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In this paper we develop a new notion of convergence for discussing the relationship between discrete and continuous financial models, D 2-convergence. This is stronger than weak convergence, the commonly used mode of convergence in the finance literature. We show that D 2-convergence, unlike weak convergence, yields a number of important convergence preservation results, including the convergence of contingent claims, derivative asset prices and hedge portfolios in the discrete Cox-Ross-Rubinstein option pricing models to their continuous counterparts in the Black-Scholes model. Our results show that D 2-convergence is characterized by a natural lifting condition from nonstandard analysis (NSA), and we demonstrate how this condition can be reformulated in standard terms, i.e., in language that only involves notions from standard analysis. From a practical point of view, our approach suggests procedures for constructing good (i.e., convergent) approximate discrete claims, prices, hedge portfolios, etc. This paper builds on earlier work by the authors, who introduced methods from NSA to study problems arising in the theory of option pricing.  相似文献   

对于操纵行为的理论研究,国外的经典文献从博弈理论与行为金融学的角度对证券市场操纵行为进行分析,我国学者则从实证的角度设计出合理的研究路径,但没有建立模型说明利用内幕信息操纵股票市场的内在机制。本文认为,行为金融学中所指的投资者不具有完全的理性,总存在着普遍的“售盈持亏”倾向、强烈的“政策依赖”倾向、“过度自信”倾向以及显著的“羊群行为”倾向等心理偏见,操纵者则利用这些心理偏见操纵股票市场。文章提出,我国还没有实行做市商制度与卖空机制,如何借鉴和改进国外日渐成熟的市场操纵理论以适合我国国情,是一个重要的现实问题。  相似文献   

目前内幕交易民事责任因果关系问题是我国立法中的一个空白点。理论界对此问题做过大量探讨,但涉及内幕交易因果关系的理论基础和发展趋势及我国应采用的基本观点还缺乏必要的认识,为此从我国相关立法实践出发,借鉴"市场欺诈理论"和西方国家立法、司法实践,对完善我国证券内幕交易民事责任的因果关系问题提出建设性意见。  相似文献   

证券市场会计信息失衡研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐滔智 《商业研究》2011,(12):117-122
证券市场本质上是一个信息市场,而会计信息是证券市场信息的核心组成部分,证券市场信息功能出现问题主要表现于会计信息在整个传递过程之中。本文以信息生态学的视角探索和分析了会计信息作用机理、失衡原因,以及可能造成的不良后果,以期能够引起有关监管部门足够的重视,并在对会计信息作用机理及其失衡原因分析的基础上提出一些政策建议。  相似文献   

中国证券市场正处于转折的关键时期.推进这种转折的关键是要不断强化证券市场的金融创新.针对证券市场金融创新的动因、特点、风险及控制、成本和收益的特殊性,应在保护投资者利益、制度建设等方面加大创新力度.  相似文献   

A Microeconomic Approach to Diffusion Models For Stock Prices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies a class of diffusion models for stock prices derived by a microeconomic approach. We consider discrete-time processes resulting from a market equilibrium and then apply an invariance principle to obtain a continuous-time model. the resulting process is an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in a random environment, and we analyze its qualitative behavior. In particular, we provide simple criteria for the stability or instability of the corresponding stock price model, and we give explicit formulae for the invariant distributions in the recurrent case.  相似文献   

The theory of value has been based ever since Adam Smith on the idea that the market prices of commodities, those at which actual trade takes place, gravitate around a central position known as natural prices. This article seeks to develop a statistical idea of the process in question and suggests in particular that market prices can be said to gravitate around natural prices if the probability of their means being very close to natural prices after t observations tends to 1 as t tends to infinity. A set of possible conditions leading to that result is also presented.  相似文献   

在ECFA背景下,大陆与台湾之间的经贸合作必将进一步深化,此时研究台湾证券市场对大陆企业的制度开放问题具有重要的现实意义。本文认为,同属于"亚洲四小龙"的香港在经济发展历程、经济发展战略上与台湾都非常相似,而资本市场从一开始就是附属于实体经济的,是为了满足实体经济资金融通需求而发展起来的,因此,香港证券市场的成功发展策略对台湾证券市场具有很好的借鉴意义。本文研究了内地与香港CE-PA协议及其附加协议中对大陆企业融资开放的规制,认为大陆与台湾可以在ECFA附加协议的框架内达成台湾证券市场对大陆企业的融资开放,并进一步研究融资开放过程中相关法律法规的协调、有效监管体系的构建等制度构建问题。  相似文献   

The author dissects, with great acuteness, the issues of convergence in financial performance dynamics in the African continent through the lenses of stock market capitalization, value traded, turnover, and number of listed companies. The empirical evidence is premised on 11 homogeneous panels based on regions (Sub-Saharan and North Africa), income levels (low, middle, lower-middle, and upper-middle), legal origins (English common law and French civil law), and religious dominations (Christianity and Islam). Findings provide partial support for the existence of absolute convergence in some dynamics. Only Sub-Saharan Africa reveals conditional convergence in relation to per capita number of listed companies. The speed of convergence for the most part is between 12% and 28% per annum. As a policy implication, countries should work toward adopting common institutional and structural characteristics that favor stock market development.  相似文献   

中国证券投资基金评价体系研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
一、建立中国证券投资基金评价体系的意义 中国证券投资基金业的发展迅速,从1998年开始试点到2000年底,已发展到33只基金,规模达到560亿元,流通市值722亿元,占两市当日流通市值的10%,而且种类在不断增加,开放式基金正在酝酿,不久将推出,特别是保险资金和社保资金入市以及规模巨大的城镇居民储蓄使证券投资基金在中国存在着的极大的发展空间,其对中国的金融业及整个国民经济的发展都将产生深刻的影响.  相似文献   

