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This article offers a tractable monetary asset pricing model.In monetary economies, the price level, inflation, asset prices,and the real and nominal interest rates have to be determinedsimultaneously and in relation to each other. This link allowsus to relate in closed form each of the dependent entities tothe underlying real and monetary variables. Among other featuresof such economies, inflation can be partially nonmonetary andthe real and nominal term structures can depend on fundamentallydifferent risk factors. In one extreme, the process followedby the real term structure is independent of that followed byits nominal counterpart.  相似文献   

We address a problem of stochastic optimal control motivated by portfolio optimization in mathematical finance, the goal of which is to minimize the expected value of a general quadratic loss function of the wealth at close of trade when there is a specified convex constraint on the portfolio, together with a specified almost-sure lower-bound on intertemporal wealth over the full trading interval. A precursor to the present work, by Heunis (Ann Financ 11:243–282, 2015), addressed the simpler problem of minimizing a general quadratic loss function with a convex portfolio constraint and a stipulated almost-sure lower-bound on the wealth only at close of trade. In the parlance of optimal control the problem that we shall address here exhibits the combination of a control constraint (i.e. the portfolio constraint) together with an almost-sure intertemporal state constraint (on the wealth over the full trading interval). Optimal control problems with this combination of constraints are well known to be quite challenging even in the deterministic case, and of course become still more so when one deals with these same constraints in a stochastic setting. We nevertheless find that an ingenious variational approach of Rockafellar (Conjugate duality and optimization, CBMS-NSF series no. 16, SIAM, 1974), which played a key role in the precursor work noted above, is fully equal to the challenges posed by this problem, and leads naturally to an appropriate vector space of dual variables, together with a dual functional on the space of dual variables, such that the dual problem of maximizing the dual functional is guaranteed to have a solution (or Lagrange multiplier) when the problem constraints satisfy a simple and natural Slater condition. We then establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimality of a candidate wealth process in terms of the Lagrange multiplier, and use these conditions to construct an optimal portfolio.  相似文献   

The paper examines the post-October 1979 response of exchange rates and interest rates to the new information contained in the first announcement of fifteen US macroeconomic series. Markets respond primarily to monetary news, but also to news about the trade deficit, domestic inflation, and variables that reflect the state of the business cycle. For all fifteen macroeconomic variables, an increase (decrease) in interest rates is accompanied by an appreciation (depreciation) of the dollar, which is consistent with models that stress price rigidity and absence of purchasing power parity.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the role of the risk in the form of the volatility of open market interest rates as a factor in the demand for money. We demonstrate, using an inventory theoretic model of money demand, that increases in interest rate volatility will increase the demand for money. We then present empirical evidence that the demand for money has been influenced by alterations in the volatility of open market rates using standard specifications of the demand for money.  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence on the relationship between inflation and the rate of interest for the United States during the 1953–1984 period. The results indicate that contrary to most previous studies, the Fisher hypothesis is inverted, which means that it is the real rate of interest rather than the nominal rate that moves inversely to the rate of inflation. However, this is the case only during periods of relatively stable inflation rates and moderate regulatory change. Over longer periods when factors are more volatile the inverted Fisher hypothesis is rejected.  相似文献   

We propose a model for short-term rates driven by a self-exciting jump process to reproduce the clustering of shocks on the Euro overnight index average (EONIA). The key element of the model is the feedback effect between the absolute value of jumps and the intensity of their arrival process. In this setting, we obtain a closed-form solution for the characteristic function for interest rates and their integral. We introduce a class of equivalent measures under which the features of the process are preserved. We infer the prices of bonds and their dynamics under a risk-neutral measure. The question of derivatives pricing is developed under a forward measure, and a numerical algorithm is proposed to evaluate caplets and floorlets. The model is fitted to EONIA rates from 2004 to 2014 using a peaks-over-threshold procedure. From observation of swap curves over the same period, we filter the evolution of risk premiums for Brownian and jump components. Finally, we analyse the sensitivity of implied caplet volatility to parameters defining the level of self-excitation.  相似文献   

The effective liquidity supply of the economy—the weighted-sum of all assets that serve as media of exchange—matters for interest rates and unemployment. We formalize this idea by adding an over-the-counter market with collateralized trades to the Mortensen–Pissarides model. An increase in public liquidity through a higher supply of real government bonds raises the real interest rate, crowding out private liquidity and increasing unemployment. If unemployment is inefficiently high, keeping liquidity scarce can be socially optimal. A liquidity crisis affecting the acceptability of private assets as collateral widens the rate-of-return difference between private and public liquidity, also increasing unemployment.  相似文献   

This paper presents a closed form model of the term structure of interest rates for an economically dependent country. Using monthly Euroyen rates and Eurodollar rates in the London Market of the period January 1981 to December 1992, we conduct empirical tests and show that our model is consistent with the term structure of the Euroyen rates. Furthermore, comparing the predictive power of our model with that of Vasicek model, our model is shown to perform better.  相似文献   

