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This paper analyzes the relationship between the growth of the money supply and capital accumulation in a monetary optimizing model. Under certain conditions we show that a large intertemporal elasticity of substitution makes the nominal rates of interest undershoot its long-term value, that a low elasticity gives rise to overshooting, while a unitary elasticity is shown to make the nominal rate of interest a constant. These considerations plus explicit attention paid to the income and substitution effects induced by the changes in the nominal rates of interest provide us with an understanding of the correlation between growth of money and capital accumulation.  相似文献   

The observed relationship between the standard deviation of forecasts and past forecast errors as found in the Livingston survey suggests the interpretation of the standard deviation as a measure of inflation uncertainty. The mean and the standard deviation for the inflation rate forecast found in the Livingston survey, furthermore, are used as regressors in a reduced-form interest rate equation. The results indicate a large negative effect of such uncertainty on interest rates. The inclusion of the uncertainty measure and commonly omitted lagged values of all variables in our analysis of data leads to more theoretically plausible estimated effects of money growth and expected inflation on interest rates than do standard estimates.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the real rate of interest in world financial markets and the price of oil. If OPEC cannot be viewed as a ‘small’ participant in world financial markets, and should its savings and portfolio behavior differ from that of the rest of the world, then wealth shifts to or from OPEC would affect world interest rates. Subsequently, this paper examines the magnitude of oil price changes required to elicit a significant interest rate change. Our empirical results shed light on OPEC's behavior, which at times may differ from a pure profit maximizing cartel. The short-run price elasticity of the world demand for oil is -0.04 and the long-run elasticity is -0.10. OPEC itself, as expected, faces higher elasticities of -0.08 and -0.36, respectively. The demand elasticity of oil with respect to ‘world’ GNP is 0.8. A major objective of this paper has been to determine the effect of changes in oil prices on world interest rates, and vice versa. Our results imply that only very large oil price increases will have a significant impact on world interest rates. However, oil prices show a non-negligible sensitivity to changes in world interest rates.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the borrower–lender relationship on the explicit loan interest rate and collateral, as well as the correlation between loan interest rates and collateral. Using a simultaneous equation approach, we find that collateral has a statistically significant positive impact of 200 to 400 basis points on loan interest rates. We find this positive association to be stronger for personal (or outside) collateral than collateral provided by the firm's assets (or inside collateral). Finally, we find the economic impact of the borrower–lender relationship to be 21 basis points for one standard deviation increase in relationship length.  相似文献   

The surrender option embedded in many life insurance products is a clause that allows policyholders to terminate the contract early. Pricing techniques based on the American Contingent Claim (ACC) theory are often used, though the actual policyholders' behavior is far from optimal. Inspired by many prepayment models for mortgage backed securities, this paper builds a Rational Expectation (RE) model describing the policyholders' behavior in lapsing the contract. A market model with stochastic interest rates is considered, and the pricing is carried out through numerical approximation of the corresponding two-space-dimensional parabolic partial differential equation. Extensive numerical experiments show the differences in terms of pricing and interest rate elasticity between the ACC and RE approaches as well as the sensitivity of the contract price with respect to changes in the policyholders' behavior.  相似文献   

Two fundamental changes in US banking regulations have affected the behavior of money demand (M1). The first authorized checkable deposit accounts paying explicit interest rates. The second allowed these rates to be market determined. The theoretical literature does not directly address the impact of these events, suggesting that they are primarily an empirical issue. However, the empirical literature has yet to agree on the impact of financial innovation on money demand; for example, several studies report an increase in the elasticity of money demand, several others report a decline. This paper uses a Lancaster-type choice model to analyze formally the expected impact of these two changes on the demand for money. The model derives specific conditions under which (i) the demand for money increases as new assets are introduced and (ii) the impact of either the introduction of new assets or the elimination of interest rate restrictions on the elasticity of money demand.  相似文献   

