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This article, which was originally written in 1986, develops a methodology for valuing mortgage-backed securities with refinancing costs. We solve simultaneously for the valuation of the mortgage-backed security (loan) and the borrower's refinancing strategy, pricing all coupon levels simultaneously. Because the borrower may refinance his or her loan and incur costs at many times in the future, the optimal refinancing decisions arise from an optimal dynamic strategy that reflects the costs of all potential future refinancings. Though the borrower faces multiple rounds of refinancing costs, the market value of the loan cannot exceed the call price plus a single round of refinancing costs.  相似文献   

Implied Mortgage Refinancing Thresholds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The optimal prepayment model asserts that rational homeowners will refinance if they can reduce the current value of their liabilities by an amount greater than the refinancing threshold, defined as the cost of carrying the transaction plus the time value of the embedded call option. To compute the notional value of the refinancing threshold, researchers have traditionally relied on discrete- or continuous-time option-pricing models. Using a unique loan level database that links homeowner attributes with property and loan characteristics, this study proposes an alternative approach for estimating the implied value of the refinancing threshold. This empirical method enables us to measure the minimum interest-rate differential needed to justify refinancing conditional on the borrower's creditworthiness, loan-to-value ratio and other observable characteristics.  相似文献   

Information asymmetry exists between the lender and the borrower regarding the holding period of the mortgaged real estate; the lender does not know how long the borrower plans to own the house. This information asymmetry allows the cost of obtaining a mortgage to deviate from its value to the borrower. As a result, the exercise price of the option to refinance becomes the cost to the borrower of obtaining a new mortgage instead of the outstanding balance of the existing mortgage as used in previous models. The option to refinance is a sequential option; after the borrower refinances, a new option is obtained to refinance again in the future. A mortgage refinancing model is developed taking information asymmetry and sequential refinancing into account. The model is used to solve for (1) the value to the borrower of a callable mortgage and (2) the minimum interest rate differential between the contract rate of the existing mortgage and the market interest rate needed to justify refinancing.  相似文献   

Movers and Shuckers: Interdependent Prepayment Decisions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We model competing risks of mortgage termination where the borrower faces a repeated choice to continue to pay, refinance the loan, move or default. Most previous empirical work on mortgage prepayment has ignored the distinction between prepayments triggered by refinancing and moving, combining them into a single prepayment rate. We show that financial considerations are the primary drivers of the refinance choice while homeowner characteristics have more influence on the move decision. We demonstrate that these differences are statistically significant and that combining these two distinct choices into a single measure of prepayment shifts coefficients toward zero and produces inaccurate predictions of aggregate termination rates. For example, a combined model underestimates the effect of the market price of the loan on refinancing; it misses entirely the opposite effects of borrower income on moving and refinancing. Our results suggest that existing prepayment models are inconsistent predictors of mobility-driven prepayment and underestimate the effect of market conditions and borrower characteristics on refinancing and housing decisions. Our findings have great significance to mortgage investors because mobility-driven prepayments are likely to be a more significant source of prepayments in thenext decade.  相似文献   

Using a unique data set of 81,943 house value estimates by the homeowners and their financial institution, I find that homeowners overestimate their house value by 3.1%. After controlling for homeowners' socioeconomic characteristics, I find that ex ante homeowners who rate (cash-out) refinance an existing loan to increase savings (consumption) are significantly more likely to underestimate (overestimate) their house value. Moreover, overestimators (underestimators) are more likely to increase (reduce) their spending ex post . Finally, I also find that underestimators are more likely to prepay their loans and overestimators are more likely to default on their loans.  相似文献   

Reverse Mortgages: Contracting and Crossover Risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A pricing model is developed for a reverse mortgage contract where the borrower receives payments either as a lump sum or in an annuity while the loan balance accumulates as a claim against the house. No underwriting criteria on income are applied. One risk of default is that the borrower will remain in the house after the negatively amortizing loan balance exceeds the value of the house. An explicit pricing model of the reverse mortgage permits the evaluation of this default "crossover" option. Alternative methods involving life insurance contracts and securitization are compared as secondary market channels.  相似文献   

