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专用性人力资本强调的是人力资本的专用性,所谓资产的专用性是指交易双方被这种关系锁定。也就是说通过很高的成本,资产专用性使一个完全竞争的、可以反复交易的局面变成了双边垄断的局面。新制度经济学家威廉姆森将资产的专用性分为五类:地理区位(或地点)固定的特性;人力资产的专用性;物理资产的专用性;完全为特定协约服务的资产;名牌商标资产的专用性。威廉姆森对人力资本专用性的分析着眼于这种特性对委托人和代理人合同关系的影响,强调了忽视人力资本专用性将会面临极大的风险。  相似文献   

本文在交易成本经济学的理论框架下纳入了股东异质性因素并按照资产专用性的不同对并购进行了界分,籍此探讨了关系型股东与企业并购的匹配关系,并基于2004-2011年1584家中国上市公司的数据对此进行了实证分析。研究发现:国有关系型持股仅在国有企业中随着并购交易资产专用性的增加而出现显著增加,对较高资产专用性的并购具有显著的积极治理效应;民营关系型持股同样仅在国有企业中与并购资产专用性存在正相关关系,对较高资产专用性的并购也具有显著的积极治理效应;全样本中机构持股随着企业并购资产专用性的增加而显著增加,对较高资产专用性的并购具有显著的积极治理效应,而且这种现象在民营企业中表现地更为明显。最后,本文还就如何提高不同类型企业的并购效率提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

吴学兵  乔娟 《技术经济》2013,32(9):55-59
分别运用混合战略模型和重复博弈模型分析了生猪产业链中市场契约和生产契约的履行情况。分析结果表明:市场契约的履行与关系租金正相关,与抽检成本、遵守契约所付出的额外成本负相关;生产契约的履行与关系租金、专用性资产投资和贴现率正相关,与遵守契约所付出的额外成本负相关。提出建议:政府应扶持猪肉产品品牌建设,促使优质猪肉产品在市场上实现优质优价;政府应增加对屠宰加工企业的抽检补贴;屠宰加工企业在进行专用性资产投资的同时也应要求养殖场户进行专用性资产投资。  相似文献   

郑颖  齐欣 《当代财经》2021,(11):112-124
面对劳动力成本冲击,出口价格调整的幅度反映了长期贸易关系中双方对风险的承担、分担与转化程度.专用性资产既是连接贸易双方利益的纽带,又是平衡风险的杠杆.利用重复博弈的价格调整模型,采用2000-2015年上市公司出口微观层面数据,分析劳动力成本变动对剔除质量因素的出口价格的影响,并对出口企业投入的专用性资产的调节效应进行探究.研究发现:长期贸易关系中,劳动力成本变动导致出口产品价格同方向调整,但调整的幅度小于成本的变动,这表明劳动力成本上涨的压力是由双方共同承担的.专用性资产对出口价格变动幅度有正向调节效应.通过分样本研究发现,如果出口产品的契约依赖度相对较高、目的 国法治体系相对健全和采用加工贸易方式出口,当劳动力成本发生变动时,出口价格调整幅度更大,专用性资产的调节效应更显著.因此,发展长期稳定的贸易关系,科学运用并发挥专用性资产的优势,是企业转化成本压力的重要途径.  相似文献   

物流外包成本的决定要素及企业的战略选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文阐释了物流外包成本的决定要素———复杂性、竞争性、资产的专用性以及交易量 ,分析了物流自营与物流外包之间的成本效率 ,并从服务的复杂性和资产的专用性两个方面探讨了物流外包的不同形式 ,并提出了相应的发展战略。  相似文献   

基于交易费用的物流外包机理研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
物流外包是界于市场和层级之间的混合形式。通过物流外包企业可以降低物流成本和提高运作效率。物流外包成本由采购成本和交易费用构成。借鉴威廉姆森的启发性模型分析发现:只要资产的专用性不超过一定程度(文章中K^+点),则市场交易就有着明显的优势。随着专业化分工的加剧以度合作竞争的发展,交易的资产专用性程度提高,企业昔日的纵向边界不断被市场所取代。在新旧边界之间就成了物流外包的最佳区域。  相似文献   

田文 《当代财经》2004,(7):105-109
本文从资产专用性对交易成本的影响着手,分析了生产部件跨境外包时,部件生产者与最终产品生产者在专用性资产供需上的差距对形成交易成本的作用,并具体分析了影响跨境外包搜寻成本与签约成本的各种因素,从而将资产专用性、交易成本、市场厚度与市场集中度等因素作为影响跨境外包及以此为基础的贸易流向的动力机制,得出的结论对我国融入全球性的垂直专业化产品生产协作链具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

