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日益频发的品牌代言人丑闻无论是给代言人还是给品牌商以及消费者都带来了巨大的消极影响,但目前相关的研究却极为匮乏.通过两个实验研究发现:虽然品牌代言人悖德丑闻与违法丑闻都会降低消费者的品牌信任,但前者较之于后者的影响更严重;心理契约违背与犬儒主义心理会共同在品牌代言人丑闻对消费者品牌信任的影响中起中介作用;消费者传统性不仅会直接调节品牌代言人丑闻对犬儒主义心理的影响,而且会对双中介产生调节作用,但不会对品牌代言人丑闻影响心理契约违背产生直接的调节作用.该研究不仅对深化和完善品牌代言危机等理论具有重要意义,而且对品牌商、代言人、消费者和监管机构等有重要的管理启示.  相似文献   

近年来品牌丑闻频发,其带来的负面影响仅通过短期应对策略无法消除,因为丑闻的根源是社会责任缺失所致,因此从社会责任视角修复丑闻品牌形象已成为现实问题和理论问题.文章基于归因理论,运用实验法探究丑闻后慈善捐助对品牌形象的修复机理.研究结果显示:品牌丑闻发生后慈善捐助确实对品牌形象具有修复作用;慈善捐助的匹配度越高,对品牌形象的修复效果越好;另外消费者对慈善捐助活动的利他性动机认知起中介作用,消费者对丑闻后品牌质量的感知起正向调节作用.  相似文献   

在品牌顺利经营情境下,有关慈善捐助契合度对品牌消费意愿具有积极作用的研究非常丰富,但是在品牌丑闻情境下,契合度不同的企业慈善捐助行为对消费意愿是否仍有正向作用呢?目前研究鲜有涉及。本文通过实验法,探究了品牌丑闻发生后慈善捐助契合度对消费意愿的修复效应,结果表明:较之低契合度的慈善捐助,高契合度的慈善捐助导致更高的品牌信任重建和更高的消费意愿恢复;在慈善捐助契合度对消费意愿修复效应中,品牌信任重建起部分中介作用,丑闻后的感知责任起部分调节作用。  相似文献   

近年来,我国食品行业品牌丑闻频发,丑闻后企业修复品牌,其目的是获得消费者宽恕,然而,目前鲜有研究探讨丑闻后企业社会责任(CSR)策略影响消费者宽恕的内在机制.本文基于前期对食品业近百起品牌丑闻及丑闻后企业社会责任(CSR)行为的连续追踪,选取感知质量与丑闻范围这两个调节变量,探究丑闻之后企业普遍青睐的社区公益责任策略与组合式责任策略对品牌的救赎效果及作用边界.经由两个情境模拟实验法研究得到结论:社区公益和组合式责任策略均能获得消费者宽恕,且受感知质量的负向调节;丑闻范围正向调节组合式责任策略的救赎效果,但并不调节社区公益责任策略的积极作用.该研究为丑闻后企业正确选择救赎性CSR策略提供了思路.  相似文献   

研究以企业社会责任为视角,通过实验研究重点探讨了对品牌丑闻信息的消费者购买意愿影响问题。研究结果认为:①不同的品牌丑闻信息危害程度对消费者的购买意愿影响是不同的;②企业履行积极的社会责任能够有效降低品牌丑闻对消费者的负面效应,即无论品牌丑闻严重程度如何,消费者的购买意愿都无显著差异;而当企业履行消极的社会责任时,品牌丑闻严重程度对消费者购买意愿有显著的负向影响。研究结论对企业实施品牌危机管理具有重要的指导与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在品牌传播的过程中,企业经常聘请明星、名人代言品牌,可以说,聘请明星、名人代言是品牌信息快速、高效传播的捷径;在品牌有优质质量和服务保障的前提下,如何用好明星、名人代言就显得非常重要。本文在分析明星代言作用的基础上,结合品牌传播过程中明星代言存在的问题,提出了品牌在利用明星代言时可以运用的一些技巧。  相似文献   

丑闻事件可能从不同角度对企业形成冲击,而根据丑闻起因的不同——有的是意外所致,有的是玩忽职守,有的则是有意为之——企业应负的责任可能也轻重有别。因此,在处理丑闻事件时,采取一刀切的做法是不对的。最有效的做法应该是,结合品牌的特征,丑闻事件的本质,以及企业的过失程度,谨慎系统地加以应对。  相似文献   

