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不同交通方式市场份额划分问题及竞争策略   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
首先描述客运市场上航空、铁路、公路市场份额的决定,然后决定了航空公司的价格策略和铁路系统的时间策略,以得到它们在市场中的最优竞争策略。  相似文献   

本文以无锡市为例,探讨了城市客运交通发展的方向及提高公交车交通质量的政策与措施。  相似文献   

据上海市规划系统举行的科技大会公布的城市规划系统科研成果(2004~2005)中,《长江三角洲地区城市间综合交通规划研究》名列其中。  相似文献   

上海作为国际化快速发展的特大型城市,人口规模不断提高,城市空间显著扩大,对综合交通的需求日益提升。但是,交通与城市融合发展,城乡、城市综合交通发展也随之存在着较多的发展瓶颈。优先发展公共交通战略,是缓解上海等国际大都市综合交通瓶颈问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

协调历史城区遗产保护与交通发展的关系已经成为国内外城市保护研究与实践共同关注的课题.通过统计分析历史城区空间发展与土地利用特征,对比剖析了历史城区与非历史城区的异同.在此基础上深入探讨了交通系统与历史文化遗产的相互关系,提出了基于保护优先的历史城区交通发展方向与对策建议,为历史城区的交通运输服务体系构建提供指导.  相似文献   

道路系统是城镇的基本骨架,规划时应与城镇总体布局方案同时进行,应满足以用地功能组织为前提,充分考虑城镇的交通特点和要求,建立主次分明、分工明确、设施完整的道路系统;能够满足管线布置要求;有利于城镇排水;充分利用地形,减少工程量,节约道路基建费用;考虑城镇环境和景观面貌的要求及考虑城镇现状对道路系统规划的影响。  相似文献   

公路客运应对城际列车竞争的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要回顾了近二十年来公路客运与铁路客运竞争的基本格局,透析出公路客运与铁路客运的优势与劣势,理性地界定了公路客运的定位,提出了公路客运应对城际列车竞争的策略.  相似文献   

城市公共交通的发展应纳入政府的公共财政体系,统筹安排,明确优先级,通过必要的经济政策,才能使公交事业走上良性可持续发展的道路,本文就城市客运交通经济管理政策进行了简单的分析。  相似文献   

随着现代社会的发展,交通(运输)服务业在经济发展中的作用越来越重要。文章就淄博市交通(运输)服务业的现状、问题和对策进行了探讨,以期更好地促进淄博市经济又好又快发展。  相似文献   

Hazmat transportation in cities faces significant risks that may cause catastrophic losses to humans. From the perspective of the regulator, the main responsibility is to mitigate hazmat transport risk by determining the availability of road networks to hazmat carriers. Based on the time-variant population distribution, the hazmat transport risk was assessed via the total population exposure associated with the resident and variable populations at different times. We propose a risk-minimizing urban hazmat road network design model for multiple types of hazmats, considering time-varying traffic. The model was applied to a realistic case study of hazmat transportation in a densely populated urban area with complex traffic in Shanghai, China.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between traffic congestion and travel time. A model is developed where both travel time and the number of peak-hour trips are simultaneously determined. The model is estimated by two-stage least squares using traffic data from the Boston metropolitan area. The estimates are used to generate implications for transportation policy. The paper suggests that commuters are substantially more responsive to changes in travel time than to changes in price.  相似文献   

Our planet is gradually moving towards an urbanized world. Modern urban agglomerations tend to turn nowadays into advanced information hubs supporting a smart management of dynamic urban systems. The currently popular notion of ‘smart cities’ aims to provide a new perspective for sustainable and high-performance strategies of city stakeholders in our ‘urban century’. In this context, digital information technology provides a new tool for efficient and effective management and planning of urban space, inter alia in the field of transportation, environment, public facilities or advanced service provision to citizens. This paper aims to offer, first, a concise overview of the emerging opportunities of information and communication technology (ICT) for smart urban policy; digital technology in particular, appears to provide novel pathways for modern planning strategies in smart cities. Against this background, the paper sketches out the complex force field of global urbanisation phenomena and highlights the data and information needs for strategic planning of cities (using inter alia as a framework the so-called ‘urban piazza’ strategy framework). Secondly, various new decision support tools that are currently emerging and that offer a new promising scope for handling complex urban management issues (for instance, on accessibility, congestion, safety or sustainability) are briefly presented. And finally, the potential of such digital data systems for urban management and policy is concisely illustrated by means of some recent applications in the area of smartphone data systems. The paper concludes with a discussion of the challenges ahead for urban policy, inter alia by paying attention to institutional and governance aspects of ‘big digital data’ management in urban systems.  相似文献   

