时空变化评价体系,获取区内自然资源评价成果。研究表明:金坛区自然资源评价中等标准以上面积占比80%以上,薛埠镇上阮村等地自然资源禀赋丰裕,西城街道涑渎村等地自然资源变化大。  相似文献   

南京市在推进自然资源一体化政务服务工作实践中,构建了从选址预审到不动产登记的一体化业务体系,打造了"互联网+"政务服务一体化系统,实现了统一政务服务、统一审批管理、统一决策支持.文章认为,站在"十四五"新的历史起点,需要探索建立新形势下自然资源全业务、全流程、全要素、全生命周期的数字化、网络化、智能化的自然资源管理新范...  相似文献   

林晓雷 《浙江经济》2022,(11):80-80
2014年以来,青田县借势“五水共治”行动,在全省率先探索山区河道经营权改革,在借鉴农村土地、山林承包到户成功改革经验的基础上,试点推行“河权到户”的河湖管护机制(即河道所有权国有,管理权赋予行政村,经营权到村到户到人),有效破解了乡村河道“谁来管”“怎么管”等难题,被水利部评为“全国基层十大治水经验”。2020年,青田先行开展省级自然资源统一确权登记改革,完成了全省首宗水流自然资源(章村源章村乡段)确权登记,颁发了全省第一本水流确权登记产权证书。同年,出台《青田县农村河道使用经营权抵押贷款试点工作实施方案》,为章村源章村乡段发放全国首笔“河道使用经营权”抵押贷款(“河权贷”)。通过将“河权”改革推向纵深,引来了“金融活水”,趟出了“致富金山”,为全域美丽全民富裕大花园诗画浙江提供“青田样板”,为全国生态产品价值实现提供可复制可推广的模式。  相似文献   

Industrial processing of natural resources has been receiving increasing attention in recent years, as a possible strategy on which to base industrial development in primary-product-exporting developing countries. This paper identifies some conceptual and statistical problems associated with the topic and suggests that some policy approaches have been derived from inaccurate theoretical reasoning. The paper attempts to provide a new theoretical approach to the topic and argues that a new research programme based on activity-by-activity case studies will have to be carried out in order to establish whether or not individual primary-product exporters have a competitive advantage in processing their natural resources.  相似文献   

This paper uses a large sample of countries for the last four decades to document how specialization dynamics differ depending on the abundance of natural resources. We show interesting stylized facts on two main issues. First, we do not find evidence that comparative advantage in resource-intensive products is necessarily more persistent than comparative advantage in manufactured goods. Second, we analyze the interaction between specialization in manufacturing and natural resources abundance. Though it is less likely that resource-rich countries have comparative advantage in manufactured goods, the abundance of natural resources does not inhibit significant changes in specialization for these countries.  相似文献   

The contradictory effects of the presence of a dominant mining sector have stimulated an intense debate in the literature, with these effects being seen either as a blessing or as a curse for economic development and policy‐making in a developing economy. The direct or indirect implications concern aspects such as inflation, employment, and exchange rates. This article reviews some major studies on the subject and examines their contending hypotheses and empirical findings. The differences can be explained partly by objective differences in the minerals, countries and periods analysed. Particular attention is paid to South Africa and Africa, and to the preconditions for an effective use of mineral endowments.  相似文献   

The paper estimates the role of the natural factor in today’s Russian economy with the help of different statistical methods. The intensity of the use of the natural resource factor is investigated through the indices of development of main primary industries in the economy of the country as a whole and its regions. The grouping of all the constituent entities of the Federation into seven clusters according to a series of economic indicators permitted to isolate a group of regions corresponding to the sustainable development concept.  相似文献   

C. Withagen 《De Economist》1981,129(4):504-531
Summary In this article a survey is given of the economic theory on the optimal exploitation of exhaustible resources. Attention is paid to Hotelling's pioneering work, the specification of welfare objectives, open economies, extraction costs, uncertainty, research and development and the relation between optimal economic growth and optimal extraction.I am indebted to C. Elbers, T. van der Meij, R. Ramer and H. Weddepohl for helpful comments.  相似文献   

构造自然资源开发利用的经济补偿机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、建立经济补偿机制的前提——对自然资源的全面资产化管理在市场经济条件下,商品都是按价值进行等价交换的,因此首先要将资源商品化,价值化,人们在消费自然资源时才可能按其价值量进行等价交换,才能真正对资源进行有效的经济补偿。所以,要建立经济补偿机制,就得实现自然资源  相似文献   

This paper reviews how rebel leaders motivate followers to fightin wars in Sub-Saharan Africa. Almost all rebel leaders do useeconomic incentives, but they also avail themselves of otherstrategies to motivate their soldiers, including political indoctrination,ethnic mobilisation and coercion. The type of incentive employedwill depend primarily on the nature of the state confronted.In particular, those movements that face competent nationalmilitaries will have to evolve into viable armies while rebelsfighting states that are weak and corrupt can afford to leadmovements that employ coercion and pursue economic agendas.  相似文献   

The basic aim of this research paper is to examine how Blacks on the Natal North Coast perceive leisure time, as well as the use of natural recreation resources. The emerging perceptions of these outdoor recreation resources, which include rivers, lakes, beaches, forests, game and wilderness areas, are examined in relation to existing socio‐economic and spatial inequalities in South Africa. The following key ideas and findings become evident: firstly that Blacks would use the natural recreation resources for active recreational pursuits such as sport; secondly, that a significant number of Blacks at present consider natural recreation resources to be primarily useful for subsistence purposes. Finally, the study concludes that while outdoor recreation is perceived positively in general, it is not a priority activity or facility among Blacks within the study area. Basic needs such as education, housing and farming are still regarded as high priorities.  相似文献   

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