非真人代言的广告逐步在广告市场中占据一席之地。与明星代言相比,非真人代言成本较低,广告制作简单,能够较好地体现产品、品牌的个性,避免明星代言带来的使用风险,同时也迎合了部分人的童心。但是非真人代言也存在一定缺陷,其知名度、权威性、可信性有时都不如明星代言,在设计和使用中也存在较大风险。发展非真人代言,必须把握动画技术的前沿,重视形象整体设计,关注线下营销,且随着时代变化适时发展非真人形象。  相似文献   

<正>明星是一种稀缺资源,同时具有较强的影响力,因此明星代言越来越成为很多企业屡试不爽的营销手段。但是明星有时候用不好,却往往弄巧成拙,甚至给企业带来毁灭性打击。用明星代言,应该让明星服从于品牌的场景而不是品牌依附在明星身上,这绝对是两种不同的效果。很多国际顶级品牌使用明星在利用明星的时候,常常不是去展现明星耀眼的一面,而是展示其平常人的场景的一面。比如路易威登使用戈尔巴  相似文献   

基于正活跃在广告代言市场中的名人组合代言,本文探讨一种更为特殊形式的名人组合代言新类型——复合型名人组合代言。本文在构建了这一概念内涵的基础上,设计了一个简单的单因素组间实验,探讨了复合型名人组合代言对消费者代言评价影响的差异问题。结果发现:复合型名人组合与文体娱乐明星、政治人物代言对消费者的品牌感知评价和购买意向影响均有差异,且复合型名人组合代言的影响作用大于政治人物和文体娱乐明星。研究丰富了名人组合代言的新内容,对企业进行组合代言和实施更为有效的品牌推广等提供了有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Brands sometimes enter into co‐branding agreements and major events can occur to one of the brands which can have either negative or positive consequences for the brands involved in the partnership. The current study investigates as yet unanswered research questions regarding whether and how positive and negative events happening to one brand in a co‐branding partnership affect the brand equities of the other brands in the partnership. The authors provide and test a new integrated attribution‐diagnosticity framework to explain the process that underlies the magnitude of these spillover effects. Findings show that while positive and negative event‐related spillover effects occur between the co‐brand and both parent brands, they were surprisingly absent between the parent brands. Further, the (a)symmetry of parent brand equity before the event influences the magnitude of event‐related spillover the parent brands receive from the co‐brand. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   


With sport scandals reported frequently in the media, it is important to understand how associated stakeholders are affected. In the current work, we investigated the impact of off-field sport scandal on key stakeholders (the sport, implicated team, sponsor brand), and the roles played by team identification and scandal frequency. A 2 (fandom) × 3 (scandal frequency) between-subjects quasi-experiment examined responses to scandal news stories. Ingroup fan attitudes became less favorable toward all stakeholders following scandal, especially when it was described as repeat behavior. This differed to outgroup fan attitudes, which became less favorable toward the sport, but were generally negative and stable for other stakeholders, irrespective of scandal frequency. Respondents were willing to attribute responsibility to particular perpetrators rather than the team, and tended to endorse sponsorship continuation simultaneously with perpetrator removal/sanction. Findings have strategic implications for those involved in sponsorship, sport marketing, and sport management.  相似文献   

通过排他条款保护赞助权益是赞助商最为关注的问题,但是排他条款难以实现赞助商独占赞助权益却是无法回避的现实问题。文章在赞助研究领域引入溢出效应理论,研究企业赞助对竞争品牌溢出效应的形成机制。结果表明,品牌进行赞助时,可能产生溢出效应,改变消费者对竞争品牌的评价;同时,与事件质量较低时相比,事件质量较高时,赞助事件质量对竞争品牌的溢出效应更大;另外,与赞助企业代表性较高时相比,赞助企业代表性较低时,赞助事件质量对竞争品牌产生的溢出效应影响更大。文章从溢出效应的角度拓展了企业赞助理论,回答了排他条款难以“排他”的理论机理,对企业开展赞助营销实践具有理论借鉴。  相似文献   

文章研究界定了产品性能型、公司道德型和道德引致产品性能型三类品牌负面曝光事件,引入消费者认知需求,运用自然实验法研究道德关联的两类品牌负面曝光事件对品类和竞争品牌溢出效应的差异性。研究结果显示对低认知需求者,道德引致产品性能型负面曝光事件对品类态度和竞争品牌购买意愿的负面溢出效应强于公司道德型事件;对高认知需求者,两类事件溢出效应没有显著差异;道德引致产品性能型负面曝光事件对低认知需求者品类和竞争品牌评价的影响大于高认知需求者,而公司道德型负面事件溢出对不同认知需求水平消费者的影响无显著差异。  相似文献   

