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Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Amis, P. and Lloyd, P. , editors, 1990: Housing Africa's urban poor. Champion, A. , editor, 1989: Counterurbanization: the changing pace and nature of population deconcentration. Johnson, J. and Salt, J. , editors, 1990: Labour migration: the internal geographical mobility of labour in the developed world. Costa, F.J., Dutt, A.K., Ma, L.J.C. and Noble, A.G. , editors 1989: Urbanization in Asia. Spatial dimensions and policy issues. Dröge, F. and Krämer-Badoni, T. 1987: Die Kneipe: zur Soziologie einer Kulturform. Ermisch, J. , editor, 1990: Housing and the national economy. Feagin, J.R. 1988: Free enterprise city: Houston in political and economic perspective. Fritsch, M. and Hull, Ch. , editors, 1987: Arbeitsplatzdynamik und Regionalentwicklung. Garside, P.L. and Hebbert, M. , editors, 1989: British regionalism, 1900–2000. Gyford, J., Leach, S. and Game, C. 1989: The changing politics of local government. Harlander, T., Hater, K. and Meiers, F. 1988: Siedeln in Not: Umbruch von Wohnungspolitik und Siedlungsbau am Ende der Weimarer Republik. Harvey, D. 1989: The condition of postmodernity. Johnston, R. 1989: Environmental problems: nature, economy and state. King, A. 1989: Urbanism, colonialism, and the world-economy: cultural and spatial foundations of the world urban system. King, A. 1989: Global cities: post imperialism and the internationalization of London. Mohan, J. , editor, 1989: The political geography of contemporary Britain. Scott, A. 1988: Metropolis. From the division of labor to urban form. Sills, A., Taylor, G. and Golding, P. 1988: The politics of the urban crisis.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Murie, A., Niner, P. and Watson, C. 1976: Housing policy and the housing system (HPHS). Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series , Volume I, No. I, Houses and people in the city (HPC), 1976. Antipode , Urban political economy issue (UPE) (ed M. Boody) Political Economy of Housing Workshop (PEHW) of the Conference of Socialist Economists 1975: Political economy and the housing question (PEHQ). Political Economy of the Housing Workshop of the Conference of Socialist Economists 1976: Housing and Class in Britain (HCB). National Community Development Project 1976: Whatever happened to council housing? (WHCH). National Community Development Project 1976: Profits against houses: an alternative guide to housing finance (PAH). Marx, K. edn. 1970: Capital, Volume 1. Nell, E. 1972: Economics: the revival of political economy. Broadbent, T. A. 1977: Planning and profit in the urban economy. Centro di Ricerche sui Modi di Produzione (a cura di Enzo Mingione) 1977: L'uso del territorio in Cina. Darke, R. and Walker, R. editors, 1977: Local government and the public. Sewell, W. and Coppock, J. , editors, 1977: Public participation in planning. Hart, D. A. 1976: Strategic planning in London: the rise and fall of the primary road network. Hayden, D. 1976: Seven American utopias: the architecture of communitarian socialism, 1790–1975. C. G. Pickvance , IJURR/RIRUR, Beverley Farm, University of Kent, Canterbury, England.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Andrusz, G.D. 1984: Housing and urban development in the USSR. Apter, D. and Sawa, N. 1984: Against the state: politics and social protest in Japan. Barrett, P. 1983: The automobile and urban transit: the formation of public policy in Chicago, 1900–1930. Bateman, M. 1985: Office development. Browning, R.P., Marshall, D.R. and Tabb, D.H. 1984: Protest is not enough. The struggle of blacks and hispanics for equality in urban politics. Clark, G. and Dear, M. 1984: State apparatus. Structures and language of legitimacy. Cooke, P. 1983: Theories of planning and spatial development. Delorme, R. and André, C. 1983: L'état et l'économie: un essai d'explication de l'évolution des dépenses publiques en France (1870–1980). Fetter, B. 1983: Colonial rule and regional imbalance in central Africa. Forbes, D.K. 1984: The geography of underdevelopment. Forbes, D.K. and Rimmer, P.J. editors, 