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一、概况内蒙古锡盟地区新生代玄武岩主要分布在以阿巴嘎旗为中心 ,东起克什克腾旗的达来诺尔 ,西到苏尼特左旗边界 ;北与境外蒙古国达里干火山区相邻 ,南抵浑善达克沙地的北缘。地理坐标为 :东经 1 1 40 2 39" ~ 1 1 60 4 7 32 " ;北纬 430 1 4 2 7" ~45 0 2 5 7" (见图一 )。玄武岩地区总的趋势是西高东低 ,以玄武岩熔岩台地、少量火山锥群和台间洼地组成低山丘陵地貌。属温带半干旱大陆性气候 ,特点是冬季寒冷 ,春冬季多风 ,昼夜温差大。年平均降水量2 4 3mm,主要集中于 6、7、8三个月。年平均蒸发度为 1 747mm,平均气温 1 .60 C,多…  相似文献   

来亚军  沈天恩  乔开军  樊军强 《化工管理》2013,(10):106-106,213
本文通过对已经具备成熟开发经验的靖安地区长2油藏成藏规律进一步研究,明确了油藏成藏的规律。  相似文献   

1017银多金属矿,位于内蒙古东乌旗境内,靠近中蒙边界线,区域构造位置为天山—兴安地槽褶皱系。东乌旗早华力西地槽褶皱带,褶皱带内出露中奥陶统为岛弧型火山岩;晚古生代泥盆系浅海相碎屑岩及火山碎屑岩;晚石炭纪的陆相安山质火山岩、火山碎屑岩;1017高地-格尔楚鲁-托勒道包格铜、铅、银、金多金属成矿带位于大兴安岭成矿带上。本区地处查干敖包—东乌旗大断裂北侧,其断裂构造多数为控矿构造。断裂和褶皱构造与中生代火山岩浆活动,为成矿创造良好环境和有利空间并提供了热源及物质来源。研究该区成矿地质特征、成矿规律,矿化情况,对区内成矿潜力做出分析,提供找矿方向和成矿有利地段。  相似文献   

为明确大河沿研究区构造应力特征与规律,通过对大河沿地区断裂系统的研究,绘制了二叠系-古近系4幅断层平面展布图,依据古落差法计算了主要断层的活动量与活动速率,确定了大河沿研究区主要应力为南北向挤压应力,二叠纪南北向挤压应力主要表现为在研究区南部和西部,形成近东西向与北东向断层;三叠纪应力变为北西-南东挤压,表现为已形成的断层继续活动和东北部形成新的近北东走向的断层;侏罗纪应力减小,并变回南北向挤压力;古近纪活动十分微弱;新近纪北东—南西向挤压力最强,使东部断层再次活动.  相似文献   

小水泉沟地区位于内蒙古赤峰市喀喇沁旗西南部的赤峰~承德多金属成矿带中,在对该区成矿地质条件进行系统分析的基础上,经开展物探、地质、坑探、钻探等综合勘查评价工作,区内地表发现了多条铜多金属矿化体及含矿构造蚀变带,且矿化体深部矿石品位有增高趋势,矿化体与已圈定的物探激电异常具有较好吻合性。因此预测,在小水泉沟地区具有很好的找矿前景,有希望找到一处中温热液充填式脉状铜多金属矿床。  相似文献   

内蒙古布敦化铜矿床稀土元素地球化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对内蒙古布敦化铜矿床不同类型岩石和金属硫化矿物的稀土元素地球化学特征的研究,并进行了有关稀土元素地球化学参数的计算,建立了相关的稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分模式图。笔者认为布敦化矿区成矿物质的来源具有多样性,矿床、岩体和地层在成矿元素上具有密切的内在联系:下二叠统地层是成矿的物质基础,而燕山期岩浆侵入是成矿的关键。同时,根据矿区硫化物矿物的δEu正、负异常特点,认为布敦化矿区成矿作用具有复杂性和多阶段性。  相似文献   

This paper explores the creation of systemic value for the customer as it emerges in Advanced Multi-Play. An anomaly found in customer surveys suggested the possibility of systemic value creation at the offering level. In order to build a theoretical explanation for this anomaly, the role of intrinsic, user network and complement-network attributes is discussed, along with the concepts of complementarities, value of time and goal achievement. More daily communication goals are proposed to form a time boundary condition for an individual, which is relieved by integration providing systemic consistency, experienced as increased efficiency and convenience. As a result, one theoretical model is presented to describe the creation of customer value in the case of integrated offerings. Two propositions are derived from the model, followed by two hypotheses, which are tested. Results indicate customer value creation at the general offering level as a result of integration. The reliability and validity of cross-tabulation is concluded. Finally, suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Firms boundary choices have undergone careful examination in recent years, particularly in information services. While transaction cost economics provides a widely tested explanation for boundary choice, more recent theoretical work advances competing knowledge-based and measurement cost explanations. Similar to transaction cost economics, these theories examine the impact of exchange attributes on the performance of markets and hierarchies as institutions of governance. These theories, however, offer alternative attributes to those suggested by transaction cost economics or offer alternative mechanisms through which similar attributes influence make–buy choices. Traditional empirical specifications of make–buy models are unable to comparatively test among these alternative theories. By developing and testing a model of comparative institutional performance rather than institutional choice, we examine the degree of support for these competing explanations of boundary choice. Hypotheses are tested using data on the governance of nine information services at 152 companies. Our results suggest that a theory of the firm and a theory of boundary choice is likely to be complex, requiring integration of transaction cost, knowledge-based, and measurement reasoning. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The 2003 reform of the European Union’s (EU) Common Agricultural Policy introduced a decoupled income support for farmers called the Single Farm Payment (SFP). Concerns were raised about possible future land use and production changes and their impact on rural communities. Here, such concerns are considered against the workings of the SFP in three EU Member States. Various quantitative studies that have determined the likely impact of the SFP within the EU and the study countries are reviewed. We present the results of a farm survey conducted in the study countries in which farmers’ responses to a decoupling scenario similar to the SFP were sought. We found that little short-term change was proposed in the three, rather different, study countries with only 30% of the farmers stating that they would alter their mix of farm activities. Furthermore, less than 30% of all respondents in each country would idle any land under decoupling. Of those who would adopt a new activity, the most popular choices were forestry, woodland and non-food crops.  相似文献   

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