独特化需求对虚拟代言人说服效果影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟代言人在营销沟通中担任重要角色,但以往研究多关注各项拟人化特征对广告效果的影响,鲜有对消费者的独特化需求特质如何影响虚拟代言人沟通效果的研究。通过三个实验研究,考察两类代言人(虚拟代言人与真人)与消费者独特化需求水平(从低到高)交互作用下的广告说服效果。研究一表明:不同代言人类型的广告说服效果受消费者独特化需求水平的调节,其中高独特化需求的消费者对虚拟代言人的反应更积极。研究二进一步发现:独特化需求和代言人类型的交互作用是通过积极情绪作为中介路径,进而提升广告说服力。研究三加入品牌类型(奢侈品牌与大众品牌)作三阶调节效应检验,结果显示:虚拟代言人在大众品牌广告中,对高独特化需求的消费者说服力要比真人代言人的说服力更强;然而这种调节效应在奢侈品牌广告中差异不显著。  相似文献   


Can a negatively publicised celebrity endorser ever lead to favourable brand attitudes toward a luxury fashion product (i.e. a perfume)? An online experiment was conducted with a sample of 260 target-relevant female consumers where two factors were manipulated: the brand’s positioning objective (image reinforcement versus revitalisation) and the type of celebrity endorser (naturally versus incidentally controversial). Consumer attitudes towards the luxury fashion brand were generally more positive when the type of celebrity endorser was consistent with the brand’s positioning strategy, that is, when a naturally controversial celebrity endorses a brand with a reinforcement strategy and when an incidentally controversial celebrity endorses a brand with a revitalisation strategy. Furthermore, this effect was mediated by consumers’ appreciation of the celebrity-positioning match-up (i.e. the consistency between the celebrity’s persona and the brand’s strategy) but not by their perceptions of appropriateness (i.e. the traditional match-up hypothesis). Several implications suggested by these findings are developed.  相似文献   

This article investigates the moderating roles of advertising strategy (relational vs. elaborational) and perceived parent brand quality on the influence that parent brand–extension fit exerts on consumer evaluations of both extensions and the parent brand. Two studies manipulate fit in terms of either brand concept consistency or product feature similarity. Lower fit results in negative consumer responses, yet an elaborational advertising strategy mitigates the negative effects of lower fit on extension evaluations. This mitigating effect is stronger for high quality than for average quality brands. The results also indicate extension feedback effects for the parent brand, suggesting that elaborational advertising strategies may reduce the impact of fit on parent brand feedback effects. This latter link is not moderated by parent brand quality.  相似文献   

明星是电影产业中最为重要的创意人才之一,明星凭借其广受赞誉的演技、为观众所喜爱的性格特征,吸引众多注意力,从而具有很高的商业价值。为加速实现华语电影产业振兴与文化繁荣的双重发展目标,华语电影产业开始在明星品牌定位、明星品牌如何介入电影产品的生产、明星品牌的价值评估等三个层面积极采取有效的品牌化运作,以进一步满足电影受众/消费者的需求而获得电影市场优势,进而满足电影生产者的利益。  相似文献   


This research examines the effects of consumers’ culture and celebrity’s gender role on source credibility and attitude toward brand. Using culture difference theory (individualism and Confucianism) helps to explain why sex scandals can result in a greater negative impact on the response of Chinese customers than US customers. Finally, we provide a celebrity-select suggestion to mitigate the negative damage brought by the endorser’s sex scandal. Specifically, we conducted experiments by using a 2 (sex scandal vs. tax evasion) x2 (Confucianism vs. individualism) x3 (celebrity gender: male vs. female vs. transgender) between-subjects design.  相似文献   

Although cross-border brand acquisitions are increasingly common in the global marketplace, research on how consumers respond to them is limited. Building on social identity and psychological ownership theories, we introduce the concept of brand ownership to the advertising literature, and show its negative effects on consumer reactions to a brand acquisition. Furthermore, we demonstrate that consumers’ disidentification (i.e., an oppositional motivation) with an acquiring country moderates the negative effect of consumers’ brand ownership on consumer attitudes after a brand acquisition. The results reveal that consumers with high levels of brand ownership develop more negative post-acquisition brand attitudes when a brand is acquired by a country with which consumers strongly disidentify (i.e. dissociative vs. out-group). Furthermore, our research introduces the concept of a brand ownership appeal in advertising, and demonstrates that it is an effective advertising strategy in enhancing post-acquisition brand attitudes for consumers with high levels of brand ownership. Important theoretical and managerial advertising implications conclude this research.  相似文献   

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