1984: Uneven development and the geographical transfer of value. Godbout, J. 1983: La participation contre la démocratie. Hague, C. 1984: The development of planning thought. Harloe, M. 1985: Private rented housing in the United States and Europe. Johnston, R.J. 1984: Residential segregation, the state, and constitutional conflict in American urban areas. Kirby, A., Knox, P. and Pinch, S. editors, 1984: Public service provision and urban development. McDonald, J. and Ward, S.K. editors, 1984: The politics of urban fiscal policy. Rassam, A. and Zghal, A. editors, 1980: Système urbain et development au Maghreb. Redclift, N. and Mingione, E. editors, 1985: Beyond employment: household, gender and subsistence. Seers, D. and Öström, K. editors, 1983: The crises of the European regions. Skinner, R.J. and Rodell, M.J. editors, 1983: People, poverty and shelter. Szelenyi, I. 1983: Urban inequalities under state socialism. Kolosi, T. and Wnuk-Lipinski, E. editors, 1983: Equality and inequality under socialism. Tabb, W.K. and Sawers, L. editors, 1984: Marxism and the metropolis. Taub, R.P., Taylor, D.G. and Dunham, J.D. 1984: Paths of neighborhood change: race and crime in urban America. Van Vliet, W., Huttman, E. and Fava, S.F. editors, 1985: Housing needs and policy approaches: trends in thirteen countries. Boleat, M. 1984: National housing finance systems: a comparative study. Weaver, C. 1984: Regional development and the local community: planning, politics and social context. Wynn, M. editor, 1984: Planning and urban growth in southern Europe.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Angel, S., Archer, R.W., Tanphiphat, S. and Wegelin, E.A. editors, 1983: Land for housing the poor. Armstrong, W. and McGee, T.G. 1985: Theatres of accumulation: studies in Asian and Latin American urbanization. Gwynne, R.N. 1985: Industrialisation and urbanisation in Latin America. Breheny, M. and Hooper, A. editors, 1985: Rationality in planning: critical essays on the role of rationality in urban and regional planning. Bulmer, M. 1986: Neighbours: the work of Philip Abrams. Castells, M. editor, 1985: High technology, space and society. Demko, G. editor, 1984: Regional development, problems and policies in eastern and western Europe. Dickens, P., Duncan, S., Goodwin, M. and Gray, F. 1985: Housing, states and localities. Edel, M., Sclar, E.D. and Luria, D. 1984: Shaky places: home ownership and social mobility in Boston's suburbanization. Forrest, R. and Murie, A. 1985: An unreasonable act? Goldsmith, M. editor, 1986: New research in central-local relations. Goldberg, M.A. and Mercer, J. 1986: The myth of the north American city: continentalism challenged. Gordon, G. editor, 1986: Regional cities in the UK 1890–1980. Hamel, P. and Leonard, J-F. 1981: Les organisations populaires, l'etat et la démocratie Lesemann, F. 1984: Services and circuses: community and the welfare state. Hudson, R. and Lewis, J. editors, 1985: Uneven development in southern Europe: studies of accumulation, class, migration and the state. Kern-Simirenko. C.A. editor, 1982: Professionalization of Soviet society: essays written by Alex Simirenko. Krämer, J. and Neef, R. editors, 1985: Krise und konflikte in der großstadt im entwickelten kapitalismus. Logan, W.S. 1985: The gentrification of inner Melbourne: a political geography of inner city housing. Loughlin, M., Gelfand, M.D. and Young, K. editors, 1985: Half a century of municipal decline, 1935–1985. Flynn, N., Leach, S. and Vielba, C. 1985: Abolition or reform? The GLC and the Metropolitan County Councils. Ranson, S., Jones, G. and Walsh, K. editors, 1985: Between centre and locality. Massey, D. and Meegan, R. editors, 1985: Politics and method: contrasting studies in industrial geography. Pacione, M. editor, 1985: Progress in industrial geography. McAuslan, P. 1985: Urban land and shelter for the poor. Murgatroyd, L., Savage, M., Shapiro, D., Urry, J., Walby, S., Warde, A. with Marklawson, J. 1985: Localities, class and gender. Rees, G., Bujra, J., Littlewood, P., Newby, H. and Rees, T.L. editors, 1985: Political action and social identity: class, locality and ideology. Roberts, B., Finnegan, R. and Gallie, D. editors, 1985: New approaches to economic restructuring: unemployment and the social division of labour.