Optimal Mortgage Refinancing with Stochastic Interest Rates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to develop a dynamic model of mortgage refinancing in a contingent claim framework that simultaneously solves for the borrower's optimal mortgage refinancing strategy, the value of the refinancing call option, the value of the mortgage liability to the borrower, and the market (lender) value of the fixed-rate contract. We also calculate the minimum differential between the contract rate on the existing mortgage and the current interest rate that is required to trigger an optimal mortgage refinancing.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed assessment of the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) reverse annuity mortgage (RAM) program. Because of the size and payment history of the program, the analysis provides an empirical framework on which to develop and assess other home equity conversion (HEC) programs. The program offers insights into the economic impact of these programs and the factors affecting prepayment. The program issued 765 annuities over five years, and 240 of these loans have terminated payments. The annuity payments had a demonstrable financial impact on the elderly participants, with an 88% average annual income increase. Prepayment rates varied across borrower and loan characteristics. The rates were most sensitive to marital status and were heavily affected by the age of the borrower and the term of the loan. Although default risk exists, the evidence indicates a low probability of the loan value exceeding the house value.  相似文献   

This article explores the different pricing strategies of lenders who originate both government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) and non-GSE loans. We find that conditional on loan and borrower characteristics and some observable local economic factors, mortgage rates on GSE loans vary significantly across regions. However, we observe no sizable regional variation in loan amounts or default risk. By contrast, the mortgage rates on non-GSE loans depend almost entirely on borrowers and loan characteristics. In addition, we find that spatial variations in GSE mortgage rates are highly responsive to regional prepayment risk. Our results are robust to various controls for neighborhood characteristics, including regional-level bank competition, borrower accessibility to mortgages, and household income levels. Overall, the findings offer a novel insight into how lenders adjust pricing strategies in response to a changing lending environment. The results provide implications relating to the present and imminent dangers of housing bubbles and the intensified refinancing wave following the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

To protect the interests of investors, commercial mortgage loans pooled for the issuance of commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) have restrictive covenants that discourage the borrower from refinancing. Such restrictions limit the borrower's ability to access any accumulated equity. The predominant means of accessing this equity today is defeasance. By defeasing a loan, the borrower substitutes the commercial mortgage with U.S. Treasury or agency obligations whose payments match those of the defeased mortgage. Therefore, defeasance is an exchange option whereby the borrower gives up the portfolio of Treasury or agency securities and in return receives the market value of the commercial mortgage plus the liquidity benefits arising from accessing the accumulated equity in the underlying property. The value of the option to defease is shown to depend critically on the rate of return that can be earned on the released equity, prevailing interest rate conditions, as well as the option's contractual features.  相似文献   

Empirical research on mortgage default in the single-family market has focused on the value of the borrower's put option using house price indices to estimate contemporaneous loan-to-value ratio or the probability of negative equity. But since the borrower possesses the option to increase leverage by taking on additional debt secured by junior liens subsequent to loan origination (a phenomenon termed here equity dilution ), even a perfect house price adjustment cannot be expected to accurately measure changes in borrower equity over time. Since junior liens are generally unobservable to senior debt holders, proxies are required in empirical applications. This paper employs an independent estimate of junior lien probability developed from the 1998 Survey of Consumer Finances combined with loan level mortgage performance data to examine the role junior liens play in increasing default risk.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model which explains how mortgage-rate movements, transactions costs, changes in borrower income and house value, personal financial opportunities and the prepayment option embedded in fixed-rate mortgages affect a financially flexible borrower's decision to refinance an existing loan while retaining the underlying home. Broadening the focus of previous analytical work, the model explains why households with similar mortgage loans may react differently as financial market conditions change. It contains definitive empirical predictions that are supported by an analysis of a choice-based sample of individual loan transactions. Results suggest that refinancings are motivated both by movements in the level of interest rates and by borrowers' desires to alter their capital structures in the face of changing income and housing wealth.  相似文献   

We estimate a model of house prices, combined loan‐to‐value ratios (CLTVs) and trade and foreclosure behavior. House prices are only observed for traded properties and trades are endogenous, creating sample‐selection problems for existing approaches to estimating CLTVs. We use a Bayesian filtering procedure to recover the price path for individual properties and produce selection‐corrected estimates of historical CLTV distributions. Estimating our model with transactions of residential properties in Alameda, California, we find that 35% of single‐family homes are underwater, compared to 19% estimated by existing approaches. Our results reduce the index revision problem and have applications for pricing mortgage‐backed securities.  相似文献   