Standard macroeconomic models equate the money market rate targeted by the central bank with the interest rate implied by a consumption Euler equation. We use U.S. data to calculate the interest rates implied by Euler equations derived from a number of specifications of household preferences. Correlations between these Euler equation rates and the Federal Funds rate are generally negative. Regression results and impulse response functions imply that the spreads between the Euler equation rates and the Federal Funds rate are systematically linked to the stance of monetary policy. Our findings pose a fundamental challenge for models that equate the two.  相似文献   

Pippenger (2011) recently proposed a solution to the longstanding forward-bias puzzle. He argues that the puzzling estimates obtained using the standard equation for the efficient markets hypothesis are due to omitted variable bias. He identifies the missing variables as the future change in the forward exchange rate and the future interest differential. When these are added to the standard equation, he finds a one-to-one relationship between the future change in the spot rate and the forward premium. However, we argue that his equation can only test covered interest parity and offers no insight into the forward-bias puzzle.  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(6):417-425

We propose a model to describe stock pinning on option expiration dates. We argue that if the open interest on a particular contract is unusually large, delta-hedging in aggregate by floor market-makers can impact the stock price and drive it to the strike price of the option. We derive a stochastic differential equation for the stock price which has a singular drift that accounts for the price-impact of delta-hedging. According to this model, the stock price has a finite probability of pinning at a strike. We calculate analytically and numerically this probability in terms of the volatility of the stock, the time-to-maturity, the open interest for the option under consideration and a ‘price elasticity’ constant that models price impact.  相似文献   

We explore the role of interest rate policy in the exchange rate determination process. Specifically, we derive exchange rate equations from interest rate rules that are theoretically optimal under a few alternative settings. The exchange rate equation depends on its underlying interest rule and its performance could vary across evaluation criteria and sample periods. The exchange rate equation implied by the interest rate rule that allows for interest rate and inflation inertia under commitment offers some encouraging results — exchange rate changes “calibrated” from the equation have a positive and significant correlation with actual data, and offer good direction of change prediction. Our exercise also demonstrates the role of the foreign exchange risk premium in determining exchange rates and the difficulty of explaining exchange rate variability using only policy based fundamentals.  相似文献   

Exchange rate dynamics under alternative optimal interest rate rules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We explore the role of interest rate policy in the exchange rate determination process. Specifically, we derive exchange rate equations from interest rate rules that are theoretically optimal under a few alternative settings. The exchange rate equation depends on its underlying interest rule and its performance could vary across evaluation criteria and sample periods. The exchange rate equation implied by the interest rate rule that allows for interest rate and inflation inertia under commitment offers some encouraging results — exchange rate changes “calibrated” from the equation have a positive and significant correlation with actual data, and offer good direction of change prediction. Our exercise also demonstrates the role of the foreign exchange risk premium in determining exchange rates and the difficulty of explaining exchange rate variability using only policy based fundamentals.  相似文献   

The long-run price elasticity for alternative specifications of new housing supply is estimated using U.S. annual data for 1950 through 1994. The basic model expresses residential construction as a linear function of new housing price and the prices of construction inputs. Long-run elasticities range from 1.6 to 3.7, suggesting that new housing supply is price elastic. Residential construction responds to both the real interest and expected inflation rates, but other construction cost variables perform poorly. However, the results are sensitive to the time-series processes underlying the variables. A modified model that expresses residential construction as a function of changes in input prices, rather than their levels, produces a long-run elasticity of about 0.8 and a significant inverse relationship between new housing supply and the construction wage rate.  相似文献   

Banks' balance sheet exposure to fluctuations in interest rates strongly forecasts excess Treasury bond returns. This result is consistent with optimal risk management, a banking counterpart to the household Euler equation. In equilibrium, the bond risk premium compensates banks for bearing fluctuations in interest rates. When banks' exposure to interest rate risk increases, the price of this risk simultaneously rises. We present a collection of empirical observations that support this view, but also discuss several challenges to this interpretation.  相似文献   