Sterilization and interest rates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this note, the effect of a rise in the foreign interest rate on the home rate is considered in a small economy model with a fixed exchange rate. The cases of sterilization annd non-sterilization are considered. The effect of the degree of substitutability beteen domestic and foreign bonds is outlined.  相似文献   

Yield-curve models suggested previously in the literature seem always to make a tradeoff between analytical tractability and a realistic behavior of the interest rates. In this paper we analyze a model that combines both features into one model: the interest rates are always positive and the model has a rich analytical structure. Not only is our model theoretically appealing, we also provide empirical evidence that our model can fit observed cap and floor prices better than the Hull-White model.The author is grateful to Stephen Figlewski, Ton Vorst, Carien Dam, Douglas Bongartz-Renaud, participants of the Second International Conference on Computing in Finance and Economics in Geneva and especially Marti Subrahmanyam and two anonymous referees for comments and helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

Recent developments in private payments arrangements, particularly at the wholesale level, (including recent innovations in China) challenge central banks’ longstanding monopoly on the provision of the ultimate means of settlement for financial transactions. This paper examines competition between public payments arrangements and private intermediaries, and the effect on central banks’ role in monetary policy. Central to the issue is the role of collateral both as a requirement for participation in central bank sponsored payments arrangements and as the backing for private intermediary arrangements. The presence of private systems serves as a check on the ability of a monetary authority to tighten monetary policy.  相似文献   

When the Federal Reserve announce a larger than anticipated weekly level of the US money stock (M1) the dollar appreciates and short-term interest rates increase because of an expected liquidity effect, but long-term interest rates and particularly long-run forward interest rates increase because of an expected inflation effect. The two effects are not mutually exclusive but coexist when market participants are not completely sure of the Fed's policy rule, and thus react in a weighted average manner with weights that reflect subjective probabilities about different Federal Reserve money growth policies.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a consumption-based model that accounts for many features of the nominal term structure of interest rates. The driving force behind the model is a time-varying price of risk generated by external habit. Nominal bonds depend on past consumption growth through habit and on expected inflation. When calibrated to data on consumption, inflation, and the aggregate market, the model produces realistic means and volatilities of bond yields and accounts for the expectations puzzle. The model also captures the high equity premium and excess stock market volatility.  相似文献   

A formula for the price of default-free discount bonds of all maturities is found using a Black- Scholes type of arbitrage model which is based on the assumption that a portfolio of three default-free discount bonds of distinct maturities can be managed to be a perfect substitute for any other default-free discount bond. The formula relates the price of bonds to the real rate of interest, the anticipated rate of inflation and the equilibrium prices of interest rate and inflation risks. Bond prices are shown to be the expected value of the sure nominal proceeds of the bond discounted to the present at a random discount rate. It is shown that the unbiased expectations hypothesis is in general inconsistent with this model.  相似文献   

This study proposes a no-arbitrage term structure model that can capture the volatility of interest rates without sacrificing the goodness-of-fit to the cross-section and predictive ability about the level of interest rates. The key feature of the model is the covariance matrix of changes in factors, which is specified as quadratic functions of factors. The quadratic specification can capture intense volatility even with spanned factors, which is not the case for the affine specification. Furthermore, since the quadratic specification guarantees the positive definiteness of the covariance matrix without restricting the sign of factors, it allows for a flexible specification of the physical drift as does the Gaussian term structure model, contributing also to accurate level prediction.  相似文献   

This study uses herefore unavailable daily data on official intervention to test the joint hypotheses of perfect asset substitutability and exchange market efficiency. This joint hypothesis is generally soundly rejected for six exchange rates over various sample periods. In contrast to evidence elsewhere from weekly or monthly data, lagged intervention is a significant determinant of realized profits in about half the cases; this evidence is consistent with existence of a portfolio-balance channel, at least in the short-run. Other evidence indicates that coordinated intervention sometimes may have an impact significantly different from intervention by one central bank alone.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the (break) stationarity null hypothesis using data for 25 interest rates with different maturities and risk characteristics in Canada and the US. In contrast to a large part of the literature, this paper reports strong empirical evidence in favour of the null hypothesis of stationarity for the interest rate series.  相似文献   

Different models of pricing currency call and put options on futures are empirically tested. Option prices are determined using different models and compared to actual market prices. Option prices are determined using historical as well as implied volatility. The different models tested include both constant and stochastic interest rate models. To determine if the model prices are different from the market prices, regression analysis and paired t-tests are performed. To see which model misprices the least, root mean square errors are determined. It is found that better results are obtained when implied volatility is used. Stochastic interest rate models perform better than constant interest rate models.  相似文献   

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