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无障碍设计的理想目标是无障碍,基于此,认为无障碍城市环境是人性化的城市环境;无障碍城市街道家具设计可以就城市居民与城市公共环境之间的障碍来进行改善和解决。认为在我国还处于原始探索阶段的无障碍城市街道家具是一种全新的设计理念和城市街道家具发展模式,也是一个复杂的系统工程;无障碍城市街道家具设计的初衷和终极目的是帮助障碍人士主动参与城市生活,享受城市所带来的方便。  相似文献   

伴随着我国经济社会的快速发展,城市环境无障碍建设工作日益受到社会的普遍关注。我国无障碍建设工作开展以来,在取得了巨大进展的同时也存在许多问题。着眼于无障碍法制建设、盲道铺设、地铁无障碍设计与历史建筑外部环境无障碍改建四个方面,通过分析美国、德国、日本的相关案例,对我国城市环境无障碍建设工作进行总结与反思,并从无障碍法制建设和无障碍建设实践两方面提出了建议,以期为今后的工作提供参考。  相似文献   

基于国际国内重要报告、国际公约、法律法规和发展宣言等,从目标、内容和原则三个维度界定无障碍环境的内涵,并以我国华南地区的D市为调查对象,通过体验式观察、入户走访、座谈会与深度访谈等方式进行调查研究,发现我国城市无障碍环境建设面临文化理念存在偏差、法律法规不成体系、社会和专业力量不足、工作机制不健全等障碍因素。在此基础上提出了包含理念、制度、标准和行动四个核心要素的城市无障碍环境建设支持体系,以期为推动我国城市无障碍环境建设提供理论与实践参考。  相似文献   

我国已进入老龄化社会,当前的养老模式又多以"居家养老"为主,传统城市养老主要的居住环境是混合老年住区,但这一类型的住区无障碍设施发展不够完善。本文基于国内外高层住宅区无障碍发展动向及相关理论,通过分析高楼住宅区无障碍建设现状以及高层住宅老年人紧急疏散的特点的调研,探索住区外环境无障碍规划的策略,针对于高层住宅区的老年人住宅的无障碍设施开展研究。  相似文献   

北京市公共交通无障碍出行环境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,无障碍城市环境,特别是公交的无障碍出行环境越来越受到重视。选择无障碍公交车型和与之相匹配的公交站台是实现安全、平等、快速的公交乘车环境的基础。通过分析美国、英国、德国、日本和巴西的公交车辆与公交站台无缝对接的实例,总结出两类实现无障碍公交出行的方式:低地板公交方式和高地板公交方式,以期为北京市公交出行无障碍环境建设提供参考。  相似文献   

英国城市的无障碍环境建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着残疾人问题的日益突出 ,英国对城市无障碍环境建设问题日渐重视。本文介绍了英国无障碍环境建设的有关立法、建筑规范、规划政策、规划控制与建筑控制的比较以及公众参与的情况  相似文献   

本文针对目前北京市无障碍停车位存在的问题,分析了美国、澳大利亚和英国的城市无障碍停车位的设置及使用情况,总结了其在城市无障碍停车位的设计与管理方面可借鉴的内容,包括配建比例、标志和停车许可等,提出了改善北京市无障碍停车位的相关建议,以期通过北京的先行工作向我国其他大城市进行推广.  相似文献   

随着社会老龄化步伐的加快,残疾人数量增加,以及“以人为本”理念的深人人心,无障碍建筑的设计、规划和建设逐渐成为主要发达国家城市管理的重要内容。文章论述了美国无障碍标准化及制度建设特点,对比分析了我国无障碍标准化及制度建设的现状、问题以及我国无障碍水平低的根本原因,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

梳理了国外公交导向型城市的最新研究成果,从建筑环境对公共交通客流量影响的角度,就公共交通导向型城市区域可达性、公交站距离、土地利用密度、多用途开发、规划和需求管理等六个方面的实践进行了分析总结,认为良好的区域交通可达性可以促进公交系统的使用;出发地或目的地距离公交站越近,人们越倾向于使用公共交通工具;提高公交站点附近的居住密度和就业密度可以增加公交客流量;公交站点附近的土地混合利用有利于增加公交使用;城市规划通过构建适宜步行的环境,可以促进公交系统的使用;提高公交出行率离不开公交、步行、骑行基础设施的改善等。  相似文献   

大城市中心区公交站点设置策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先分析了大城市中心区的客流分布特点及公交站点合并设站的设置特征.其次,以北京市中心区域公交站点为例,探讨了公交站点普遍存在的公交车辆拥堵排队、阻塞上游交叉口以及与非公交车流干扰严重等问题.在此基础上,提出了合理安排站点停靠线路,提高站点利用率,根据不同交通环境合理选择站点形式和位置以及优化公交站点内部组织等策略.  相似文献   

The experience of British bus deregulation has resulted in less on-the-road competition than anticipated, and a high degree of industry concentration We argue that the specific form of deregulation in Britain has created a property rights problem in the cultivation of passenger congregations at the kerb. The result has been schedule jockeying and route swamping . From a property rights perspective, the disappointing results can be seen as a commons problem. A nuanced approach to property rights at bus stops, permitting scheduled service to appropriate its investment in cultivating passenger congregations, and allowing freewheeling jitneys to compete on the route, could bring the benefits that many had expected from deregulation.  相似文献   