专用性资产特性、组织剩余分享与企业制度   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文基于现有的企业理论对专用性资产的分析通常集中于专用性程度而对其他特性关注不足,尤其同于专用性资产特适性的情况,考察了专用性资产特性对企业治理机制选择和组织剩余分享的影响。文章在将企业剩余索取权和剩余控制权中的“剩余”解读为“组织剩余”的基础上,着重研究了专用性资产的特性,如资产的相对重要性、适应范围以及监督和计量的难易程度等问题。  相似文献   

资产专用性通过影响企业的治理成本和生产成本来影响纵向一体化决策,资本专用性越强,企业就越倾向于实行纵向一体化。而纵向一体化过程反过来又对资产专用性产生影响,企业实行纵向一体化的过程会使资产专用性增强。  相似文献   

本文采用实证分析研究方法,根据山西1986—2001年“十村千户”固定跟踪观察资料,选择C~D生产函数建立农户绩效模型,从实物资产专用性的角度对农户绩效及其影响因素进行分组研究,得出结论:(1)农户实物资产专用性的状况:农户实物资产专用性是农户在生产劳动中,为获得收益而进行的必要的投入中逐渐形成的,在追求利润最大化的驱动下,农户实物资产专用性总体水平将会越来越高。(2)农户实物资产专用性与农户绩效的关系:从实物资产专用性的角度看,随着农户实物资产专用性的提高,农户绩效呈现递增的趋势,出现这种情况是因为目前农户固定资产规模并未达到一定的规模,尚处于边际报酬递增的阶段,当固定资产规模达到一定限度时,资产专用性仍在增高,而边际报酬会出现递减,这时当其拥有的实物资产被重新配置时,“锁定”效应加大,风险加大,农户绩效会降低。  相似文献   

Firms increasingly consider external technology commercialisation (ETC) – the commercialisation of technology assets – as an important part of their strategies. ETC goes beyond the marginal activity of commercialising residual technologies, yet prior research has not systematically analysed its monetary and strategic benefits, nor has much been published about the process of managing ETC. Accordingly this paper offers a classification of ETC objectives based on case studies of 25 technology-oriented companies. A detailed segmentation of the process of managing these projects is established by focussing on large industrial companies whose main business is internal technology exploitation (i.e. the application of technologies in their own products and/or services). Based on these classifications, four types of external technology exploitation projects are identified and the different managerial challenges are described along the process segmentation.  相似文献   

This article focuses on addressing a primary charge levelled against patent assertion entities (PAEs): that they impede innovation and technology commercialisation activities of US firms. The paper utilises an intellectual property (IP) strategy framework within the construct of a firm business model to delineate PAE typologies, and then evaluates how they ‘fit’ with either a framework for the protection of IP assets or the exploitation of IP assets. The PAE business model operates under neither an IP asset protection nor IP asset exploitation strategy, but its own IP monetisation strategy. Moreover, a review of recent research on the proliferation and economic impact of PAEs is undertaken, with the overwhelming empirical evidence showing that PAEs are having an adverse impact on innovation and technology commercialisation activities of US firms. Potential patent policy reforms and emerging marketplace options are identified for enhancing a business environment conducive to successful technology innovation and commercialisation.  相似文献   

中国资产证券化的突破口选择--不良资产证券化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王永 《经济与管理》2005,19(1):66-68,86
资产证券化作为国际金融领域的创新工具介绍到中国已有十多年的时间,理论上的争论很多,实践上却只是零星 的、个案的,且以跨国资产及实体资产证券化为多。在《巴塞尔新资本协议》要求商业银行最低资本金配置对其资产风险程度 反映更加敏感的背景下,也许不良资产证券化能为中国将来大规模开展资产证券化走出一条新路。  相似文献   

This article models the determinants of bank switching costs in China in terms of bank characteristics and non-bank variables. It also determines the contribution of switching costs to banks’ profits. Using a sample of 151 banks over the period 2003–2013 it reports a positive relationship between bank profitability and switching costs. The main result is that bank size measured by total assets has a complex relationship with switching costs. Competition between small banks creates the incentive for lock-in and increased switching costs whereas very large banks are less exercised by lock-in and switching costs.  相似文献   