Some past studies concerning attitudes toward consumer public policy issues have attempted to distinguish characteristics of consumerism supporters from those of nonsupporters. Results to date have been largely inconsistent. This study incorporates a solution preference dimension into the supporter/nonsupporter analysis in order to help resolve past identification anomalies and to suggest a theoretical explanation for diverse orientations. More specifically, a two-dimensional theory of consumerism orientations is developed and tested as a special case of Rokeach's broader Two-Value Theory of Political Orientations. The survey data presented tend to general support the hypothesized theoretical structure.  相似文献   

Recently, Duan (1995) proposed a GARCH option pricing formula and a corresponding hedging formula. In a similar ARCH-type model for the underlying asset, Kallsen and Taqqu (1994) arrived at a hedging formula different from Duan's although they concur on the pricing formula. In this note, we explain this difference by pointing out that the formula developed by Kallsen and Taqqu corresponds to the usual concept of hedging in the context of ARCH-type models. We argue, however, that Duan's formula has some appeal and we propose a stochastic volatility model that ensures its validity. We conclude by a comparison of ARCH-type and stochastic volatility option pricing models.  相似文献   

证券市场的开放会改变监管对本地证券市场的影响。证券监管影响的对象分为居民和非居民,根据监管对证券市场的影响,对监管的成本和效益进行分类,以《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》的有关条款为例,通过证券监管成本效益分析框架,识别和划分证券监管对证券市场影响的类型等。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of the financial valuation of a firm and its shares of stock with general financing policies in a partial equilibrium framework. the model assumes a time-dependent discount rate and a general stochastic environment in a discrete-time setting. the fundamental valuation approach under the assumption of risk neutrality is used to obtain the time path of share price, the number of outstanding shares, and the value of the firm. These are shown to be the unique conditional expectations of certain stochastic processes. A broad class of firms for which the solution formula yields finite-valued solutions is characterized. the results are extended to the non-risk-neutral case. A regularity condition, which is both necessary and sufficient for the share price to equal the capitalization of future dividends accruing to the share, is obtained. As a mathematical aside, it is shown in the appendix that in the absence of this condition, the so-called stream of dividends approach is meaningless in the sense that it does not yield any financial valuation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the contemporaneous association between earnings' yield and return on common stock, during the nineteen-year period commencing with 1959. The analysis includes 391 firms, which have been clustered in ten portfolios, by the magnitude and changes in their Total Debt to Total Assets ratios, over twenty years. Three Stochastic Dominance rules have been employed in a twofold examination: a market index and direct pairwise portfolio comparisons. The results suggest a positive association between earnings' yield and return on common stock and, therefore, support previously published findings. However, the association reported in this paper is limited to Third Degree Stochastic Dominance, which is tied to decreasing absolute risk aversion behaviour on the part of market participants. Since the analytical path followed in this study is free of some criticism voiced with respect to empirical applications of the capital asset pricing and market models, which have been utilized by previous writers, the results also lend further validity to the application of those models in similar studies. Résumé Cette étude examine l'association simultanée entre le rendement des bénéfices et le rendement d'actions ordinaires pendant une période de 19 ans commençant en 1959. L'analyse comprend 391 entreprises qui ont été regroupées en 10 portefeuilles selon l'ampleur et les changements du rapport de la dette totale et l'actif total sur une période de 20 ans. Trois règles de dominance stochastique ont ete employées dans un examen a deux volets portant sur l'indice boursier et les comparaisons de portefeuilles par paires. Les résultats indiquent une association positive entre les bénéfices et le rendement sur les actions ordinaires et corroborent donc les résultats d'études publiées précédemment. Cependant, l'association établie dans la présente etude est limitée à une dominance stochastique du troisième degré qui est reliée à une diminution du comportement d'aversion au risque absolu chez les participants sur le marché boursier. Comme le cheminement analytique de la présente étude ne comporte pas toutes les critiques concernant les applications empiriques des modèles de marché et de détermination de la valeur de l'actif qui ont été utilisés par d'autres auteurs, les résultats confèrent également une validité accrue à l'application de ces modèles dans des études semblables.  相似文献   

金融市场泡沫理论的文献综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邓蕊  綦建红 《商业研究》2005,60(5):63-65
近年来,世界各国经济密切度的加深不仅带来了全球经济一体化,而且使金融市场经济泡沫发生的广度和深度今非昔此,总结有关金融市场泡沫理论的文献,不仅可以把握泡沫研究的根本和精髓,也可以为进一步的研究提供坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

Through this article we develop a new model for the internationalization of firms, called the Conservative, Predictable and Pacemaker (CPP) model, for extending research in the domain of international business. The main purpose is to provide a new typology that can be used as a theoretical lens for future research and to motivate researchers to think beyond the established models, which are repeatedly used in many studies. This article is based on primary data collected from firms in the information technology sector in Puerto Rico. The CPP model may be useful for industry analysis and research dealing with the growth and internationalization of firms across industries and countries. © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展和全民旅游休闲时代的来临,残疾人这一特殊弱势群体的具有巨大开发潜力的旅游市场却由于种种原因一直未能得到重视与发展。通过结合残疾人旅游市场发展现状,本文分析了残疾人旅游存在的问题及成因,提出了政府、旅行社、公益组织、景区等多方协作开拓残疾人旅游市场的新思路。  相似文献   

专业市场价格指数编制理论初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
专业市场在商品经济中的地位越来越重要,专业市场价格指数作为一种反映市场价格变动情况的指标工具,其作用日渐被人们所认可,价格指数的编制工作越来越受到重视。通过对当前我国的专业市场及其价格指数编制理论的探述,为指数编制实践和运用提供支持。  相似文献   

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