This article reinvestigates the Fisher equation. Using the panel smooth transition regression (PSTR) model, it was found that there is a significant regime-switching effect concerning the impact of inflation on interest rates. Specifically, inflation is found to raise the interest rates and the effect becomes stronger in magnitude with inflation. However, the data do not provide evidence in support of the one-for-one Fisher effect. The evidence is robust to interest rates with different maturities and subsamples.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an efficient model for the term structure of interest rates when the interest rate takes very small values. We make the following choices: (i) we model the short-term interest rate, (ii) we assume that once the interest rate reaches zero, it stays there and we have to wait for a random time until the rate is reinitialized to a (possibly random) strictly positive value. This setting ensures that all term rates are strictly positive.

Our objective is to provide a simple method to price zero-coupon bonds. A basic statistical study of the data at hand indeed suggests a switch to a different mode of behaviour when we get to a low level of interest rates. We introduce a variable for the time already spent at 0 (during the last stay) and derive the pricing equation for the bond. We then solve this partial integro-differential equation (PIDE) on its entire domain using a finite difference method (Cranck–Nicholson scheme), a method of characteristics and a fixed point algorithm. Resulting yield curves can exhibit many different shapes, including the S shape observed on the recent Japanese market.  相似文献   

We study the relationships between interest and inflation rates using a recursive equation approach that takes into account both Fisher and Wicksell effects. Extending previous work, a state–space representation is used to estimate time-varying ex post Fisher and Wicksell equation effects. We subsequently recover ex ante interest and inflation rate series. Using these ex ante rate series, we estimate an ex ante Fisher equation, including both time-varying intercept estimates of the ex ante real interest rates and time-varying Fisher coefficients. Our results for the U.S. and three other countries support the Fisher propositions after taking into account Wicksell effects.  相似文献   

Abstract. It is widely reported in the literature that interest rates follow integrated processes. Many empirical studies have, in fact, taken this result as a maintained hypothesis. This article demonstrates that the failure to reject the hypothesis that interest rates contain a unit root may be due to the severe power problem of standard test procedures in small samples. We analyze a panel of cross-maturity Treasury-bill yield series by employing a panel-based test. This test exploits cross-maturity variations of the data to improve estimation efficiency and is more powerful than standard tests for unit roots. The critical values of the test statistics are computed by Monte Carlo simulations tailored to our samples. It is found that the null hypothesis that each yield series contains a unit root can be decisively rejected. Our findings cast some doubt on previous studies that rely on the nonstationarity assumption of interest rates.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a continuous-time term-structure model under stochastic differential utility with non-unitary elasticity of intertemporal substitution (EIS, henceforth) in a representative-agent endowment economy with mean-reverting expectations on real output growth and inflation. Using this model, we make clear structural relationships among a term structure of real and nominal interest rates, utility form and underlying economic factors (in particular, inflation expectation). Notably, we show that, if (1) the EIS is less than one, (2) the agent is comparatively more risk-averse relative to time-separable utility, (3) short-term interest rates are pro-cyclical, and (4) the rate of expected inflation is negatively correlated with the rate of real output growth and its expected rate, then a nominal yield curve can have a low instantaneous riskless rate and an upward slope.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between stock prices and the real money demands for China within a cointegrated framework. This study reports two important results. First, test results reveal that a stable long-term relationship exists between broad money (M2) and its determinants including real income, foreign interest rate, and stock prices. Second, stock prices have a significant substitute (positive) effect on long-run broad-money (M2) demand and its omission can lead to serious misspecification in the money demand function in both the short- and long-run. Finally, we demonstrate that long-run income elasticity is not significantly different from unity with the inclusion of stock prices in the money demand equation.  相似文献   

Central bankers' conventional wisdom suggests that nominal interest rates should be raised to attain a lower inflation target. In contrast, I show that the standard New Keynesian monetary model with rational expectations and full credibility predicts that nominal interest rates should be decreased to attain this goal. Real interest rates, however, are virtually unchanged. These results also hold in recent vintages of New Keynesian models with sticky wages, price and wage indexation and habit formation in consumption.  相似文献   

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