As a consequence of economic reforms, the Indian manufacturing sector faces a variety of technology related challenges. It not only has to quickly develop world-class manufacturing capabilities, but also gear up to develop new products and processes. In this paper we analyse the technology strategies of six Indian firms in different product groups which are trying to build competitive manufacturing and technology capabilities. The linkages between corporate, technology, and manufacturing strategies are explored and the role of complementary assets is studied in order to identify patterns through which these firms are building capabilities of various kinds. Specifically, we evaluate the extent to which firms use supply chains to develop product and process technologies. Some links between public policy and firm level technological capabilities are also explored to identify a few key priorities in the current context  相似文献   

美元的霸权地位以及美国特殊的国际资产负债结构为美国攫取巨额国际转移财富提供了条件。另外,美国国际资产负债结构特征也表明,在全球实体经济失衡的同时,全球虚拟经济层面同样存在失衡,这种"双重失衡"的局面为全球经济调整增加了困难。据此类推,这次危机不仅打击了美国的商业银行以及其他金融机构,也打击了美国的货币霸权。国际货币地位的争夺将更加激烈,国际货币合作将更加困难。美国通过价值渠道获得国际转移财富的持续性也将受到冲击,因此美国的高消费时代将难逃调整的厄运。  相似文献   

Traditionally, transmission assets for bulk power flow in the electric grid have been modeled as fixed assets in the short run, except during times of forced outages or maintenance. This traditional view does not permit reconfiguration of the transmission grid by the system operators to improve system performance and economic efficiency. The current push to create a smarter grid has brought to the forefront the possibility of co-optimizing generation along with the network topology by incorporating the control of transmission assets within the economic dispatch formulations. Unfortunately, even though such co-optimization improves the social welfare, it may be incompatible with prevailing market design practices since it can create winners and losers among market participants and it has unpredictable distributional consequences in the energy market and in the financial transmission rights (FTR) market. In this paper, we first provide an overview of recent research on optimal transmission switching, which demonstrates the substantial economic benefit that is possible even while satisfying standard N−1 reliability requirements. We then discuss various market implications resulting from co-optimizing the network topology with generation and we examine how transmission switching may affect locational Marginal Prices (LMPs), i.e., energy prices, and revenue adequacy in the FTR market when FTR settlements are financed by congestion revenues.  相似文献   

针对当前行政事业单位在国有资产管理方面存在的问题,要克服重采购轻管理、重货币轻实物的思想,健全和完善一系列适合本单位国有资产管理的各项规章制度;建立国有资产损失追究制度,克服体制上的障碍;坚持实行"收支两条线"管理,按照政府非税收入管理的规定,将国有资产处置收入及时、足额上缴财政专户;改革现行的行政事业单位固定资产计价折旧制度,建立科学合理的固定资产计价体系,使固定资产账面价值与实际价值相符;在日常监管方面,充分发挥内部审计部门对国有资产的监督职能,建立健全科学合理的国有资产监督管理责任制.  相似文献   

经济增长及其质量问题是政府和学者们所关注的热点问题,科技进步贡献率作为衡量经济增长质量的参考指标有一定的科学性。文章从结构生产函数入手,通过引入势效系数,使得科技进步贡献率的测算更加科学。文章在具体测算过程中,对河北省国内生产总值、固定资产存量以及第一、第二和第三产业的劳动数据进行了平稳性检验,协整检验发现这五个变量具有长期均衡关系,从而可以说明建立的回归模型更加符合统计学规律。最后,以回归模型为基础,按照文章关于科技进步贡献率测算的方法,测算了河北省1990-2012年间的科技进步贡献率,并针对测算结果进行了深入分析,提出在当前经济形势下河北省经济调控的思路。  相似文献   

Since 2004, commercial banks in the United States have been allowed to elect Subchapter S (hence Sub-S) status with up to 100 shareholders. That limitation may promote more effective monitoring of bank managers by shareholders which can, in turn, explain previous findings of superior performance among Sub-S banks. The present research focuses on the possibility that the shareholder limitation also constrains opportunities for bank growth, or a slow growth hypothesis for Sub-S banks. Using a differences-in-differences regression approach for a sample of community banks (i.e., less than $1b in assets) from 2004 to 2014, and controlling for initial assets and urban location, it is found that annual growth in real assets and equity was significantly higher among banks that never held Sub-S status than for banks that always held Sub-S status, and that banks switching to Sub-S later grew significantly faster than those that always held Sub-S status. Fixed effects regressions show that switching to Sub-S status significantly reduced equity growth, with asset growth significantly reduced after 2008. In conjunction with earlier findings, the results suggest that the availability of Sub-S status helped to protect and strengthen community banks across a time period including substantial financial turmoil.  相似文献   

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