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张衔 《财经研究》2001,27(6):48-52
本文探讨了自20世纪80年代以来,在国际经济学文献,特别是有关人民币汇率问题的的期文献中流行的汇率分析工具一定实际汇率的含义,本文证明,由于实际汇率存在着由名义汇率造成的扭曲,因而不仅不是一个比相对购买力平价更有效的汇率分析工具,而且会导致决策风险,事实上,实际汇率的作用仅在于检验某一名义汇率是否相对购买力平价汇率,对汇率进行调整的依据只能是对购买力平价,本文同时证明,在东南亚金融危期间我国人民币的确没有对外贬值的必要。  相似文献   

人民币均衡实际汇率的估计与实际汇率错位的测算   总被引:81,自引:5,他引:81  
基于均衡实际汇率理论 ,本文应用多种经济计量方法实证分析了自 2 0世纪 50年代中期至 2 0 0 0年期间人民币实际汇率状况 ,估计出人民币均衡实际汇率 ,进而测算了实际汇率错位状况。研究结果表明 :在计划经济时期 ,人民币实际汇率长期被高估。改革开放后 ,均衡实际汇率长期处于贬值状况 ,现实的实际汇率长期被低估。在亚洲金融危机期间 (特别是 1 997和 1 998年 ) ,人民币实际汇率出现了明显的高估。 1 999年这种高估状况得到部分缓解 ;2 0 0 0年出现了根本性好转。在现实中 ,1 999年以后中国出口的快速增长也证实了这一结论。  相似文献   

顾标  周纪恩 《经济学》2007,7(1):283-296
本文详细考察了人民币对美元、日元、港币和欧元的双边真实汇率、真实利率差异与进出口之间的统计关系,结果发现:(1)人民币真实汇率与真实利率差异间不存在显著且稳定的统计关系;(2)人民币真实汇率具有较强的“自回归”性,并且存在比较明显的非线性动态调整特征。因此,研究人民币真实汇率自身的特定生成机制可能更具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The cointegration technique is used to examine the long‐run and short‐run relationships between the real Malaysian trade balance with the real exchange rate, domestic and world incomes. The results suggest that a real ringgit exchange rate depreciation improves the trade balance in the long run. World and domestic incomes are also found to be important determinants of trade balance. The significance of world income on trade balance indicates that Malaysia is prone to external shocks. An error‐correction model is then estimated to study the short‐run dynamics of the effects of exchange rate. The impulse response analysis shows that the effect of exchange rate on the trade balance lasts for about three years. A devaluation of ringgit will initially improve the trade balance, albeit small, after which the trade balance starts to deteriorate, and then improves again suggesting that there exists a delayed J‐curve.  相似文献   

This study investigates the time-series properties of five real yen exchange rates by testing for stationarity in the context of a single structural shift. It finds that all but one of the series are stationary in conjunction with a trend- or mean-break in the late 1950s or early 1970s. By comparison, most real rates for five other industrialized countries are stationary around a constant mean. These findings suggest that the behavior of the real yen exchange rate is unique among the six currencies in the sample, a difference that may originate in the exceptional productivity performance of the Japanese traded-goods sector.  相似文献   

The literature overwhelmingly believes that the size of a financial premium could be an indicator of the extent of the real exchange rate misalignment under dual exchange rates. We wish to oppose this view. The strategy in this paper is to investigate the effects that monetary and real shocks from domestic or foreign origin have on these variables. We also extend the analysis of the theoretical model by discussing numerical simulations. Both theoretical and numerical examinations together show that such a relationship does not exist. Moreover, we find that the more volatile the financial premium, the more stable the real exchange rate. Received December 17, 2001; revised version received May 15, 2002 Published online: December 5, 2002  相似文献   

范言慧  席丹  赵家悦 《财经研究》2015,41(3):111-120
尽管金融发展对一国经济有诸多有利之处,但文章认为它也可能通过影响物价、全要素生产率等引起货币实际升值.检验结果表明,我国银行对私人部门的信贷和股票市场的发展均可引起人民币实际升值,且主要是通过对物价的直接影响实现的,而通过巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应仅产生有限的影响,人民币名义汇率则不是金融发展影响人民币实际汇率的主要渠道.因此,金融发展带给经济的可能并不全是福音,应充分认识金融发展通过人民币实际升值而可能产生的不利影响.  相似文献   

陈科  吕剑 《财经科学》2008,(3):30-36
本文结合我国二元经济结构的特殊国情,在对标准的巴拉萨-萨缪尔森模型拓展的基础上,运用我国与美国的数据对人民币实际汇率的变动趋势进行了实证检验.蛄果表明,在标准的和拓展的两种模型下,人民币实际汇率均存在显著的巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应,即我国与美国间可贸易部门和不可贸易部门生产率的差异决定了两国间相对物价水平的差异.其中,拓展模型更加适应我国实际国情,其效应比标准模型显著得多.巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应假说的分析框架对揭示人民币实际汇率升值的必然趋势有很强的解释作用.  相似文献   

长期经济成长与实际汇率演变   总被引:32,自引:4,他引:28  
卢锋  韩晓亚 《经济研究》2006,41(7):4-14
巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应对一国经济成长过程中劳动生产率追赶与实际汇率变动之间联系提出了理论推测。本文介绍巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应假说理论内容和经验研究文献,利用国别截面数据与时间序列数据考查其主要经验证据。本文还讨论了巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应假说对研究人民币实际汇率问题的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of taxes on the real exchange rate through their marginal effects on economic activity. We hypothesize that an increase in the capital interest tax rate leads to real domestic currency depreciation while an increase in wage or consumption tax rates leads to a real domestic currency appreciation. These hypotheses are supported by an empirical study using panel data estimations of annual data from 10 OECD countries over 17 years.  相似文献   