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Ball, M. 1983: Housing policy and economic power: the political economy of owner occupation. Cannadine, D. editor, 1982: Patricians, power and politics in nineteenth-century towns. Cornuel, D. and Duriez, B. 1983: Le mirage urbain. Histoire du logement à Roubaix. Dunford, M. and Perrons, D. 1983: The arena of capital. Fainstein, S.S., Fainstein, N.I., Hill, R.C., Judd, D. and Smith, M.P. (with Armstead, P.J. and Keller, M. ) 1983: Restructuring the city. The political economy of urban redevelopment. Feagin, J. R. 1983: The urban real estate game: playing monopoly with real money. Goddard, J. B. and Champion, A. G. editors, 1983: The urban and regional transformation of Britain. Regional Studies Association 1983: Report of an inquiry into regional problems in the United Kingdom. Klaassen, L. H. and Molle, W. T. M. editors, 1983: Industrial mobility and migration in the European Community. Lea, D. A. M. and Chaudhri, D. P. editors, 1983: Rural development and the state: contradictions and dilemmas in developing countries. Lins, J. 1982: Mitbestimmung im Wohnbau Von Technokratenherrschaft zu konkreter Demokratie. Magnusson, W. and Sancton, A. editors, 1983: City politics in Canada. Offer, A. 1981: Property and politics 1870–1914: landownership, law, ideology and urban development in England. Pahl, R.E., Flynn, R. and Buck, N.H. 1983: Structures and processes of urban life Pons, V. and Francis, R. editors, 1983: Urban social research: problems and prospects. Rapoport, A. 1982: The meaning of the built environment. Sarin, M. 1982: Urban planning in the third world: the Chandigarh experience. Taylor, M. and Thrift, N. editors, 1982: The geography of multinationals. Wynot, E.D. 1983: Warsaw between the world wars: profile of the capital city in a developing land, 1918–39.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Ball, M. 1986: Home ownership: a suitable case for reform. Malpass, P. editor, 1986: The housing crisis. Cawson, A. 1986: Corporatism and political theory. Dixon, C.T., Drakakis-Smith, D. and Watts, H.D. editors, 1986: Multinational corporations and the third world. Fox, K. 1986: Metropolitan America: urban life and urban policy in the United States, 1940–1980. Grant, W. editor, 1935: The political economy of corporatism. Jacobs, B.D. 1986: Black politics and urban crisis in Britain. Karn, V., Kemeny, J. and Williams, P. 1985: Home ownership in the inner city: salvation or despair? King, R. editor, 1986: Return migration and regional economic problems. Lundqvist, L.J. 1985: Housing policy and equality: a comparative study of tenure conversions and their effects. Morris, R.J. editor, 1986: Class, power and social structure in British nineteenth-century towns. Rothblatt, D.N. and Garr, D.J. 1986: Suburbia: an international perspective. Scott, A.J. and Storper, M. editors, 1986: Production, work, territory: the geographical anatomy of industrial capitalism. Sheehan, B.J. 1984: The Boston school integration dispute. Smith, N. and Williams, P. editors, 1986: Gentrification of the city.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Cawson, A. 1982: Corporatism and welfare. Social policy and state intervention in Britain. Cherry, G. 1982: The politics of town planning. Dear, M. and Scott, A.J. editors, 1981: Urbanisation and urban planning in capitalist society. Donnison, D. and Ungerson, C. 1982: Housing policy. Short, J. 1982: Housing in Britain: the postwar experience. Fothergill, S. and Gudgin, G. 1982: Unequal growth: urban and regional employment change in the UK. Frank, H. and Schubert, D. editors, 1983: Lesebuch zur Wohnungsfrage. Friedland, R. 1982: Power and crisis in the city: corporations, unions and urban policy. Friedman, J. and Weinberg, D.H. editors, 1983: The great housing experiment. Goodman, D. and Redclift, M. 1981: From peasant to proletarian. Capitalist development and agrarian transitions. Hellstern, G-M., Speer, F. and Wollman, H. editors, 1982: Applied urban research. Proceedings of the European Meeting on Applied Urban Research, Essen, 2–4 October 1981 Herlyn, U. and Göschel, A., Kramer, J., Schardt, T. and Wendt, G. 1980: Grossstadtstrukturen und ungleiche Lebensbedingungen in der Bundesrepublik. Heskin, A.D. 1983: Tenants and the American dream: ideology and the tenant movement. Hirsch, A.R. 1983: Making the second ghetto: race and housing in Chicago 1940–60. Johnson, J. and Pooley, C. editors, 1982: The structure of nineteenth-century cities. Loney, M. 1983: Community against government: the British Community Development Project 1968–78 - a study of government incompetence. Maillat, D. editor, 1982: Technology: a key factor for regional development. McKay, D.H. editor, 1982: Planning and politics in western Europe. Merrett, S. with Gray, F. 1982: Owner occupation in Britain. Zukin, S. 1982: Loft living: culture and capital in urban change.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Barrett, S. and Healey, P. editors, 1985: Land policy: problems and alternatives. Rydin, Y. 1986: Housing land policy. Bradley, T. and Lowe, P. editors, 1984: Locality and rurality: economy and society in rural regions. Cerny, P. and Schain, M. 1985: Socialism, the state and public policy in France. Dennis, R. 1984: English industrial cities of the nineteenth century. Doughty, M. editor, 1986: Building the industrial city. Yelling, J.A. 1986: Slums and slum clearance in Victorian London. Goldsmith, M. and Villadsen, S. editors, 1986: Urban political theory and the management of fiscal stress. Newton, K. and Karran, T.J. 1985: The politics of local expenditure. Keeble, D. and Wever, E. editors, 1986: New firms and regional development in Europe. Storey, D.J. editor, 1985: Small firms in regional economic development: Britain, Ireland and the United States. Rosen, C.M. 1986: The limits of power: great fires and the process of city growth in America. Sancton, A. 1985: Governing the island of Montreal: language differences and metropolitan politics. Short, J.R., Fleming, S. and Witt, S. 1986: Housebuilding, planning and community action. Smyth, H. 1985: Property companies and the construction industry in Britain. Swanstrom, T. 1985: The crisis of growth politics. Szajkowski, B. editor, 1986: Marxist local governments in western Europe and Japan: politics, economics and society. Szelenyi, I. editor, 1984: Cities in recession: critical responses to the urban policies of the New Right. Thomas, A.D. 1986: Housing and urban renewal - residential decay and revitalization in the private sector. White, J. 1986: The worst street in north London. Yago, G. 1984: The decline of transit.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Al-Moosa, A. and McLachlan, K. 1985: Immigrant labour in Kuwait. Balchin, P. 1984: Housing policy: an introduction. Coleman, A. 1985: Utopia on trial. Krupat, E. 1985: People in cities. The urban environment and its effects. Cullingworth, J.B. 1985: Town and country planning in Britain, ninth edition. Self, P. 1982: Planning the urban region. Gottdiener, M. 1985: The social production of urban space. Gregory, D. and Urry, J. editors, 1985: Social relations and spatial structures. Grillo, R.D. 1985: Ideologies and institutions in urban France: the representation of immigrants.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Beauregard, R. , editor, 1989: Economic restructuring and political response. Blanke, B., Heinelt, H. , and Macke, C.-W. 1987: Großstadt und Arbeitslosigkeitein Problemsyndrom im Netz lokaler Sozialpolitik. Block, F.R. 1988: Revising state theory: essays in politics and postindustrialism. Breckner, I. and Krummacher, M. 1985: Regionalentwicklung zwischen Technologieboom und Resteverwertung. Krummacher, M., Schrooten, F. and Wupper, H. 1986: Umbruch der Stadt — z. B. Bochum. Forrest, R. and Murie, A. 1988: Selling the welfare state: the privatisation of public housing. Gottdiener, M. 1987: The decline of urban politics: political theory and the crisis of the local state. Harris, A., Lloyd, G. and Newlands, D. 1988: The impact of oil on the Aberdeen economy. Huttman, E. and van Vliet, W. editors, 