杨晓辉 《价值工程》2010,29(9):87-88
随着社会经济的迅速发展,环境问题日益严重和突出,引起了各国政府首脑、政治家、科学家和公众的广泛关注。从斯德哥尔摩的《联合国人类环境会议宣言》到巴西《环境与发展的里约热内卢宣言》,从4月22日的地球日到6月5日的环境日,从"全球变化"到《21世纪议程》,使人类为了共有一个地球和共同的利益,联合起来对付全球环境恶化和灾害,以保证人类和社会的持续发展。  相似文献   

The regulatory framework for inter‐city bus operators in Canada is facing multiple challenges with regard to productivity, consumer satisfaction and cost controls. In spite of government reports calling for deregulation, there has been little action by provincial governments to deregulate entry and pricing. As a result, Canadians are paying higher fares and service quality is lower than in the more deregulated markets of the United Kingdom and the United States.  相似文献   

The socially responsible investing (SRI) movement has been aiming to create lasting institutional change by infusing the investment sector with new norms and values. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) rating agencies have emerged in response to the needs of SRI actors for reliable data on the social performance of firms. Since 2005, the ESG rating industry has witnessed a number of national and cross‐border consolidations. Based on a set of 37 interviews and secondary data, the paper explores the driving forces behind this consolidation as well as its impact. Our focus is on four ESG rating agencies, based in the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Switzerland. We conclude that in effect consolidation has at least partially resulted in institutional retrogression, whereby the traditional norms and values have reaffirmed their primacy, thereby somewhat negating the institutional change sought by the SRI movement. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

潘国强 《价值工程》2013,(14):25-27
根据现行出租车运营方式的不足,提出了基于城市网格划分的出租车公交化运营模式。参照城市公交站点的设置方法,提出了网格化出租车站点的设置方法。分析了影响出租车合乘的因素,通过出租车合乘运营目标函数及约束条件的建立,提出了该模式下出租车司机、乘客利益最大化以及行车路线最短的数学模型,为城市新型出租车运营模式的推行提供理论上的参考。  相似文献   

环境标志制度已经成为国际贸易中越来越重要的一项制度,环境标志通过利用公众对环保产品的选择,逆向引导企业参与环保,具有良好的环保效果。我国已建立了环境标志制度,但有待完善。我国应结合WTO规则,提高国民的环保意识;建立环境标志体系,完善环境标志制度;积极参加CTE关于环境标志问题的讨论,维护发展中国家和我国的贸易利益,才能使我国的环境标志制度与国际市场全面接轨。  相似文献   

城市公共服务的价值估计、受益者分析和融资模式探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
城市生活质量决定城市价值.城市政府所提供的各类公共服务,直接影响着居民在城市中生活的舒适和便利程度,关系到城市长期发展的动力.围绕此主旨,论文探讨了3个相关的问题.第一,如何估计城市公共服务这些非市场的价值;第二,这些城市公共服务的成本承担和利益享受是否匹配;第三,怎样的公共口融资模式能够使上述关系更为匹配.基于显示性偏好法中的特征价格模型,利用北京市住宅市场和土地市场的徽观和个体交易数据,实证结果表明,居民愿意为居住在地铁站、公交车站和公署周边一定范围(0.8公里)内分别支付住宅价格的17.1%、12.4%和6.4%,但是,这种价值并没有被资本化到土地价格中.这表明,居民对城市公共服务偏好的住处并没有被房地产开发企业以地价的形式传递给政府,开发企业成为实际的受益者.以房地产价值作为税基的物业税的征收使信息可以从居民直接传递至城市政府,将使城市公共服务的融资模式更为合理.  相似文献   

This paper extends previous environmental management research by building and empirically testing a model of the contingency effects of green advertising on the relationships between environmental management practices in terms of environmentally conscious manufacturing and product stewardship, environmental reputation and financial performance. We examine the value of green advertising in sharing and publicizing information about organizational achievements in environmental preservation in a business‐to business context with the Taiwanese electronics manufacturing industry. The theoretical propositions are largely confirmed by structural path analyses of survey responses collected from 122 Taiwanese electronics manufacturers. Green advertising delivers financial benefits only for those manufacturers that do not have an established environmental reputation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

The decisions related to managing the supply chain and supply chain strategy are already considered important in many organizations. As more executives adopt environmental practices, supply chain strategies will only increase in importance. In this paper, we review how companies develop environmental supply chain strategies. Our interviews with companies from The United States, The United Kingdom, Japan and Korea, along with prior research, are used to develop a framework for environmental supply chain strategy decision‐making. We then use this framework to suggest guidelines for how companies might change their current supply chain practices to successfully integrate environmental issues into their supply chain strategy. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   


Environmental sensitivity has gained much attention in business organizations; however, there is little empirical evidence on the business benefits from environment oriented measures. Some of the many promised benefits from environmental sensitivity are categorized and rated. The framework proposed by the Management Institute for Environment and Business (MEB) is used to assess company environment stewardship. A pretested questionnaire was used to collect data from 66 business organizations in the United States and from 31 organizations in Pacific Rim nations. These organizations were known to have undertaken at least some “green business” activities. The results suggest that companies showing higher degrees of environment stewardship will derive greater business benefits than organizations which aim at minimum compliance with government regulations in this area. While, compared with American organizations, on the average the Pacific Rim companies show significantly less environmental stewardship and derive significantly less benefits from it, “their efforts in the area have also been rewarded.”  相似文献   

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