This article examines issues of relevance to Australia's external imbalance. We investigate the sharp fiscal consolidation over the past five years and examine why it did not reduce the current account deficit. We show that a disproportionate part of the fiscal consolidation was achieved by cutting public investment spending, and we discuss some of the negative consequences of such cuts. We compare the macroeconomic behaviour of six OECD countries which have recently increased net government savings. It has been a common experience that an increase in net government saving has not been associated with a reduction in the current account deficit. For Australia, we establish that the link between fiscal consolidation and a smaller current account deficit was severed by a private sector investment surge. This leads us to examine the behaviour of the relative price critical to the allocation of this investment between the traded and non-traded sectors - the real exchange rate. Over the medium term, we argue that a substantial real depreciation is necessary as part of the adjustment required to stabilise the ratio of net external liabilities to GDP.  相似文献   

Journal of Quantitative Economics - Long term determinants of the movements in exchange rate have been an active interest area for both theoretical and empirical research. In this paper, we...  相似文献   

考虑我国自然资源相对缺乏、加工贸易快速发展、实行固定汇率制度和强制结售汇制度等基本特征,建立了一个分析我国实际汇率和经常账户问题的计量模型,并对人民币实际汇率与经常账户的关系进行了实证研究。结果表明,我国经常账户持续顺差并非由汇率低估所致,人民币汇率调整难以根本解决经常账户持续顺差问题。资本管制放松、社会保障体系不健全和收入差距逐渐加大是我国1994年以来经常账户持续顺差的主要原因。在我国对外开放程度日益提高的情况下,妥善处理我国的经常账户持续顺差问题应从以下几个方面入手:稳定实际利率、名义汇率升值、加快社会保障体系建设和缩小居民收入差距。  相似文献   

传统文献在运用巴拉萨—萨缪尔森假说(BSH)研究快速发展的经济体的实际汇率时,大多只讨论了该经济体本身的可贸易品部门和不可贸易品部门的劳动生产率增长差异,而忽略了两国可贸易部门的劳动生产率和工资增长率的差异,以致研究的结果并不一定符合BSH。本文通过拓展BSH认为:一国实际汇率的变化不仅取决于两国可贸易品部门的劳动生产率增长差异,还取决于两国可贸易品部门的工资增长率差异和资本的产出弹性,而出口商品结构的变化正好反映两国间贸易部门的劳动生产率与工资的相对的变化和资本的产出弹性。  相似文献   

Revisiting the time‐honored link between productivity growth and the real exchange rate, we find that higher labor productivity tends to appreciate the real exchange rate, consistent with the traditional view. Contrary to the traditional view, however, we find that the positive productivity effect is transmitted through the relative price between tradable goods, rather than through the relative price between tradables and nontradables. Moreover, higher total factor productivity is found to often depreciate the real exchange rate. These latter two pieces of evidence, combined with the conceptual strength of total factor productivity over labor productivity as a productivity measure, call for further refinement of the conventional view regarding the effect of productivity on the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

Zimbabwe has been facing growth and external competitiveness challenges, as shown by declining shares in global exports, high current account deficits, external debt and a widening productivity gap with South Africa. Estimates of the real equilibrium exchange rate reveal periods of sizeable misalignment, both prior to 2008 and under the current multicurrency regime. Misalignment has an asymmetric impact on growth. While overvaluation hampers growth, we have not found robust evidence that undervaluation would raise it. Replacing the multicurrency regime anchored in the US dollar by the South African rand would help reduce overvaluation and stimulate exports and growth. Under any currency regime, Zimbabwe needs to implement sound macroeconomic policies and an environment conducive to investment.  相似文献   

人民币持续升值引发热钱的大量流入,并以此对我国资产市场泡沫的产生发挥了推波助澜的作用.本文将资产价格引入IS-LM模型后,对汇率影响实体经济的资产价格路径进行了理论分析.在此基础上的实证分析结果显示,汇率、房地产销售价格指数与产出之间存在协整关系.短期内,汇率通过股票市场对工业产值的影响在某些时间内非常显著,而其他情况下则十分不确定,有些时间段内从变动方向上来看甚至相反.这种不稳定性,可能与资产价格暴涨对实体经济增长的"挤出效应"有关.  相似文献   

汇率波动与经济增长的关系——基于实际有效汇率的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人民币汇率浮动管理制的进一步推行,分析汇率的波动对经济增长的效应是我国亟待解决的问题。本文通过对比分析17个工业发达国家的经验数据,得出人民币实际有效汇率的经济增长效应呈现显著的滞后影响,但其当期效应并不显著的结论。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of a financial crisis on the attitude towards financial reforms, in an economy partially integrated with the global capital market. I identify conditions under which a crisis induces greater financial openness, mitigating the real exchange rate overshooting. The welfare gains from alleviating the shortage of funds in the sort run should be balanced with the cost of selling domestic equities at a discount. Even if the net gain from opening up the capital market is significant, it will exceed the gain from temporary capital controls only if the FDI is associated with significant favourable productivity effects. JEL Classification Numbers: F21, F23, F32, F34, F36.  相似文献   

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