1988: Handbook of housing and the built environment in the United States. Keim, D. , editor, 1989: Arbeit an der Stadt: Plädoyers für eine selbstproduktive Politik der Stadtentwicklung. Lefèvre, Ch., Body-Gendrot, S. et al. 1988: Les villes des Etats-Unis. Peet, R. , editor, 1987: International capitalism and industrial restructuring: a critical analysis. Porteous, J.M. 1989: Planned to death: the annihilation of a place called Howdendyke. Prigge, W. , editor, 1987: Die Materialität des Städtischen: Stadtentwicklung im gesellschaftlichen Umbruch. Scott, A.J. 1988: New industrial spaces. Smith, M. P. 1988: City, state and market: the political economy of urban society. Solomos, J. 1988: Black youth, racism and the state: the politics of ideology and policy. Stoker, G. , 1988: The politics of local government. Tomlinson, R. and Addleson, M. , editors, 1988: Regional restructuring under apartheid: urban and regional policies in contemporary South Africa. Weiss, M. A. 1987: The rise of the community builders: the American real estate industry and American land planning. White, M. 1987. American neighbourhoods and residential differentiation. Wolch, J. and Dear, M. , editors, 1989: The power of geography, how territory shapes social life.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bagguley, P., J. Mark-Lawson, D. Shapiro, J. Urry, S. Walby and A. Warde, 1990: Restructuring: place, class and gender. Dunford, M.F., 1988. Capital, the state and regional development. Harloe, M., C. Pickvance and J. Urry (eds), 1990: Place, policy and politics: do localities matter? Henckel, D. (ed.), 1988: Arbeitszeit, Betriebszeit, Freizeit. Auswirkungen auf die Raumentwicklung. Henckel, D., B. Grabow, H. Kunert-Schroth, E. Nopper and N. Rauch, 1989: Zeitstrukturen und Stadtentwicklung. Rodriguez-Lores, J. and G. Fehl (eds), 1988: Die Kleinwohnungsfrage. Zu den Ursprüngen des sozialen Wohnungsbaus in Europa. Schildt, A. and A. Sywottek (eds), 1988: Massenwohnung und Eigenheim. Urry, J., 1990: The tourist gaze: leisure and travel in contemporary societies. Wheelock, J., 1990: Husbands at home: the domestic economy in a post-industrial society.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Abu-Lughod, J.L. 1980: Rabat: urban apartheid in Morocco. Western, J. 1982: Outcast Cape Town. Clavel, P., Forester, J. and Goldsmith, W.W. editors, 1980: Urban and regional planning in an age of austerity. Fischer, S. 1982: To dwell among friends. Fraser, D. editor, 1982: Municipal reform and the industrial city. Gregory, D. 1982: Regional transformation and industrial revolution. A geography of the Yorkshire woollen industry. Hudson, R. and Lewis, J. editors, 1982: Regional planning in Europe. Marris, P. 1982: Community planning and conceptions of change. Paris, C. editor, 1982: Critical readings in planning theory. Portes, A. and Walton, J. 1981: Labour, class and the international system. Roussopoulos, D. editor, 1982: The city and radical social change. Solomos, J. editor, 1982: Migrant workers in metropolitan cities. Stave, B.M. editor, 1982: Modern industrial cities: history, policy and survival. Sutcliffe, A. 1981: Towards the planned city: Germany, Britain, United States and France, 1780–1914. Teymur, N. 1982: Environmental discourse. Thomas, D., Minett, J., Hopkins, S., Hamnett, S., Faludi, A. and Barrell, D. 1982: Flexibility and commitment in planning. Young, K. and Garside, P.L. 1982: Metropolitan London: politics and urban change 1837–1981.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bestor, Theodore C. 1990: Neighborhood Tokyo. Lowe, P., T. Marsden and S. Whatmore 1990: Technological change and the rural environment. Marsden, T., P. Lowe and S. Whatmore (eds) 1990: Rural restructuring: global processes and their responses. Mingione, E. 1991: Fragmented societies: a sociology of economic life beyond the market paradigm. Schteingart, M. 1989: Los productores del espacio habitable: estado, empresa y sociedad en la Ciudad de Mexico. Ward, P. 1990: Mexico City: the production and reproduction of an urban environment.