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In the western world, and in the United States in particular, there has been an abundance of food, materials and fuel over the past several decades. However, many futurists suggest this condition will soon change and a wide range of scarcities will result. Conditions in underdeveloped countries suggest one probable reaction to shortages in hoarding. In light of the predicted shortages this paper (1) develops definition and conceptualization of what constitutes hoarding, and (2) examines the influence hoarding activities have on channel decisions. An overriding purpose of the paper is to generate interest and research into the topic before conditions necessitate that concern.  相似文献   

This article examines the historical evolution of the relationships among brands, consumers, and resellers in a world increasingly dominated by very large retail organizations with substantial power within the marketing channel. It is widely believed that manufacturers' brands are becoming less important as major retailers are becoming more powerful. This view is based on the mistaken assumption that brands are relationships with consumers, not resellers. Arguments about the decline of brands are often confused with arguments about changes in the brand management function. As major firms redefine their customer as the reseller, not the consumer, there are substantial implications for brand management and the role of the brand manager. Marketing strategy implementation will require increasingly careful coordination of marketing programs with sales strategy to achieve the necessary coordination of reseller- and consumer-targeted communications to maximize the value of the brand to both the retailer and the end user. The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. —Mark Twain, cablegram, 1897 Frederick E. Webster, Jr., is the Charles Henry Jones Third Century Professor of Management in the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College. He is a past executive director of the Marketing Science Institute. He is the author ofMarket-Driven Management and Industrial Marketing Strategy and has contributed a chapter on “The Future Role of Marketing in the Organization” inReflections on the Futures of Marketing, published by the Marketing Science Institute in 1997. He earned his Ph.D. at Stanford University.  相似文献   

This article examines the differential effects of online group influence on digital product consumption, using the context of online music listening with a distinction between mainstream music and niche music. The results suggest that the relationship between online groups, product category, and digital product consumption is more complex than previously conceived. We find that superordinate in-groups have a stronger influence on mainstream music listening, while subordinate in-groups have a higher impact on niche music listening. Music listeners can cross in-group lines to listen to music, although the effect on digital music consumption is not as strong as with superordinate in-groups on mainstream listening and subordinate in-groups on niche music listening. Our results also suggest that the positive effect of groups on online music listening reaches an initial ceiling effect before it hits a tipping point and accelerates. The findings provide novel insights into the role of online group influence in the growing reality of digital products and changing consumer behavior.  相似文献   

This research shows that the perceived difficulty of manufacturing a product influences consumers’ perceptions of the firm’s other products. In three experiments (with 152 participants in Study 1, 86 in Study 2, and 91 in Study 3), participants received information about the quality of a firm’s product and then inferred the quality of another product from the firm. When participants believed that the initial product was relatively more difficult to manufacture than the second product, they inferred that the second product would be high in quality. However, when participants believed that the initial product was relatively easy to manufacture, they inferred that the second product would be low in quality. These effects occurred when perceived difficulty of manufacture was manipulated (Study 2) and occurred regardless of whether both products had dissimilar product benefits (Study 1) or whether brand names were present (Study 3). Allison R. Johnson and Valerie S. Folkes contributed equally to this article.  相似文献   

大学生非正式群体对宿舍成员有调控、改造和激励作用,影响到大学生社会化进程,影响到校风和学风建设。高校应了解大学生非正式群体的形成和发展情况,及时分析并掌握其运行规律,用行之有效的方法来教育管理非正式群体,充分发挥其积极作用。  相似文献   

当代学生因社会交往的特殊需要和生理、心理等情感因素的不同,不可避免地出现各种非正式群体。学生非正式群体对正式群体乃至学校管理、班级管理会产生一定的影响,这种影响可以是积极的也可以是消极的。作为教育者,必须正视它的存在。仔细分析其形成的原因,正确对待和}l导,使学生的个性在正式群体和非正式群体中得到全面健康的发展。  相似文献   

企业的大型化、集团化是顺应当今经济发展潮流而形成的大趋势。多元化经营既是企业实现大规模扩张的一种有效方式,但又不是一条任何企业走得通的成功之路,因而,多元化经营是企业发展的一把“双刃剑”,必须全面地认识多元化战略,充分考虑多元化的正负面效应,趋利避害,促使企业的大型化,集团化。  相似文献   

In many retail contexts, social interaction plays an important role in the shopping process. We propose a three-stage dynamic linear model that captures the influence of group discussion on shopper behavior within a hierarchical Bayes framework. The model is tested using a video tracking and transaction dataset from a specialty apparel store. The research reveals that group conversations have a significant impact on the shopper’s department or “zone” choice, purchase likelihood, and spending over time. This group influence is magnified by the size of the group (particularly for zone penetration and purchase conversion), and is also moderated by group composition and cohesiveness. The conversations of mixed-age groups and groups who stay together while shopping have a significant influence on shopper behavior across all three stages, while discussions by adult groups exhibit a marginal carryover effect for purchase conversion. When shoppers have repeated discussions in a specific department, they are more likely to return to and buy from this department, while the cumulative number of discussions in the store drives higher spending levels. We also observe that group shoppers visit more departments than their solo counterparts; and mixed-age groups and solo shoppers are more likely to buy than adults-only or teen groups. This study has important implications for how retailers manage shopper engagement and group interaction in their stores.  相似文献   

本文阐述了信用证业务中开证行,进口商(开证申请人),出口商(受益人)之间存在的经济合同关系;出口商与进口商之间的贷物买卖合同关系;进口商(开证申请人)与开证行之间的开证申请书关系;开证行与出口商(受益人)之间的信用证关系。  相似文献   

温度阶段性下降对 A^2/O 污水处理系统效能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国北方地区污水温度的季节性变化对城镇污水处理工艺的运行效果有很大影响,尤其是冬季低温状态下,严重威胁着系统出水的达标排放.对污水处理系统效能随温度季节性变化规律的了解,将有助于应对措施的制定和实施.以常规厌氧-缺氧-好氧( A^2/O)生活污水处理工艺的运行为基础,考查了水温从23℃分阶段下降为18、14、11℃时的处理效能.结果表明,在HRT 10 h,进水COD、NH3-N、TN和TP平均值分别在275、46、50和5.3 mg/L时,当温度从23℃下降到11℃,A2/O系统出水COD、TP分别从28、0.2 mg/L升高到40和0.3 mg/L,满足GB18918-2002要求的Ⅰ级A排放标准,但NH3-N和TN残留量高达7.58和16.58 mg/L,不能满足Ⅰ级A的排放标准.因此,在低温条件下对A2/O工艺的管理,重点应放在系统硝化与反硝化功能的强化方面.  相似文献   

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