Through developing a spatial equilibrium model for a linear monocentric city with a bi-modal traffic corridor (i.e., highway and public transit), this paper examines the effects of transportation improvements (including the decreases of the fixed travel cost, the travel time and monetary cost per unit distance) on urban spatial structure and the utilities of the two resident classes, namely car-available-residents (CARs) and car-unavailable-residents (CURs). As a result, it is demonstrated that the city size increases with the improvements of vehicle-highway system and the degree of CARs’ travel mode choice rationality, but the improvement of public transit may produce a shrinkage rather than an expansion in city size. From the aspect of utility, both CARs and CURs benefit from the improvement of vehicle-highway system; however, the improvement of public transit might have an adverse effect on the utility of CARs. These findings would provide valuable reference for the future transportation and urban planning.  相似文献   

This article examines the role that economics can play in analysing problems with urban transportation in the United States. The specific problems addressed are failing infrastructure, financially weak public transit, environmental impacts of motor vehicles, motorvehicle accidents, and traffic congestion. Simple quantitative analyses, even though approximate, can help to focus attention on the most promising classes of policies. Those classes involve some technological measures and some narrowly targeted behavioral changes, but not the widespread curtailment of motor vehicle use.  相似文献   

国外大城市交通发展模式及其评价   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
一、国外大城市交通的几种模式  当今国外大城市的交通可分为以下三种模式:1.轨道模式代表性的城市是东京。据东京有关部门的调查,在东京日平均803万出行人次中,步行为56.5万人次,占总出行量的7%;轨道交通为591万人次,占总出行量的73.6%;小汽车为62.55万辆次,占总出行量的7.8%;自行车、摩托车为62万辆次,占总出行量的7.7%。可见东京的主要交通方式是轨道交通,即电车(在东京被称为高铁)与地铁。东京的各大会社有约定俗成的定规:公司“常务”以上的高级人员,上下班不准乘坐小汽车,只能乘坐公共交通工具,一般乘坐电车或地铁。实际上,不仅是常…  相似文献   

This paper assesses the relationships between public policy and the development of industrial clusters. A conceptual model of the relationship between public policies and the development of industrial clusters is developed and tested using data from 43 European industrial clusters. The results indicate that most government policies have no significant impact on the growth of industrial clusters or for the development of co-operation within industrial clusters. There is limited evidence that packages of government policies that are specifically geared towards improving the local asset base are effective in overcoming obstacles to growth of industrial clusters. However, when age is used as a control variable the weak relationship between policy packages and growth of industrial clusters disappear. The results indicate that individual and packages of public policies are not strongly connected to either high levels of co-operation, or high growth in industrial clusters. Moreover, no clear evidence was found that high levels of co-operation were associated with growth in industrial districts. In the light of the failure to find clear-cut associations between public policies and the development of industrial clusters the paper outlines a research agenda to help to increase our understanding of these issues.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,传统交通运输模式将被强调运输方式之间集成和协同的新模式所取代.文中分析和阐述了系统集成的相关理论,探讨了在交通运输系统研究中应用综合集成理论的重要意义.  相似文献   

通过分析柞水县旅游发展状况及存在问题,指出贫困县在旅游业发展初期阶段必须由政府强力主导,系统规划,充分利用国家交通干线带来的大好机遇,达致双赢.  相似文献   

分析了现有城市交通体系存在的问题和城市交通体系发展的可持续性,认为应在大中城市建设以轨道交通系统为主干的区域性综合公共交通体系,并提出城市交通体系可持续发展的建议.  相似文献   

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