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Amin, Ash (ed.) 1994: Post-fordism. A reader. Week, Michael 1995: Die Kultur der Kulturverwaltung: eine hermeneutische Analyse von Biographie und Verwaltungshandeln. Forest, Ray and Alan Murie (eds.) 1995: Housing and family wealth: comparative international perspectives. Hasson, S. and D. Ley 1994: Neighbourhood organizations and the welfare state.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Blowers, A., Brook, C., Dunleavy, P. and McDowell, L. editors, 1982: Urban change and conflict: an interdisciplinary reader. Cochrane, A., Hamnett, C. and McDowell, L. editors, 1982: City, economy and society: a comparative reader. Clavel, P. 1983: Opposition planning in Wales and Appalachia. Cox, K.R. and Johnston, R.J. editors, 1982: Conflict, politics and the urban scene. Elliott, B. and McCrone, D. 1982: The city: patterns of domination and conflict. Englander, D. 1983: Landlord and tenant in urban Britain 1838–1918. Epstein, A.L. 1981: Urbanization and kinship: the domestic domain on the Copper-belt of Zambia 1950–56. Eversley, D. and Kollmann, W. editors, 1982: Population change and social planning. Forrest, R., Henderson, J. and Williams, P. editors, 1982: Urban political economy and social theory. Gibson, M. S. and Langstaff, M. J. 1982: An introduction to urban renewal Gilbert, A. editor (in association with Hardoy, J. E. and Ramirez, R.) 1982: Urbanization in contemporary Latin America. Gilbert, A. and Gugler, J. 1982: Cities, poverty and development — urbanization in the third world. Healey, P., McDougall, G. and Thomas, M.J. editors, 1982: Planning theory: prospects for the 1980s. Maguire, C.C. 1981: International housing policies. Marcussen, L. 1982: Settlement in Turkey: a report on the politics of housing and urbanization. Schwerdtfeger, F. W. 1982: Traditional housing in African cities. Smith, M.P. 1980: The city and social theory. Starkie, D. 1982: The motorway age: road and traffic policies in postwar Britain. Thompson, F.M.L. editor, 1982: The rise of suburbia. Ward, P.M. editor, 1982: Self-help housing: a critique. Whitt, J.A. 1982: Urban elites and mass transportation: the dialectics of power. Wikan, U. 1980: Life among the poor in Cairo  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Aldridge, M. 1979: The British new towns: a programme without a policy. Golany, G. editor, 1978: International urban growth policies: New town contributions. Balchin, P. N. 1979: Housing improvement and social inequality. Zeitz, E. 1979: Private urban renewal. Blowers, A. 1980: The limits of power: the politics of planning policy. CSE State Group 1979: Struggles over the state: Cuts and restructuring in contemporary Britain. Crouch, C. editor, 1979: State and economy in contemporary capitalism. Poulantzas, N. 1976: The capitalist state. Keim, K-D. 1979: Milieu in Städten. Ein Konzept zur Analyse älterer Wohnquartiere. Kuklinski, A. , editor, 1977: Social issues in regional policy and regional planning. Lajugie, J., Delfaud, P. and Lacour, C. 1979: Espace régional et aménagement du territoire. Moseley M. J. 1979: Accessibility: the rural challenge. Moseley, M. J., Harman, R. G., Coles, O. B. and Spencer, M. B. 1977: Rural transport and accessibility, 2 volumes. Mullan, B. 1980: Stevenage Ltd: aspects of the planning and politics of Stevenage New Town 1945–1978. Payne, G. K. 1977: Urban housing in the third world. Kilmartin, L. and Thorns, D. C. 1978: Cities unlimited: the sociology of urban development in Australia and New Zealand. Lawless, P. 1979: Urban deprivation and government initiative.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Agnew, J. 1987: Place and politics: the geographical mediation of state and society. Djaiet, H. 1986: Al Kufa: naissance de la ville islamique. Gilbert, A. and Healey, P. 1985: The political economy of land: urban development in an oil economy. Hadjimichalis, C. 1986: Uneven development and regionalism: state, territory and class in southern Europe. Harris, C.C. 1987: Redundancy and recession in South Wales. Hirsch, J. and Roth, R. 1986: Das neue Gesicht des Kapitalismus: Vom Fordismus zum Post-Fordismus. Manners, G. and Morris, D. 1986: Office policy in Britain: a review. Martins, M.R. 1986: An organizational approach to regional planning. Slater, D. editor, 1985: New social movements and the state in Latin America. Watson, S. with Austerberry, H. 1986: Housing and homelessness: a feminist perspective. Whittington, D. editor, 1985: High hopes for high tech: micro-electronic policy in North Carolina.