Mortgage-prepayment risk underlies the structuring of mortgage-backed derivative securities, such as tranched real estate mortgage investment conduits. This prepayment comes either from mortgage termination or from curtailment, where the borrower retains the existing mortgage and prepays a portion. There are differences in cash flows from the two types of prepayment. In termination, the loan disappears from a pool, and the scheduled payment to investors in the pool is reduced. In curtailment, the loan survives, and the scheduled payment is unchanged but the term is reduced. There are implications for structuring mortgages and derivative securities. The prepayment decision is embedded in an in-tertemporal household utility maximization framework where choices are made between refinancing, making the regular payment, default or curtailment. Empirical results are presented for Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) pools, and an algorithm is presented that separates the termination and curtailment components, facilitating the development of derivative securities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the asset price of housing and median sales price. We demonstrate: (1) median house prices (as reported by the National Association of Realtors) overstate the increase in constant-quality house prices by about 2% per year over the 1976–1985 period; and (2) regional differences in median house prices and their rates of increase, respectively, are systematically related to regional differences in real incomes and their rates of increase. We use these results to evaluate the recent proposal to raise the FHA maximum loan limit ceiling from the current ceiling of $124,750 to 95% of the area median house price.  相似文献   

Using a unique data set of more than 14,000 senior homeowners in the United States, this study compares self‐assessed home values to arm's length contemporaneous appraisals. In a sample of seniors who received counseling for a reverse mortgage, the absolute value of the assessment error averages 18.9% of appraised value and it is biased upwards by 13.4%. When adjusted to reflect the general population of seniors, the size and bias of the average error fall to 16.1% and 4.2%. Both the bias and the size of the error tend to be lower for households with higher income and credit scores but it is greater for black households. In our sample period of 2009–2011, house prices were falling. The greater the rate of price reduction, the greater is the upward bias and size of the assessment error. When seniors who applied for a reverse mortgage learn that they overvalued their home, their probability of closing the loan falls.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of state bankruptcy homestead exemptions on mortgage application outcomes. The empirical analysis controls for endogeneity problems by focusing on 55 urban areas that cross state borders using the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act files from 2001 to 2008. The results indicate that holding the loan‐to‐value ratio constant, a more generous homestead exemption encourages borrowers to buy more housing and take out larger mortgages. However, holding house value constant, a more generous homestead exemption discourages mortgage borrowing and results in more home equity. Moreover, benefits of the homestead exemption outweigh the costs of it to mortgage lenders.  相似文献   

An estimated 12.6% of primary mortgage loans were simultaneously originated with a second loan from 2004 until 2008, although relatively little is known about how the presence of such subordinate loans affects the default decisions of borrowers. We use a novel data series of loan servicing records from 2002 until 2010 to identify such borrowers and find evidence that the default behavior of these borrowers significantly differs from borrowers without second loans. Estimating a discrete‐time proportional odds hazard model, we find borrowers with a second loan were 62.7% more likely to default each month on their primary loan when conditioning alone on the attributes of the primary loan. However, borrowers of second loans were 58.3% less likely to default on their primary loan as compared to single‐loan borrowers with equivalent current combined attributes (i.e., loan‐to‐value, balance and interest rate). We hypothesize and provide empirical evidence that this occurs because borrowers with second loans have the option to sequentially default on each loan since subordinate lenders will not pursue foreclosure if borrowers have insufficient equity. Lenders of defaulted subordinate debt may revisit their decision to foreclose in the future after housing markets start to recover, thus prompting a new round of foreclosures.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the potential externalities associated with subprime mortgage origination activity. Specifically, we examine whether negative spillover effects from subprime mortgage originations result in higher default rates in the surrounding area. Our empirical analysis controls for loan characteristics, house price changes and alternative loan products. Our results indicate that, after controlling for these characteristics, the concentration of subprime lending in a neighborhood does not lead to greater default risks for surrounding borrowers. However, we do find that more aggressive mortgage products (such as hybrid adjustable rate mortgages and low/no‐documentation loans) had significant negative spillovers on other borrowers. Stated differently, the aggressive alternative mortgage designs were more toxic to the housing and mortgage market than previously believed.  相似文献   

UK Fixed Rate Repayment Mortgage and Mortgage Indemnity Valuation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We use a mean-reverting interest rate model and a lognormal house price diffusion model to evaluate British fixed rate repayment mortgage contracts with (embedded) default and prepayment options. The model also provides values for capped mortgage indemnity guarantees and the corresponding (residual) lender's coinsurance. Since the partial differential equation incorporating the general features of these mortgage contracts does not have a closed-form solution, an explicit finite difference method is used for the valuation (and sensitivity) results, with solution improvements to deal with error bounds. Then we provide graphical representations of each mortgage component as a function of house prices and interest rate levels, along with interpretations of the analysis. We calculate precisely the lender's (residual) exposure to house price risk, given the borrower's options, house and interest rate uncertainty, and customary mortgage indemnity insurance for high loan/collateral ratio mortgages.  相似文献   

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