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Brownill, S. 1990: Developing London's docklands: another great planning disaster? Campbell, M. (ed.) 1990: Local economic policy. Cloke, P. and J. Little 1990: The rural state? Limits to planning in rural society. Greed, C. 1990: Surveying sisters: women in a traditional male profession. Low, Nicholas P. 1990: Planning, politics and the state: political foundations of planning thought. Shidlo, G. 1990: Social policy in a non-democratic regime: the case of public housing in Brazil. Sachs, C. 1990: São Paulo: politiques publiques et habitat populaire. Thomas, H. and P. Healey with I. Crawley, S. Essex, S. Hendler, T. Kitchen, D. Nicholson, B. Pell, R. Swinbourne, N. Tibbs and J. Underwood 1991: Dilemmas of planning practice.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: John Eade, Placing London: from imperial capital to global city Jane M. Jacobs, The edge of empire: postcolonialism and the city Raymond Struyk (ed.), Homeownership and housing finance policy in the former Soviet bloc: costly populism Ya Ping Wang and Alan Murie, Housing policy and practice in China Jieming Zhu, The transition of China’s urban development: from plan–controlled to market–led Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin, Splintering urbanism: networked infrastructures, technological mobilities and the urban condition Helen Jarvis, Andy C. Pratt and Peter Cheng–Chong Wu, The secret life of cities: the social reproduction of everyday life Cynthia M. Duncan, Worlds apart: why poverty persists in rural America Richard Sennett, The corrosion of character. The personal consequences of work in the new capitalism James Donald, Imagining the modern city  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Albrechts, L., Moulaert, F., Roberts, P. and Swyngedouw, E. , editors, 1989: Regional policy at the crossroads: European perspectives. Bagnasco, A. 1988: La costruzione sociale del mercato. Ball, M. 1988: Rebuilding construction: economic change in the British construction industry. Boulton, J. 1987: Neighbourhood and society: a London suburb in the seventeenth century. Dogan, M. and Kasarda, J.D. , editors, 1988: The metropolis era: volume 1, A world of giant cities; volume 2, Mega-Cities. Dose, N. and Drexler, A. editors, 1988: Technologieparks. Voraussetzungen, Bestandsaufnahme und Kritik. Eisenstadt, S.N. and Shachar, A. 1987: Society, culture and civilisation. Gaskell, G. and Benewick, R. editors, 1987: The crowd in contemporary Britain Hajer, M. A. 1989: City politics. Hamnett, C. and Randolph, B. 1988: Cities, housing and profits: flat breakup and the decline of private renting. Harris, R. 1988: Democracy in Kingston: a social movement in urban politics 1965–1970. Healey, P., McNamara, P., Elson, M. and Doak, A. 1988: Land use planning and the mediation of urban change. Helman, C. 1987: The Milton-Park affair: Canada's largest citizen-developer confrontation. Howells, J. and Green, A. 1988: Technological innovation, structural change and location in UK services. Howells, J. 1988: Economic, technological and locational trends in European services. Hudson, R. 1989: Wrecking a region: state policies, party politics and regional change in North East England. Jessen, J., Siebel, W., Siebel-Rebell, Chr., Walther, U.-J. and Weyrather, I. editors, 1988: Arbeit nach der Arbeit — Schattenwirtschaft, Wertewandel und Industriearbeit. Johnston, R.J., Pattie, C.J. and Allsopp, J.G. 1988: A nation dividing? The electoral map of Great Britain 1979–1987. Law, CM. with Grime, E.K., Grundy, C.J., Senior, M.L. and Tuppen, J.N. 1988: The uncertain future of the urban core. Plotkin, S. 1987: Keep out: the struggle for land use control.  相似文献   

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